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Thai Medical Error Network Submits Petition to Control Medical Fees

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The Thai Medical Error Network has submitted a petition with 33,000 signatures to the Thai government. The petition calls for the government to control the medicals fees that are charged at private hospitals around the country.

Submitted by Preeyanan Lorsermvattana, the petition was sent through the Public Health Ministry, and will be delivered to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha.

The petition is a result of complaints received by the network that show private hospitals are overcharging their patients. The petition calls for a committee to be set up that will control the rising medical fees and ensure that Thais are not overcharged for the medical procedures they receive.

Mrs. Preeyanan is calling for the prime minister to use his power under Section 44 to disband the Medical Council of Thailand (MCT). She wants a central committee to be put in place that will consist of impartial members that will oversee the rising fee problem seen in private hospitals.

The government acknowledges the current overcharging of patients and the Health Minister has stated that there is an investigation ongoing into the fees and treatment provided by private hospitals.

A discussion will take place later this week to find a solution to the problem with a promise from the health minister that the issue will be resolved quickly.

-- 2015-05-13

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Once AGAIN... what about re-introduction of a Thai Health Insurance Scheme for Foreigners living in the Kingdom and who contribute large amounts of money to the Thai Economy through our Thai Spouses and children?

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No overcharging for Thais. I doubt that this will affect foreigners.

I think you will find that most patients at hospitals are in fact Thai and most private hospitals make a bloody killing (pardon the pun) from them.

In my experience hospitals have a two tier level - the insured / middle classes and the uninsured. If you are in the former they will get as much as possible from your insurance with needless tests etc. The latter will be left in limbo until all the former have been seen to.

My daughter was in a government hospital for about 10 days and when she was discharged I went to pay the bill.....B27

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