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Thai Rights Commission challenges shutdown of Redshirt TV channel


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Thai Rights Commission Challenges Shutdown of Redshirt TV Channel
By Khaosod English

Readshirt leader Nattawut Saikua in a YouTube segment uploaded by Peace TV on 19 May 2015.

BANGKOK — Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has disputed a state agency's decision to pull a Redshirt-operated TV station off the air, calling the move an unjustified violation of freedom of expression.

Peace TV’s license was revoked last month by Thailand’s media regulatory board, the National Broadcasting Telecommunication Commission (NBTC).

NBTC officials said the channel had violated junta orders that forbid media from inciting violence or causing "divisions in the Kingdom." Redshirt leaders later filed a complaint to the NHRC and asked the committee to investigate the ruling.

NHRC director Niran Pitakwachara said today that the committee believes the shut-down order was delivered without due process or cause.

"We have not found any content [on Peace TV] that incited unrest or divisions," Niran said. "The reason cited in the [NBTC’s] explanation does not match the station’s news. It is a judgement that violates the liberty and rights of expression of media agencies."

He added, "Furthermore, the NBTC never allowed the accused to explain their cases."

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1432117930&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2015-05-21

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NHRC director Niran Pitakwachara said today that the committee believes the shut-down order was delivered without due process or cause

Maybe there was cause and maybe not but the order was legal under Section 44 of the Interim Constitution that that governs the NCPO. The NCPO can shut down any thing any where any time as they have proven with 'Peace' TV.

Niran encouraged the Red Shirts to include his committee’s verdict when they file a lawsuit against the NBTC, as Red Shirt leader Nattawut Saikua has vowed to do.

Good luck with your lawsuit, Nattawut. /sarc I wonder which court has jurisdiction over the NCPO. Because, if you file in the wrong court, they will refuse to hear the case.

Of course, Nattawut is a peace promoting figure in the Red Shirt movement and would never say anything divisive or disruptive to reconciliation. /sarc

Nattawut on the Red Shirt stage January 27, 2010


I wonder if the peaceful wing of the UDD is proud to have the Thaksin flunky, Nattawut, as the face of their movement.

Edited by rametindallas
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NHRC director Niran Pitakwachara said today that the committee believes the shut-down order was delivered without due process or cause

Maybe there was cause and maybe not but the order was legal under Section 44 of the Interim Constitution that that governs the NCPO. The NCPO can shut down any thing any where any time as they have proven with 'Peace' TV.

Niran encouraged the Red Shirts to include his committee’s verdict when they file a lawsuit against the NBTC, as Red Shirt leader Nattawut Saikua has vowed to do.

Good luck with your lawsuit, Nattawut. /sarc I wonder which court has jurisdiction over the NCPO. Because, if you file in the wrong court, they will refuse to hear the case.

Of course, Nattawut is a peace promoting figure in the Red Shirt movement and would never say anything divisive or disruptive to reconciliation. /sarc

Nattawut on the Red Shirt stage January 27, 2010


I wonder if the peaceful wing of the UDD is proud to have the Thaksin flunky, Nattawut, as the face of their movement.

Can you answer just when section 44 came into play? and when was the TV station shut down?

It seems that you prefer to disregard Human Rights report as due process and NOTHING in their news was inciting violence or dividing the country, But with your blind views you would have this shut down stand, Now Popit, if the same process of being shut down (example, your business) and removed without evidence of wrong doing but simply because some one doesn't like you was applied to you or your family then you would be just fine with that, I think not.

For a guy quoting Dr Ron Paul, (the man cheated out of US presidency) "Truth is treason in an empire of lies". how on god's green earth do you come up with some of your comments...

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Can you answer just when section 44 came into play? and when was the TV station shut down?

It seems that you prefer to disregard Human Rights report as due process and NOTHING in their news was inciting violence or dividing the country, But with your blind views you would have this shut down stand, Now Popit, if the same process of being shut down (example, your business) and removed without evidence of wrong doing but simply because some one doesn't like you was applied to you or your family then you would be just fine with that, I think not.

For a guy quoting Dr Ron Paul, (the man cheated out of US presidency) "Truth is treason in an empire of lies". how on god's green earth do you come up with some of your comments...

Grow a brain Ait, we are talking about the Redshirts here, not the Red Cross or the Boy Scouts.

The RedShirts, an organization well known for violence, arson, bombings and killing people. What sort of shit do you think they are going to come out with ?

If they tried to broadcast their beliefs in a lot of other countries they would be shut down under the Terrorist Act, and rightly so.

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NHRC director Niran Pitakwachara said today that the committee believes the shut-down order was delivered without due process or cause

Maybe there was cause and maybe not but the order was legal under Section 44 of the Interim Constitution that that governs the NCPO. The NCPO can shut down any thing any where any time as they have proven with 'Peace' TV.

Section 44 was not invoked at the time the station shut down. Nor has Section 44 ever been mentioned as involved in this case, except by you.

The station was not shut down by the NCPO. The head of the NCPO strongly denied that the NCPO played ANY part in the shutdown. The station was ordered closed by the NBTC, which has no constitutional responsibility to do so. Its charter and regulations forbid it from shutting down any broadcaster. At no time, in no place has the NCPO touched Peace TV in any manner. Your claim is utterly false, and demonstrably defamatory.

At the end of May, 2014, the NBTC received a limited order from the junta to shut down broadcasters it believed were obviously inciting the public. This order was not issued under Section 44. The number of broadcasters shut down under this order in 51 weeks is: one (1).

If you favour this censorship, just say so, as your opinion. Don't try to twist the facts. If you don't favour free speech then you don't. Up to you. But there are always those who know exactly what happened and will point out any of your terminological inexactitudes, misconceptions and falsehoods.

Right now, because it's Thailand and this sort of thing is generally common, my favourite people are the ones who say, "No, no, no, really, REALLY I'm in favour of free speech but". Liars. Every one of them. No exception. A more honest post like yours is superior, but unpleasantly marred by all the factual errors, apparently an effort to try to misdirect your readers on the blame.

It was NOT the military that shut down Peace TV.

Grow a brain Ait, we are talking about the Redshirts here, not the Red Cross or the Boy Scouts.

The RedShirts, an organization well known for violence, arson, bombings and killing people. What sort of shit do you think they are going to come out with ?

If they tried to broadcast their beliefs in a lot of other countries they would be shut down under the Terrorist Act, and rightly so.

I would bet quite a lot you have no idea what they said. I bet you can't post a single quote from Peace TV commentators from May 2014 until now.

And you're in excellent company because until now, no one else can either. You are far too feeble-minded and sensitive to know what was said. And so am I and for sure so is every poster and reader on ThaiVisa, not an exception.

The fascinating part here, though, is your trust in authority to only censor bad people. It must comfort you not to read or hear bad things because some man with a gun says you're incapable of understanding or absorbing it.

Some of us feeble-minded just can't stretch our trust that far.

Edited by wandasloan
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I am ABSOLUTELY an advocate for free speech, and in my not so humble opinion, this is the one exception to make that rule. I didn't know anything about Peace TV, so I watched their newly posted Youtube videos - what a crock! Just like screwing for virginity, there's no "peace" in their messages.

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NHRC director Niran Pitakwachara said today that the committee believes the shut-down order was delivered without due process or cause

Maybe there was cause and maybe not but the order was legal under Section 44 of the Interim Constitution that that governs the NCPO. The NCPO can shut down any thing any where any time as they have proven with 'Peace' TV.

Niran encouraged the Red Shirts to include his committee’s verdict when they file a lawsuit against the NBTC, as Red Shirt leader Nattawut Saikua has vowed to do.

Good luck with your lawsuit, Nattawut. /sarc I wonder which court has jurisdiction over the NCPO. Because, if you file in the wrong court, they will refuse to hear the case.

Of course, Nattawut is a peace promoting figure in the Red Shirt movement and would never say anything divisive or disruptive to reconciliation. /sarc

Nattawut on the Red Shirt stage January 27, 2010


I wonder if the peaceful wing of the UDD is proud to have the Thaksin flunky, Nattawut, as the face of their movement.

NBTC officials refused to detail to either PTP or Democrats what content led to "divisions in the Kingdom." Prayut says he has nothing to do with the shutdown order.

The shutdown was ordered by the NBTC and not by the Junta using Article 44. Chief of NCPO Prayut says he has nothing to do with the shutdown.

If Article 44 is not invoked, then due process of law follows existing organic laws which require due process, ie., a hearing.

If the shutdown violates organic laws, then it becomes a matter of constitutionality. Article 4 of the Interim Charter recognizes the rights and liberties of the Thai people as the basis for constitutionality. Only if Article 44 is invoked is the constitutionality of organic law overruled.

Article 44 was not invoked. What does Prayut fear by not doing so? He did so with the national lottery, human trafficking, crop prices, etc. Like waiving a magic wand.

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Can you answer just when section 44 came into play? and when was the TV station shut down?

It seems that you prefer to disregard Human Rights report as due process and NOTHING in their news was inciting violence or dividing the country, But with your blind views you would have this shut down stand, Now Popit, if the same process of being shut down (example, your business) and removed without evidence of wrong doing but simply because some one doesn't like you was applied to you or your family then you would be just fine with that, I think not.

For a guy quoting Dr Ron Paul, (the man cheated out of US presidency) "Truth is treason in an empire of lies". how on god's green earth do you come up with some of your comments...

Grow a brain Ait, we are talking about the Redshirts here, not the Red Cross or the Boy Scouts.

The RedShirts, an organization well known for violence, arson, bombings and killing people. What sort of shit do you think they are going to come out with ?

If they tried to broadcast their beliefs in a lot of other countries they would be shut down under the Terrorist Act, and rightly so.

And who is there to shutdown the Junta?

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Notice that NHRC director Niran Pitakwachara issued his challenge AFTER the UN HRC issued their criticism days ago?

While we have heard from the UN HRC, the EU and the US on all the recent human trafficking tragedies being discovered or uncovered in and around Thailand, not a word from Niran.

Maybe Niran has been on vacation. Or has the Junta muzzled him?

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NHRC director Niran Pitakwachara said today that the committee believes the shut-down order was delivered without due process or cause

Maybe there was cause and maybe not but the order was legal under Section 44 of the Interim Constitution that that governs the NCPO. The NCPO can shut down any thing any where any time as they have proven with 'Peace' TV.

Niran encouraged the Red Shirts to include his committee’s verdict when they file a lawsuit against the NBTC, as Red Shirt leader Nattawut Saikua has vowed to do.

Good luck with your lawsuit, Nattawut. /sarc I wonder which court has jurisdiction over the NCPO. Because, if you file in the wrong court, they will refuse to hear the case.

Of course, Nattawut is a peace promoting figure in the Red Shirt movement and would never say anything divisive or disruptive to reconciliation. /sarc

Nattawut on the Red Shirt stage January 27, 2010


I wonder if the peaceful wing of the UDD is proud to have the Thaksin flunky, Nattawut, as the face of their movement.

Joseph Heller (author of Catch 22) laid it all out for us didn't he? I mean everything is already in place for someone to write and produce Catch 44. Just wonder who that would be...

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I am ABSOLUTELY an advocate for free speech, and in my not so humble opinion, this is the one exception to make that rule. I didn't know anything about Peace TV, so I watched their newly posted Youtube videos - what a crock! Just like screwing for virginity, there's no "peace" in their messages.

Post of the day week month year millennium.

Where "absolutely" is an absolute word, you mean? 555555 Now that's funny!

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NHRC director Niran Pitakwachara said today that the committee believes the shut-down order was delivered without due process or cause

Maybe there was cause and maybe not but the order was legal under Section 44 of the Interim Constitution that that governs the NCPO. The NCPO can shut down any thing any where any time as they have proven with 'Peace' TV.

Section 44 was not invoked at the time the station shut down. Nor has Section 44 ever been mentioned as involved in this case, except by you.

The station was not shut down by the NCPO. The head of the NCPO strongly denied that the NCPO played ANY part in the shutdown. The station was ordered closed by the NBTC, which has no constitutional responsibility to do so. Its charter and regulations forbid it from shutting down any broadcaster. At no time, in no place has the NCPO touched Peace TV in any manner. Your claim is utterly false, and demonstrably defamatory.

At the end of May, 2014, the NBTC received a limited order from the junta to shut down broadcasters it believed were obviously inciting the public. This order was not issued under Section 44. The number of broadcasters shut down under this order in 51 weeks is: one (1).

If you favour this censorship, just say so, as your opinion. Don't try to twist the facts. If you don't favour free speech then you don't. Up to you. But there are always those who know exactly what happened and will point out any of your terminological inexactitudes, misconceptions and falsehoods.

Right now, because it's Thailand and this sort of thing is generally common, my favourite people are the ones who say, "No, no, no, really, REALLY I'm in favour of free speech but". Liars. Every one of them. No exception. A more honest post like yours is superior, but unpleasantly marred by all the factual errors, apparently an effort to try to misdirect your readers on the blame.

It was NOT the military that shut down Peace TV.

Grow a brain Ait, we are talking about the Redshirts here, not the Red Cross or the Boy Scouts.

The RedShirts, an organization well known for violence, arson, bombings and killing people. What sort of shit do you think they are going to come out with ?

If they tried to broadcast their beliefs in a lot of other countries they would be shut down under the Terrorist Act, and rightly so.

I would bet quite a lot you have no idea what they said. I bet you can't post a single quote from Peace TV commentators from May 2014 until now.

And you're in excellent company because until now, no one else can either. You are far too feeble-minded and sensitive to know what was said. And so am I and for sure so is every poster and reader on ThaiVisa, not an exception.

The fascinating part here, though, is your trust in authority to only censor bad people. It must comfort you not to read or hear bad things because some man with a gun says you're incapable of understanding or absorbing it.

Some of us feeble-minded just can't stretch our trust that far.

I feel so good knowing I am as feeble minded and sensitive as the other posters on TVF.

I don't need any "man with a gun" to tell me how the redshirts operate and how bad they are, I worked that out back in 2010 when they invaded Bangkok and did their thing up in Chiang Mai which I witnessed.

And without ever watching any of their broadcasts I could just imagine the content, and it would not be all peace and love, probably more about petrol containers.

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They should close down the Nation newspaper as well. How often does the Nation print stuff that is negative about the junta ? If they were to close down the Nation, well, that would be consistency.

I think the problem we've got is one rule for the red-shirts and another for the yellow-shirts.

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They should close down the Nation newspaper as well. How often does the Nation print stuff that is negative about the junta ? If they were to close down the Nation, well, that would be consistency.

I think the problem we've got is one rule for the red-shirts and another for the yellow-shirts.

Was not that long ago the pro PTP posters were complaining about The Nation being pro-yellow and anti-red. Don't know what is going on there. sad.png

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They should close down the Nation newspaper as well. How often does the Nation print stuff that is negative about the junta ? If they were to close down the Nation, well, that would be consistency.

I think the problem we've got is one rule for the red-shirts and another for the yellow-shirts.

Was not that long ago the pro PTP posters were complaining about The Nation being pro-yellow and anti-red. Don't know what is going on there. sad.png

There has been a noticable evolution of the Nation's editorial policy compared to say one year ago, leaving place to more diversity of opinions. There some possible explanations:

- they probably may have found out that few people (reading English) were interested in a newspaper which was obviously one-sided. Even if they prefer one political side, they also want to know the opposite views

- it may also be related to the level popularity of the Junta among English reading persons

- they have recently evoked the risk of loosing their editorial independence, so they need to prove they are independent :)

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