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If someone had to be bitten, the one most responsible for keeping them there, was the right one. I wish him a speedy recovery but these animals were never meant to be kept as pets. Sadly now, this tiger, Hern, will have to be moved to a cage or put down because now that he has tasted raw blood, he is a danger to humans. They have always fed these cats cooked meat so as not to arouse them.

Why wish him a speedy recovery? I wish him gangrene.

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If someone had to be bitten, the one most responsible for keeping them there, was the right one. I wish him a speedy recovery but these animals were never meant to be kept as pets. Sadly now, this tiger, Hern, will have to be moved to a cage or put down because now that he has tasted raw blood, he is a danger to humans. They have always fed these cats cooked meat so as not to arouse them.

Why wish him a speedy recovery? I wish him gangrene.

You live by the sword. you die by the sword.

You live by the tigers you die by the tigers.


Dear oh dear what a bunch of sour pusses (pun intended) we have here today.

If the tiger wanted to kill the Abbott, he would be dead, simple as that.

I think the Tiger just got a bit frisky as all cats do. Just don't be in the way when it happens.

I suppose most posters are also scared of chihuahuas after all they were wild wolves once and should never have been tamed.

Actually I think most posters are scared of their own shadows. Why, oh why, do so many come to a "foreign" country and complain it is foreign?

Frisky as in 'what do i do with this head now, play with it or walk away and pretend nothing happened'.

You've never had a cat.

I could have said you have never owned a cat but that would be misleading. Cats don't have owners - they have staff!

I have a cat, or rather he has me, i spent two months nursing him back to health after he had been bitten to pieces as a kitten by a tom cat and he still thinks he is doing me a favour when he eats his food


Tigers do as tiger dose, being a tiger, is the abbot being an abbot? where did Buddha

said that it's ok to keep wild animals for show, profit and pleasures... where???

ssssssh money before nature..money before people..you been here long enough ezzra lol..i know i will get knocked for this but i hope the monk felt real pain..


Tigers are wild and predatory animals. They should be admired from afar, and respected as noble sentient beings, as they go about their tigery business in their natural habitat.

One can never trust domesticated big cats as the video shows, hope it can prevent some people to go to close and try to pet them.

One can never trust domesticated big cats

I think these things happen because they can never trust humans and their stupid desire and "understanding" of domestication for monetary reason...


If someone had to be bitten, the one most responsible for keeping them there, was the right one. I wish him a speedy recovery but these animals were never meant to be kept as pets. Sadly now, this tiger, Hern, will have to be moved to a cage or put down because now that he has tasted raw blood, he is a danger to humans. They have always fed these cats cooked meat so as not to arouse them.

And just where did you get your information about caring for tigers ? Cooking has nothing to do with anything. Stick to what you know.

Wow! You must have great powers to know what I know and then to know that what I know is wrong.

6. The tigers are on the equivalent of an American diet.

The animals are fed boiled chicken every day. Many are overweight and have underdeveloped muscles. Tigers need to eat red meat regularly to get the enzyme taurine and other essential vitamins for their muscle development and long-term health. http://matadornetwork.com/change/7-reasons-think-twice-visiting-thailands-tiger-temple/

Stick to what you know.


I have been to several places in Thailand where one can have their photo taken while up close to a live, full-sized tiger. This should not be allowed. These are wild animals, even in captivity, and I hope the government uses this incident to remove all tigers from interaction with the public. Instead of the abbot, it could easily have been a child or tourist and someone could have died. Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy, a permanent magic act at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, was attacked by a 7 year-old male tiger that he had raised from a cub and he was a highly accomplished lion and tiger trainer.


See what you did just there?

Since I have no idea what you are referring to, my truthful would be, NO.


Duh...dear Abbott...meaning no disrespect...but pawing and biting is what Tigers do best...these are not domestic housecats...even Buddha would not approve of keeping these wild animals from their natural habitat...do not expect any sympathy from animal lovers...


There have been several times when people have voiced concerns about safety at the temple.

i wish the Abbot a speedy recovery and hope the incident will take this opportunity to seriously reconsider the policies of the temple.


If someone had to be bitten, the one most responsible for keeping them there, was the right one. I wish him a speedy recovery but these animals were never meant to be kept as pets. Sadly now, this tiger, Hern, will have to be moved to a cage or put down because now that he has tasted raw blood, he is a danger to humans. They have always fed these cats cooked meat so as not to arouse them.

And just where did you get your information about caring for tigers ? Cooking has nothing to do with anything. Stick to what you know.

Sorry Circus , but you are wrong there....the diet of an apex predator is quite crucial to their health...whereas the animal may look OK on the outside, a diet of cooked meat will not contain all the necessary trace elements vitamins etc etc that the creature needs. the result coupled with caging can lead to animals that have disproportionate muscle/fat balance and other diet related deficiencies......and of course psychological or behavioural problems.


Tigers are wild and predatory animals. They should be admired from afar, and respected as noble sentient beings, as they go about their tigery business in their natural habitat.

One can never trust domesticated big cats as the video shows, hope it can prevent some people to go to close and try to pet them.

One can never trust domesticated big cats

I think these things happen because they can never trust humans and their stupid desire and "understanding" of domestication for monetary reason...

captive animals are not "domesticated" they may be or appear to be tame, but they are NOT domesticated.


for many of you here that don't know about tigers, this may be hard to understand. the tiger was frightened, and was protecting the Abbot.

this is common with tigers. the problem is they try to pick you up just like a mother cat picks up her kittens, by the neck.

"don't you really think the guy would be alive otherwise?

.............Anthropomorphism is not a satisfactory way to view this incident.

the tiger may have been "nervous" or unsettled" for some reason but it is not a pack animal and would not see the abbot as a creature that needed "protecting". not in a tiger's behavioural lexicon

The word "mauled" is used, not "attacked" - It may well have been "playing" - however just watch a domestic cat "play" with a mouse and you'll see that involves codes and actions that would prove very harmful to a human if the "cat" in question is a 200kg tiger


If someone had to be bitten, the one most responsible for keeping them there, was the right one. I wish him a speedy recovery but these animals were never meant to be kept as pets. Sadly now, this tiger, Hern, will have to be moved to a cage or put down because now that he has tasted raw blood, he is a danger to humans. They have always fed these cats cooked meat so as not to arouse them.

Unfortunately, many have been bitten over the years, at various places around Thailand. They've got a place in Chonburi where you can get a pic taken with a tiger. A local lady was mauled a few years ago there also.

Hope I've got this right and don't offend anyone but you may be referring to an incident involving a teenage ' trainer ' who was mauled to death. It was reported she was constantly swatting the tiger's nose and the inevitable happened.

Questions were asked about a 16 year old being allowed to be so close to the animals, hardly experienced by any stretch.


I have often considered karma as being drivel to help poor people

accept their sad position in life. However with this tiger attack I may

have to rethink my position.... :-) Or instead of karma, tigers are much smarter than they look, and it was time for a bit of payback.


Quite apart from any new theories one might have about Karma, hows about the old, old theory that Tigers in captivity are notoriously unpredictable, and really unsuitable for close interaction with the public?.....not so much Karma but an accident waiting to happen?


for many of you here that don't know about tigers, this may be hard to understand. the tiger was frightened, and was protecting the Abbot.

this is common with tigers. the problem is they try to pick you up just like a mother cat picks up her kittens, by the neck.

don't you really think the guy would be alive otherwise?

Great lets hope all the tigers protect their handlers. Im all for more protection


So the Monks take money from Tourists .The animals need to be fed and that must be expensive .Wish the Monk ( a more worthy person than most of the internet warriors here ) ,a full recovery .


So the Monks take money from Tourists .The animals need to be fed and that must be expensive .Wish the Monk ( a more worthy person than most of the internet warriors here ) ,a full recovery .

"The Monk" has bred the Tigers and charged a lot of money from the public so they could sit next to a tiger and have a photo taken......... the monk has also been charged with possessing the Tigers without the right licence and being in possession of other endangered species.....

The Monk is now no longer allowed to charge the public admission to the temple.

The Monk has been criticised for his running of the temple for 2 decades............the tigers do not belong to him or the temple.


So the Monks take money from Tourists .The animals need to be fed and that must be expensive .Wish the Monk ( a more worthy person than most of the internet warriors here ) ,a full recovery .

"The Monk" has bred the Tigers and charged a lot of money from the public so they could sit next to a tiger and have a photo taken......... the monk has also been charged with possessing the Tigers without the right licence and being in possession of other endangered species.....

The Monk is now no longer allowed to charge the public admission to the temple.

The Monk has been criticised for his running of the temple for 2 decades............the tigers do not belong to him or the temple.

So whats the answer?It seems that there is nobody else willing to take care of them .Even if there was ,would they take better care ?


So the Monks take money from Tourists .The animals need to be fed and that must be expensive .Wish the Monk ( a more worthy person than most of the internet warriors here ) ,a full recovery .

"The Monk" has bred the Tigers and charged a lot of money from the public so they could sit next to a tiger and have a photo taken......... the monk has also been charged with possessing the Tigers without the right licence and being in possession of other endangered species.....

The Monk is now no longer allowed to charge the public admission to the temple.

The Monk has been criticised for his running of the temple for 2 decades............the tigers do not belong to him or the temple.

So whats the answer?It seems that there is nobody else willing to take care of them .Even if there was ,would they take better care ?

It would seem you are unaware of the debate or the history that has surrounded the temple for years - may I suggest you do a bit of research first and then you would understand that your question - which is at a tangent to the topic here, is in fact a lot more complex than can be answered in one simple statement.


'' Officials said the tiger, which is called Hern, is among 146 tigers seized by the National parks Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department. The department let the temple take care of the tigers on a condition that the temple must not use the tigers to illegally reap benefit.''

Bit of a contradiction there or has the meaning of the word 'seized' changed and nobody told me blink.png

"Bit of a contradiction there or has the meaning of the word 'seized' changed and nobody told me blink.png"

Perhaps that is a bit like the police seizing your car and then allowing you to "drive "it providing you do not put gasoline in the tank?


So the Monks take money from Tourists .The animals need to be fed and that must be expensive .Wish the Monk ( a more worthy person than most of the internet warriors here ) ,a full recovery .

"The Monk" has bred the Tigers and charged a lot of money from the public so they could sit next to a tiger and have a photo taken......... the monk has also been charged with possessing the Tigers without the right licence and being in possession of other endangered species.....

The Monk is now no longer allowed to charge the public admission to the temple.

The Monk has been criticised for his running of the temple for 2 decades............the tigers do not belong to him or the temple.

So whats the answer?It seems that there is nobody else willing to take care of them .Even if there was ,would they take better care ?

They weigh 450 lbs and they need someone to take care of them ? let them loose in Kau Yai at least then they can truthfully say there are tigers there.


555 som num na, as we say here. I guess everyone just learned a valuable lesson, wild animals don't adhere to the rule...


I'm surprised no one has been killed and eaten by this magnificent, endangered, mistreated creatures. but surely they are usually tranquilized out of their minds. these animals should have been seized years ago and if possible rehabilitated and reintroduced to the wild. if not possible, then at least put in a natural sanctuary where they can live out their lives without being drugged, prodded, gawked at and used for photo opps for money. post-4641-1156693976.gif


555 som num na, as we say here. I guess everyone just learned a valuable lesson, wild animals don't adhere to the rule...


I'm surprised no one has been killed and eaten by this magnificent, endangered, mistreated creatures. but surely they are usually tranquilized out of their minds. these animals should have been seized years ago and if possible rehabilitated and reintroduced to the wild. if not possible, then at least put in a natural sanctuary where they can live out their lives without being drugged, prodded, gawked at and used for photo opps for money. post-4641-1156693976.gif

"these animals should have been seized years ago and if possible rehabilitated and reintroduced to the wild." - as said a million times before this can never happen.

​It also shows a misunderstanding of what the temple has been doing which is BREEDING tigers without any appropriate records or protocol.

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