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Inquest reveals details of Brits killed in Samui horror crash


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The 33-year-old driver was later charged with negligence and given a two-year suspended jail sentence with one years probation.

He was also ordered to pay a fine of 50,000 Baht, approximately £950

That right there tells you all you need to know about Thailand. In most civilized countries, this jerk would be facing two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and a very long jail stretch.

I love this country, but at times it really is disgustingly sickening.

Problem with samui is not many foot paths

Leaves people having to walk in the road amongst the motorbikes cars and lorries and where there are foot paths they are so tiny you have to walk on to the road to avoid people walking in the other direction

As for the sentence I don't know if they were on the road or on a foot path but either way it's a dicey area.

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This is where David Cameron should step in and talk to the PM to get this guy sentenced for manslaughter and intention to murder or the UK will ban all imports from Thailand, a full warning to all Brits to avoid going to Thailand, and ban all Trade with Thailand.

You are all right, if it was a Falang who was driving the car and killed 2 Thai's wow the sentence would be over excessive. He would have been thrown in jail and forgoten about.

Life is not worth anything here.

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running a similar case now however the young man was injured for life but not killed

suing the driver, his company, the insurance companies is the way to go

its no consolation or will bring back the men however it will legally make issues for the driver so he wont forget so easily

I am truly appalled after reading this story and the sentencing

PM please review this case as it smells and does not seem to do justice to the victims

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The 33-year-old driver was later charged with negligence and given a two-year suspended jail sentence with one year’s probation.

He was also ordered to pay a fine of 50,000 Baht, approximately £950

That right there tells you all you need to know about Thailand. In most civilized countries, this jerk would be facing two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and a very long jail stretch.

I love this country, but at times it really is disgustingly sickening.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The 33-year-old driver was later charged with negligence and given a two-year suspended jail sentence with one year’s probation.

He was also ordered to pay a fine of 50,000 Baht, approximately £950

That right there tells you all you need to know about Thailand. In most civilized countries, this jerk would be facing two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and a very long jail stretch.

I love this country, but at times it really is disgustingly sickening.

My wife was killed in Greece nearly four years ago by a Greek driver who was over the alcohol limit (apparently) but the case has not yet got to court in Crete. The latest date is 11th June for the court case but I am betting it will be postponed again. So there are worse countries (civilized) than Thailand. Believe it or not there is no compulsion for the driver to turn up for the case and if he does not turn up it will be postponed again. It was postponed previously because the driver's lawyer did not turn up.

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RIP, Derek and Mike.

I'm disgusted with the sentence their killer got.

We may not like the different attitudes in Thailand, but this is the standard sentence where there are no drugs/alcohol involved.

I doubt if this is true for a farlung driver and Thai victims

They will need to come up with million or two to compensate the families to avoid some serious time

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running a similar case now however the young man was injured for life but not killed

suing the driver, his company, the insurance companies is the way to go

its no consolation or will bring back the men however it will legally make issues for the driver so he wont forget so easily

I am truly appalled after reading this story and the sentencing

PM please review this case as it smells and does not seem to do justice to the victims

I was thinking along the same lines as seen in the 'Expressway 9' case, where civil proceedings will likely ensue following a criminal judgement of guilt.

However, I can imagine the widows may well just want to move on and don't have the means for a protracted overseas legal case.

In short, justice unlikely to be served in this case.

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old news but horrific nevertheless and the thai driver gets the usual customary sentence a fine and 2 years probation when will these people learn the sentence must fit the crime they must get rid of these archaic laws and get on a par with Europe asap

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RIP, Derek and Mike.

I'm disgusted with the sentence their killer got.

We may not like the different attitudes in Thailand, but this is the standard sentence where there are no drugs/alcohol involved.

The standard sentence for vehicular manslaughter or murder by vehicle? I guess you could be right about that, considering that the sentence given the teenager who killed those eight people in the van was nearly the same. The problem with this particular "different attitude" is that it encourages people to be irresponsible to the point of killing others.

Edited by Lee4Life
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These two chaps look like the "quality" type of tourist that Thailand so desperately seeks and needs. Sad, very sad ending for these two mates. RIP gents and best wishes for your families.

This following comment by the coroner in Manchester sums up Thailand's l capabilities with law enforcement and pathology etc. This following sentence sums up the situation of the 2 Burmese lads waiting trial and countless others too. "Mr Nelson said: “I appreciate that the quality of the information bears little similarity to that I would expect to receive in similar circumstances from Greater Manchester Police.” Third rate infrastructure and abilities basically

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Two year's probation and a paltry fine? No wonder Thais drive like morons. There are virtually no consequences if you snuff out two lives. Moreso if they happen to be farang and "unconnected" to influential Thais. The only justice in Thailand is what you can buy and hopefully what the karma wheel brings around for the perpetrators.

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2 year suspended sentence cheesy.gif Was the judge on drugs ?

How can any human brain believe this is a fair judgement ?

How about his fair judgement in the US ?...http://www.vanguardngr.com/2013/12/scourge-afluenza/

Firstly RIP to the 2 poor souls who lost their lives.

However, we also need to stop being so hypocritical. We complain like hell that the Muslims will not assimilate into our society yet here we are telling the Thais how they should run their society. I have said a million times before, if you have no understanding of fear then do not contemplate coming to Thailand. At the end of the day regardless of all the whining (my own included), they are who they are.

Taking a stand for justice, wherever you may be, can hardly be called hypocritical. It is not a matter of being Thai or not, it is a matter of putting value on lives regardless of who they belong to or what race or Nationality you are. Are you really comparing complaints about Muslims to complaints about the lack of justice for two people killed by a reckless driver?

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My deepest feeling go out to the wives of these two gentlemen. As far as this yokel driver, he should be shot and the Thai authorities should be incarcerated for such a laughing sentence imposed on the ass hole.

Might lead you to think that money can solve everything in this country.

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RIP, Derek and Mike.

I'm disgusted with the sentence their killer got.

We may not like the different attitudes in Thailand, but this is the standard sentence where there are no drugs/alcohol involved.

AND this is probably why the road deaths are so high. The charge should have been causing death by dangerous driving however the is Koh Samui and

the driver was Thai.

I see the Koh Samui police just seemed to pass a message on the the hotel staff. They didn't have the ability to send a proper report to the Coroner but this was

the Koh Samui police.

This as we all know is the same police force who decided to arrest two boys from Myanmar because they are too lazy to do a proper investigation. crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The 33-year-old driver was later charged with negligence and given a two-year suspended jail sentence with one year’s probation.

He was also ordered to pay a fine of 50,000 Baht, approximately £950

That right there tells you all you need to know about Thailand. In most civilized countries, this jerk would be facing two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and a very long jail stretch.

I love this country, but at times it really is disgustingly sickening.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The 33-year-old driver was later charged with negligence and given a two-year suspended jail sentence with one year’s probation.

He was also ordered to pay a fine of 50,000 Baht, approximately £950

That right there tells you all you need to know about Thailand. In most civilized countries, this jerk would be facing two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and a very long jail stretch.

I love this country, but at times it really is disgustingly sickening.

My wife was killed in Greece nearly four years ago by a Greek driver who was over the alcohol limit (apparently) but the case has not yet got to court in Crete. The latest date is 11th June for the court case but I am betting it will be postponed again. So there are worse countries (civilized) than Thailand. Believe it or not there is no compulsion for the driver to turn up for the case and if he does not turn up it will be postponed again. It was postponed previously because the driver's lawyer did not turn up.

i wonder why Greece is bankrupt ???

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Speaking at the inquest Mrs Holmes said: “It’s difficult because we only spoke to the staff at the hotel, they were the only ones passing on information.”

Even the wives of the deceased didn't receive the compassion they deserved.

RIP Derek and Mike.

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So in Thailand Involuntary Manslaughter gets you a 2 years suspended sentence and 50,000.00 BAHT fine ??

The problem is when I studied Law, back in the USA 1974, if you operated a vehicle in a reckless and dangerous way and killed someone it was Criminal Negligence resulting in death, Voluntary Manslaughter !! 10 years to life depending on circumstances. Is Thailand a Great place to live or what ??

Whose son was this driver ?? Where is the Red Bull Twerp that killed the Policeman ??

...great place to live...for.........

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I don't know of any farang incidents personally, but I do know of an all Thai incident where two people were killed, and the charge was 50 Kbaht per victim. The injured families were surprisingly forgiving, and the person in error had huge guilt (unsurprisingly), and wanted to pay more than ordered to and spent a lot of time at the temple. The person borrowed from the bank, and also borrowed additional mafia money to pay more, and last I heard was in the process of losing the farm due to inability to repay. No drugs or alcohol involved, but irresponsible driving nonetheless, and having the use of someone else's truck that they otherwise wouldn't have had privilege to on their own pay grade.

I imagine that when these laws/penalties were made, that perhaps 50K was a heck of a lot of money compared to today.

As foreigners we see these things very differently, and may be insulted to be offered this kind of compensation for the loss of a loved one, where no amount of money could be equivalent to the damage suffered, and justice is left wanting. Sadly, when in Thailand we're under Thai law. I don't know whether or not a foreigner would have got different treatment if they were the cause of injury, but in this instance it seems the victims were treated as equals to the Thais.

My thoughts to the victims families, though there are no words really that can express what they must be going through, and probably will go through for the rest of their lives.

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The 33-year-old driver was later charged with negligence and given a two-year suspended jail sentence with one year’s probation.

Are you kidding me? This speed demon killed two pedestrians...

Not one night in jail...unbelievable...Thainess at it's fineness...

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RIP, Derek and Mike.

I'm disgusted with the sentence their killer got.

We may not like the different attitudes in Thailand, but this is the standard sentence where there are no drugs/alcohol involved.

I doubt if this is true for a farlung driver and Thai victims

They will need to come up with million or two to compensate the families to avoid some serious time

I can assure you that you are wrong. I was in the court room when the case was heard. Farang driver in a car - two Thais on a bike.

The fine was zero but compensation was 300,000 baht! I'll say it again for those that do not read all of the posts - the foreigner received a two year suspended sentence. It is the standard here unless there are other circumstances.

And to those posters that 'guarantee' otherwise - how are you going to do that?

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These two chaps look like the "quality" type of tourist that Thailand so desperately seeks and needs. Sad, very sad ending for these two mates. RIP gents and best wishes for your families.

This following comment by the coroner in Manchester sums up Thailand's l capabilities with law enforcement and pathology etc. This following sentence sums up the situation of the 2 Burmese lads waiting trial and countless others too. "Mr Nelson said: “I appreciate that the quality of the information bears little similarity to that I would expect to receive in similar circumstances from Greater Manchester Police.”

Third rate infrastructure and abilities basically

Sadly you are correct. Love it or hate it. (Last comment)

Third rate salaries to the BIBs. Third rate taxes to pay for it all. Many people come here because costs are lower. Guess what. They are. So is the service/infrastructure. If you want European justice and quality - I suggest that you go to Europe.

I used to pay 40% tax in the UK and 48% tax in Australia. I expect things to work at that level. Here - the tax is so low that I do not know the rate.

People are comparing apples with pomelos.

I am not saying that the system here is perfect, but in my personal experience - it is pretty good - under the circumstances. It can always be improved.

By the way, can anyone explain to me how the two Burmese suspects from Koh Tao are connected to this unfortunate event? (A number of posters have mentioned them.)

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The sentence is absolutely disgusting. This man will go out and kill someone again, I guarantee it. Thailand does not care about lives, that is patently obvious.

I can't tell you how many cars I've seen try to overtake other cars on blinds corners, going up a hill and all kinds of other situations where nobody has any business at all passing. I once watched a bus passing other cars ahead of me going up a hill. He couldn't see what was coming, but he didn't care, he was going to get in front of the car he was passing even if it killed everyone on his bus and the person or persons he hit. He was lucky.

Unfortunately it is illegal to gamble in Thailand but I sure would like to put a wager against your guarantee because you are talking from your emotional ass.... you cannot guarantee anything.

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I hope someone will inform the wives, they are entitled to sue in a civil case for compensation. I think if the car was insured, they might even be entitled to 1 million baht. They do not need a fancy pancy lawyer. The lawyers council of Thailand will help them for free. They would need to pay a translater, to liase for them. They would not even need to come to Thailand to set it all up. Just for the hearing. And they could claim for that as well.

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2 year suspended sentence cheesy.gif Was the judge on drugs ?

How can any human brain believe this is a fair judgement ?

No he is Thai and the driver was Thai, and the victims were not Thais - nuff said?

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