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Whatever became of your first Thai girlfriend? After the break up..

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:
On ‎9‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 9:04 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

It's one or the other. 33 years old or a looker.

I agree, but sometimes you find one who is a looker for being 33. 

But it seems they don't like compliments. I told some of them: "You look not bad - for your age" but somehow they don't like compliments. ?

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On ‎9‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 10:11 PM, Thaidream said:

First trip  to Bsngkok from the US almost 50 years ago- young guy with about  $1000 cash in my pocket. First Thai girl I ever met was from a place called the Thai Heaven on Petchaburi Road-  this was a nightclub with 200 Thai  escorts all pretty girls who were available to 'date'.


I managed to spend the whole $1000 on girls from that place. Never bought anything other than beer and entertained ladies There was no Nana Plaza or Cowboy - there were a few places on Sukhumvit and some after hour places/ Hotel cost 50 Baht per night with air and TV.  Large Beer was 40 Baht.  Taxi's had no air conditioning and of course no one heard of a meter. Average farm girls or those working good jobs were afraid of foreigners and spoke no English.  They would smile and runaway.


I found the girls to be pretty; limited English and real smiles and  honest. The normal payment was - up to you.   I didn't speak any Thai but loved the place and vowed I would be back and retire in Thailand.


Fast forward almost 50 years- 3 marriages to Thai women- one divorce and one died and now married again to a Thai and retired in Thailand.  I have no idea of the sheer numbers of ladies that I have been entertained by- but  more than enough to gain an understanding of how they think and how they act-   I must say this -most have been up front but the ones who haven't cost me plenty- money and heartache. (80% Good- 20% Bad)


Would I do it all again- Oh- Hell yes!!!

Way back then, my first Thai girl "date" ended rather annoyingly when she refused to walk anywhere near me in public, lest Thais considered her a "hooker".

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Way back then, my first Thai girl "date" ended rather annoyingly when she refused to walk anywhere near me in public, lest Thais considered her a "hooker"

Yes- I remember this.  The girls would walk behind or in front but not with you as that would attract attention from the crowd.  Back then- Westerners were not that prominent and often stared at us- especially in the provinces where I  would guess some had never seen a foreigner before.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I take it you consider non hookers to be superior beings then. Strange attitude, considering the worst scumbag women in my life were not hookers, and some of the nicest were.

Gee, you seem to be trying to put words in my mouth. I said, " You can lead a hooker to culture, but you cannot make her think. "


I was simply making a pun; doing a play on words for, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.”  Meaning, you can present someone with an opportunity, but you cannot force them to take advantage of it.


Nowhere did I say or imply non-hookers were superior to hookers. I simply wanted to use the word, "W-h-o-r-e-s," because of its closeness to "horses," but thought better of it here on TV.


I too have known some good women who were hookers, and some of them still are. If you simply want a chuckle, poke and go, or a temporary reiteration of the CP&G; hookers fill the bill. Somewhat like a cold beer; you wouldn't buy a cold beer and go off to live happily ever after, would you? Once you have used the best part of it--the cold beer itself--you toss it away. Same-same after you use the best part of a hooker.


I am sorry you have had the worst relationships with women who were non-hookers. You are not alone, but I have to ask, were you not responsible for any of the problems?  No matter your response, I suggest entering a relationship with a hooker is a bad risk; the odds may not be with you.


All of my relationships with women have been with non-hookers and all have been good; some were better than others, but none of them ended in hatred and deceit. I believe it has a lot to do with what I think are the two requirements for a good relationship; honesty and communication. Without those, you're running a poor bet. 

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I never kept in touch or inquired about my first Thai GF.  I was too cut up after I found she'd hopped over to her (soon to be) husband before she'd even told me it was over.  Not even a single day of downtime.   The mother did call me some time later and told me that my former GF had become pregnant with her new husband and asked if I missed her.  Geez, the blood was still warm on the knife!  A friend of hers told me (though I wasn't asking) that she'd finally got her Honda Civic and was looking at some land in her village to build a house, but that she wasn't really that happy.  I think she was trying to elicit some response.  Anyhow that was more than a decade ago and hadn't given it much thought in a long time until the OP's question arose.


On year 9 of current relationship, and I think it will be my last (whether it continues to work or not).  It's no longer a romantic relationship (if it ever was), more like we work for each other and are a team.  I'd probably get a dog next time if I found myself getting lonely.



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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

I could not replace a human with a dog. Well if you someone blindly follow and act like dog, you should get a dog, and not a gf or wife. 

I said it would probably be my last relationship, not a dog replacing a wife.  Maybe I'd buy an insanely fast sports car and pretend I was 18 again, but the car wouldn't be replacing my wife either, more likely to mask some mid-life crisis which is well overdue.

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36 minutes ago, Shiver said:

I said it would probably be my last relationship, not a dog replacing a wife.  Maybe I'd buy an insanely fast sports car and pretend I was 18 again, but the car wouldn't be replacing my wife either, more likely to mask some mid-life crisis which is well overdue.

I guess it starts with you, and ends with you when it comes to what we want in this life. Nothing wrong with either car or dog, but an gf or wife who can be with you, and stay with you, is priceless if there is more good than bad. Give and take still works also when it comes to passion and love. Feeling alive and being somebody for someone, is what gives you energy to meet another day.


have a nice day. 



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I'm new; I love these forums!


But not new to Thailand. First time I came was thirty years ago, so younger than many in this thread!


The first woman I saw on more than one trip is still a friend. Five years later, I am (one of) her giks. She has an EU husband in prison, two executives who love her and send her monthly allowance, and giks. She was picking marks from a perch in a hostess bar after she left the inmate, which is where I met her.


She has accrued condos in BKK and PTY and built a lovely lake side house in Korat. We see each other every few months, during gaps in our more serious relationships. She is a stunner, delightful and crazy.


The first Thai girl to live with me after my divorce (non -Thai) had gone to work in PTY to pay a family /bf debt, but ran away. She hated it. She is sexy and lights up a room. I paid her daily and dropped her after a couple of months, when I was ready to date non-pros.


After an awkward year of seeing each other with mutual Thai friends, we are friends again. She is now working in Korea; high volume but better earning than PTY. I feel awful for her, and for all women forced by this society, esp the police and money lenders, into prostitution. 

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