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What has become better here for us farangs?

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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

Disagree 100% about letting overseas rich people buy Thai land. It's caused nothing but trouble for local people in every country that allows foreign ownership of land.

If people want to own land they can naff off back home.

Denying foreign ownership of Thai land is one of the best things they do here, along with restricting work to certain occupations for foreigners.

Yup them darn foreigners keep putting that land in a suitcase and taking it home wid em.



But I gotta say that Australia is afraid that China is gonna put all that dirt on a boat and take it home. Australia is tightening scrutiny of foreign ownership in agriculture and real estate to combat public fears that Chinese investment is forcing up house prices and could potentially undermine the country’s food security.

If you agree with the economic policy genius that is doing Australia's agri business policy then go ahead and support no land ownership for foreigners.

forcing up house prices

Said it yourself.

Sorry I should have identified it better that was a quote about Australia and patently false if you think about it a bit. Look up real estate trusts and you will find that in almost any country foreigners can own land regardless of local backward laws. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_estate_investment_trust

Foreigners have been owning land in Thailand since forever.... Nothing in the law now or later will stop it. Maybe a little history about Chinese in Thailand would make it clearer. Do you really think all those new hotels in Bangkok and Pattaya are owned by Thai people?

Edited by lostoday
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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

none are so blind as those who close eyes an listen to what "truths" they are told to believe .

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In my life I've learned not to expect anything from anybody but always to stand on my own feet and make my own decisions.

I spend my own money here for my own pleasure and satisfaction and I would never expect any help from any government or any individual.

If you not able to even mention one thing then why your reply?

Mellow out man he is simply stating the way he feels which is the same as many of us do, nothing in the last six years has been done to make retirees more welcome, period. I stay here because the pros outweigh the cons. I am not a bugger off back home ex pat if you don't like it here.

However you must constantly watch your back and be prepared if you have a problem to be treated worse than dirt.

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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

wow you made a long list ....

Are you sure all these things on your list have been accomplished?

I not convinced all from your list weather accoplished or not was bringing us farangs any benefit.

The general doesn't need support he rules with might ..no debate or views required

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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

wow you made a long list ....

Are you sure all these things on your list have been accomplished?

I not convinced all from your list weather accoplished or not was bringing us farangs any benefit.

The general doesn't need support he rules with might ..no debate or views required

Look, I'm not going to pretend to be some expert on Thai politics, because I'm not.

But I can look beyond labels like "military junta" and "democratically elected" and evaluate the performance of a government.

Take for example, the supposed beacon of democratic freedom, America. The Supreme Court has ruled that "corporations are individuals" and stopped the Florida recount during the Gore-Bush Presidential election. Was that democratic? How about the House of Representatives and the Senate, where corruption scandals surface year after year, and sometimes 100's of millions of dollars are spent on election campaigns. Is this democratic? I have suspicions about whether the Federal Reserve is as uninfluenced politically as they claim to be as well.

For me, the turning point was seeing the faces of the humble Thai rice farmers (some of the poorest in Thailand) coming into the banks to finally receive their long promised and overdue payments for their crops. This only occurred after over a half a year of delays, which caused incredible hardship on some of the most vulnerable segments of Thai society. When I realized how they had been manipulated and exploited by the Taksin/Yingrak governments, I was outraged.

My sense is that the current government has the interests of the Thai populace in their heart, and is working towards social equality and advancement in ways that past "democratically elected" Thai governments only pretended to. Living out in the countryside, which is traditionally where much Red-shirt support originated, I can report that most people locally are relatively satisfied with the current government's performance, as am I.

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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

wow you made a long list ....

Are you sure all these things on your list have been accomplished?

I not convinced all from your list weather accoplished or not was bringing us farangs any benefit.

The general doesn't need support he rules with might ..no debate or views required

Look, I'm not going to pretend to be some expert on Thai politics, because I'm not.

But I can look beyond labels like "military junta" and "democratically elected" and evaluate the performance of a government.

Take for example, the supposed beacon of democratic freedom, America. The Supreme Court has ruled that "corporations are individuals" and stopped the Florida recount during the Gore-Bush Presidential election. Was that democratic? How about the House of Representatives and the Senate, where corruption scandals surface year after year, and sometimes 100's of millions of dollars are spent on election campaigns. Is this democratic? I have suspicions about whether the Federal Reserve is as uninfluenced politically as they claim to be as well.

For me, the turning point was seeing the faces of the humble Thai rice farmers (some of the poorest in Thailand) coming into the banks to finally receive their long promised and overdue payments for their crops. This only occurred after over a half a year of delays, which caused incredible hardship on some of the most vulnerable segments of Thai society. When I realized how they had been manipulated and exploited by the Taksin/Yingrak governments, I was outraged.

My sense is that the current government has the interests of the Thai populace in their heart, and is working towards social equality and advancement in ways that past "democratically elected" Thai governments only pretended to. Living out in the countryside, which is traditionally where much Red-shirt support originated, I can report that most people locally are relatively satisfied with the current government's performance, as am I.

In the land of the blind, one eye is king !

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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

wow you made a long list ....

Are you sure all these things on your list have been accomplished?

I not convinced all from your list weather accoplished or not was bringing us farangs any benefit.

The general doesn't need support he rules with might ..no debate or views required

Look, I'm not going to pretend to be some expert on Thai politics, because I'm not.

But I can look beyond labels like "military junta" and "democratically elected" and evaluate the performance of a government.

Take for example, the supposed beacon of democratic freedom, America. The Supreme Court has ruled that "corporations are individuals" and stopped the Florida recount during the Gore-Bush Presidential election. Was that democratic? How about the House of Representatives and the Senate, where corruption scandals surface year after year, and sometimes 100's of millions of dollars are spent on election campaigns. Is this democratic? I have suspicions about whether the Federal Reserve is as uninfluenced politically as they claim to be as well.

For me, the turning point was seeing the faces of the humble Thai rice farmers (some of the poorest in Thailand) coming into the banks to finally receive their long promised and overdue payments for their crops. This only occurred after over a half a year of delays, which caused incredible hardship on some of the most vulnerable segments of Thai society. When I realized how they had been manipulated and exploited by the Taksin/Yingrak governments, I was outraged.

My sense is that the current government has the interests of the Thai populace in their heart, and is working towards social equality and advancement in ways that past "democratically elected" Thai governments only pretended to. Living out in the countryside, which is traditionally where much Red-shirt support originated, I can report that most people locally are relatively satisfied with the current government's performance, as am I.

In the land of the blind, one eye is king !

Speaking from experience, no doubt. Well done.

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If they really wanted to make things easier they would make it easier for foreigners to stay and live long term, make visas simpler and for longer periods while reducing the cost. Make buying condos, land and housing easier.

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If they really wanted to make things easier they would make it easier for foreigners to stay and live long term, make visas simpler and for longer periods while reducing the cost. Make buying condos, land and housing easier.

But they don't so they won't and I, for one, don't blame them

Might have something to do with the fact that they want to make the lives of their own citizens easier first.

Fancy that

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To be quite honest I feel as "alien" as I always have here. I have become indifferent to their xenophobia. In more recent times I am certainly spending less time and money here and i guess that's a natural response these attitudes.

Well you know what they say,

If your not a reng ngarn dtang dow,

Your a ma noot dtang dow.

I got a nod & smile from swampy immigration couple of months ago. 1st time ever, made my day.

Only change I noticed.

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The "you can leave if you don't like it" people did not disappoint on this thread..

Sooo many thai defenders... too bad you can't really see the corruption, injustice and prejudice for what it is and stop supporting it...

Not sure who is worse, the farang thai defenders or the real offenders...

Now, back to the OP.

I don't have high expectations living here, but prejudice behavior does not have to be accepted... my country had it's share of that and it has changed and continues to have other problems and continues to change.

There are a few things that have become better... as some posters have listed...

AND guess why they have become better??? Because people sound off about it... it's that pressure that promotes change.

Sorry, but I have no respect for the weak farang who lay down and take the abuse and perpetuate the corrupt and prejudice behavior. I have much more respect for the thais that stand up for change.

Edited by Nowisee
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The "you can leave if you don't like it" people did not disappoint on this thread..

Sooo many thai defenders... too bad you can't really see the corruption, injustice and prejudice for what it is and stop supporting it...

Not sure who is worse, the farang thai defenders or the real offenders...

Now, back to the OP.

I don't have high expectations living here, but prejudice behavior does not have to be accepted... my country had it's share of that and it has changed and continues to have other problems and continues to change.

There are a few things that have become better... as some posters have listed...

AND guess why they have become better??? Because people sound off about it... it's that pressure that promotes change.

Sorry, but I have no respect for the weak farang who lay down and take the abuse and perpetuate the corrupt and prejudice behavior. I have much more respect for the thais that stand up for change.

What? What Thais have stood up for what change?

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Well to conclude : What has become better for us farangs over here ? Its sadly not a long list only 3 items.

1 Faster internet speed.

2 imported goodies are now more available.

3 And something about 7/11 shops for a new visa procedure service Thats all.

Maybe a next topic can be started like : what could Thailand improve for the Foreigners living/visiting in Thailand ?

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Well to conclude : What has become better for us farangs over here ? Its sadly not a long list only 3 items.

1 Faster internet speed.

2 imported goodies are now more available.

3 And something about 7/11 shops for a new visa procedure service Thats all.

Maybe a next topic can be started like : what could Thailand improve for the Foreigners living/visiting in Thailand ?

Yes, I have to say the last two posts are right on top of things you guys are really at the top of your game. Carry on.....

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Life is pretty easy here for farangs, so I'm not sure what improvements could be made specifically for us. One thing I'd like is to be able to buy one house to live in. But doesn't really bother me that I can't.

What changes would the OP like?

I'm not the OP, but I would like to see an end to the non emigrant thing and be more secure here instead of only being here on a year to year basis for expats who have Thai wifes, and are contributing to the Thai economy, and to stop this stupid 90 day reporting.

I would agree with automatic deportation of expats who prove to be undesirable in any way, ie, convicted of any crime, begging in the street etc.

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I don't expect special "things" for Farang's living in Thailand.

This is "Not Our Country", we live here becaued we want to.

The government's job is to take care of thier citizens.

You can always go home where your government will take care of you as a citizen.

Is it not also the governments job to look after the countrys economy?

Do what they can to attract decent expats to the country who will be an attribute?

Your last sentence, I see you are another member of the 'if you don't like it go

home' brigade.

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I don't expect special "things" for Farang's living in Thailand.

This is "Not Our Country", we live here becaued we want to.

The government's job is to take care of thier citizens.

You can always go home where your government will take care of you as a citizen.

Is it not also the governments job to look after the countrys economy?

Do what they can to attract decent expats to the country who will be an attribute?

Your last sentence, I see you are another member of the 'if you don't like it go

home' brigade.

Expats tend to vastly overestimate their importance to the home economy. We don't make much difference.

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Ask not what Thailand can do for you — ask what you can do for Thailand.

Not without a work permit, you can't! And that includes unpaid volunteering, also...

I wonder if Thai-bashing violates Thailand's labor laws as well. You have to admit that some people here seem to have turned it into a full-time job. cheesy.gif

Critisisim of Thais and Thailand is OK as long as you also state the many good things about them

which is much more than the bad.

The posters who only come on to be negative about Thailand and the Thai people,

want to get a life.

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I know what your saying, but Thailand don't really want us, they only want our money.

What else is it you think they should want from us?

The should appreciate what we are contributing to the economy, and treat us as such.

I think most posters will get my drift.

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Pathetic trolling thread. OP sets up for a major whine under the guise of a faux innocent question and when at first he doesn't get what he wants he disagrees with the responders.

You know what's coming mate ... if yer don't like it you can always etc

Excellent call K. Santi Suk clap2.gif

Are you members of the 'if you don't like it go home' brigade, on a recruitment drive?

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Ask not what Thailand can do for you — ask what you can do for Thailand.

Why should non immigrants do anything for the place?, apart from buying wives houses, cars and supporting her damn family of course

Any expat who supports his wifes family is only doing it so he can hold on to his 30 years younger wife, who will overlook the fact he is fat, ugly, tattooed etc.

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I don't expect special "things" for Farang's living in Thailand.

This is "Not Our Country", we live here becaued we want to.

The government's job is to take care of thier citizens.

You can always go home where your government will take care of you as a citizen.

Is it not also the governments job to look after the countrys economy?

Do what they can to attract decent expats to the country who will be an attribute?

Your last sentence, I see you are another member of the 'if you don't like it go

home' brigade.

Expats tend to vastly overestimate their importance to the home economy. We don't make much difference.

I would say we make ZERO difference to the people that actually make the rules. We matter to the people we support, but they don't count in LOS.

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I know what your saying, but Thailand don't really want us, they only want our money.

What else is it you think they should want from us?

The should appreciate what we are contributing to the economy, and treat us as such.

I think most posters will get my drift.

They show their appreciation by allowing us to stay provided we meet some fairly easy criteria.

I guess I am one of the "if you don't like it, get lost" brigade because none of us were brought here against our will.

You have a home country about which you - specifically - bitch relentlessly on the issue of immigrants and their "unchecked" proliferation through society.

Yet here you are, unable to see the irony in complaining that the Thais don't give you and tens of thousands of other similarly-aggrieved farangs the recognition and status you THINK you're entitled to just because you've married a local woman and put a few shekels in the till at Big C?

How arrogant and bwana.

It's as if you're doing the country a favour so they should roll out the red carpet for you and sprinkle flower petals under your feet as you walk.

I, for one, am delighted that the Thais don't allow foreigners to buy/own land.

If they want to own land, they can go home and buy. Oh sorry, what was that? Too expensive; can't afford it!! So the Thais should give us the opportunity to make a killing at the expense of pricing their own bloody citizens out of the market? Uh-huh rolleyes.gif

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I know what your saying, but Thailand don't really want us, they only want our money.

What else is it you think they should want from us?

The should appreciate what we are contributing to the economy, and treat us as such.

I think most posters will get my drift.

They show their appreciation by allowing us to stay provided we meet some fairly easy criteria.

I guess I am one of the "if you don't like it, get lost" brigade because none of us were brought here against our will.

You have a home country about which you - specifically - bitch relentlessly on the issue of immigrants and their "unchecked" proliferation through society.

Yet here you are, unable to see the irony in complaining that the Thais don't give you and tens of thousands of other similarly-aggrieved farangs the recognition and status you THINK you're entitled to just because you've married a local woman and put a few shekels in the till at Big C?

How arrogant and bwana.

It's as if you're doing the country a favour so they should roll out the red carpet for you and sprinkle flower petals under your feet as you walk.

I, for one, am delighted that the Thais don't allow foreigners to buy/own land.

If they want to own land, they can go home and buy. Oh sorry, what was that? Too expensive; can't afford it!! So the Thais should give us the opportunity to make a killing at the expense of pricing their own bloody citizens out of the market? Uh-huh rolleyes.gif

Why should u be against it? If u do not want to buy land in Thailand just do not buy it your self ..Maybe other foreigners do like to buy their own 1-2 rai here...Just like Thais can buy land plots in your country..Also if u max it to 1-2 rai pro foreigner only then it will boost thai economy surely.The max 1-2 rai pro foreigner will prevent any speculating.

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What else is it you think they should want from us?

The should appreciate what we are contributing to the economy, and treat us as such.

I think most posters will get my drift.

They show their appreciation by allowing us to stay provided we meet some fairly easy criteria.

I guess I am one of the "if you don't like it, get lost" brigade because none of us were brought here against our will.

You have a home country about which you - specifically - bitch relentlessly on the issue of immigrants and their "unchecked" proliferation through society.

Yet here you are, unable to see the irony in complaining that the Thais don't give you and tens of thousands of other similarly-aggrieved farangs the recognition and status you THINK you're entitled to just because you've married a local woman and put a few shekels in the till at Big C?

How arrogant and bwana.

It's as if you're doing the country a favour so they should roll out the red carpet for you and sprinkle flower petals under your feet as you walk.

I, for one, am delighted that the Thais don't allow foreigners to buy/own land.

If they want to own land, they can go home and buy. Oh sorry, what was that? Too expensive; can't afford it!! So the Thais should give us the opportunity to make a killing at the expense of pricing their own bloody citizens out of the market? Uh-huh rolleyes.gif

Why should u be against it? If u do not want to buy land in Thailand just do not buy it your self ..Maybe other foreigners do like to buy their own 1-2 rai here...Just like Thais can buy land plots in your country..Also if u max it to 1-2 rai pro foreigner only then it will boost thai economy surely.The max 1-2 rai pro foreigner will prevent any speculating.

I don't want rich foreigners to buy land in my country, so I can hardly support the right of farangs to buy land in LOS, can I?.

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I, for one, am delighted that the Thais don't allow foreigners to buy/own land.

If they want to own land, they can go home and buy. Oh sorry, what was that? Too expensive; can't afford it!! So the Thais should give us the opportunity to make a killing at the expense of pricing their own bloody citizens out of the market? Uh-huh rolleyes.gif

Why should u be against it? If u do not want to buy land in Thailand just do not buy it your self ..Maybe other foreigners do like to buy their own 1-2 rai here...Just like Thais can buy land plots in your country..Also if u max it to 1-2 rai pro foreigner only then it will boost thai economy surely.The max 1-2 rai pro foreigner will prevent any speculating.

If I had the option to buy land in Thailand, I probably would - it's not like I can't afford to, it's just that I don't think whitey should be able to come here and screw the country up for the locals by pricing them out of a relatively immature market

Thais can buy land in my country because it's a mature market in which most citizens can at least get funding to buy land/real estate so it's at least a relatively level playing field.

Nevertheless, the influx of rich Russians & Asians into Central London has caused daft price rises to spiral out to surrounding areas and even into once-affordable regions pricing out a generation of would-be homeowners so don't tell me it's harmless to allow farangs a few rai.


Anyway, look . . . it doesn't matter what you and I say here; the fact remains foreigners can't own or buy land in the Kingdom and I think the Thais have it just right.

Any farang who, for whatever reason, was unable to benefit/profit from the real estate bubble in his home country should just wait until the opportunity to buy cheap and plentiful property/land comes around again, then go home and fill his boots.

From what's going on in terms of economic/monetary policy around the world, they shouldn't have too long to wait.

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