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Iran's top leader slams Saudi-led raid on Yemen, U.S. support


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Iran's top leader slams Saudi-led raid on Yemen, U.S. support

TEHRAN, May 7 (Xinhua) -- Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday branded the Saudi-led bombing on Yemen's Shiite Houthi group as unjustifiable aggression against the country, and slammed Washington's support from the sidelines.

"The Saudi government is busy killing innocent people and women and children in Yemen without any justification and only under the pretext that the Yemeni people do not accept a person as the president," Khamenei said, according to Press TV.

The United Stats is also supporting this "monstrous crime," while they are accusing, Iran which is after sending medical aid and food to the Yemeni people, Khamenei said.

Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of arming and financing Houthi fighters, an accusation Tehran rejects.

The people of Yemen do not need weapons from Iran because they have the control of all military bases in their country, he said, adding that the most urgent need of the Yemeni people is humanitarian aid of which they have been denied due to the blockade imposed on the country.

More than 1,000 people have been killed and 3,000 injured in the fighting and the airstrikes, which started late March.

Saudi-led forces continue to carry out bombardments against the Houthi group in Yemen despite an announcement in late April to halt the air raids.

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-05/07/c_134216123.htm

-- Xinhua 2015-05-07

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When you look at things objectively Saudi Arabia can be accused of just about everything Iran is being vilified for yet they are untouchable.

They are now the worlds No1 arms importing country, where are all these weapons going, to the correct people? Whoever they might be.

While they don't have a nuclear weapons program as such they have financed the Pakistan nuclear weapons program and have a close military alliance with Pakistan, as in 'Nukes on demand whenever wanted'.

They have probably the harshest sharia law of any country executing (beheading) on average 80 a year and 45 to date this year.

Their human rights record is abysmal, particularly for woman who are not even allowed to drive and young girls having been flogged for being raped.

Yet Iran, previously Persia has always been the great sought after prize first by colonial powers and more recently by the US and must be pursued.

We have seen the mess resulting from trumped up reasons for attacking Iraq and Libya,can any different be expected if Iran were to go ?

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This is rich, the country that meddles in many other countries affairs, send armies and armaments to places all over the world where they have no business being there and open 'business' all over the place staffed with spies and agent provocateurs complains about the Saudis protecting their borders... the gull of those Mullahs, and why not? when you have the US and many European countries just making a bee line to do business with those Iranians,

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This is exactly what needs to happen and should have always been the policy of the US. Stay the hell out of the region and let them deal with their own problems. It's easy enough to support the side you want too, no need to get your hands dirty and your own citizens killed.

Let them focus their wrath on each other instead of giving them an easy devil to hate.

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This is rich, the country that meddles in many other countries affairs, send armies and armaments to places all over the world where they have no business being there and open 'business' all over the place staffed with spies and agent provocateurs complains about the Saudis protecting their borders... the gull of those Mullahs, and why not? when you have the US and many European countries just making a bee line to do business with those Iranians,

I honestly thought you were talking about the US until I reached "..complains about the Saudis...".

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This is rich, the country that meddles in many other countries affairs, send armies and armaments to places all over the world where they have no business being there and open 'business' all over the place staffed with spies and agent provocateurs complains about the Saudis protecting their borders... the gull of those Mullahs, and why not? when you have the US and many European countries just making a bee line to do business with those Iranians,

You see I have a bit of a problem with this and it mostly stems from the lies that were told to justify the attacks on Iraq and Libya.

Tell us where is Iran sending armies all over the world, the only place I have read of is to help fight IS ?

I have only looked back as far as 2009 but in that time Iran has not featured on Janes list of top 20 arms purchasing countries, neither are they weapons exporters or manufacturers so where are all these arms they are supposed to be supplying to others coming from ?

You might also like give me credible links to the bit about business all over the world staffed with spies.

Anyway why shouldn't they have business interests in other parts of the world the same as every other country has ?

I have seen it written that Iran has attacked other countries but which countries have they attacked in recent times ?

I was told by one poster that they had attacked Kuwait but that was Iraq under Saddam, another told me they had attacked Iraq in the Iran Iraq war but that was the other way round, again Saddam backed by the good old US.

As for doing business, well business is money just as war is business and money and trade still continues with Iran regardless of sanctions.

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Saudi Arabia is the most retarded country in the Middle East, no freedom, women cannot drive a car, if you are not muslim, you are jailed and persecuted. Supporting Al Quaida and other terrorists in the half world, from the Middle East to the Philippines. And still gets strong support from the USA. In comparison to that, Iran is a nearly free country. The USA make another mistake in condemning Iran and supporting the reactionary regime in Saudi Arabia.

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Saudi Arabia is the most retarded country in the Middle East, no freedom, women cannot drive a car, if you are not muslim, you are jailed and persecuted. Supporting Al Quaida and other terrorists in the half world, from the Middle East to the Philippines. And still gets strong support from the USA. In comparison to that, Iran is a nearly free country. The USA make another mistake in condemning Iran and supporting the reactionary regime in Saudi Arabia.

If you are talking about the Iran of 1978 before the Islamic Revolution, you are correct.

If you are talking about the Saudi Arabia of 2015, you are completely in error.

However, thank you for your input.

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Saudi Arabia is the most retarded country in the Middle East, no freedom, women cannot drive a car, if you are not muslim, you are jailed and persecuted. Supporting Al Quaida and other terrorists in the half world, from the Middle East to the Philippines. And still gets strong support from the USA. In comparison to that, Iran is a nearly free country. The USA make another mistake in condemning Iran and supporting the reactionary regime in Saudi Arabia.

If you are talking about the Iran of 1978 before the Islamic Revolution, you are correct.

If you are talking about the Saudi Arabia of 2015, you are completely in error.

However, thank you for your input.

Thats rubbish. Iran is not free and never was "almost free", it wasnt a theological mock-democracy(dictatorship!) until 1979 though. SAVAK agents raping people with divergent thoughts, what freedom is that? Also, Saudi Arabia is a retarded country. Same same but different at best. One country is a US "moderate" ally, one country isnt. Iran was a US ally, it was never free, it was and still is a dictatorship. Saudi Arabia is a US ally and a dictatorship. The word ally doesnt have the same meaning as the words: democracy/free. Edited by BKKBobby
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Saudi Arabia is the most retarded country in the Middle East, no freedom, women cannot drive a car, if you are not muslim, you are jailed and persecuted. Supporting Al Quaida and other terrorists in the half world, from the Middle East to the Philippines. And still gets strong support from the USA. In comparison to that, Iran is a nearly free country. The USA make another mistake in condemning Iran and supporting the reactionary regime in Saudi Arabia.

If you are talking about the Iran of 1978 before the Islamic Revolution, you are correct.

If you are talking about the Saudi Arabia of 2015, you are completely in error.

However, thank you for your input.

Thats rubbish. Iran is not free and never was "almost free", it wasnt a theological mock-democracy(dictatorship!) until 1979 though. SAVAK agents raping people with divergent thoughts, what freedom is that? Also, Saudi Arabia is a retarded country. Same same but different at best. One country is a US "moderate" ally, one country isnt. Iran was a US ally, it was never free, it was and still is a dictatorship. Saudi Arabia is a US ally and a dictatorship. The word ally doesnt have the same meaning as the words: democracy/free.


I lived in Iran for five years, 1974 to early 1979.
I recall reading somewhere in the past month or so that you claim to be 32 years old, so that would mean you were not even a gleam in your daddy's eye in 1979.
Therefore, I fancy myself as something of an expert on living in Iran pre-Khomeini when compared to you, who has never even traveled to the country and certainly knows nothing of living there in the years in question.
I also worked and lived in Saudi Arabia from 1981 through 2008 so my experience there is also real time.
Having said all that, I found both places to be relatively free to live as one pleases. All of us knew our limitations on what the authorities would allow and what might get us a one way ticket to our HORs.
The Iranian people were free to do as they pleased, wear what they wished and go where they wanted to go. It was a free society in nearly all respects.
Yes SAVAK was there and everybody knew it. The Iranians generally knew who the SAVAK informants were so they were given a wide berth. I always liked and respected the Shah so I never feared SAVAK for a minute. Most of my friends and Iranian acquaintances felt the same way.
As for my time in Saudi, I found the people to be generous, friendly and welcoming. On my last contract I had more than 100 retired Saudi navy officers on the contract and got along fine with all of them. I dealt with the highest levels of the Saudi and US Navy in Saudi and have only the highest regard for them. I only felt even remotely threatened in rare instances and they were all terrorist related..
Saudi Arabia also has a secret police force that is feared, mostly by those that wish to foment evil against the monarchy.
My wife and daughter were with me in Saudi and both of them would return to live there tomorrow if I had a contract. Sadly I don't so I am now reduced to trying to educate young Swedes such as yourself in the ways of the world.
I will try and remain patient with you but I fear your lack of proper decorum will prevail in the long run. I am not always right in all matters but I still feel confident putting my personal experiences up against your book learning.
PS: My opinion isn't "rubbish".
Edit in to correct name spelling.
Edited by chuckd
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Saudi Arabia is the most retarded country in the Middle East, no freedom, women cannot drive a car, if you are not muslim, you are jailed and persecuted. Supporting Al Quaida and other terrorists in the half world, from the Middle East to the Philippines. And still gets strong support from the USA. In comparison to that, Iran is a nearly free country. The USA make another mistake in condemning Iran and supporting the reactionary regime in Saudi Arabia.

If you are talking about the Iran of 1978 before the Islamic Revolution, you are correct.

If you are talking about the Saudi Arabia of 2015, you are completely in error.

However, thank you for your input.

Thats rubbish. Iran is not free and never was "almost free", it wasnt a theological mock-democracy(dictatorship!) until 1979 though. SAVAK agents raping people with divergent thoughts, what freedom is that? Also, Saudi Arabia is a retarded country. Same same but different at best. One country is a US "moderate" ally, one country isnt. Iran was a US ally, it was never free, it was and still is a dictatorship. Saudi Arabia is a US ally and a dictatorship. The word ally doesnt have the same meaning as the words: democracy/free.


I lived in Iran for five years, 1974 to early 1979.

I recall reading somewhere in the past month or so that you claim to be 32 years old, so that would mean you were not even a gleam in your daddy's eye in 1979.

Therefore, I fancy myself as something of an expert on living in Iran pre-Khomeini when compared to you, who has never even traveled to the country and certainly knows nothing of living there in the years in question.

I also worked and lived in Saudi Arabia from 1981 through 2008 so my experience there is also real time.

Having said all that, I found both places to be relatively free to live as one pleases. All of us knew our limitations on what the authorities would allow and what might get us a one way ticket to our HORs.

The Iranian people were free to do as they pleased, wear what they wished and go where they wanted to go. It was a free society in nearly all respects.

Yes SAVAK was there and everybody knew it. The Iranians generally knew who the SAVAK informants were so they were given a wide berth. I always liked and respected the Shah so I never feared SAVAK for a minute. Most of my friends and Iranian acquaintances felt the same way.

As for my time in Saudi, I found the people to be generous, friendly and welcoming. On my last contract I had more than 100 retired Saudi navy officers on the contract and got along fine with all of them. I dealt with the highest levels of the Saudi and US Navy in Saudi and have only the highest regard for them. I only felt even remotely threatened in rare instances and they were all terrorist related..

Saudi Arabia also has a secret police force that is feared, mostly by those that wish to foment evil against the monarchy.

My wife and daughter were with me in Saudi and both of them would return to live there tomorrow if I had a contract. Sadly I don't so I am now reduced to trying to educate young Swedes such as yourself in the ways of the world.

I will try and remain patient with you but I fear your lack of proper decorum will prevail in the long run. I am not always right in all matters but I still feel confident putting my personal experiences up against your book learning.

PS: My opinion isn't "rubbish".

Edit in to correct name spelling.

You are reduced to educate young Swedish guys like me?

Belittling me?

Yes Im 32 years old and from Sweden. That is personal comments.

Do I need to visit all countries to have a educated opinion?

Your fellow countrymen on this forum are opinionated about all countries in the world without having visited them!

Ok your wife and daughter finds sharia agreeable. Doesnt prove anything. They dont have any problem that they are not allowed to drive a car. Good for them

I prefer a suspension than not answering to your post

Old man, Im waiting for my post to be removed by someone that is too biased to moderate. Suspended highly likely, banned, maybe...

Freespeech :) ×caugh×

All the people that talked negative about the Shah and his way of governing the country that happened to get tortured, raped and killed and their friends and family from Iran will disagree with you.

Your very personal attack on me gets a pass and also a like from a moderator.

Freespech for me then? Naah...

Edited by BKKBobby
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He got a like for the content of his post on the topic, not for his personal opinion of you. He shared a great deal of personal and informative experiences in the countries.

I think you can ask the poster about our rather checkered past on the forum.

You have your right to your opinion and you are not being sanctioned for them, but I suggest that you get back to the topic and stay there.

The next comment on moderation will earn a suspension.

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Saudi Arabia is the most retarded country in the Middle East, no freedom, women cannot drive a car, if you are not muslim, you are jailed and persecuted. Supporting Al Quaida and other terrorists in the half world, from the Middle East to the Philippines. And still gets strong support from the USA. In comparison to that, Iran is a nearly free country. The USA make another mistake in condemning Iran and supporting the reactionary regime in Saudi Arabia.

If you are talking about the Iran of 1978 before the Islamic Revolution, you are correct.

If you are talking about the Saudi Arabia of 2015, you are completely in error.

However, thank you for your input.

Thats rubbish. Iran is not free and never was "almost free", it wasnt a theological mock-democracy(dictatorship!) until 1979 though. SAVAK agents raping people with divergent thoughts, what freedom is that? Also, Saudi Arabia is a retarded country. Same same but different at best. One country is a US "moderate" ally, one country isnt. Iran was a US ally, it was never free, it was and still is a dictatorship. Saudi Arabia is a US ally and a dictatorship. The word ally doesnt have the same meaning as the words: democracy/free.


I lived in Iran for five years, 1974 to early 1979.
I recall reading somewhere in the past month or so that you claim to be 32 years old, so that would mean you were not even a gleam in your daddy's eye in 1979.
Therefore, I fancy myself as something of an expert on living in Iran pre-Khomeini when compared to you, who has never even traveled to the country and certainly knows nothing of living there in the years in question.
I also worked and lived in Saudi Arabia from 1981 through 2008 so my experience there is also real time.
Having said all that, I found both places to be relatively free to live as one pleases. All of us knew our limitations on what the authorities would allow and what might get us a one way ticket to our HORs.
The Iranian people were free to do as they pleased, wear what they wished and go where they wanted to go. It was a free society in nearly all respects.
Yes SAVAK was there and everybody knew it. The Iranians generally knew who the SAVAK informants were so they were given a wide berth. I always liked and respected the Shah so I never feared SAVAK for a minute. Most of my friends and Iranian acquaintances felt the same way.
As for my time in Saudi, I found the people to be generous, friendly and welcoming. On my last contract I had more than 100 retired Saudi navy officers on the contract and got along fine with all of them. I dealt with the highest levels of the Saudi and US Navy in Saudi and have only the highest regard for them. I only felt even remotely threatened in rare instances and they were all terrorist related..
Saudi Arabia also has a secret police force that is feared, mostly by those that wish to foment evil against the monarchy.
My wife and daughter were with me in Saudi and both of them would return to live there tomorrow if I had a contract. Sadly I don't so I am now reduced to trying to educate young Swedes such as yourself in the ways of the world.
I will try and remain patient with you but I fear your lack of proper decorum will prevail in the long run. I am not always right in all matters but I still feel confident putting my personal experiences up against your book learning.
PS: My opinion isn't "rubbish".
Edit in to correct name spelling.

SAUDI have secret police but they are really nice guys who dont have a problem if you kowtow, why would anyone wish evil on our great Dictator , installed by the west, shit we even allowed them to name the country after a family, how nice are we. i will try and be patient and just dismiss your 2 bobs worth as just another western flunky.

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