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My first stand-up argument in Thailand when shopping

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CMJoe, the way you present the matter is "I'm not getting myself worked up over it." Is quite a bit different from conducting yourself in a manner out of fear of censure from the kon chao baan, which is what the muscle shirt guitarist is advocating..

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CMJoe, the way you present the matter is "I'm not getting myself worked up over it." Is quite a bit different from conducting yourself in a manner out of fear of censure from the kon chao baan, which is what the muscle shirt guitarist is advocating..

Your obsession with clothing is quite weird and doesn't further your arguments. It actually makes you sound stupid, if you want the truth. If you can't state your case without insults, you're losing.

A little tip..... Jus as I'm not a famous music hall comedian with a suit and bowler, It is highly likely that FolkGuitar is not a pony-tailed famous musician. MaejoMTB may not be a puppet, but OnTheDarkside seems to have posted his real photo. Probably a requirement of being a Moderator.


Mr. Guitar, you can rebut and tiptoe around your own argument as much as you like but it remains a very thin argument. You are in a distinct minority and to suggest that those who think otherwise are wrong, is ill informed. I've read lots of your opinions on various topics and normally you seem reasonably well informed but this time your rose tinted glasses are obscuring the view. Do you make a conscious effort to not put yourself in a position of vulnerability? To accept the fake wais and smiles at face value is just going to result in carelessness, a false sense of security and ending up, eventually, becoming a victim yourself.
I know of what I speak. I have been conned and scammed. Does that make me a victim of my own naivete and generally trusting nature? No, there is a segment of society here that is always on the look out for potential victims.
On my first ever trip to Bangkok I was scammed by an 'officially' dressed airport tout, cost me $50 for a taxi to my downtown hotel. Not a good first impression.
On my second arrival I spent a few days in BKK before coming up to Chiang Mai to take up residence. I was an attempted victim of the 'poker scam' by a seemingly friendly family who invited me to their home. Without going into detail, suffice to say you can't fool an old poker player and I managed to get out unscathed.
2 weeks ago, on my last visa run, I decided to purchase an inexpensive sport camera for use on my motorbike and bicycle. In the aftermath of that horrendous accident involving cyclists it seemed a smart move. I tried out and priced a couple of cameras and settled on one at a good price. Got it home and, of course, it doesn't work. Typical bait and switch. I'm not going to shrug and mai paen rai the purchase so a few days later I went back. The vendor wanted more money, 200B, to exchange it. Just to save him a little face I ended up giving him 30B. The returned item? I watched him put it back on the shelf for the next sucker
This past weekend I was shopping for a nice wedding gift to take back to Canada. A nice 'cashmere' blanket seemed a good idea. At 5 different shops all stocking identical merchandise I was quoted 7500-25,000B for the, seemingly, same item. So none will get my business. The low price now seems suspiciously bait and switch low, the high price seems overly inflated tourist sucker high.
Am I a lone victim? Is sucker printed on my forehead? I think not, I am seen as many generally unwitting, trusting foreigners are, just prey. It happens all too frequently and when the government in power indicates that it is tackling the issue of scams and corruption they have admitted there is a significant problem. We need a thread for scam victims to report their experiences, but that won't happen as, for good reason, there are site rules against such a topic. Really, all you need do is spend some time on social media type sites, there are many, many stories. Also that 'other' well known forum is full of similar tales. A quote from one I just finished reading: 'Twenty-two suspected swindlers, including tuk-tuk drivers, accused of luring foreign tourists to jewellery shops and restaurants in return for high commissions have been arrested in Bangkok as part of a police crackdown on gangs preying on holidaymakers'. How many get unreported is anyone's guess.
Honesty, trust, integrity, fairness may well be concepts of our western culture but they are ideals that are earned not just given. All that has been earned from me is mistrust and suspicion. We live here in a culture where corruption and greed is deeply ingrained. It is sad to have to adopt that attitude.
BTW, whilst the use of 'Somchai' was fully intended to be less than complimentary, it is a legitimate given name for many Thai men. I have yet to meet a foreigner named 'Farang'. At least, if the Phillipines can adopt 'Joe' to refer to a foreigner why can't something less derogatory be used here? They must know how we don't like it.
My piece is said, nothing further to add and nothing can change my view. Again, rebut all you like we can only agree to disagree. As always, it will be amusing to read the comments.


CMJoe, the way you present the matter is "I'm not getting myself worked up over it." Is quite a bit different from conducting yourself in a manner out of fear of censure from the kon chao baan, which is what the muscle shirt guitarist is advocating..

Larry, I don't know you but whether you're joking as I assume, or not, the joke which wasn't a good one to begin with is wearing a little thin and it's now coming across as rather insulting. Time to pull your head in a bit maybe.

Folk Guitarist is an active member of ThaiVisa and very helpful to others.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


The Jaffa Cakes are back at M&S but not on special. I gave it a miss as I will be in England this time next week and I'm sure that they're 2 for a pound at the Pound Shop. A lot of different sweeties and chocolate is also on special (coming up to expiry date (Jul mostly), but it doesn't matter because sweeties and chocolate won't last long, and they're half price.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


CMJoe, the way you present the matter is "I'm not getting myself worked up over it." Is quite a bit different from conducting yourself in a manner out of fear of censure from the kon chao baan, which is what the muscle shirt guitarist is advocating..

Once again, wrong on two counts. First, I don't wear muscle shirts, and it's really rather childish of you to continue making personal attacks. Second, I'm certainly NOT advocating any action out of fear of censure.

You seem to be transferring your feelings into my statements. I don't start out distrusting people. I have no need to count the small change I receive out of fear of being ripped off. A few baht one way or the other simply isn't something I wish to trouble myself over. That you do is entirely up to you. That Thais may enjoy your behavior isn't something that affects my behavior. I simply don't give a damn about a few baht. I know how much my bill costs and I know how much I hand over to the clerk. If there is a discrepancy of major proportions, I'll certainly bring that to the attention of the clerk. I'm not rich. I live on a small fixed income. If the clerk miscalculates by a few hundred baht I'd certainly bring it to their attention. I just won't bother to do it about a few baht. It's just not that important... to me.


CMJoe, the way you present the matter is "I'm not getting myself worked up over it." Is quite a bit different from conducting yourself in a manner out of fear of censure from the kon chao baan, which is what the muscle shirt guitarist is advocating..

Once again, wrong on two counts. First, I don't wear muscle shirts, and it's really rather childish of you to continue making personal attacks. Second, I'm certainly NOT advocating any action out of fear of censure.

You seem to be transferring your feelings into my statements. I don't start out distrusting people. I have no need to count the small change I receive out of fear of being ripped off. A few baht one way or the other isn't something I wish to trouble myself over. That you do is entirely up to you. That Thais may enjoy your behavior isn't something that affects my behavior. I simply don't give a damn about a few baht. I know how much my bill costs and I know how much I hand over to the clerk. If there is a discrepancy of major proportions, I'll certainly bring that to the attention of the clerk. I'm not rich. I live on a small fixed income. If the clerk miscalculates by a few hundred baht I'd certainly bring it to their attention. I just won't bother to do it about a few baht. It's just not that important... to me.

this is not s quantitive issue its a qualitative issue. it makes no difference if your short changed a hundred baht or two baht, it shouldn't happen and by not bringing it somebody's attention you are condoning it. many times in my life people have said "it's only a quarter or its only a dime" true but it was always MY dime


Sticklee, if mistrust and suspicion is part of your everyday life here, that is sad. I'm not stupid enough to say 'if you don't like it, leave', but I must admit that if I felt the same way as you, I might be making alternative arrangements. I can only assume you have good reason for staying.

For once I am in agreement with Folkguitar and live my life here on a similar basis to him, namely trusting people until I know otherwise, assuming that people are decent and honest, and not getting hot and bothered about trivial things. That used to make me a pretty normal, average sort of guy back home but here it seems to make me an oddity!

As regards to the topic in question, If there is a difference in the till amount and the sticker on the shelf I assume that there is a fault in the system, or human error, not that they're out to steal. If it happened too often I might think otherwise, but I'm not going to start out by assuming that it was intentional. I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

I dislike being cheated as much as anyone does, and when I am cheated I willl stand up for my rights, and I'm sure Folkguitar would too. What I don't let that experience do, is to make me believe that everyone is out to cheat me, and then judge everyone with mistrust and suspicion, which as you said yourself, is sad.

Honesty, trust, integrity and faiirness are as much a part of Thai culture as any other. Cheating, lying and stealing is evident in all cultures, as is corruption and greed. The secret is that when you are cheated or lied to, you don't let that become the basis on judging everyone else. The propensity of that happening here is much greater than back home, and the main reason for that is Culture Shock. The result is over-reacting and becoming Paranoid. Which happens to be the title of the first ....... I forgot, I told you that already.


Mr. Guitar, you can rebut and tiptoe around your own argument as much as you like but it remains a very thin argument. You are in a distinct minority and to suggest that those who think otherwise are wrong, is ill informed. I've read lots of your opinions on various topics and normally you seem reasonably well informed but this time your rose tinted glasses are obscuring the view. Do you make a conscious effort to not put yourself in a position of vulnerability?

I'm truly sorry that you've had so very many bad experiences here in Thailand. I guess I've just been lucky, eh? Despite my vulnerability, in the 15 years I've lived in Thailand I've never fallen victim to any scams that Thais may run. I've somehow managed to get good prices on goods and services. On the other hand, under your watchful eye, you managed to get taken for a ride several times. Maybe you need to be a bit more vulnerable?

BTW, whilst the use of 'Somchai' was fully intended to be less than complimentary, it is a legitimate given name for many Thai men.

The fact that is can be a legitimate name doesn't negate the fact that you were, as you tell us, were using it in a knowingly derogatory fashion.

Why would you lower yourself to such behavior?

I have yet to meet a foreigner named 'Farang'. At least, if the Phillipines can adopt 'Joe' to refer to a foreigner why can't something less derogatory be used here? They must know how we don't like it.

What's this 'we' business. Being called a Farang has never bothered me, unless it's being used the way YOU use Somchai, and in all my years here, I've never once heard that. When I lived in Japan, we were often referred to as 'Gaijin.' Its the less than polite way of saying 'Gaikokujin, but it was never said with the hostility that I heard you use when saying Somchai, and so none of the ex-pats I knew were ever bothered by the term.

Did you ever read the novel "The Virginian" by Owen Wister? It's famous for the brief dialog:

"You Bastard!"

"Smile when you call me that, pardner..."

Context and tone... context and tone.


CMJoe, the way you present the matter is "I'm not getting myself worked up over it." Is quite a bit different from conducting yourself in a manner out of fear of censure from the kon chao baan, which is what the muscle shirt guitarist is advocating..

Once again, wrong on two counts. First, I don't wear muscle shirts, and it's really rather childish of you to continue making personal attacks. Second, I'm certainly NOT advocating any action out of fear of censure.

You seem to be transferring your feelings into my statements. I don't start out distrusting people. I have no need to count the small change I receive out of fear of being ripped off. A few baht one way or the other isn't something I wish to trouble myself over. That you do is entirely up to you. That Thais may enjoy your behavior isn't something that affects my behavior. I simply don't give a damn about a few baht. I know how much my bill costs and I know how much I hand over to the clerk. If there is a discrepancy of major proportions, I'll certainly bring that to the attention of the clerk. I'm not rich. I live on a small fixed income. If the clerk miscalculates by a few hundred baht I'd certainly bring it to their attention. I just won't bother to do it about a few baht. It's just not that important... to me.

this is not s quantitive issue its a qualitative issue. it makes no difference if your short changed a hundred baht or two baht, it shouldn't happen and by not bringing it somebody's attention you are condoning it. many times in my life people have said "it's only a quarter or its only a dime" true but it was always MY dime

It's neither quantitative nor qualitative. While you are correct in that it 'shouldn't happen, but if it happens to me, and it's only a dime, I really don't give a damn. It just not that important. As far as 'condoning' something... that assumes that it was an intentional error. I don't make that assumption. I do not wish to live my life in forethought of grief. You may wish to. That is your choice.


I am always puzzled when someone says they've never been a victim of a scam... How do you know?

Fwiw, I don't really believe Rimping intentionally mischarged me, but it is suspicious.

Folkguitar, no one cares what your allowable limit is for being skimmed from, as has been pointed out, it's ridiculous. You at least owe it to other customers who will be buying that same item to point out the error.


CMJoe, the way you present the matter is "I'm not getting myself worked up over it." Is quite a bit different from conducting yourself in a manner out of fear of censure from the kon chao baan, which is what the muscle shirt guitarist is advocating..

Once again, wrong on two counts. First, I don't wear muscle shirts, and it's really rather childish of you to continue making personal attacks. Second, I'm certainly NOT advocating any action out of fear of censure.

You seem to be transferring your feelings into my statements. I don't start out distrusting people. I have no need to count the small change I receive out of fear of being ripped off. A few baht one way or the other isn't something I wish to trouble myself over. That you do is entirely up to you. That Thais may enjoy your behavior isn't something that affects my behavior. I simply don't give a damn about a few baht. I know how much my bill costs and I know how much I hand over to the clerk. If there is a discrepancy of major proportions, I'll certainly bring that to the attention of the clerk. I'm not rich. I live on a small fixed income. If the clerk miscalculates by a few hundred baht I'd certainly bring it to their attention. I just won't bother to do it about a few baht. It's just not that important... to me.

this is not s quantitive issue its a qualitative issue. it makes no difference if your short changed a hundred baht or two baht, it shouldn't happen and by not bringing it somebody's attention you are condoning it. many times in my life people have said "it's only a quarter or its only a dime" true but it was always MY dime

It's neither quantitative nor qualitative. While you are correct in that it 'shouldn't happen, but if it happens to me, and it's only a dime, I really don't give a damn. It just not that important. As far as 'condoning' something... that assumes that it was an intentional error. I don't make that assumption. I do not wish to live my life in forethought of grief. You may wish to. That is your choice.

the more that you write the more apparent it is that your thinking is flawed seriously flawed

I am always puzzled when someone says they've never been a victim of a scam... How do you know?

I know because I've never lost any 'real' money, been victim to any 'bait and switch' schemes, nor paid more than I wanted to pay for goods or services. You yourself know when you've been scammed out of 6 baht. Don't you imagine others know too?

You at least owe it to other customers who will be buying that same item to point out the error.

I think you've really lost the plot. The point is, I do not notice that there is an error. There is nothing for me to point out. If I hand a clerk 150 baht for something that costs 142 baht, I really don't notice nor do I give a damn if they give me 6 baht or 8 baht change. They hand me some coins and I drop them into my pocket. I do not give them a second thought. If that 142 baht was for my lunch, I know (from looking at the menu beforehand) approximately how much my lunch will cost. I don't add it up in my head, nor do I double check each item on my bill afterwards. If the amount is approximately the same as I first noticed, I hand over that 150 baht, and don't give it a second thought.

You might call this foolish. You might call it looking at life through rose-colored glasses. You might even call it wrong. But what you call it isn't important to me.

I find it a very pleasant, relaxed, and comfortable way to go through life. It's worked well for me for almost 70 years, and that IS important to me.


I am always puzzled when someone says they've never been a victim of a scam... How do you know?

I know because I've never lost any 'real' money, been victim to any 'bait and switch' schemes, nor paid more than I wanted to pay for goods or services. You yourself know when you've been scammed out of 6 baht. Don't you imagine others know too?

You at least owe it to other customers who will be buying that same item to point out the error.

I think you've really lost the plot. The point is, I do not notice that there is an error. There is nothing for me to point out. If I hand a clerk 150 baht for something that costs 142 baht, I really don't notice nor do I give a damn if they give me 6 baht or 8 baht change. They hand me some coins and I drop them into my pocket. I do not give them a second thought. If that 142 baht was for my lunch, I know (from looking at the menu beforehand) approximately how much my lunch will cost. I don't add it up in my head, nor do I double check each item on my bill afterwards. If the amount is approximately the same as I first noticed, I hand over that 150 baht, and don't give it a second thought.

You might call this foolish. You might call it looking at life through rose-colored glasses. You might even call it wrong. But what you call it isn't important to me.

I find it a very pleasant, relaxed, and comfortable way to go through life. It's worked well for me for almost 70 years, and that IS important to me.

I am starting to understand your passion for NOT paying attention to details. if you did you would be admitting that for 70 years you have been marching to the wrong drummer

You at least owe it to other customers who will be buying that same item to point out the error.

I think you've really lost the plot. The point is, I do not notice that there is an error. There is nothing for me to point out. If I hand a clerk 150 baht for something that costs 142 baht, I really don't notice nor do I give a damn if they give me 6 baht or 8 baht change. They hand me some coins and I drop them into my pocket. I do not give them a second thought. If that 142 baht was for my lunch, I know (from looking at the menu beforehand) approximately how much my lunch will cost. I don't add it up in my head, nor do I double check each item on my bill afterwards. If the amount is approximately the same as I first noticed, I hand over that 150 baht, and don't give it a second thought.

You might call this foolish. You might call it looking at life through rose-colored glasses. You might even call it wrong. But what you call it isn't important to me.

I find it a very pleasant, relaxed, and comfortable way to go through life. It's worked well for me for almost 70 years, and that IS important to me.

I am starting to understand your passion for NOT paying attention to details. if you did you would be admitting that for 70 years you have been marching to the wrong drummer

If you need to believe that I'm marching to the wrong drummer, please do so. But you too are transferring your emotions onto my actions.

There is no 'passion' involved in not paying attention to trivia. That would be giving it more importance than the few pennies are worth.

There certainly DOES seem to be a passion involved with your need to tell me to change my lifestyle. Why is that?

Or, as you tell me, that my lifestyle is wrong.

Personally, it works for me. Apparently, you don't like that. Sorry. You might wish to do some introspection to understand why you need others to live and think the same way you do, and why this is so important to you.


I am always puzzled when someone says they've never been a victim of a scam... How do you know?

I know because I've never lost any 'real' money, been victim to any 'bait and switch' schemes, nor paid more than I wanted to pay for goods or services. You yourself know when you've been scammed out of 6 baht. Don't you imagine others know too?

You at least owe it to other customers who will be buying that same item to point out the error.

I think you've really lost the plot. The point is, I do not notice that there is an error. There is nothing for me to point out. If I hand a clerk 150 baht for something that costs 142 baht, I really don't notice nor do I give a damn if they give me 6 baht or 8 baht change. They hand me some coins and I drop them into my pocket. I do not give them a second thought. If that 142 baht was for my lunch, I know (from looking at the menu beforehand) approximately how much my lunch will cost. I don't add it up in my head, nor do I double check each item on my bill afterwards. If the amount is approximately the same as I first noticed, I hand over that 150 baht, and don't give it a second thought.

You might call this foolish. You might call it looking at life through rose-colored glasses. You might even call it wrong. But what you call it isn't important to me.

I find it a very pleasant, relaxed, and comfortable way to go through life. It's worked well for me for almost 70 years, and that IS important to me.

So let's say a 8bht loss in every transaction, because it's beneath your notice, 10 transactions a day = 80bht loss/day.

2,500bht a month/loss ......... so when does the mistake become worth your notice?

20bht/transaction (6,000bht/month), 50bht/transaction (15,000bht/month)?

Just wondering?


You at least owe it to other customers who will be buying that same item to point out the error.

I think you've really lost the plot. The point is, I do not notice that there is an error. There is nothing for me to point out. If I hand a clerk 150 baht for something that costs 142 baht, I really don't notice nor do I give a damn if they give me 6 baht or 8 baht change. They hand me some coins and I drop them into my pocket. I do not give them a second thought. If that 142 baht was for my lunch, I know (from looking at the menu beforehand) approximately how much my lunch will cost. I don't add it up in my head, nor do I double check each item on my bill afterwards. If the amount is approximately the same as I first noticed, I hand over that 150 baht, and don't give it a second thought.

You might call this foolish. You might call it looking at life through rose-colored glasses. You might even call it wrong. But what you call it isn't important to me.

I find it a very pleasant, relaxed, and comfortable way to go through life. It's worked well for me for almost 70 years, and that IS important to me.

I am starting to understand your passion for NOT paying attention to details. if you did you would be admitting that for 70 years you have been marching to the wrong drummer

If you need to believe that I'm marching to the wrong drummer, please do so. But you too are transferring your emotions onto my actions.

There is no 'passion' involved in not paying attention to trivia. That would be giving it more importance than the few pennies are worth.

There certainly DOES seem to be a passion involved with your need to tell me to change my lifestyle. Why is that?

Or, as you tell me, that my lifestyle is wrong.

Personally, it works for me. Apparently, you don't like that. Sorry. You might wish to do some introspection to understand why you need others to live and think the same way you do, and why this is so important to you.

where is your cut off point where you would bring to someone's attention that they are stealing from you 11 baht 23 baht. they make chocolate and vanilla because people have different tastes but there are universal rules that transcend individual tastes. for example even though you thinks it's ok to steal, it NOT. you really have to recalibrate what you find acceptable and unacceptable. I hope that you don't have children because perpetuating your thinking is dangerous


I am always puzzled when someone says they've never been a victim of a scam... How do you know?

I know because I've never lost any 'real' money, been victim to any 'bait and switch' schemes, nor paid more than I wanted to pay for goods or services. You yourself know when you've been scammed out of 6 baht. Don't you imagine others know too?

You at least owe it to other customers who will be buying that same item to point out the error.

I think you've really lost the plot. The point is, I do not notice that there is an error. There is nothing for me to point out. If I hand a clerk 150 baht for something that costs 142 baht, I really don't notice nor do I give a damn if they give me 6 baht or 8 baht change. They hand me some coins and I drop them into my pocket. I do not give them a second thought. If that 142 baht was for my lunch, I know (from looking at the menu beforehand) approximately how much my lunch will cost. I don't add it up in my head, nor do I double check each item on my bill afterwards. If the amount is approximately the same as I first noticed, I hand over that 150 baht, and don't give it a second thought.

You might call this foolish. You might call it looking at life through rose-colored glasses. You might even call it wrong. But what you call it isn't important to me.

I find it a very pleasant, relaxed, and comfortable way to go through life. It's worked well for me for almost 70 years, and that IS important to me.

So let's say a 8bht loss in every transaction, because it's beneath your notice, 10 transactions a day = 80bht loss/day.

2,500bht a month/loss ......... so when does the mistake become worth your notice?

20bht/transaction (6,000bht/month), 50bht/transaction (15,000bht/month)?

Just wondering?

It's a ridiculous assumption that we are being shortchanged on each and every transaction. My guess would be 1 in 50, but either way why does it bother you all so much? If he, and me too, are more concerned with enjoying life than checking up on everyone, and watching everyone like a hawk, it is our loss, not yours.

As Folkguitar said, it is a lifestyle choice. If my lifestyle of assuming that people are good, decent and trustworthy annoys the penny-pinching moaners and the paranoid, that's just an added benefit.


Nahh, i meant you.

It was maejoMTB that mentioned a loss on every transaction .... "So let's say 8 baht loss on every transaction", and we both agreed it was ridiculous, the exact same word! Admit it, we agree.

As Folkguitar said, it is a lifestyle choice. If my lifestyle of assuming that people are good, decent and trustworthy annoys the penny-pinching moaners and the paranoid, that's just an added benefit.

My lifestyle choice is to get as much as I can for as little as possible.

I'm not all that picky so can vary my food and drink to make as much savings as possible.

Seasonal fruit, 'buy one get one free' offers, discounted products near their sell by date ....... it's all good.

Not something I have to do, just something I like doing.


This whole thing has become ridiculous. Some folks might believe that they are being cheated on each and every transaction. I doubt it's even one in a hundred. Making 10 transactions a day? On a good day I might make two. Three if I go food shopping.

MaeJoMTB is obsessed over my avatar. Had he been a bit more worldly he would have recognized Gordon Lightfoot...

Mascarabertha is now telling people that I think stealing is acceptable. ("for example even though you thinks it's ok to steal, it NOT. " ) Wow! Vivid imagination!

People are discussing my clothing, my hair style, my weight... Bertha is making up stuff so she can argue it...

... and all this because I don't want to bother myself over trivia. Folks... feel free to work yourselves into a lather over anything you wish to.

Sorry, but I won't buy into your problems. I'm beginning to realize that you've earned them.


I think i fall in both sides of this "baht war" as i do both. If something doesn't tally up bring it to the cashiers attention and get it rectified. No need to shout and get angry just point it out. Don't get paranoid about everyone being out to scam you, don't believe the snake eyes are watching you( is that paranoid or ace of spades?)I dont believe any locals will think bad of you if you point out a 2 baht mistake.

If your not bothered about a few baht discrepancy, you might not even have noticed it, thats cool too. The main thing with both positions is you don't dwell on it and let it ruin your day. Ideally it will be instantly forgotten.

It would be very sad though if you knew you had been charged to much but were to shy to point it out and then spent the rest of the day grinding your teeth. If thats you, you need to man up and get comfortable with confrontation or be sufficiently relaxed to let it slide without a second thought.


This whole thing has become ridiculous. Some folks might believe that they are being cheated on each and every transaction. I doubt it's even one in a hundred. Making 10 transactions a day? On a good day I might make two. Three if I go food shopping.

MaeJoMTB is obsessed over my avatar. Had he been a bit more worldly he would have recognized Gordon Lightfoot...

Mascarabertha is now telling people that I think stealing is acceptable. ("for example even though you thinks it's ok to steal, it NOT. " ) Wow! Vivid imagination!

People are discussing my clothing, my hair style, my weight... Bertha is making up stuff so she can argue it...

... and all this because I don't want to bother myself over trivia. Folks... feel free to work yourselves into a lather over anything you wish to.

Sorry, but I won't buy into your problems. I'm beginning to realize that you've earned them.

FolkGuitar, I don't care whether you have a buzz cut or a ponytail. Whatever becomes you! Thank you for hanging in there. Some other posters have been positively outrageously insulting or petty in their comments, often beyond acceptability. Some need some "attitude adjustment" to live here happily without stress! Or they should go hassle Walmart or Tesco back in the "home country" where humdrum discotinuities like matching posted specials with the market register are boring routine. Then, at least, they can complain in their native language --- not having bothered to be understood in the language of the country where they reside--- rather than having to appeal, as seems to have been the case in some cases, to upper management who may or may not have better foreign language skills!


Maybe some posters should go back and read folkguitars posts which pointed towards me providing such a good laugh to not just the employees at Rimping, but their friends as well for trying to rectify a pricing error. From there it was implied I was a hothead who ruined their day over 6 baht. I could have left the actual price out of my post, and perhaps the guitarist never would have chimed in, but instead he saw that it was only a 6 baht discrepancy, and he couldn't help himself. It was his decision from there to let us all know what his daily outfit is.

As I tried to explain my real beef was the lack of interest for correcting the matter by the staff. No one on this side of the fence is advocating picking up a gun and going to war over this, simply that as shoppers we kind of owe it to each other to point out to the management where the error is. But, some people repeatedly try to twist our words into being about something else. I don't care about a 7-11 stamp, which is why I give them to my friends, but I will never stand for some little turd pretending to forget that they gave me the wrong change back when it happens 5 times in a row to me, but not the guys before me.

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