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Activist: No regrets about Texas cartoon contest ended by gunfire


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The US citizens can arm up as much as they like, Darwinism, the moron element that follows your thoughts will eliminate themselves. All in the name of free speech of course.

You are so badly mistaken. Apparently there's no way you can understand what the largest army by far the world has ever known can do on its own soil. Even the US military with all of its firepower can't defeat a guerrilla army on its own soil as proven by Vietnam, N. Korea, several countries in the Middle East and so on. Those were tiny militarys compared to the armed US citizens.

You don't understand the resolve of the people to not let themselves be controlled by these people who have been committing horrors.

I'm in America today - in mainstream America. Everyone I talk to yesterday and today wants to first talk about this. A neighbor knocked on my door today and wanted to know if I had any extra ammunition I could sell. I didn't have any of his caliber but I knew who did.

Gun and ammunition sales are through the roof. There is no ammunition on the shelves in stores. It's gone. It's outright hoarding. I could get 3X the retail price for my ammunition today if I just put an ad on the internet. Its not for sale except to a friend or neighbor. A big profit isn't enticing.

None of us is going to go out and look for trouble but it wouldn't be a very good idea for someone to bring it.

You simply don't understand Americans.

Most of the wars you've lost are down to being hampered by having to play by the rules.

The day the US military decides to attack its own people I'd assume the gloves would be very much off!

And of course the only way it would happen is in the deranged minds of people like Alex Jones.

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Anti-semitism? What are you talking about? So you consider Charlie Hebdo to be worse than Pamela Gellers event? Are they not defenders of free speech? As you say Pamela Geller is. Hypocracy.

What are you on about? Do you even read the thread before making foolish statements that have nothing to do with it? Another of you "Zionist" haters claimed that that Charlie Hebdo does not print anti-Jewish cartoons. I linked to a few of them to show that he is full of it.

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Puhhleassse. I used to read some of your posts until you used to take up a whole page with your ncessant links. You would get better responses if you really just said what you think. Many of us here are not interested in reading everything you link to because Im sure they all link to what you say. Whether wrong or not. It does not add to how smart you think you are.

Perhaps you and Publicas can have your own thread for longest post and links competition.

For the rest of us, we prefer short and sweet.

While some of us prefer long and intelligent over short and dumb. YMMV.

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Anti-semitism? What are you talking about? So you consider Charlie Hebdo to be worse than Pamela Gellers event? Are they not defenders of free speech? As you say Pamela Geller is. Hypocracy.

What are you on about? Do you even read the thread before making foolish statements that have nothing to do with it? Another of you "Zionist" haters claimed that that Charlie Hebdo does not print anti-Jewish cartoons. I linked to a few of them to show that he is full of it.

I said they sacked someone for it. Twisting words again aren't you? And deliberately posting offensive cartoons by someone else as Charlie Hebdo's.

You've been watching too much Fox.

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Anti-semitism? What are you talking about? So you consider Charlie Hebdo to be worse than Pamela Gellers event? Are they not defenders of free speech? As you say Pamela Geller is. Hypocracy.

What are you on about? Do you even read the thread before making foolish statements that have nothing to do with it? Another of you "Zionist" haters claimed that that Charlie Hebdo does not print anti-Jewish cartoons. I linked to a few of them to show that he is full of it.
Now you changed the word from anti-semitic to anti-zionism. Also You claimed Charlie Hebdo prints anti-semitic cartoons.You called them anti-semitic, in several of your other posts, that word has distinct meaning. Now you call Charlie Hebdos cartoons anti-jewish instead.

"Another of you "Zionist" haters?"

Who? Who is a "Zionist hater"?

Your post is a personal attack again, old man.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Anti-semitism? What are you talking about? So you consider Charlie Hebdo to be worse than Pamela Gellers event? Are they not defenders of free speech? As you say Pamela Geller is. Hypocracy.

What are you on about? Do you even read the thread before making foolish statements that have nothing to do with it? Another of you "Zionist" haters claimed that that Charlie Hebdo does not print anti-Jewish cartoons. I linked to a few of them to show that he is full of it.
Now you changed the word from anti-semitic to anti-zionism. Also You claimed Charlie Hebdo prints anti-semitic cartoons.You called them anti-semitic, in several of your other posts, that word has distinct meaning. Now you call Charlie Hebdos cartoons anti-jewish instead.

"Another of you "Zionist" haters?"

Who? Who is a "Zionist hater"?

Your post is a personal attack again, old man.

Most of the cartoons that he claims are from Charlie Hebdo are anti-Israeli and political in nature.

The ones that aren't appear to be the banned work of someone who really hates Jews specifically.

Let's not try and kid ourselves that there aren't some real Jew haters out there who aren't Muslim.

And there's plenty of Muslim haters out there that aren't Jewish, too.

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Some posts have been removed, including one for fair use and a number which are off-topic.

Much of this thread is going off-topic. I suggest you get back to the topic and stay on it.

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I dont think Headbo is even remotely in the same league as Geller. Geller thinks Brevik slaughtering kids on a retreat was a good thing.

Why do you resort to blatant lies in so many posts? Please provide some evidence of this fabrication.

Whilst she appears not to have specifically congratulated the killer, certainly appears she did not condemn him when commenting on the mass murder. Geller's methodology has been called out numerous times, yet her supporters line up to make denials on her behalf. Hopefully the Mods will permit the link below as it is yet another confirmation that when challenged Geller does remove content from her posts, then refutes the foundation for any criticism.


Perhaps the best comment concerning Geller in her attempt to link to the Charlie Hebdo magazine is by the editor in chief.


The link appears to present a narrative which if true is indefensible. I, as a supporter of Geller, find it hard to believe that this 'story' actually has legs. I would have preferred to read the original text to which the link refers rather than the author's story interspersed with non contextual quotes from Geller. If true, utterly destructive to both her reputation and supporters such as me. So, I take your point, note it, and file it in my brain to be wary. But since their is a total absence of other related historical Geller events I suggest there are no legs here. Sure, it looks like a nasty story. You are correct. Yet there is a certain qualia that is absent in a person who could condone such an atrocity; Geller's written and spoken words could fill volumes and while we might find her repugnant she does not evidence a social pathology that would be neutral or supportive of murder. How does one recognize the threat that this monster recognized, see the legitimacy in his fears and concerns about the future, and still adamantly protest the murder of innocents? It is a minefield for any public figure such as Geller to comment on. It is ripe with opportunity for discredit and association.

Total absence of other related historical Geller events? Here is another example...


I'm fairly sure you will recall the Serb activities, that included the systematic rape of Muslim women as a weapon of war, just in case a reminder...


Edited by simple1
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Another off-topic post has been removed.

Apparently, we have been far too lenient in not issuing suspension when members go off-topic. I regret to inform you that that grace period has now ended.

Stay on topic. Any comparisons have to be made in the context of THIS topic.

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Don't think there's anything more to discuss on any of these Texas threads. No-one gives a stuff about two dead terrorists (which is how it should be).

Once Geller has disappeared from even Fox's lengthy "news" cycle, she'll start plotting the next one, and we'll see if she succeeds in getting someone innocent killed in her desperation to promote her pro-jewish, anti-islam fake "free speech" agenda.

Until then, have fun....


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Samuel Adams on Pamela Geller"s detractors (these words apply)

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands, which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

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Due to the attack in Garland TX by the two jihadists that were killed, there is a renewed focus on the presence in the US of potential mass murderer terrorists armed to the teeth and who are inspired and endorsed by ISIS.

There is zero evidence or indication that Geller, her organization or anyone in her organization specifically knew or specifically knew of the two terrorists who tried to storm assault the group at the exhibit inside the convention center. The two slain terrorists in fact travelled to Garland from a neighboring state, Arizona.

There is no evidence or indication that Geller or her organization had any foreknowledge of the new factor of ISIS inspired terrorists in the United States storm assaulting under arms a citizens group exercising normal everyday American constitutional rights.

We thereby learned something specific and real in Garland TX, which is that such ISIS inspired or directed terrorists exist in eleven or perhaps 15 states, that they are very likely armed to the maximum, and that they are looking for their purpose in the United States, whatever it may be in the United States, wherever it may be in the United States, at any opportune time, place, circumstance in the United States.

Americans and many others in the West need protection against radical jihadists, not against Muslims and not against Islam. Islam is limited by its own strictures and scriptures and and by its own behaviors. Islam is faltering entirely on its own and it's been doing exactly that for the past 30 years or so.

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A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events

"A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase."

It already is and has been dramatically.

"Neighborhood protection groups will be formed..."

They already are. Guess what? Obama is known as the best gun salesman the US has ever had. Seriously. The sale of guns and ammo has skyrocket since 2007 and hasn't let up. Many Americans aren't going to wait for their government to protect them because they know that it won't in this matter. I'm not predicting any illegal activity but it is entirely lawful for an American to use deadly force to protect himself and his residence, or even to protect a complete stranger from danger.

Let's ease up on the hysteria, at least just a bit.

The group in Garland was guarded and protected by the local police and the local police only.

No one in the group was armed, the group was not a posse, they were not organized or poised to repel a violent attack, nor did the group in the convention center presume to take the law into their own hands.

Recall the two terrorists who were armed to the maximum for a storm assault of the center and its participants were shot and killed by a 60 year old local traffic cop who dropped the two before they got ten steps away from their car.

Americans have the right to own a firearm and I do own one in the United States, but let's not take it OTT every time which is what youse guyz always do.

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And precisely how do you know nobody in the group was armed?

For all you know half of them could have been legally carrying weapons.

This didn't happen in California...it happened in Texas.thumbsup.gif

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And precisely how do you know nobody in the group was armed?

For all you know half of them could have been legally carrying weapons.

This didn't happen in California...it happened in Texas.thumbsup.gif

Yes, I'm well aware and I haven't heard anything to the contrary, i.e., that people inside the hall were armed. Nothing indicates they may have been armed, either covertly or overtly, so I say they were not armed nor were they deployed in some sort of Fort Apache defensive positions at windows, doors, the roof etc etc or in any way like that.

No one can say with certainty they were armed or unarmed except for the participants themselves. There are no reports either way that I know of....and you? The current working assumption is that the participants inside the convention center were unarmed. The evidence is certainly that they were at all times going about the business of their exhibit and contest.

Who would presume to say otherwise or to speculate otherwise in the Garland TX circumstance due to a state law allowing covert possession of a handgun or other firearm....who?

Yes it happened in Texass which I'd guess might be a major reason Mexico hasn't invaded there since 1846 (save a few minor skirmishes). It's been said by members of our military especially that the only reason Texas doesn't slide into the Gulf of Mexico is that Oklahoma sucks. clap2.gif

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"No one can say with certainty they were armed or unarmed except for the participants themselves."

Then why did you feel compelled to say this in an earlier post?

"No one in the group was armed, the group was not a posse,"

You can't have it both ways, as much as you would like.

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"No one can say with certainty they were armed or unarmed except for the participants themselves."

Then why did you feel compelled to say this in an earlier post?

"No one in the group was armed, the group was not a posse,"

You can't have it both ways, as much as you would like.

Re-read the posts thx.


Edited by Publicus
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Just to show what the Islamofascists get up to in nations without freedom of speech a Bangladeshi blogger critical of religious intolerance has just been hacked to death, the third to die in similar circumstances. This is what you get if you cow tow to religious extremists. What they define as unacceptable would be condemned as hate speech by leftist shills.


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Just to show what the Islamofascists get up to in nations without freedom of speech a Bangladeshi blogger critical of religious intolerance has just been hacked to death, the third to die in similar circumstances. This is what you get if you cow tow to religious extremists. What they define as unacceptable would be condemned as hate speech by leftist shills.


Call me Mr. Picky but he wasn't 'cow tow'ing (kow-tow) to them and it was in Bangladesh.

Have there been any attacks on Americans critical of religious intolerance?

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Just to show what the Islamofascists get up to in nations without freedom of speech a Bangladeshi blogger critical of religious intolerance has just been hacked to death, the third to die in similar circumstances. This is what you get if you cow tow to religious extremists. What they define as unacceptable would be condemned as hate speech by leftist shills.


Extremely brave people who don't have armed police / SWAT team for protection, apparently no viable protection from the State.

The murders have triggered demonstrations against Islamic extremism in Bangladesh and attackers have been arrested.

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Just to show what the Islamofascists get up to in nations without freedom of speech a Bangladeshi blogger critical of religious intolerance has just been hacked to death, the third to die in similar circumstances. This is what you get if you cow tow to religious extremists. What they define as unacceptable would be condemned as hate speech by leftist shills.


Call me Mr. Picky but he wasn't 'cow tow'ing (kow-tow) to them and it was in Bangladesh.

Have there been any attacks on Americans critical of religious intolerance?

Nope he wasn't kow towing to them, but just about all Muslim Countries do, there were claims that the police stood by and did nothing as one blogger was murdered, the second killed was a U.S citizen by the way, as if that made any difference. Islamists aim to silence all opposition to their dictates even managing to murder a Pakistani politician who tried to get the blasphemy laws repealed.

I'm surprised you didn't take the tack you did with Geller and scoured loonwatch to see if the bloggers wrote anything hateful to religious fascists. Perhaps had the police managed to intervene and kill the murderers you could have accused the blogger of setting bait for them. You see your position collapses under the weight of its own absurdity when you look at the larger political picture of Islamic supremacism instead of condemning Gellers actions as some aberration enabled by supposed 'rednecks' taking advantage of the aberrant right to bear arms and support freedom of speech laws which leftists hate, unless of course it is they who are exercising them.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Just to show what the Islamofascists get up to in nations without freedom of speech a Bangladeshi blogger critical of religious intolerance has just been hacked to death, the third to die in similar circumstances. This is what you get if you cow tow to religious extremists. What they define as unacceptable would be condemned as hate speech by leftist shills.


Call me Mr. Picky but he wasn't 'cow tow'ing (kow-tow) to them and it was in Bangladesh.

Have there been any attacks on Americans critical of religious intolerance?

Nope he wasn't kow towing to them, but just about all Muslim Countries do, there were claims that the police stood by and did nothing as one blogger was murdered, the second killed was a U.S citizen by the way, as if that made any difference. Islamists aim to silence all opposition to their dictates even managing to murder a Pakistani politician who tried to get the blasphemy laws repealed.

I'm surprised you didn't take the tack you did with Geller and scoured loonwatch to see if the bloggers wrote anything hateful to religious fascists. Perhaps had the police managed to intervene and kill the murderers you could have accused the blogger of setting bait for them. You see your position collapses under the weight of its own absurdity when you look at the larger political picture of Islamic supremacism instead of condemning Gellers actions as some aberration enabled by supposed 'rednecks' taking advantage of the aberrant right to bear arms and support freedom of speech laws which leftists hate, unless of course it is they who are exercising them.

You are comparing an atheist blogger in a lawless s---hole like Bangladesh (who actually knew he was a target but carried on nonetheless) with some entitled princess carefully organising anti-Islam events in Texas?

I'm not really surprised that the police would stand by and do nothing, if the option is getting hacked to death themselves. I wouldn't risk it for 20 rupees a month or whatever.

Purlease. Why on earth would the position be the same?

The only common factor is that you are asking for trouble, although in his case I suspect it had more substance than just a deliberately provocative act.

(Have you ever heard of the Gunning FOG Index by the way?! smile.png )

Edited by Chicog
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Don't think there's anything more to discuss on any of these Texas threads. No-one gives a stuff about two dead terrorists (which is how it should be).

Once Geller has disappeared from even Fox's lengthy "news" cycle, she'll start plotting the next one, and we'll see if she succeeds in getting someone innocent killed in her desperation to promote her pro-jewish, anti-islam fake "free speech" agenda.

Until then, have fun....


"Don't think there's anything more to discuss on any of these Texas threads."

See post 114 and 119.

Physician, heal thyself.

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Don't think there's anything more to discuss on any of these Texas threads. No-one gives a stuff about two dead terrorists (which is how it should be).

Once Geller has disappeared from even Fox's lengthy "news" cycle, she'll start plotting the next one, and we'll see if she succeeds in getting someone innocent killed in her desperation to promote her pro-jewish, anti-islam fake "free speech" agenda.

Until then, have fun....


"Don't think there's anything more to discuss on any of these Texas threads."

See post 114 and 119.

Physician, heal thyself.

I do realise that there is some movement in the tectonic plates, but as far as I know, Bangladesh is not yet part of Texas.


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Don't think there's anything more to discuss on any of these Texas threads. No-one gives a stuff about two dead terrorists (which is how it should be).

Once Geller has disappeared from even Fox's lengthy "news" cycle, she'll start plotting the next one, and we'll see if she succeeds in getting someone innocent killed in her desperation to promote her pro-jewish, anti-islam fake "free speech" agenda.

Until then, have fun....


"Don't think there's anything more to discuss on any of these Texas threads."

See post 114 and 119.

Physician, heal thyself.

I do realise that there is some movement in the tectonic plates, but as far as I know, Bangladesh is not yet part of Texas.


Britons. Dry and witty humour. :) Edited by BKKBobby
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A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase. Neighborhood protection groups will be formed ,,, if not now - certainly at the next Jihadi shooting or bombing. Volunteers who are licensed Conceal Carry (guns) will be ask to attend community events

"A hundred million adult Americans are currently armed to the teeth - now that number will increase."

It already is and has been dramatically.

"Neighborhood protection groups will be formed..."

They already are. Guess what? Obama is known as the best gun salesman the US has ever had. Seriously. The sale of guns and ammo has skyrocket since 2007 and hasn't let up. Many Americans aren't going to wait for their government to protect them because they know that it won't in this matter. I'm not predicting any illegal activity but it is entirely lawful for an American to use deadly force to protect himself and his residence, or even to protect a complete stranger from danger.

Let's ease up on the hysteria, at least just a bit.

The group in Garland was guarded and protected by the local police and the local police only.

No one in the group was armed, the group was not a posse, they were not organized or poised to repel a violent attack, nor did the group in the convention center presume to take the law into their own hands.

Recall the two terrorists who were armed to the maximum for a storm assault of the center and its participants were shot and killed by a 60 year old local traffic cop who dropped the two before they got ten steps away from their car.

Americans have the right to own a firearm and I do own one in the United States, but let's not take it OTT every time which is what youse guyz always do.

Not sure the point you are trying to make but aside from the Garland TX Police, there was at least 7 maybe 9 heavily armed militarily dresses private security guards - body guards. Their photo was published with the Dutch fellow.

Edit to add: The comments you were responding to were my ideas commented upon by Neversure -- about what Might happen in the weeks and months - what Texans might do AFTER the Geller - Jihadi shooting incident -- NOT DURING.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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