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And what I don't like about Western attitudes: ASSERTIVENESS. I guess I feel "What is the point" This is what I like about the Thai people! I just figured It out!

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What I like about thai people, "no problem", 'up to you", "don't think about yesterday", the just general attitude, of taking it easy, and making life just a little bit easier and nicer everyday. Having lived here for almost 5 years, my problems have been with the farangs, who have nothing better to do than complain about thailand and the thais, and make problems for the other farangs. I live in Thailand to be amongst the thais, and the farangs who are travelling or living in Thailand because they love and want to be here.


And what I don't like about Western attitudes:  ASSERTIVENESS.  I guess I feel "What is the point"  This is what I like about the Thai people!  I just figured It out!

nice topic for a thread, thanks !

what I like? hmmmm....


even wai they give in supermarket has much more sincereity than typical western smile and "nice to meet u"

I don't know about others - but me, I can feel that these people mean it when they smile 2 me and offer respect with wai. if they don't mean it - they simply won't do it - simple enough! no any hipocrasy :o

another interesting thing is: their common habit to react on compliments: like if you say to some gal that she is suay - usually they always simply say "thank u!" it always puzzles me: no false modesty nor pride, no fuss nor agitation or annoyance of "u r trying flirt with me" .... just simple and humble: thank u, usually with averted eyes.

I guess can add something more later -at the moment these 2 things came to mind

And what I don't like about Western attitudes:  ASSERTIVENESS.  I guess I feel "What is the point"  This is what I like about the Thai people!  I just figured It out!

nice topic for a thread, thanks !

what I like? hmmmm....


even wai they give in supermarket has much more sincereity than typical western smile and "nice to meet u"

I don't know about others - but me, I can feel that these people mean it when they smile 2 me and offer respect with wai. if they don't mean it - they simply won't do it - simple enough! no any hipocrasy :o

another interesting thing is: their common habit to react on compliments: like if you say to some gal that she is suay - usually they always simply say "thank u!" it always puzzles me: no false modesty nor pride, no fuss nor agitation or annoyance of "u r trying flirt with me" .... just simple and humble: thank u, usually with averted eyes.

I guess can add something more later -at the moment these 2 things came to mind

They can forgive and forget .......


It a simple thing, but I enjoy eating so this is right up my alley.

"Everywhere you go Thai people are always trying to feed you."

Thai people seem very happy when you eat the same food that they eat.

......Thai people seem very happy when you eat the same food that they eat...........

even if it is not the same! :o

my g/f likes to see me eating and so do her sis, mom and grandma - although I'm vegetarian and tehy r not not... I mean - I don't realy eat the same food yet they r still happy .... :D


I like the fact that people can be simple and enjoy an attitude of simplicity. Life in the west can get too sophisticated. More sophistication does not necessarily mean better.


Just one of the hundreds of things I like about Thais - and I'm referring to Thai pooying now, is their skin! It feels like velvet! I never get tired of the smooth feel of it vs. the rough skin of a farang.

Very good thread!


What I like: Their nature - happy, helpful, layed back but hard working and fun. :D

What I dislike: Impoliteness/rudeness (lifts etc), speed to ire (they can go from Jai Yen to Volanic Erruption faster than a blink of thje eye!) :o


i have more likes than dislikes although the dislikes are really annoying.

rudeness, bumping and barging, not responding to politeness

some wealthy thais i have met are extremely rude with farangs and especially other thais. on a recent trip they made us feel like 2nd class citizens, i'm sorry but i don't care whos country i am in i don't respect that.

but on the whole, i love thailand and some of its people


I love the fact that no one seems to age. I have friends who are in their early forties yet who look not a day over thirty nine... And they're so tiny, or they're just standing really far away. Either way I love the never-never land feel to the place.

What happens to the middle aged people? do they hide away for a few years? I only see young dudes and oldsters. Or do Thai people wake up one day and blam! :o they're old?

I love the fact that no one seems to age.

Plus the fact that overall, the average age of the Thai people is far lower than in "developed" countries.

I have quite a funny true anedocte on this subject,

When one of my daughters was quite young (5 years old), she was always asking me (when living in Singapore):

"Where are the old people, daddy, we never see any in the streets?"

My not so smart answer (it was a joke but can you joke with 5 years old girls?):

"When people get old, they go to special places dedicated to ederly people where people take care of them"

We went back to Europe and while driving a car through a European city with my daughter at the back:

"Daddy, I do not see many young people here. In Europe, is it the same that for ederly people in Singapore : do they go in special places dedicated to young people?,..."

And it is a true story.

I like the fact that people can be simple and enjoy an attitude of simplicity.  Life in the west can get too sophisticated.  More sophistication does not necessarily mean better.

I enjoy life in Thailand when in this simpliciy stream. Problem is, can't always stay there as a farang, because it seems invariably something the Thais do bumps me out of that current of simplicity.

For instance, I just quit two jobs to take a promised third job which was to start immediately. I now have no job because a high government agency has decided to delay the third job indefinitely.

Hard to maintain a mai pen rai attitude when things like that happen. Easy for the Thais who still have work and money coming in. Difficult for me now that I have neither.


nemesis...chill, dude...I've had the same thing happenin' with US and european outfits. Just figure that with anyone nothing's happening until you get your feet under the desk...especially if you work on contract...you are expendable


So, I screw my present two employers by not given adequate notice? Or, I say I'll take the new job and not show up? Is that what the Thais would do?

Oh, btw, will you loan me a few baht until I get my next job and a paycheck comin' in? you chilled out dude you. :o


you know, nem...I would loan you a few baht if that would help but I've been unemployed for a year now and a bit short on funds. Luckily my house is paid for here in Suphan Buri and I still got enough credit on the VISA card to buy a 50 kilo sack of rice when required. I understand when you have other requirements like kids in school and high rent to pay...

Didn't mean to make light of your situation

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
what I like? hmmmm....


even wai they give in supermarket has much more sincereity than typical western smile and "nice to meet u"

I don't know about others - but me, I can feel that these people mean it when they smile 2 me and offer respect with wai. if they don't mean it - they simply won't do it - simple enough! no any hipocrasy :o

That's exactly what I like to, the sincerity of the Thai people. When everything works against you, the law and police for instance, they will find a way to accomodate you. It will cost you some money but the intentions are very honest and sincere, a pure and innocent motivation of helping fellow human beings. I love it!



Many, many,many years ago I punched a Thai guy out in a bar on Patpong and lucky for me I had several of my mates with me as a dog-pack came out of nowhere ready to kill me, then the police came and took me away and rightly so, I have looked back on that many times and regretted this deal but over the years of living here and mingling with the Thai people I have a very deep fondness for them and their way of life. I said all that to say this, "Don't punch a Thai out in a bar on Patpong."


In respectall that is good:

A: thais respect actions of heart and not if you look overly sophisticated,

B: when making a general pigs ear of everything one is not a victim of cynicism,

C: when the general concensus amongst foreigners is negative thais are upbeat,

D: giving the foreigner stock volatilty and options when the UK will not period,

On the other hand

never seeing a thai national stand unaminously when been slagged in English is bewildering. does one really not understand when a foreigner is foaming at the mouth and swearing till his eyes pop out of his socket that he is being factual. thais never react until you say a thai word. you only have to look at this web site, it's part daming of all bad in the kingdom yet no reaction. bewildering! not all bad.


  • 2 weeks later...

I find that when I'm in the company of Thai's, I can be myself and I feel completely relaxed and comfortable being myself.

I don't feel under pressure to conform as much as we do in our society, (Especially British society) and I don't worry so much about embarassment.

I think it's due to the above reasons that many farangs on holiday for the first time (Especially British lads out on the piss in their footbal shirts) act like such happy, rougeish <deleted> because suddenly they can let go of all the bullshit and they feel liberated and they're not used to it.

And not only that but it's tolerated by the Thai's who they find so sincere and non threatening so they just get drunk and silly instead of getting into fights.

We live in a very pressured society and theirs is more laid back which is why they're more receptive, and we are more relaxed and receptive because we're either away from home on holiday or we've left for good.

Just my theory... Am I right or am I talking out of my arse?


I love them for most of the above reasons and

---I love shopping in the malls it's like being in a sea of beautiful women.

---I love visiting temples and spending time with the monks.

---I love the rugged harshness of the idaily n your face life.

---I love walking down the street with by beautiful Thai/farang nieces and nephews while the locals are smiliing thinking they are mine.

--- I love the thought of retiring with my Thai family and living in Nakorn Pathom.



I like Thias mostly, becuase you do not have the feel self consious in front of them. Also love the fact u can down 3 or 4 bottles of Chang and they won't blink an eyelid. Infact, ask u if you want more . if I did this back in Australia they would be calling a taxi and foricing cofeee down my thoat. Just an example of the political incorretness i escaped from

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