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1 of my staff resigned. Now i want to stop paying social security for her.

Is it normal my bookkeeper wants to call her and ask for the reason of resignation?

I just want her out of my company, should my bookkeeper not just get her out of my books.

I suspect my bookkeeper to inform my staff on all her rights and do not believe this is the bookkeepers job.

In the future i wish to take out all my staff at least for 1 months as to avoid a 1 year contract which would obligate me to pay an extra 3 months of pay when i fire them.

Are there any solutions for this?

Kind regards.

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No wonder your staff member resigned.

When a staff member resigns you stop paying salary therefore you stop paying social security. The employee can opt to pay themselves to stay in but nothing to do with you.

Also if you fire a person for negligence and have proof you don't need to pay ANY severance. If on the other hand you are down sizing then you do.

Labor law will also take into account recurring contracts so by deducting 1 month all you will do is piss off your workers.. Remember happy workers, work better. Just look at Walmart and Costco in the USA.

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hi, she resigned by SMS. Saying she was looking for a better paid position.

She is still in my company cause of WP reasons.

The question was. Is it normal for my bookkeeper to call her and ask for the reason why she resigned?

I doubt that is a job for a bookkeeper.

Kind regards.

My other staff is happy and i am still on speaking terms with the one that resigned.

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hi, she resigned by SMS. Saying she was looking for a better paid position.

She is still in my company cause of WP reasons.

The question was. Is it normal for my bookkeeper to call her and ask for the reason why she resigned?

I doubt that is a job for a bookkeeper.

Kind regards.

My other staff is happy and i am still on speaking terms with the one that resigned.

"Saying she was looking for a better paid position."

So, you know the reason she resigned. Why not tell the bookkeeper so it's no longer a mystery to him/her.

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I believe my bookkeeper has absolutely no business with the reasons why my staff resigns. All i can think of is that my bookkeeper wants to call her and explain all her rights according to the Thai law towards me. Although the Law has to be respected i see no reason why i have to pay a bookkeeper that informs my staff on her rights towards me. Now the question i have is, is it normal? Because it might be a thai thing i am unaware of and it might happen to more business owners. In that case OK, its the way of the country. If not then why pay for a service that works against me.

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She resigned. You don't have any obligation to pay her anything other than the salary she is owed. There is nothing your book keeper can advise her to do.

Quite often staff are friends and they talk to each other about issues such as this. Perhaps the book keeper was seeing if she could convince her to come back.

If you fire staff, expect then to take you to the labour court. The chances are you will lose. Back in the West I was employed by a very large company and I often did employee investigations, discoplinaries and appeals. I thought I knew how to dismiss someone carefully and correctly.

In my previous job in Thailand I had one employee who was dreadful. I had numerous documented meetings. I documented warning after repeated warning. Witnesses. Statements. Documentary evidence.

After I finally fired them we were taken to labour court. We lost, and paid the ex employee about 100k.

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hi, she resigned by SMS. Saying she was looking for a better paid position.

She is still in my company cause of WP reasons.

The question was. Is it normal for my bookkeeper to call her and ask for the reason why she resigned?

I doubt that is a job for a bookkeeper.

Kind regards.

My other staff is happy and i am still on speaking terms with the one that resigned.

The problem on TV. Many cannot grasp the real question and just spout off.

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When taking somebody off social security, there is a form that needs to be filled out. you need the employees ID number, name, last day s/he worked and reason for leaving. If I remember correctly, there are 6 or 7 options for leaving.

Off memory:

1. Quit / resigned

2. Retired

3. Fired

4. Transfer to other location

5. Death

Can't think of the others right now. But if you need the name of the form or the exact options for reason of leaving, let me know and I'll look them up when I'm in the office.

To answer your question, I don't think your bookkeeper needs to contact her, if she voluntarily left. The only thing she may need from her is a copy of her ID...but you should already have that.

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