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Questions about ED Visa extension cancellation

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Hi there,

I am on my 3rd ED Visa extension and it expires the end of June.

I want to leave the country on the day my extension expires.

If I get a cancellation letter from my school does the date on the cancellation letter have to be the date my extension expires?

Also if I go to through the Nongkhai border can I just have the cancellation letter or do I need to go to the local immigration and have the extension cancelled before I go through the border.

If I fly I hear you don't even need the cancellation letter is this correct?


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I did the following reply earlier to a post you made in another topic. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/747971-cancelling-a-visa/#entry9439205

"It could be dated before June 27th but you must leave on or before that date. After that date you could be charged for overstay."

The letter is only needed if you are leaving at Nong Khai. By air or at any other crossing it is not needed.

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And no, you can't just take the letter to the border, you need to visit an immigration office first - either the one in Nong Khai or your local office. Cancellations can be post-dated for up to 15 days (according to Chiang Mai immigration anyway) so you could have it cancelled at your local immigration office a few days before you leave, if you don't want to mess around at Nong Khai.

Edited by eaglesflight
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I am in a similar situation, my extension of stay for my ED Visa expires on 21 June, I will be exiting via Nong Khai on 18 June, what date shall I tell my School to date the cancellation letter? The 21st?

Thanks for any help.

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I thought the extension would need to be cancelled before you cross the border. Otherwise it doesn't make sense?

At the crossing in Nong Khai they will send you to the immigration office not far from the bridge during normal business hours. After that they will do it at the bridge.

If leaving from an airport or any other crossing the cancellation in not needed.

The proper way would be to go the immigration office that did your extension and cancel there before leaving.

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I thought the extension would need to be cancelled before you cross the border. Otherwise it doesn't make sense?

At the crossing in Nong Khai they will send you to the immigration office not far from the bridge during normal business hours. After that they will do it at the bridge.

If leaving from an airport or any other crossing the cancellation in not needed.

The proper way would be to go the immigration office that did your extension and cancel there before leaving.

I am going to my local immigration office. I'm just questioning the dates, re. your advice to darrendsd. If your school issues a letter to say your studies are finishing on 21st June and therefore your extension needs to be cancelled, won't it look odd if you are actually at Nong Khai leaving the country, 3 days before that date?

Also, are you 100% sure they will do it at the bridge if you arrive after the local office is shut?

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That's what's bothering me also, is it the last day you actually went to school or the day your course is due to finish?

It must be the latter to give you time to leave the country via Nong Khai. otherwise you will be on a overstay

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As far as I know, your extension will be invalid once you finish your course, which would be on the day of your last lesson (?) so it would be best to get the letter to say that you finished on the day you are actually leaving the country.

I doubt they are bothered about giving us time to leave the country and you could pay 1,900 baht for seven days permission to stay (or whatever that's called) after cancelling your extension if you wanted. I don't want to pay even more money on paperwork so I've got a letter requesting immigration to cancel my extension as from the date I will be crossing the border. Chiang Mai immigration have told me I can go to have this done at their office up to 15 days before the cancellation date. I am going to their office tomorrow so I can hopefully confirm this is the case when I come home tomorrow afternoon.

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Just a update on this, I received a reply from my Visa Run company who state the letter should be dated the 18th, the day I will be leaving via Nong Khai.

As they do 2-3 trips a week to the border and would have dealt with this issue numerous times I would say the advice will be correct

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Just to let you know, everything went OK today. Stamped as cancelled from 27th so it's definitely true that you can get post dated cancellations - no need to mess around in Nong Khai. It didn't cost anything but they did contrive to take more than an hour and a half to do it, which kind of annoyed me as it's not as if I was asking for permission to stay so they really had nothing to evaluate.

Hope your trip goes smoothly.


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