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How to get a visa to stay in Thailand definitely at any age.

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So many people here have worries or troubles with visas and immigration rules, but it is a totally legal way to live here to the ones really interested in be part of Thailand life. How?

Having a business in between the Labor Dept rules for foreigners, profitable or not, and getting your work permit.

If you have a Thai girl friend, trusted Thai friends, or are married to a Thai woman.....you can register a limited partnership to do business in between one of the activities allowed by the Labor Dept and getting a work permit...without any help of lawyers or visa service, and with little money.

To register that company will cost you not more than 5000 thb doing it by your self in any DBD local office, without showing much capital or funds. The site for the company can be your own residence, or a small shop that can be rented for less than 5000 thb/month in most cities.

Every year, making or not making real profits, and paying not more than 5000thb, a CPA will do your company taxes every year showing profits. By Thai taxes rules, your company will pay taxes only after making the first 300.000 thb profit a year....It is your choice if needs to show more profit and pay taxes to probe more income....or even qualify the company and its partners for getting credit.. Just remember to deposit in your bank account every month the minimum money need it to qualify for the type of visa extension,

In every country is illegal not to pay taxes, but is totally legal to show profit or income to pay taxes, real or not.

Example: If you are 40% part of a Thai limited partnership, and every year the company declares a 1mill net profit, your income for the year will legally be 400.000 thb. If you are married with a Thai wife, you will be qualify to get a marriage extension...or a work permit if the company declares that you are an employee receiving over 60.000 thb/month. If the company need to hire That people to qualify you for the work permit, that is not a problem, working or not, getting paid or not. To register employees in Thailand's Social Security cost 1500 thb/year.

You, with the help of your Thai friends, and a CPA, can place a Thai company to help you to stay legally here, and even starting a business if interested. Import/export, farang food shop, foreign business consulting, etc, etc. Use your imagination, and your math, and welcome to Thailand.

Edited by BKResort
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hats off if you succeeded doing it that way.

minimum capital for an LTD is 2.000.000 with 25% liberation requirement.

so there is a significant liability risk if anyone else is trusted with an authorized signature, regardless if capital has been liberated or not.

this is also true if you hold 40%, which means you will be required to cover debt up to 800.000 baht if an authorized sole signatory engages company funds.

labor department and immigration police directives differ from one changwat to another, but labor department will want to inspect the company premises at least onece to make sure there really is an office or a workplace there, and immigration will inspect yearly (at least Chonburi immigration does).

then there is the minimum salary requirement of up to 50.000 baht per month, depending on which country the work permit holder comes from. personal income tax needs to be paid on this amount (about 2500 baht per month).

then there is the minimum of 4 thai staff per work permit, the thai staff needs to be on the payroll and at least their social security fund contribution paid.

then the process of applying/renewing the work permit and extension of stay of the B Visa (which needs to be obtained abroad) is a proper PITA.

the list of required documents is 21 items long of certified copy of this, of that, tax returns, accounting, lists, etc. This is best outsourced to an accountant or lawyer.

I'm not saying the way you describe is impossible, but I would rate the total expected costs at about 10.000 baht per month plus 15 to 25k yearly to "expedite" the extension of stay procedures.

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"In every country is illegal not to pay taxes..."

Without a qualifying statement on that post, it's not true.

"To register employees in Thailand's Social Security cost 1500 thb/year."

What is the 1500 baht a year for?

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too many things do not match...

starting with the title "to stay in Thailand definitely at any age." => nothing is definitely for foreigners, as the extension of stay has to be renewed every year, no matter work, marriage, retirement

second when you talk about "married to a Thai woman" => why go down all the hassle with company set-up and requirements for that? 400K on bank and some paperwork every year gives you the same "definite" stay as the work permit

finally you write ". If the company need to hire That people to qualify you for the work permit, that is not a problem, working or not, getting paid or not." => this sounds pretty much like an illegal circumvention of the laws in order to get your WP and as Mario outlined, if immigration or labour departement checks on your company, the only "definite" you might see is the door of the holding cell at IDC...

"Use your imagination.." => yep, do that and think about the consequences of setting up phony companies...

I think the OP may mean, "How...to stay in Thailand indefinitely...".

Broadly though, I agree with your critique of the OP's post. The annals of foreigners in Thailand finding what they think are good ways to circumvent the law but which turn out badly are fairly extensive.

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Why doesn't your post just read, "How to rort the System and do not get caught." It would be more applicable than what you are on about here. If you want to stay, do it like thousands of others do, legally.. Then you won't have to worry about that dreaded knock on the door in the late or early hours of the day. Oh, I forgot, some of your customers are from police and immigration. So what are you trying to tell us with this little tid bit?

Edited by Si Thea01
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I guess fuzzy math applies and you imply to not follow the rules. 4 employees @ 9000 plus ss 9450x4 = 37,800 + 50,000 for a B visa if not married and taxes are done monthly in thailand and bi-yearly so lets round it off to 100,000 a month to get a wp. Please pm name of a real Accountant fakr 5000 a year... the post is ridiculous

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I like statistics, and I can tell that 80% of people in this forum is negative, specially when referring to Thailand, Immigration, politics, and women.

I will like to believe that the reason is because most lives in tourist towns, living and spending like tourist do, and not interested in make local friends and to learn and integrates into Thai culture and community.

What I said here, is exactly what I do for the last 3 years without any problem, and again, is TOTALLY LEGAL. Some of our clients in our shop are officers from the local Police and Immigration.

In my case, I have marriage extension and work permit, and our company is a Limited Partnership Company with 500000thb stated capital, without the needs of showing or having it. We live very well with our annual 500000 thb net profit, happy in paying taxed, hiring a couple of happy helpers, and keep growing. But, here, some people's opinion and comments shows a total ignorance of Thai laws and rules.

Anyway. If you really live here for some years, and do not have Thai good friends and connections, you are living in the wrong country....or you still a tourist. Your choice.

Setting up a business just as a legal means to stay in Thailand seems to be a little too much work. We set up a business to make money. Dealing with Thai immigration was galling where Cambodia is easy. We can service Thailand from Cambodia where we can hire anybody, including Thais, without issue and it is affordable.

Thailand use to be great and we work with many fine people there today, but why bother setting up a business there ? There are other choices out there, and pandering to all that is Thai may not be good for you or the country.

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I like statistics, and I can tell that 80% of people in this forum is negative, specially when referring to Thailand, Immigration, politics, and women.

I will like to believe that the reason is because most lives in tourist towns, living and spending like tourist do, and not interested in make local friends and to learn and integrates into Thai culture and community.

What I said here, is exactly what I do for the last 3 years without any problem, and again, is TOTALLY LEGAL. Some of our clients in our shop are officers from the local Police and Immigration.

In my case, I have marriage extension and work permit, and our company is a Limited Partnership Company with 500000thb stated capital, without the needs of showing or having it. We live very well with our annual 500000 thb net profit, happy in paying taxed, hiring a couple of happy helpers, and keep growing. But, here, some people's opinion and comments shows a total ignorance of Thai laws and rules.

Anyway. If you really live here for some years, and do not have Thai good friends and connections, you are living in the wrong country....or you still a tourist. Your choice.

"I have marriage extension and work permit"

They (immigration) told me that you should have a non b visa for a work permit, not a marriage extension.

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I like statistics, and I can tell that 80% of people in this forum is negative, specially when referring to Thailand, Immigration, politics, and women.

I will like to believe that the reason is because most lives in tourist towns, living and spending like tourist do, and not interested in make local friends and to learn and integrates into Thai culture and community.

What I said here, is exactly what I do for the last 3 years without any problem, and again, is TOTALLY LEGAL. Some of our clients in our shop are officers from the local Police and Immigration.

In my case, I have marriage extension and work permit, and our company is a Limited Partnership Company with 500000thb stated capital, without the needs of showing or having it. We live very well with our annual 500000 thb net profit, happy in paying taxed, hiring a couple of happy helpers, and keep growing. But, here, some people's opinion and comments shows a total ignorance of Thai laws and rules.

Anyway. If you really live here for some years, and do not have Thai good friends and connections, you are living in the wrong country....or you still a tourist. Your choice.

"I have marriage extension and work permit"

They (immigration) told me that you should have a non b visa for a work permit, not a marriage extension.

One is eligible to obtain a work permit while on a marriage extension.

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I forgot to say that I didn't have any money to deposit in a bank, or the minimum income to apply for any extension, retirement or marriage, and not chance in getting a job to get the work permit....but I wanted to stay here, and I had to think how..and legally.

My posting was directed to people in the same kind of situation, young and old people.

Now the business, and the wife, is giving me all that and more. A lot more.

Edited by BKResort
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too many things do not match...

starting with the title "to stay in Thailand definitely at any age." => nothing is definitely for foreigners, as the extension of stay has to be renewed every year, no matter work, marriage, retirement

second when you talk about "married to a Thai woman" => why go down all the hassle with company set-up and requirements for that? 400K on bank and some paperwork every year gives you the same "definite" stay as the work permit

finally you write ". If the company need to hire That people to qualify you for the work permit, that is not a problem, working or not, getting paid or not." => this sounds pretty much like an illegal circumvention of the laws in order to get your WP and as Mario outlined, if immigration or labour departement checks on your company, the only "definite" you might see is the door of the holding cell at IDC...

"Use your imagination.." => yep, do that and think about the consequences of setting up phony companies...

Fully agree with you Swiss1960. Deliberate circumnavigation of your host Countries laws is not cool, even if you don't agree with such law. There was a guy on here a couple of days ago bragging about how he went to Poipet to renew his visa, he walked out of Thai Imm. into Cambodia, and back into the entrance of Thai Imm. without getting a Cambodian Visa. Bully for him, he basically stole 30USD from the Cambodian people, there is no excuse for such behaviour, and it's no wonder we (farang) are all lumped together by some Thai people as being a group of people to watch carefully, and heavily control.

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I'm a German pensioner.

I wanted to marry my Thai gf in 2013 to get her and her daughter out of the bar girl trap. Had enough money and property to do that. I lent some of my money for a short time to Germans, some German took my property so I could sell it, a bank supplied me with new cards before I moved over to Thailand in December 2013.

When I was here, the bank cards wouldn't work. When I complained, no one in the bank felt responsible. When I insisted to get the problem fixed, they called the police (I was 9,500 km away). Then they cancelled my bank account, so my pensions didn't get in. I had to go back to Germany to get it fixed, eventually got robbed by some German criminals over there. The Germans that owed me money escaped, the German that had my physical property refused communication.

Now I'm here, but my money and property is still in Germany. I went to court, no reaction so far except some threats to call the police again if I insist and dare to come back to Germany. Guess they are afraid I would kill them.

Once again, I still have money and property worth more than 1 MB - just in the wrong country.

Any way to get a permanent permit to stay in Thailand?

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Fully agree with you Swiss1960. Deliberate circumnavigation of your host Countries laws is not cool, even if you don't agree with such law. There was a guy on here a couple of days ago bragging about how he went to Poipet to renew his visa, he walked out of Thai Imm. into Cambodia, and back into the entrance of Thai Imm. without getting a Cambodian Visa. Bully for him, he basically stole 30USD from the Cambodian people, there is no excuse for such behaviour, and it's no wonder we (farang) are all lumped together by some Thai people as being a group of people to watch carefully, and heavily control.

The fact there are loopholes says that the law was poorly written to begin with - and possibly should not even be a law.

And don't equate not paying for something you don't take as stealing.(What despot country do you hail from?) People are free to make their own individual decisions and will get judged by their own actions, not the actions of others.

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I'm a German pensioner.

I wanted to marry my Thai gf in 2013 to get her and her daughter out of the bar girl trap. Had enough money and property to do that. I lent some of my money for a short time to Germans, some German took my property so I could sell it, a bank supplied me with new cards before I moved over to Thailand in December 2013.

When I was here, the bank cards wouldn't work. When I complained, no one in the bank felt responsible. When I insisted to get the problem fixed, they called the police (I was 9,500 km away). Then they cancelled my bank account, so my pensions didn't get in. I had to go back to Germany to get it fixed, eventually got robbed by some German criminals over there. The Germans that owed me money escaped, the German that had my physical property refused communication.

Now I'm here, but my money and property is still in Germany. I went to court, no reaction so far except some threats to call the police again if I insist and dare to come back to Germany. Guess they are afraid I would kill them.

Once again, I still have money and property worth more than 1 MB - just in the wrong country.

Any way to get a permanent permit to stay in Thailand?

You still have property in Germany that is worth less than 1 million Thai baht..<deleted>

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too many things do not match...

starting with the title "to stay in Thailand definitely at any age." => nothing is definitely for foreigners, as the extension of stay has to be renewed every year, no matter work, marriage, retirement

second when you talk about "married to a Thai woman" => why go down all the hassle with company set-up and requirements for that? 400K on bank and some paperwork every year gives you the same "definite" stay as the work permit

finally you write ". If the company need to hire That people to qualify you for the work permit, that is not a problem, working or not, getting paid or not." => this sounds pretty much like an illegal circumvention of the laws in order to get your WP and as Mario outlined, if immigration or labour departement checks on your company, the only "definite" you might see is the door of the holding cell at IDC...

"Use your imagination.." => yep, do that and think about the consequences of setting up phony companies...

Orange juice with the morning coffee.

The original post , I don't think so. I want to do something legal, I hire a lawyer.

Wherever I am in the world.

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More than a million THB. A flat, furniture, music equipment, etc. Plus debt claims and compensation charges.

In Thailand, payments for school are due (for my gf's daughter). My gf needs a little money for her new food shop. Shop is paid, but nothing there to sell.

We're simply running out of time.

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Fortunately my pensions are enough to meet the requirement for another one-year visa every year.

My claims and property in Germany are for sin sod, but - most important - for a better future for my gf's daughter.

Guess I'll get an additional job, and probably the same again: only Thais (if any) will trust me with credit.

OK, I made my choice for Thailand. But I'll tell it to the world that Farang Imperialism eventually treats its own citizens like enemies if they emigrate.

Hopefully I can become a Thai citizen one day.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Fortunately my pensions are enough to meet the requirement for another one-year visa every year.
My claims and property in Germany are for sin sod, but - most important - for a better future for my gf's daughter.
Guess I'll get an additional job, and probably the same again: only Thais (if any) will trust me with credit.
OK, I made my choice for Thailand. But I'll tell it to the world that Farang Imperialism eventually treats its own citizens like enemies if they emigrate.

Hopefully I can become a Thai citizen one day.

Wonderful stuff !

Thank you for sharing !

Be aware that if that "visa" is, in reality, an "extension of stay" based on retirement "work" is not permitted and would be illegal ! smile.png

Illegal working can result in fines, imprisonment and deportation !

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whistling.gif How to get a long stay visa for Thailand.

Easy question.

Have a valid reason for such a visa..... something useful to Thailand or beneficial to Thailand.

Not just be a drunken bar rag chasing girls around bars in Pattaya or some such tourist trap.

Or get a job that contributes some benefit to Thailand.

Or be old enough to retire to Thailand by having the financial requirements to retire.

It's really easy to find ways to do it..... but boozer loser drunks don't qualify

Note: This is not a critical response against anybody..... just a statement of facts that apply.

I spent over 40 years until I 'earned" the supposed right to retire in Thailand.

And no, it was not always easy, fun, or fair to wait for that time.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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