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The It Hub Of Asia


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at a recent conference at MuangThongThani an international gathering confirmed that ,yes, the Thais can be the IT hub of asia !! Dont these people have any concience than to feed their delusions about hubs?

There are too many obstacles in the way of such a thing happening.

Taiwan is light years of LOS in IT so why didnt they come out and tell them straight instead of all the toadying ? I guess it might have caused a loss of face maybe .

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Yes ... Same Old ... Same Old.

Thailand wants to be a world leader at something, but are unable to find 'it'. :o

They tried rice, but then found out that everyone in SEA was more efficient at

growing this than they were.

Then it was IT, but the infrastructure is hopeless. And the skill levels could never

match S'pore's.

Then it was creamics. But the Italians have that sewn up.


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The politicians think they can be the centre of everthing in Asia, but they don't have the skills or the resources to put into practice these grandiose ideas.

Talk is just talk.

Actually Thailand could be a hub for many things, unfortunatley the Thai's with the skills and drive to impliment such projects never have their talents realised. They are held back as they are often seen as trouble makers for wanting to make changes or work differently to the system.

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