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Pharmacies around Chiang Mai all seem to stock Gamma Benzene Hexachloride 1% (Lindane) for treatment of lice. This is fairly toxic stuff.

However, it has been replaced in Western countries by Permethrin, which is far safer.

(Permethrin, a synthetic drug based on chemicals derived from the chrysanthemum, is effective and quite safe, even in very young children....)

Does anyone know who might stock this? I tried 3 pharmacies in the city (only 1 actually had a pharmacist there), but no luck. Offered Lindane in every case.


Of course this is the important constituent of insect killer.

Chaindrite uses befenthrin in their woodstain products and permethrin in the chaindrite ant/cockroach powder.

Solignum uses permethrin, (not suggesting you use ant powder though; there are 6 warning pictures on the bottle)

I share your concern about Lindane

I remember using Lindane back in the 80's for timber treatments but it became so contraversial as homeowners were suffering from fumes, heart seizures and kids were getting skin conditions even after months.

You have probably googled the Permethrin brand names; the two I found are "elimite" and "nix" but have no idea what form they come in.


Thanks for the info on Pyrethrum. I've used this for years in my home garden and here it's in a Japanese made fly spray. The only one I consider safe.

However, finding it in Chiang Mai is not so easy. Seems folk use the old methods. Even the flysprays are pretty ghastly in what they contain.

I bought powdered pyrethrum in Australia years ago, which is made up into a solution with water, and mosquito nets soaked in it. The mozzies only had to have a short rest on the net, and they were history. Very necessary in Papua New Guinea, where malaria covers the entire country.

So, the hunt continues.


A humorous story of pubic lice in china. I found that i had a good crop of these critters running around, and biting me, in the pubic place. Of course they live on the hair only. Went to chinese hospital and he confirmed and offered a totally ineffective cure, told me to return in 3 days. How effective can powdered sulfur be against lice?

So i bought a pair of tight cheap cotton underpants and cut a hole for my penis to hang out. Then i sprayed onto the inner side of the the pants some common insecticide, which included various pyrethrins. Then wore the pants for 2 hours. In a few days repeat to catch the next crop of larvae. Worked great, no injury to me, lice all gone, and cheap. Think outside the (medical) box.

  • 2 years later...

You will not find permethrin in a human pharmacy in thailand but you will find it in dog shampoo. So if you are looking for pemethrin you need to buy dog shampoo. I know its crazy but in thailand most things are crazy. I hope i could help.

On 5/22/2015 at 0:02 PM, masuk said:

Thanks for the info on Pyrethrum. I've used this for years in my home garden and here it's in a Japanese made fly spray. The only one I consider safe.


Yes that Japanese stuff is really safe.  Even the full face helmets they make are the best to protect you from the sharpnel from their exploding airbags.


I realize that this isn't what you asked for, but in the past I've had excellent results with Hafif shampoo.  The active ingredient is Carbaryl 0.6% w/v.


It's effective not only on the usual hairy places, but on any area of one's body that may be infested and have that crawly feeling.  One application does the trick.  This shampoo is widely available at drug stores.






The contents of the active ingredients of chemical products in Thailand is written in English on the container. (Take a magnifying glass). As far as I remember, ALL the insecticide sprays in BigC and Macro contain permethrin, and/or a few other '-thrins' such as cypermethrin.

I buy carbaryl also occasionally in order to change the product.

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