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LPG for Almera in Thailand, good idea? (chiang mai)

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When I bought the Corolla it was costing just over 5B a kl to run. Changing to LPG it cost 1.2B a Kl.

You do the maths!

2 years ago, gasohol 91 was around 36 Baht/L - so for 5 Baht/KM your car was only managing 7.2 KM/L - either you drive like Senna, or there's something wrong with your engine? :)

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When I bought the Corolla it was costing just over 5B a kl to run. Changing to LPG it cost 1.2B a Kl.

You do the maths!

Your maths are OK. I 'sort of' query the original 5Baht/Km though ... that is a lot ... could there have been a problem with your set up whilst running on petrol. If you go back to running on petrol does it still only do around 5-7 Km/Ltr

Look her to see what other have been getting http://www.fuelly.com/car/toyota/corolla

However having said all that we have an old Mazda and when we gassed it the cost came down to around your figures and before on petrol it was costing much more that double that ... it just seemed to run better on gas

I track my fuel usage (jas21) on www.fuelly.com over the last 16252 Kms it has cost 38450Baht. That is 2.366Km/Ltr so at that rate it will cost me about 118,000Baht to do the 50,000Kms. just has little relevance to your post except to roughly state what your costs on petrol should have been


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At the time I bought the car I was not happy with the fuel consumption, that is why I put it on LPG.

I also had a Corolla in Cambodia, this was also very heavy on petrol, perhaps its a fault with the Corolla?

It always starts on petrol and I give it a good run on petrol from time to time but its impossible to check unless I run it on several full tanks.

I am happy with the LPG conversion and the low cost of running it.

I think its VERY important to have the conversion done by a reputable company and not some guy working from his back yard.

When I get it serviced they always check for gas leaks.

With the price difference on petrol & LPG I save about 3B a kl and that is being conservative.

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