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Astronomers find farthest galaxy: 13.1 billion light-years


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What was there before the big bang and how did it get there?

There was no big bang actually - that was just a joke made up by a couple of scientists puffing on a spliff. Their co-workers thought they were being serious and then they couldn't take it back without looking silly. And here we are today.

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But that simply can't be true, because God tells us so.

So what do you think was there before the big bang? I'm not saying it was an old man with a beard, but if you go back far enough there must have been a beginning, or did all the components of the universe just happen to be lying around, and there will be big bangs for ever and ever and ever?

I don't know if it was God or not, but neither does anyone else.

It is not possible to talk about before the big bang since space and time were created at the big bang. God is the filler that we use for the parts that we do not understand. Our god is mostly a christian concept which has held back human development for 1000 years from 600 AD to 1600 AD. Without a Christian god we would now be colonising the galaxy. That is not to say that god does not exist only that he is greatly over-rated. Cynical Christians will reply that those who do not believe in God have never loved anybody. The latest theory is that big bangs are happening all the time like big plates clashing together. The physics of these other universes may be completely different to our own. This so called reality that we all experience is not real at all but an illusion or Maya in the Buddhist faith. i believe in the holographic nature of our experience. There is no matter. There are no particles. There are only waves or vibrations in a firmament. This is difficult to prove since we cannot stand outside of it and look at it from the outside. The Victorians had the idea that something came out from the eye which caused light to be emitted to the eye. There must be an observer for anything to happen. This idea is now being looked at again in the light of the double slit experiment and certain brain experiments. We are what we are and we alone are responsible for our present situation. It is interesting that where we live is a very special place, very supportive to life and where we are shielded from many destructive forces like radiation. As a great supporter of SETI it must be stated that by the Drake equation states empirically that the number of planets with intelligent life equals the number of years that intelligent life can survive after the discovery of the atomic bomb. In our case that is 70 so far.

It is not possible to talk about before the big bang since space and time were created at the big bang.

You were there to know that, right! That's like saying scientists know everything 55555555555555.

So, even if you are right, what created the big bang? Perhaps you think something can be created from nothing, but I certainly don't.

I subscribe to the "Matrix" theory, that it's all just illusion, sort of like what you are saying This so called reality that we all experience is not real at all but an illusion or Maya in the Buddhist faith. i believe in the holographic nature of our experience. There is no matter. There are no particles. There are only waves or vibrations in a firmament. but do you believe in something beyond the illusion, as I do?

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It is estimated that the entire universe is about 158 billions light years wide, expending faster that the speed of light.

and eventually black holes will consume everything in it, causing another "big bang", repeated over and over for ever. But how did it all start- that is the question?

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It is estimated that the entire universe is about 158 billions light years wide, expending faster that the speed of light.

and eventually black holes will consume everything in it, causing another "big bang", repeated over and over for ever. But how did it all start- that is the question?

don't blame me,he started it.

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