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TAT woos Chinese tourists, expects no less than 6 million this year


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TAT woos Chinese tourists, expects no less than 6 million this year

BANGKOK, 21 May 2015 (NNT) - The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has forecast a total of six million Chinese tourists will visit the Kingdom this year.

Deputy Governor for International Marketing with the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Juthaporn Rerngronasa announced that the TAT expects no less six million Chinese tourists this year. This forecast exceeds the agency’s target of 5.4 million visitors.

The first quarter of 2015 has seen Chinese tourism in Thailand expand by 112 percent from the same period last year to 679,660 visitors.

The TAT also reported its tourism expo Thailand Travel Mart Plus 2015 received strong foreign interest, especially from Chinese investors.

-- NNT 2015-05-21 footer_n.gif

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:-( Time to pack my bags and leave...... Surprised to see this number.

I thought with all the dismal news about Chinese tourists behaving badly,

there was some sort of renewed push from TAT to bring back the good

old polite free spending European tourists.......

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:-( Time to pack my bags and leave...... Surprised to see this number.

I thought with all the dismal news about Chinese tourists behaving badly,

there was some sort of renewed push from TAT to bring back the good

old polite free spending European tourists.......

Worth bearing in mind these figures are from TAT who are not exactly know for "wooing" powers but seem to be good at putting out false figures. Chinese tourists are bused every where in organised groups and their presence is felt by a few business's on the tour list.

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Im sure there will be quite a few "woos" in amongst that lot.

How can thwy come up with that number? Did they have an office draw? Just plucked from the sky or maybe a monk told them? Its ridiculous.

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Sad news! Means more tour buses and more crowded tourist attractions. I hate large tour groups. Of any nationality.

Indeed Thailand will change and not be the same as it used to be. I recently was absolutely shocked when I saw a picture of a beach in Krabi (must have been Ao Nopparat?), populated by virtually Ten Thousands of Chinese tour group day-trippers, so you weren't actually able to see any sand or the sea. You only saw people, people, people, bodies, bodies, bodies......

considering it will take 220 years for all Chinese nationals to visit Thailand in case the yearly numbers of 6 Million visitors remain the same, the worst is yet to come.....

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better get used to it, for the Chinese Thailand will become their Benidorm.

a very good description indeed.

They are about to take over Bali as well.

Chinese way of life, behaviour, manners (or lack thereof) and habits will become the Standard in all of Asia rather sooner than later.

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I was considering Bali for a holiday later this year, but hearing this puts me off.

I work for the Chinese in the Middle East, and they really are as bad as what people describe here, in some cases worse!!

They eat like they're never going to see food again, and eat with their mouths open, food falling out all the time, they are loud and noisy eaters too, and they are "Jack" bastards too, as in they don't really care about others, 20 seats on the bus, they all sit in gangs, but come lunchtime it's a rush to get to the bus for an hours sleep, 8 will grab the seats and lay across them, leaving 12 to sit outside in the blazing heat.

They spit and hock up loogies all over the place, and think nothing of dropping one at your feet..

I've been all over the world, and sorry but the Chinese manners are the worst I've observed, queuing ? forget it, they don't see anything wrong with barging to the front, it's their culture, and that's what pisses the expats off the most, you have to put up with it where I'm their employee, but I'm damned if I'm going to do it here, in the country where I've chosen to live.

The Chinese explosion in Thailand will simply drive the quality tourists further away, beat the drum all you want about receiving 6 million Chinese, but unless they spend the same amount of money as Westerners the numbers don't mean shit!!!

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"The Chinese explosion in Thailand will simply drive the quality tourists further away, beat the drum all you want about receiving 6 million Chinese, but unless they spend the same amount of money as Westerners the numbers don't mean shit!!!"

​Some one in Thailand is making big money from these Chinese, and to the Thais who used to have an income from tourism, you don't mean shit no more!

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They still ain't spending so numbers mean zilch!!

absolutely correct ...... but do think about the congestion from their sheer numbers and their bloody coaches

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They still ain't spending so numbers mean zilch!!

Yes, we need more farang like the Thai Visa regulars who moan about being short-changed 2 baht at 7-Eleven or devote their lives to locating the outlet that sells Chang Beer for the least amount.

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They still ain't spending so numbers mean zilch!!

Yes, we need more farang like the Thai Visa regulars who moan about being short-changed 2 baht at 7-Eleven or devote their lives to locating the outlet that sells Chang Beer for the least amount.

These guys aren't tourists they are expats spending all their money in Thailand and as they are not rich they have to count their Pennies or Baht.

If I get short changed no money in the tip box for that shop.

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They still ain't spending so numbers mean zilch!!

Yes, we need more farang like the Thai Visa regulars who moan about being short-changed 2 baht at 7-Eleven or devote their lives to locating the outlet that sells Chang Beer for the least amount.

These guys aren't tourists they are expats spending all their money in Thailand and as they are not rich they have to count their Pennies or Baht.

If I get short changed no money in the tip box for that shop.

cheesy.gif dont think he know the diff between an expat and a tourist ... blink.png

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I am confused.

"The first quarter of 2015 has seen Chinese tourism in Thailand expand by 112 percent from the same period last year to 679,660 visitors."

So, if 680k tourists came in Q1, which has the most months of the high season, Chinese New Year and Songkran...that means they achieved 11% of the 6million target in Q1.

Which means they need 1.7million tourists each quarter for the next 3 quarters.

Did I read this wrong?

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"The Chinese explosion in Thailand will simply drive the quality tourists further away, beat the drum all you want about receiving 6 million Chinese, but unless they spend the same amount of money as Westerners the numbers don't mean shit!!!"

​Some one in Thailand is making big money from these Chinese, and to the Thais who used to have an income from tourism, you don't mean shit no more!

Correct someone is making big money, as in a person, if the Chinese were all big spenders the economy would be better, but they're not spending, that is my point.

You have had TAT offer cheap weekday deals for Thais in hotels with up to 50% discounts, why ? because the numbers are falling short, and revenue not being generated.

I could easily book into a hotel and not spend either, and just live on pot noodles, or I could come over with a budget amount knowing that I spread it around, it goes towards the economy too.

Everything I earn overseas is paid into my Thai account, which means it's going into the economy, every time I purchase something for our home, it goes towards the Thai economy.

The numbers coming into Thailand have no meaning for me, it's the revenue they generate that's more important, as without it, the economy stutters ;)

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Okay, they might not be spending lots of money in shops and bars near their hotels. :)

But, Thailand is building more and more hotels to cater for these tourists. This means jobs and profits for Thailand's construction industry. And Thais are getting jobs in the hotels.

Actually, the workers on the construction sites are sometimes Cambodians, and the hotel staff might be non-Thais as well......

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Seems the forum rules about overly derogatory remarks about any group of people etc etc is quite flexible when it wants to be.

Normally I'd agree with you 100% but I have spent the last 3 years working in the Middle East for the Chinese, and what I've stated here are hard cold FACTS, the next time I get back off leave, I will post you a picture of the grog marks outside of their canteen in the mornings, there's nothing pleasant about having to side step their Phlegm mate.

I see their manners daily, for 8 weeks at a time, day in day out, their habits are disgusting at times, would you consider defecating into a shower as a normal thing to do? I wouldn't but I can assure you, I have personally seen this, you might be wondering how is that possible? ....easy they have communal shower rooms for their unskilled workers, most of whom are actually convicts on early release, doing manual labour in Iraq, and these showers sometimes don't have curtains, same with the toilets, the non squat and drops, they will stand on the seats and drop their insides all over the pan... I'm sorry if you find these derogatory and don't agree with them, I on the other hand work for them, I see it with my own eyes, how else can you be kind about such habits, without them coming over as derogatory?

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I'm sorry if you find these derogatory and don't agree with them, I on the other hand work for them, I see it with my own eyes, how else can you be kind about such habits, without them coming over as derogatory?

You ought to hear what they say about our habits...

I lived in China for 10 years and once I figured out how things work, they were delightful people on the whole. Sure, I had to get used to some habits that wouldn't fly at home. Or, probably, in the Middle East.

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I'm sorry if you find these derogatory and don't agree with them, I on the other hand work for them, I see it with my own eyes, how else can you be kind about such habits, without them coming over as derogatory?

You ought to hear what they say about our habits...

I lived in China for 10 years and once I figured out how things work, they were delightful people on the whole. Sure, I had to get used to some habits that wouldn't fly at home. Or, probably, in the Middle East.

Yep, don't get me wrong, I have a great laugh with most of them, it's just a cultural barrier, the issue I normally have is that blokes new to my line of work don't understand that most of the senior management are "party" members and they are set in their ways, they get the hump on when there's no "please or thanks" involved, it's just their cultural differences.

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I am confused.

"The first quarter of 2015 has seen Chinese tourism in Thailand expand by 112 percent from the same period last year to 679,660 visitors."

So, if 680k tourists came in Q1, which has the most months of the high season, Chinese New Year and Songkran...that means they achieved 11% of the 6million target in Q1.

Which means they need 1.7million tourists each quarter for the next 3 quarters.

Did I read this wrong?

I was just going to post something similar, so I think we read it correctly. They have increased tourists from China by 112% to 679,660. So they've achieved 11% of their target in the first quarter. This quarter was 'high season' so the reality of 6 million is somewhat lacking credibility

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