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Second rice crop planting ban takes toll on farmers

Lite Beer

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And where is 50 year old rice farmer going to get a job ?

If all these rice paddies turned into veggie patches where would they be able to sell them and at what price ?

Start with the classifieds like most of us, or check out the Labour ministry? Provided they can read...

Sometimes when I read the comments on here I despair of being a member of the human race. My brother in law works damned hard and is struggling to make a living this year. He's getting on in years, how on earth can he uproot from his home in the sticks and get a job in the city amongst all the younger competition? Now, maybe nobody owes this guy a living but members on here could at least have a little sympathy for their fellow humans struggling to make ends meet.

Yours is the sort of comment I'd expect from an avid supporter of the junta.

Edited by jesimps
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Well, the least they should do is compensate them for not being allowed to grow.

Why compensate them? If somebody opened a shop in a bad area - didn't sell anything, then would they be able to ask the government for compensation?

I have been saying it for years - stop growing rice as it is unprofitable!! Either grow a different crop, maybe a more specialised niche crop, or find alternative employment.

Prayut might be good, but he has no control over rainfall patterns.

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You need to spend a year in the shoes of a rice farmer with both government and weather working against you before you have earned the right to criticize one.

In fact, I challenge some of you keyboard experts to spend one full, hot, day working in a rice field

I have done it and I respect and sympathise with them.

I wold bet that some of you older guys would literally not survive a full day working in the hot sun on a rice farm.wai2.gif

So many experts, so little knowledge...

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And where is 50 year old rice farmer going to get a job ?

If all these rice paddies turned into veggie patches where would they be able to sell them and at what price ?

Start with the classifieds like most of us, or check out the Labour ministry? Provided they can read...

Sometimes when I read the comments on here I despair of being a member of the human race. My brother in law works damned hard and is struggling to make a living this year. He's getting on in years, how on earth can he uproot from his home in the sticks and get a job in the city amongst all the younger competition? Now, maybe nobody owes this guy a living but members on here could at least have a little sympathy for their fellow humans struggling to make ends meet.

Yours is the sort of comment I'd expect from an avid supporter of the junta.

And what has he been doing with his income since he was in his 20s?

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Which of thailands nieghbours grows rice a lot better ?


Here is an article for you to read on Vietnam and rice gowing


Why Can’t Vietnam Grow Better Rice?

Although the country is a major rice exporter, the industry suffers from quality issues.

The quality of Vietnamese rice isn’t problematic just because it contains too many pesticides. While neighboring Thailand grows high-quality varieties like jasmine rice, which takes a whole year to harvest but sells in top-tier markets such as the United States and Japan, Vietnam produces lower-value types that can be grown more quickly. Thailand is currently facing its own rice crisis, as farmers unable to reap the economic benefits promised by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s subsidy program are increasingly withdrawing their political support for her government. After the Thai anti-corruption agency started an investigation into the subsidy program, China canceled a planned deal to buy Thai rice, but it’s unlikely that Vietnam will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to boost exports.

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You need to spend a year in the shoes of a rice farmer with both government and weather working against you before you have earned the right to criticize one.

In fact, I challenge some of you keyboard experts to spend one full, hot, day working in a rice field

I have done it and I respect and sympathise with them.

I wold bet that some of you older guys would literally not survive a full day working in the hot sun on a rice farm.wai2.gif

So many experts, so little knowledge...

Why would you have sympathy for somebody that chooses to do what they do for a living?

Not to burst your bubble but or try to say rice farmers dont have it hard, but Thailand is not the hottest sunniest place on this planet. Millions of people have worked every day, their entire lives in the sun doing more physical and technically demanding work than a rice farmer.

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Dear rice farmers!!

Maybe time to get a job??...................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>


Complain loudly, threaten to protest at the Government House and Prayut will throw some more subsidies and low cost loans with debt forgiveness. And this isn't limited to rice farmers. Prayut can't say "no" to rubber, palm oil, cassava, corn, and sugar cane farmers either. Prayut has probably initiated twice as many populist handouts to farmers in one year than during the term of any of the elected gpvernments.

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THAI MATHEMATICS - brilliant as always :

all together without reduction for 2nd crop - 9,55 mill tonnes !! is 100 %

as no 2nd crop - jharvest is down to 3,8 mill tonne - is about 40%

So :: the 2nd crop would bring 5,75 tonnes, which means 60% !! what a lie !!

everyone knows that 2nd crop brings about 40 to 50% less than the first crop !! lies, lies , lies!

Than just simple: 2,5 mill rai would bring 3,8 mill tonnes in first crop - that is 1,5 tonne per rai !!

farmers always claim, if they would not get subsidary in buying fertilicer - crop will bring only 600 to 700 kg per Rai,

with fertlicer 900 kg to a tonne,

( Vietnam have an average of 1.300 kg to 1.400, kg so which are the correct figures ??

Next : each farmer will loose 70.000,- bht

they mention farmers will loose about over all 25,6 bill thb, - so that means about 365.000 rice farmers are invoved -

so that means - ech farmer would loose : 5,75 bill tonnes // 365.000 farmers, each farmer would loose 15,t tonnes !

15,t tonnes - means min 150.000,- thb loss and not 70.000,-

and for 15, tonnes, each farmer would need min 15 to 20 Rai of land !

But a thai rice farmer have in average about 3 Rai of rice farming land !! where are this other 12 Rai per farmer ?

( encroched forest - or increased lies ??

Make your own conclusion !!

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Which of thailands nieghbours grows rice a lot better ?


Here is an article for you to read on Vietnam and rice gowing


Why Can’t Vietnam Grow Better Rice?

Although the country is a major rice exporter, the industry suffers from quality issues.

The quality of Vietnamese rice isn’t problematic just because it contains too many pesticides. While neighboring Thailand grows high-quality varieties like jasmine rice, which takes a whole year to harvest but sells in top-tier markets such as the United States and Japan, Vietnam produces lower-value types that can be grown more quickly. Thailand is currently facing its own rice crisis, as farmers unable to reap the economic benefits promised by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s subsidy program are increasingly withdrawing their political support for her government. After the Thai anti-corruption agency started an investigation into the subsidy program, China canceled a planned deal to buy Thai rice, but it’s unlikely that Vietnam will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to boost exports.

I am assuming your point is Vietnam only grows low grade rice.

Because you read one article from one author that makes all Vietnam rice low quality? You should keep reading and not cherry pick one article out to try and prove point. FYI Thailand grows 40 million tons of rice a year and only a small percentage of that is Jasmine (hom mali) rice.

And if it is about the pesticides used in rice production, you definitely need to keep reading.

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Rice farmers are a very complicated bunch.

They complain when they cant grow rice and complain even more when they do.

Your ignorance regarding rice growing in Thailand is encyclopedic.

I am quite certain you do not know me, and I am not sure how much knowledge I need to have about growing rice to have a opinion on observations I have made over the years. Maybe you can explain how my opinion is inaccurate.

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Great how those in cities think that farmers are so stupid that they have to be told that there isn't going to be enough water to grow a crop.

The rice farmers are well aware of the weather and drought conditions and will not go ahead and plant if there is not going to be enough water, they don't have to be told.

Conditions where I live on the central plain are the driest they have been in living memory, large ponds that are normally year round water sources have dried up long ago, yet as I travel round I see in other places there is still water and in those the farmers have ignored the suits and gone ahead and planted knowing full well they will have enough water for their crop.

Others have bore water which they can use and they have also planted and harvested a crop.

Great how those in cities think that farmers are so stupid that they have to be told that there isn't going to be enough water to grow a crop.

The rice farmers are well aware of the weather and drought conditions and will not go ahead and plant if there is not going to be enough water, they don't have to be told.

Maybe a tad to much credit given there.

Rice farmers in major plantation areas, especially the Central region, are ploughing ahead with a second crop, despite the threat of drought. Most say they're willing to take the chance due to attractive prices at this time.

"If I don't grow a second crop, I have no idea to grow any other plants or work in another career. My only experience is growing rice," he said. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/04/05/business/Farmers-in-central-region-planting-2nd-rice-crop-d-30126393.html


And that´s EXACTLY where we want you !!!

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trogers said

"And what has he been doing with his income since he was in his 20s? "

Probably paying for his family to be better off than himself

Where is his aged pension?

The pension is being deducted from all the tax he paid...... whistling.gif

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Start with the classifieds like most of us, or check out the Labour ministry? Provided they can read...

You're obviously NOT A THAI RICE FARMER, whose family has farmed Rice for generations!!

Please FH, don't under estimate the stupids on here who denigrate those whose farming efforts have been the backbone of the economy for generations.

trogers can probably read and perhaps even write, but how smug he must be to make such insulting and patronising comments about those whose hard and honest labour puts his rice on the table.

Some times the Fwits on TV are just too much.

Phil you have to admit the farming industry in Thailand has not not been keeping up with modern technology and practices, and the rice farmers seem to be the ones lagging behind the most. The govt of course is at fault in many ways. Instead of pushing subsidies to gain votes at election time, they should have been pushing for strains that produced higher yields, better methods, using less fertilizers, and helping to purchase machinery to lessen the burden of manual labor. As well as providing the ability to irrigate larger areas. But rice farmers themselves are equally at fault, while they were scrounging for more and more subsidies, their neighbors and the rest of the world got modern.

¨helping to purchase machinery to lessen the burden of manual labor.¨

So what do you do with the people that are no longer getting their 200 Baht a day with food? They only get the chance once (or twice) a year.....

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Start with the classifieds like most of us, or check out the Labour ministry? Provided they can read...

You're obviously NOT A THAI RICE FARMER, whose family has farmed Rice for generations!!

Please FH, don't under estimate the stupids on here who denigrate those whose farming efforts have been the backbone of the economy for generations.

trogers can probably read and perhaps even write, but how smug he must be to make such insulting and patronising comments about those whose hard and honest labour puts his rice on the table.

Some times the Fwits on TV are just too much.

Phil you have to admit the farming industry in Thailand has not not been keeping up with modern technology and practices, and the rice farmers seem to be the ones lagging behind the most. The govt of course is at fault in many ways. Instead of pushing subsidies to gain votes at election time, they should have been pushing for strains that produced higher yields, better methods, using less fertilizers, and helping to purchase machinery to lessen the burden of manual labor. As well as providing the ability to irrigate larger areas. But rice farmers themselves are equally at fault, while they were scrounging for more and more subsidies, their neighbors and the rest of the world got modern.

¨helping to purchase machinery to lessen the burden of manual labor.¨

So what do you do with the people that are no longer getting their 200 Baht a day with food? They only get the chance once (or twice) a year.....

Plenty of warehouses in Bangplee and Wangnoi areas looking for manual labour, and plenty of condos along Sukhumvit looking for cleaners.

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Start with the classifieds like most of us, or check out the Labour ministry? Provided they can read...

You're obviously NOT A THAI RICE FARMER, whose family has farmed Rice for generations!!

Please FH, don't under estimate the stupids on here who denigrate those whose farming efforts have been the backbone of the economy for generations.

trogers can probably read and perhaps even write, but how smug he must be to make such insulting and patronising comments about those whose hard and honest labour puts his rice on the table.

Some times the Fwits on TV are just too much.

Phil you have to admit the farming industry in Thailand has not not been keeping up with modern technology and practices, and the rice farmers seem to be the ones lagging behind the most. The govt of course is at fault in many ways. Instead of pushing subsidies to gain votes at election time, they should have been pushing for strains that produced higher yields, better methods, using less fertilizers, and helping to purchase machinery to lessen the burden of manual labor. As well as providing the ability to irrigate larger areas. But rice farmers themselves are equally at fault, while they were scrounging for more and more subsidies, their neighbors and the rest of the world got modern.

¨helping to purchase machinery to lessen the burden of manual labor.¨

So what do you do with the people that are no longer getting their 200 Baht a day with food? They only get the chance once (or twice) a year.....

Plenty of warehouses in Bangplee and Wangnoi areas looking for manual labour, and plenty of condos along Sukhumvit looking for cleaners.

Easier to send your daughter to Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket (unless you really owe the money lenders then Sakohn Nakohn, Nong Khai or somewhere will do).

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Now there is other use for water then growing rice my friend, a lot of people and animals need to drink to

but ok if one of them dont use then the other might have water enough

Great how those in cities think that farmers are so stupid that they have to be told that there isn't going to be enough water to grow a crop.

The rice farmers are well aware of the weather and drought conditions and will not go ahead and plant if there is not going to be enough water, they don't have to be told.

Conditions where I live on the central plain are the driest they have been in living memory, large ponds that are normally year round water sources have dried up long ago, yet as I travel round I see in other places there is still water and in those the farmers have ignored the suits and gone ahead and planted knowing full well they will have enough water for their crop.

Others have bore water which they can use and they have also planted and harvested a crop.

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I very much doubt any of the geniuses giving out advice here to the farmers would be anywhere near the position in life they are if they too were born into a rice farmers family.

Farmers worldwide have a tough life, and the job they do is essential as it provides cheap food for the masses. I know this is explaining the obvious but it seems some here do not understand the simplest simplest thing when it comes to the economics of food production.

Telling farmers to go get a job to better themselves is about as stupid a comment as could possibly be made.

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Is Thailand becoming a communist state where the govt is now dictating & controlling the free economy? There's certainly no dream for the poorest here.

Just work in the heat, hard work, hope your crop delivers but don't work in the fields for the rest of the year & oh by the way we won't support you if you've got no money.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Which of thailands nieghbours grows rice a lot better ?


Even they so much hated Cambodian, Burmese and Laotian growing more rice t/ha then this lazy Thais.


Those statistics are not the news, until 2010, but you could see a clear stagnation in the last years of it.

- Indonesia 5.02t/ha

- Laos 3.59t/ha

- Cambodia 2.97t/ha

- Myanmar 4.12t/ha

- Malaysia 3.64t/ha

- and now The Pride of Mankind Thailand 2.88t/ha

Any more questions, ask first Mr. Google..........

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Is Thailand becoming a communist state where the govt is now dictating & controlling the free economy? There's certainly no dream for the poorest here.

Just work in the heat, hard work, hope your crop delivers but don't work in the fields for the rest of the year & oh by the way we won't support you if you've got no money.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Apparently you missed the part about the drought.

That would mean the farmers problems are not so much about communism but the lack of available of water for the off season rice crop. Its one of those things that happen from time to time and every single farmer on this earth that is subjected to the sun, heat and hard work has to deal with occasionally.. It really isnt specific to Thailand.

Edited by dcutman
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Which of thailands nieghbours grows rice a lot better ?


Even they so much hated Cambodian, Burmese and Laotian growing more rice t/ha then this lazy Thais.


Those statistics are not the news, until 2010, but you could see a clear stagnation in the last years of it.

- Indonesia 5.02t/ha

- Laos 3.59t/ha

- Cambodia 2.97t/ha

- Myanmar 4.12t/ha

- Malaysia 3.64t/ha

- and now The Pride of Mankind Thailand 2.88t/ha

Any more questions, ask first Mr. Google..........

Very simple cause for the low yield. The high subsidised price for rice resulted in planting on any available fields farmers can find, by spreading seeds rather than dunking.

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I very much doubt any of the geniuses giving out advice here to the farmers would be anywhere near the position in life they are if they too were born into a rice farmers family.

Farmers worldwide have a tough life, and the job they do is essential as it provides cheap food for the masses. I know this is explaining the obvious but it seems some here do not understand the simplest simplest thing when it comes to the economics of food production.

Telling farmers to go get a job to better themselves is about as stupid a comment as could possibly be made.

There is surplus supply of rice for mankind. If these farmers cannot survive from farming such a cheap produce, either switch to a high value crop, or sell off the farm to someone who can.

Then get a job and buy cheap rice farmed by someone else.

Edited by trogers
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I very much doubt any of the geniuses giving out advice here to the farmers would be anywhere near the position in life they are if they too were born into a rice farmers family.

Farmers worldwide have a tough life, and the job they do is essential as it provides cheap food for the masses. I know this is explaining the obvious but it seems some here do not understand the simplest simplest thing when it comes to the economics of food production.

Telling farmers to go get a job to better themselves is about as stupid a comment as could possibly be made.

There is surplus supply of rice for mankind. If these farmers cannot survive from farming such a cheap produce, either switch to a high value crop, or sell off the farm to someone who can.

Then get a job and buy cheap rice farmed by someone else.

Nonsensical! You must be the only person in the world who thinks there is a surplus of rice in the world.

Even if it were anywhere near true, the person leaving farming would have to be replaced by someone else wouldnt they? or the amount of rice produced would go down and prices go up. Then the farmer who left his fields would also have to pay more for his rice and he would still be unhappy.

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