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The amount of trolls on this forum is mind blowing.
Seems like no one can post a topic asking for other people's input without being slandered, criticized, insulted, ridiculed and humiliated.
One troll starts, and the rest pile in.

I have been going through a number of interesting posts which have started off well but have eventually led to anarchy and chaos thanks to a number of trolls.

There are a few posts where people have genuinely asked for feedback on concerning issues and they have just been attacked and trolled like it's a sport.

Seriously don't you people have anything better to do than to try and be holier than thou yet you take great pleasure in kicking a person when they are down?

Sometimes people will post on a public forum to get general feedback on an issue that bothers them.

Just because they dealt with an issue in a way that YOU don't agree with, doesn't make them less of a person than you.

In fact it makes them a better person than you to post it and ask for feedback, it shows that they are trying to improve themselves.

Forums used to be amazing places where people could help each other, offer good advice, uplift other people, share information,
now it just seems like TV is just a place where trolls wait for someone to post something so that they can jump on it and post snarky remarks and try to belittle the OP in an effort to probably feel better about their own miserable and shitty existences.

I used to run big bulletin boards back when people had a 33k baud modem and thought they were hot stuff and even back then, trolls were swiftly dealt with.
But it seems like these days, being a troll is a prerequisite to becoming a valued member on a forum.

I get that being a troll is fun when you are like 12, but the majority of people on this forum are adults old enough to be expats in a different country.

Thaivisa is a good resource and a great source of information but the trolls will eventually ruin this place when people will be too afraid to post anything.

Then what? all you trolls can troll each each other to death?

Why do you people do this? does it make you feel better?
does it add money to your bank account or inches to your e-penis?
does it let you sleep better at night or help you score hotter chicks?
does it make you get 4 more reps per set when you're lifting?
Does it make your kids respect you more because you're a keyboard hero on the internet?

Seriously, grow up.

Go on now, troll me, I got broad shoulders.

Edited by diginomad
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OP reads like someone just discovered the internet and got disappointed.

Might as well also complain about having to lock doors and windows because of thieves.

Topics like this serve only to draw attention to the newbie in the OP.

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By attacking/commenting on such individuals in this manner also invites them to respond.

They are best ignored, and when no response is given they have nowhere to play.

Naturally as a Moderator, myself and the rest of the team here do our best to keep such individuals under control or removed.

Given the high volume of members here its not an easy task and that is also why there is a report function for other members to bring those "trolls" to our attention, those that we may miss as we cannot be everywhere.

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By attacking/commenting on such individuals in this manner also invites them to respond.

They are best ignored, and when no response is given they have nowhere to play.

Naturally as a Moderator, myself and the rest of the team here do our best to keep such individuals under control or removed.

Given the high volume of members here its not an easy task and that is also why there is a report function for other members to bring those "trolls" to our attention, those that we may miss as we cannot be everywhere.

Of course :-)

But this thread has been eerily quiet given that it's something of a controversial topic, the trolls aren't asleep, they just don't want to rear their ugly heads and be identified and make your job much easier.

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I find that there are any number of original posts on here that deserve to be slandered, criticized, insulted, ridiculed and humiliated.

And those that don't?

I am a believer in civility. I try to be helpful, as do most people here. What tries my patience is those who whose purpose is to incite riot and those too gormless to help themselves. In the latter category are those who equate TV with Google.

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I find that there are any number of original posts on here that deserve to be slandered, criticized, insulted, ridiculed and humiliated.

And those that don't?

I am a believer in civility. I try to be helpful, as do most people here. What tries my patience is those who whose purpose is to incite riot and those too gormless to help themselves. In the latter category are those who equate TV with Google.

And the former are the trolls I mentioned.

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I find that there are any number of original posts on here that deserve to be slandered, criticized, insulted, ridiculed and humiliated.

And those that don't?

OP, am trying to give you a non-troll answer

  • normally, those posts get the most troll answers that ARE starting as troll posts / bashing posts / ranting post (yours is such an example and made me think of other answers...)
  • however, there are specialized forums on here (health, internet, local forums, VISA, marriage etc etc) where the overwhelming majority of answers is given to REALLY help the OP. I have opened few threads myself and never been trolled with my serious and clearly formulated posts.
  • most troll posts are opened in General or some local formus, but the Mods deal with them and move them to where they belong - Pub forum.
  • also, you are new here and you can not know that a lot of the "older" trolls have disappeards from ThaiVisa and have gone to the "dark side" forum of their own... therefore in my opinion, the number of troll posts has gone down considerably.
  • finally, as on every forum, you always have members with thin skin who start bikkering contests with each other (seen such a thread this morning where the Mods had to delete loads of posts) and other members have too much time on hand and know nothing better than trolling around

In general, I am happy with the work of the Mods and find TV still a great source of information - if you use it as such and ignore the trolls

Greetings and enjoy the forum

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By attacking/commenting on such individuals in this manner also invites them to respond.

They are best ignored, and when no response is given they have nowhere to play.

Naturally as a Moderator, myself and the rest of the team here do our best to keep such individuals under control or removed.

Given the high volume of members here its not an easy task and that is also why there is a report function for other members to bring those "trolls" to our attention, those that we may miss as we cannot be everywhere.

So, the lesson here is if you don't want to be attacked, become a moderator.

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I wholeheartedly agree with Swiss1960 above.

Only would like to add that some people cry Troll for little reason. Sometimes members just try to lighten the conversation up a little and others take offense.... A certain Greek member is my favourity for lighthearted replies.

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Knife wielding hookers, naive expats having lost or losing the kid and savings, homeless old age delinquent geezers. Top tier dudes with the smoking hot girl (that's me)...

What's not to troll about?

The new blue and yellow bar on lower Suk…troll central.

It's an anonymous forum.

People will post how they see fit, you've just gotta deal with it.

Edited by Blackfox
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I wholeheartedly agree with Swiss1960 above.

Only would like to add that some people cry Troll for little reason. Sometimes members just try to lighten the conversation up a little and others take offense.... A certain Greek member is my favourity for lighthearted replies.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I have seen posts where some members have blatantly belittled the OP and then keep on going, it's as though their own lives are so crap that they try to drag other people down there with them so that they can feel better.

Have you ever watched crabs trying to get out of a bucket? as soon as one makes a little bit of progress others at the bottom pull him back down to try and stand on his head and escape and the same thing happens over and over again.

Same thing.

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Top tier dudes with the smoking hot girl (that's me)...

You do realise that GENUINE "top tier dudes" leave it to others to heap accolades upon them?

They wouldn't be so crass and vulgar as to go around telling everyone how great they are.

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I have been using this forum for many years and have NEVER been subjected to ridicule...maybe I will now, but if so, who cares? I'm sure any members who "have a shot", do it with good intent, unless of course an Op is being stupid, belligerent or simply "just too precious."

I have never seen anyone with a serious problem "attacked" by TV Members. People on this forum at times go out of their way to try and assist those who are in genuine need.

As previously mentioned, those who are just "too precious" are given the treatment they deserve.

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After 48 posts? and you have decided that people are trolls?

Who are you, and are you not a troll?

I have been a troll for years, but shush - no one knows about it.

How dare you come onto this Forum and start giving out your ins and outs and whatevers about who is who and who is not. And how people should speak and how they should act.

If you don't like this Forum or others - start your own.

I don't like newbies mouthing off as if they know everything. Unless this newbie is an oldie pretending...

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As another poster mentioned, the trolls, bullies, have been or banned or moved elsewhere to ridicule others. In fact , themselves, for an observant reader. A troll is not limited to only a few posts made. Have been trolls, I like to call them...bullies, with thousands of posts. It is good for this forum that they arè gone.

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After 48 posts? and you have decided that people are trolls?

Who are you, and are you not a troll?

I have been a troll for years, but shush - no one knows about it.

How dare you come onto this Forum and start giving out your ins and outs and whatevers about who is who and who is not. And how people should speak and how they should act.

If you don't like this Forum or others - start your own.

I don't like newbies mouthing off as if they know everything. Unless this newbie is an oldie pretending...

did you have a bad hair day, dear Patsy? whistling.gif

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When encountering a troll post or nasty response there is no way currently to provide feedback to the poster that the comment is out of line except with a text response. And, in the heat of the moment, the response is sometimes demeaning. If TV were to simply add a "Dislike This" button I think the number of demeaning posts would go way down.

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This is a good topic, because I am one who does not grovel to get into the good graces of the so-called TV hierarchy, if I may MOST DELICATELY COIN THE PHRASE, therefore on some occasions I will defend those who get what I call the "TV pack mentality treatment." It's a common malady of TV people. Don't ask me why, I might answer.

It's sometimes walking on the knife-edge of suspension though.

All I know is if you're not in the clique you're out. Cliques are too sycophantic for my liking.


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When encountering a troll post or nasty response there is no way currently to provide feedback to the poster that the comment is out of line except with a text response. And, in the heat of the moment, the response is sometimes demeaning. If TV were to simply add a "Dislike This" button I think the number of demeaning posts would go way down.

Dislike - as well as like - buttons have been discussed many times over the years, cause you never know WHY somebody presses it

- do I like an answer because it is useful and concise or do I like an answer for the fun factor? I have received "likes" for both...

- do I dislike an answer because somebody disagreas with the facts, with my opinion, with the way I post naughty answers or because he generally dislikes my Internet "personality" on this forum

I could even do without the "like" button, because sometimes I have the feeling that posters write stuff with the sole reason to be "funny" and get likes...

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This is a good topic, because I am one who does not grovel to get into the good graces of the so-called TV hierarchy, if I may MOST DELICATELY COIN THE PHRASE, therefore on some occasions I will defend those who get what I call the "TV pack mentality treatment." It's a common malady of TV people. Don't ask me why, I might answer.

It's sometimes walking on the knife-edge of suspension though.

All I know is if you're not in the clique you're out. Cliques are too sycophantic for my liking.


Never beein in a clique on TVF, never wanted to be in a clique on any Internet forum... and still hold my "space" on here since almost 4 years...

and as my "Angel and Devil" headline of my avatar suggests... sometimes I give very helpful or informative answers and even received personal appraisal... and sometimes I just can not help giving "naughty" or sneering answers and had my share of deleted posts including warnings from mods... and sometimes I join troll posts like we had some really good ones like the TGAU threads or some of the really funny ones from our Greek member Costas...

At the end of the day, it is up to you how you behave on this forum and you must learn to overlook / overread some posters.. specially those who get the kick out of pushing others down.

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How about troll topics? Threads started with the only objective being Thai-bashing. Thankfully, the Mods have gotten pretty good at identifying these trolls.

I know for a fact that all the Trolls have long hair clean down to their waists, that's why they prefer to Troll on the internet where they can't be seen

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