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Coming soon! Eurovision 2015. The "officialThaivisa Eurovision 2015 thread.

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Eurovision ???

Terrilble and Dated and Tacky singers...

not for me, for sure...

You sure don't sound like the King of Fun!


Does camp ever get dated?


It seems AUSTRALIA is now part of the Eurovision contest!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, it's happening SOON.

Just started sampling the videos.

I'm starting at the the top odds ones.

So far, it seems like a better than average Eurovision year:


Have to admit I don't get how this song has good odds:

I always have to

I always have to clean
I always have to do the dishes
I always have to work
I always have to go to the doctor
I am not allowed to go to the computer
I am not allowed to watch television
I am not allowed to see my friends
I always have to be at home
I always have to do chores
I always have to eat well
I always have to drink well
I can't eat candy, drink soda,
I can't even drink alcohol
I always have to rest
I always have to sleep
I always have to wake up
I always have to shower

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Seminfinal 1 is happening 19 hours from now.

I sampled most of the songs and my impression has changed. Overall it seems just an average year or worse.

As far as the songs that clicked with me, on first hearing, there weren't many.

In fact in a number of cases just stopped midstream ... too boring.

First impression favorites:

Italy - Il Volo - Grande Amore (in Italian), this one could win


Estonia - Elina Born and Stig - Goodbye to Yesterday (in English)


Israel - Nadav Guedj - Golden Boy (in English) rehearsal


Oh, and welcome AUSTRALIA to Eurovision. Yippee!

Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again"


So if Australia wins does that really mean next year's contest would be in Australia?

Of course haven't seen the full staged performances yet.

Your own favorites?

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What is wrong with y'all?

Where is the Eurovision-mania on Thaivisa?

Anyway, I did find out that if Australia wins they won't be allowed to host and in that case the U.K. could host instead.

Two more with good odds of winning:

Sweden, music video version


Russia, music video version


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seems you are entertaining yourself on this thread...

and given how others normally jump the bandwagon on threads in "The Pub", it should give you few hints about the importance of this song screaming contest horror show to the rest of the TVF community...

would have to be paid A LOT to just consider watching this show... and am pissed that I have to pay for that BS program with my taxes for the Swiss television station...

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When is the final on?

How the hell is guy sebastian allowed in?, other than it is quite popular in oz?

Celebrates camped up euro style, something some just dont get,
hence the second replyfacepalm.gif

Some good music in there as well, always fun to watch.

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Semifinal 1:

Who got through ?

These 10 got through:


The happy 10 qualified for the Grand Final on Saturday: Armenia, Belgium, Greece, Estonia, Serbia, Hungary, Russia, Albania, Romania, Georgia

Finland, the one with the decent odds that I didn't understand they had (novelty act) did NOT get through.

It turns out the Estonia song is the most STICKY in my brain, so I'm happy they got through to the final but it doesn't seem the type of song that would win.


I reckon Russia is a serious player, very Eurovision winner sounding type song, will get lots of political votes, and one of the countries that would really like to HOST it next time.

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When is the final on?

How the hell is guy sebastian allowed in?, other than it is quite popular in oz?

Celebrates camped up euro style, something some just dont get,

hence the second replyfacepalm.gif

Some good music in there as well, always fun to watch.

I guess he got through because the Australian selection process picked him and his song.

Still time to move to the gay forum, you think? coffee1.gif

The 2nd semifinal is 21 May 21:00 Eurocamp time.

The FINAL 23 May 21:00 is Eurocamp time.

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seems you are entertaining yourself on this thread...

and given how others normally jump the bandwagon on threads in "The Pub", it should give you few hints about the importance of this song screaming contest horror show to the rest of the TVF community...

would have to be paid A LOT to just consider watching this show... and am pissed that I have to pay for that BS program with my taxes for the Swiss television station...

Aw shucks, how badly are you gonna miss that one small fraction of one Swiss Franc this cost you?

Are you so mean spirited that you'd begrudge your camp loving countrymen a little singing circus with their bread and cheese?

Sure the thread is looking like a dud, but who knows, we're heading towards the finals, it could heat up.

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Just listened to the Australia song and I like it!!

Just listened to the Polish one due to the young girl I work with in the office is Polish and quite like it but they hardly ever get to the finals.

Don't like the UK entry, we always let ourselves down sad.png

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Just listened to the Australia song and I like it!!

Just listened to the Polish one due to the young girl I work with in the office is Polish and quite like it but they hardly ever get to the finals.

Don't like the UK entry, we always let ourselves down sad.png

I agree the Aussie one is good and the UK one not so good (has no chance).

I think I may not have even heard the Polish one yet.

Aha, now I have.

Not too shabby.


I see they went the with the theme .... Building Bridges.

Wouldn't bet on it.

Politically, Australia has some zing because it's their first time (what a great welcome) and if they win next year may be hosted in the UK ... so UK song being weak some votes for a UK host might go to Australia.

More political dish ... heard some info that if the Israel song doesn't make the finals (it's coming up in Semifinal 2) then Israel won't be entering the contest anymore. I guess the feeling is that this year's song is strong (I totally agree) and there is no point in entering when you have a strong song (in what seems to me overall a weak year) and can't make the finals. We'll see. I will be very surprised if that song doesn't make the finals. It's a lot of fun.

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Will be interesting to see who goes through on next set of semi finals.....

I actually don't mind Russia's entry this yeat, think I will go to bookies and put a bet on Australia to win with it being their first time.

You can never tell who will win due to politics sometimes the voting is a joke.

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Come on UK....its time for Boyzone to make a comeback!

Boyzone are Irish? So would they not represent Ireland?
The rules are flexible. Didn't an American once win? Obviously not for the USA which has never been in it.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Of course it's not a pure talent contest. Always the political factor and also the formula winner factor. I don't see one super strong act as in some years.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My earliest memory of the Eurovision was watching Bucks Fizz win in the eighties, I remember I was sleeping at my nans and stayed up late to see the results.

Who as been your favourite winner Jingthing? Think mine is Jonny Logan "hold me now"

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I only discovered Eurovision in recent years living in Thailand. I had never heard of it growing it. Since then I have watched a lot of historical stuff and I can't really say I have one favorite winner.

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OK, Sweden is favored to win.

I can see why.

Sounds like a formula Eurovision winner song.

Maybe there is a computer program that spits them out in Sweden.

I really don't like it though.

Belgium, also in the running somewhat. Better:

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many years ago eurovision was good to look at because every country sang in their own language and there are many languages in europe

now almost every country sings in english which is very bad for the cultural richess

my country france at least until these last years sings always in french they are always among the last but i am proud they did nt become eurovision prostitutes

in singing in english the multi language europe has lost much of his richess with this bastard eurovision

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