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21-year-old man arrested for assaulting 51-year-old man to death


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Who here thinks he shouldn't be put to sleep?

I'm sure there are many on here that would offer to put him to sleep only using a slightly more efficient method than he used on his victim.post-9891-0-43236400-1431153115_thumb.jp

Edited by ratcatcher
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My brother had something similar happen to him but he lived though he was never the same. The guy got 3.5 years in wrong jail for him my brothers good buddy was serving time in same place. The guy that destroyed my brothers life ended serving his time in a wheelchair. And still in it years later. My brother passed away because of medicine he took to keep him alive was cancer causing.

An eye for an eye simply does NOT work. Death sentence does NOT work. Frustrating it may be, but the only thing that will work is raising our children with empathy. Yet excesses like this horrible murder will happen again. We can only try to make it happen less. There are no quick solutions.

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Completely inaccurate information. Thailand is on par with the U.S., at about 4.9 murders, per 100,000. Honduras has 70. Venezuela has 45. Colombia, South Africa, Belize, El Salvador, are also amongst the highest. Thailand has relatively few murders per year, per capita. Please limit your citing of information to subjects you are familiar with.

Edited by spidermike007
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To all the foreigners , expats and tourists who see this video and read the daily news in thailand each.....you still do not agree with me that this country and its people are beyond salvation. Yes, some of you are married to or live with wonderful thais. These are the rare ones and they too are most probably ashamed of their own kind and thats why they married a foreigner like you. As i say, if you have to live in thailand to make money or save money...do so but make sure that you never contribute any monies to the coffers of this locals , never impart knowledge to them, never help them and get your home countries to see what really going on in this country to stop other people coming here or helping to develop their economies.Whenever you need to use thais, do so and simply discard them away, never develop sympathy or emotions with them. If you can a chance to screw them behind their back without them knowing, do so. Never help a thai and always stay with your own kind. Simply watch and enjoy with glee as this country and their people suffer. It might be economically be advantageous to you.

The suffering of the Thai people is brought upon them by an endless series of crap

governments who function is to loot the country for the benefit of the wealthy

elites. The farangs who live here occupy what is known as the balcony view. Meaning

you can watch with bemusement, but you cannot change what is happening,

only watch.

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many thai men are psychopaths. they suffer under severe inferiority complex. the reason is their very low education and in a low class society.

they all know this fact, thats why they are so violent. My most important law in thailand: stay away from thai men, because many of them really hate us.

PS thanks to Nick167

I like your golden rules

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Completely inaccurate information. Thailand is on par with the U.S., at about 4.9 murders, per 100,000. Honduras has 70. Venezuela has 45. Colombia, South Africa, Belize, El Salvador, are also amongst the highest. Thailand has relatively few murders per year, per capita. Please limit your citing of information to subjects you are familiar with.

Let me write it again for you:

"Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World)."

I'd advise reading posts more carefully, as you can end up looking like a pillock.

Na Khraaap.

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My brother had something similar happen to him but he lived though he was never the same. The guy got 3.5 years in wrong jail for him my brothers good buddy was serving time in same place. The guy that destroyed my brothers life ended serving his time in a wheelchair. And still in it years later. My brother passed away because of medicine he took to keep him alive was cancer causing.

An eye for an eye simply does NOT work. Death sentence does NOT work. Frustrating it may be, but the only thing that will work is raising our children with empathy. Yet excesses like this horrible murder will happen again. We can only try to make it happen less. There are no quick solutions.

Of course it works. Perp gets executed and can't bother anybody again.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wish I never watched that video.

It should serve as a warning. don`t get into any road rage disputes in Thailand.

I cant understand why the older man did not fight back the out come may of been a lot different, you generally find people are not so willing to continue kicking you if you fight back. poor man was a victim. RIP

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wish I never watched that video.

It should serve as a warning. don`t get into any road rage disputes in Thailand.

I cant understand why the older man did not fight back the out come may of been a lot different, you generally find people are not so willing to continue kicking you if you fight back. poor man was a victim. RIP

Did you watch the video? His leg was trapped under his motorcycle and after he got kicked in the head the second time it looked like he was unconscious.

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My brother had something similar happen to him but he lived though he was never the same. The guy got 3.5 years in wrong jail for him my brothers good buddy was serving time in same place. The guy that destroyed my brothers life ended serving his time in a wheelchair. And still in it years later. My brother passed away because of medicine he took to keep him alive was cancer causing.

An eye for an eye simply does NOT work. Death sentence does NOT work. Frustrating it may be, but the only thing that will work is raising our children with empathy. Yet excesses like this horrible murder will happen again. We can only try to make it happen less. There are no quick solutions.

The death penalty does not work 100% as a deterrent but it does work 100% to prevent repeat offenders.

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What gets me more mad is the people that walked away, or stood there as it happened. Such low respect. The girl on the bike of the victim walked away. The girl on the bike of the assaulter at least once tried to intervene, but gave up.

This Thai culture, they dont get involved, to frightened of retribution. Up to them not my business, Its their Society in a nut shell , You may think your a knight in shining armor

and come to the rescue but you would probably get worse for interfering becasue you are a foreigner. Its not nice standing and watching some one get set apone knowing

that if you interfere the Thais come out of the wood work to kick you to death.

Edited by Thongkorn
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I can totally understand getting upset to the point of WANTING to hit/kick/injure someone but something inside of me REFRAINED from actually doing it. Barbaric pre-historic animal. Sadly, I've seen many videos depicting the same. RIP to the deceased and my best wishes to your hopeful long prison term.

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Many reactions here, so this incident is quite bothering us, because we all have seen the the uncontrolled severe actions of younger Thai men.

They often result in death.

If we only take the traffic, it happens all the time, it only does not result in murder. Attempted murder? yes all the time.

For that reason, and of course the underlying reasons, I have decided to leave, and left.

Thailand has disappointmented me, and that is an understatement,

and smiling madame TAT keep on shoving it under your thainess carpet, untill there isn't a carpet anymore big enough.

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The boredom and futility of poverty is often cured with cheap whiskey and drugs. There are lot of very angry people here. Don't do anything that even remotely looks aggressive out there!

None of us are prepared for that level of angry and hatred!

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Agree. Thais are very frustrated. They see "rich" falangs living high, they have little pocket money, anybody outside of the white collar world has few opportunities, corruption is rampant.

There's plenty of rich thai folk knocking around too mate.

and plenty more rich Chinese.

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Makes me wonder how many Thais are seething with this level of anger under the surface.

Unfortunately there are a lot of them like this. You see it everyday caught on camera. How many do we NOT see which are NOT caught on camera. There is so little regard for life in this country and this includes the government with their total disregard for traffic deaths. All they do is talk about doing something, but they never do.

How about the story of the old man who stomped his 40 something lover to death at a party the other day because she wouldn't give him 100 baht she had earned that day for helping wash dishes or something and not one person lifted a hand to help her. This is a very sick country and I can't wait to leave as soon as a few lose ends are tied up.

Agreed..process of selling my bikes--tixs booked--out in 10 days--check bin krup!

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...blah...blah...happens everywhere...blah blah...

You apologists should be ashamed!

Those pointing out it happens everywhere, which it does, aren't apologizing for anything. They are pointing out the that race and nationality are not moderating factors on despicable psychopathic murderers. The fact this piece of shit is Thai is not material to the fact he's a piece of shit who, if convicted under due process, should be executed or serve life without parole in prison. Unfortunately people like him exist all over the world and in many liberal political correct regimes get better treatment than their victims.

Not a hard concept to understand is it?

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Looking at this, and how callously and methodically this sub human goes about killing a much older man trapped under a motor bike is sickening. The victim's passenger walks off, presumably scared she might be next. The murderer's passenger makes a token attempt to stop him then simply watches.

When you see things like this you can totally understand why the Aussie Yacht Master pulled a pocket knife to defend himself against some nightclub bouncers who were intent on giving him a kicking.

I remember reading about the development of the US in the 19th century and people writing that in any fight at that time, you had to consider it a life or death fight. Thailand is like that. Get into a fight with Thai men, for whatever reason, and you have to be prepared to fight for your life. which they'll take without thinking about it.

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...blah...blah...happens everywhere...blah blah...

You apologists should be ashamed!

Those pointing out it happens everywhere, which it does, aren't apologizing for anything. They are pointing out the that race and nationality are not moderating factors on despicable psychopathic murderers. The fact this piece of shit is Thai is not material to the fact he's a piece of shit who, if convicted under due process, should be executed or serve life without parole in prison. Unfortunately people like him exist all over the world and in many liberal political correct regimes get better treatment than their victims.

Not a hard concept to understand is it?

Actually, THIS specific piece of excrement is THAI, it happened in THAILAND, this is THAIvisa and we are discussing THAI matters.

Following your logic, you may as well stop complaining so harshly about Thaksin, Yingluk and the other morons in that pack, because ...hey...there are bad and corrupt politicians everywhere, so...

Again: THai- guy, Thaivisa, Thai happening...focus on the Thai-aspect!

Not a hard concept to understand, is it?

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Sorry to say this , but this is normal in Thailand. How many killings do we have each year , it's too many to count.

Mix some drugs and alcohol into a young Thai brain and this is the outcome.

That's why you should just shut up and never provoke anyone here.

And further stay as far away as you can from relationships or interactions with Thai men. The successful foreigners I know here from all countries (Asian and Western) -- ALL do not have any significant dealings or friendships with Thai men. There seems to be an acknowledgement that it's not worth the risk.

Just don't mix well. Oil and water

Not all Thai men. Family is ok, as they have been vetted by the wise women. And the ones who've spent significant time outside Thailand tend to be ok as well. The homegrown variety you don't know .. steer well clear.

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I was attacked a few years ago in Jomtien by a Thai guy in his 40s who had a fit of road rage, and I told the story here on Thaivisa.

Here below is the link, in case my frightening experience can help some foreigners (especially newcomers) understand that when Thai people (especially men) lose it, they lose it big time. There's no such thing as a fair fight in this country, except on the boxing ring. Their brain switches off completely and once they get started they're quite ready to kill you.

The guy was not some young Esarn hillbilly, he was obviously a well-off and mature big shot of some kind (quite possibly in the uniformed lot, and I don't mean security guard or 7/11 staff, lol).


Edited by Yann55
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...blah...blah...happens everywhere...blah blah...

You apologists should be ashamed!

Those pointing out it happens everywhere, which it does, aren't apologizing for anything. They are pointing out the that race and nationality are not moderating factors on despicable psychopathic murderers. The fact this piece of shit is Thai is not material to the fact he's a piece of shit who, if convicted under due process, should be executed or serve life without parole in prison. Unfortunately people like him exist all over the world and in many liberal political correct regimes get better treatment than their victims.

Not a hard concept to understand is it?

Actually, THIS specific piece of excrement is THAI, it happened in THAILAND, this is THAIvisa and we are discussing THAI matters.

Following your logic, you may as well stop complaining so harshly about Thaksin, Yingluk and the other morons in that pack, because ...hey...there are bad and corrupt politicians everywhere, so...

Again: THai- guy, Thaivisa, Thai happening...focus on the Thai-aspect!

Not a hard concept to understand, is it?

And in order to contextualize it, comparisons with other countries are important.

Your closed narrow mind only enables you to think in tramlines, so yes, these are actually hard concepts for you to understand. Don't take offence, those who never had the chance at higher education often cannot conceptualize or contextualize.

Once again, just for you, - there are bad people and good people all over the world, in all races and nationalities. Therefore race and nationality are not singularly moderating factors on human behavior. Indeed whether you are considering murder, violence or criminal behavior. Culture affects behavior and attitudes, such as views of authority, acceptable norms etc., and different attitudes can be noted at different historical times.

Unfortunately your sentence about logic confirms only your inability to differentiate between logic and sophistry; as your inappropriate use of capitals shows your inability to understand the forum rules.

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...blah...blah...happens everywhere...blah blah...

You apologists should be ashamed!

Those pointing out it happens everywhere, which it does, aren't apologizing for anything. They are pointing out the that race and nationality are not moderating factors on despicable psychopathic murderers. The fact this piece of shit is Thai is not material to the fact he's a piece of shit who, if convicted under due process, should be executed or serve life without parole in prison. Unfortunately people like him exist all over the world and in many liberal political correct regimes get better treatment than their victims.

Not a hard concept to understand is it?

Actually, THIS specific piece of excrement is THAI, it happened in THAILAND, this is THAIvisa and we are discussing THAI matters.

Following your logic, you may as well stop complaining so harshly about Thaksin, Yingluk and the other morons in that pack, because ...hey...there are bad and corrupt politicians everywhere, so...

Again: THai- guy, Thaivisa, Thai happening...focus on the Thai-aspect!

Not a hard concept to understand, is it?

And in order to contextualize it, comparisons with other countries are important.

Your closed narrow mind only enables you to think in tramlines, so yes, these are actually hard concepts for you to understand. Don't take offence, those who never had the chance at higher education often cannot conceptualize or contextualize.

Once again, just for you, - there are bad people and good people all over the world, in all races and nationalities. Therefore race and nationality are not singularly moderating factors on human behavior. Indeed whether you are considering murder, violence or criminal behavior. Culture affects behavior and attitudes, such as views of authority, acceptable norms etc., and different attitudes can be noted at different historical times.

Unfortunately your sentence about logic confirms only your inability to differentiate between logic and sophistry; as your inappropriate use of capitals shows your inability to understand the forum rules.

You don't know me or anything about me and for sure not, what kind of education I may or may not have.

So tell me: why is it important to contextualize it and compare it to other countries?

If this article would be about shop-lifting or smoking in a no-smoking zone, would anyone feel the urge to point out, that it "doesn't only happen in Thailand"?

We all know, that road rage is not only happening in Thailand.

Everybody knows that!

Even the people who "thai-bash" know that!

Why does it have be pointed out over and over again, if not for the reason of "yeah...it happened here...but look over there!"?

...and why do we never hear that, if/when any Thai does something good?

Why no "no big deal...people in other countries do that as well"?

You know the answer, I know the answer!

So spare me your condescending BS!

Have a good day!

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...blah...blah...happens everywhere...blah blah...

You apologists should be ashamed!

Those pointing out it happens everywhere, which it does, aren't apologizing for anything. They are pointing out the that race and nationality are not moderating factors on despicable psychopathic murderers. The fact this piece of shit is Thai is not material to the fact he's a piece of shit who, if convicted under due process, should be executed or serve life without parole in prison. Unfortunately people like him exist all over the world and in many liberal political correct regimes get better treatment than their victims.

Not a hard concept to understand is it?

Actually, THIS specific piece of excrement is THAI, it happened in THAILAND, this is THAIvisa and we are discussing THAI matters.

Following your logic, you may as well stop complaining so harshly about Thaksin, Yingluk and the other morons in that pack, because ...hey...there are bad and corrupt politicians everywhere, so...

Again: THai- guy, Thaivisa, Thai happening...focus on the Thai-aspect!

Not a hard concept to understand, is it?

And in order to contextualize it, comparisons with other countries are important.

Your closed narrow mind only enables you to think in tramlines, so yes, these are actually hard concepts for you to understand. Don't take offence, those who never had the chance at higher education often cannot conceptualize or contextualize.

Once again, just for you, - there are bad people and good people all over the world, in all races and nationalities. Therefore race and nationality are not singularly moderating factors on human behavior. Indeed whether you are considering murder, violence or criminal behavior. Culture affects behavior and attitudes, such as views of authority, acceptable norms etc., and different attitudes can be noted at different historical times.

Unfortunately your sentence about logic confirms only your inability to differentiate between logic and sophistry; as your inappropriate use of capitals shows your inability to understand the forum rules.

You don't know me or anything about me and for sure not, what kind of education I may or may not have.

So tell me: why is it important to contextualize it and compare it to other countries?

If this article would be about shop-lifting or smoking in a no-smoking zone, would anyone feel the urge to point out, that it "doesn't only happen in Thailand"?

We all know, that road rage is not only happening in Thailand.

Everybody knows that!

Even the people who "thai-bash" know that!

Why does it have be pointed out over and over again, if not for the reason of "yeah...it happened here...but look over there!"?

...and why do we never hear that, if/when any Thai does something good?

Why no "no big deal...people in other countries do that as well"?

You know the answer, I know the answer!

So spare me your condescending BS!

Have a good day!

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