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Perv schoolmaster Jeremy Forrest plans to teach in Thailand when he's released early from jail

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Before you can be employed as a teacher in a formal school, state or private, you need to be accepted by the Ministry of Education. One of the documents which they are entitled/supposed to ask to see is a Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure, listing any criminal record you may have. If they do this with Forrest then he won't get a job.

Mind you, that is relying on them asking to see it. I presented mine voluntarily and they were surprised!

Hopefully this publicity will flag him up.

They don't ask for it, because it is NOT a requirement !

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Forrest seduced a girl he taught. He breached the position of trust he held and abused the position of influence he held.

He was also guilty of abducting a minor, taking her to another country and having sex with her whilst she was under the legal age of consent.

He knew the law, and he knew he was breaking the trust implicit in his position as a teacher,

He was convicted and punished accordingly - end of.

He won't be allowed to teach again in the UK. Why on earth should another country allow him and take the chance he won't re-offend. Would you want him near your daughters?


Thought that a pedophile meant someone involved with prepubscent children.

15, hardly a pedophile unless she was suffering from severe delayed-puberty.

Look at Sam Fox, the Sun's page three girl from the 80's and the lead up to her 16th birthday so they could post photos of her with her extra large baps out.


Before you can be employed as a teacher in a formal school, state or private, you need to be accepted by the Ministry of Education. One of the documents which they are entitled/supposed to ask to see is a Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure, listing any criminal record you may have. If they do this with Forrest then he won't get a job.

Mind you, that is relying on them asking to see it. I presented mine voluntarily and they were surprised!

Hopefully this publicity will flag him up.

They don't ask for it, because it is NOT a requirement !

From The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website: "Police certificate verifying that applicant has no criminal record or equivalents or letter issued by authorised agencies in applicant’s country. (The requirement of the submission of such police certificate is optional. The applicant must submit it if consular officer requests he/she to do so. This requirement is effective as from May 2007)"


When you'd mean it's enough for a girl to get her periods (>< 'prepubertal') to be available/usable for sexual games, then, sorry man, you're a perv too...!

Get real. Teenagers have had sex since the beginning of time. The average debut age is somewhere between 14 and 16 years in most countries. It's not a question about what my opinion is. It's a question about what real life looks like. What the person in the OP did was unacceptable, and he's been punished for that, but it's totally naive to believe that this doesn't happen regularly in this and other societies. Calling those involved pedophiles doesn't solve anything, particularly when the girl is above the age of consent.

If you study some Thai history, you'll find some interesting facts about these things, and you don't need to go very far back.

It's isn't a question or discussion about what the legal age should be. Or when teenagers have sex. Or if that would somehow justify his breaking the law.

It is about a teacher, someone in a position of authority over impressionable young people acted correctly.

He had sex with a pupil. She was under the legal age of consent, and he took her to a foreign country. He knew it was wrong but did it anyway.

Do you see the difference between this and teenage couples?


Frankly, it's quite weird how 'the males' use arithmetics to justify their 'taste' (perversion?). Of course, 60 y.o.man with 30 y.o. lady is legally O.K. (but will she enjoy you, or only your money?). A 40 y.o. man with a 20 y.o. girl too (more of the same). But a 30 y.o. man with a 15 y.o. girl is NOT O.K.! Not any more than a 20 or 15 y.o. guy with a 10 y.o. kid, got it? All about control, dominance, ...and abuse! Wrong, dead wrong! When you'd have the guts to pretend you're not a perv, may I ask you whether you were ever really concerned about what this, very young, female person, might really be being thinking about it, ...and in what it will do bad to her for her future life? Guess not, hmm...

P.S.: I'm above 60, and I know quite well from myself that the older one gets, the younger one's fantasies can get, but we are not animals are we, and when the urge comes up strong, one can still close one's eyes, and call in the help of that well known wrist of ours to calm down the hitch, ...that then without ruining the whole of a young human being's life! Get a life guys! It's not that pride of yours inside your pants that's making the world any better, for sure...!


When you'd mean it's enough for a girl to get her periods (>< 'prepubertal') to be available/usable for sexual games, then, sorry man, you're a perv too...!

Get real. Teenagers have had sex since the beginning of time. The average debut age is somewhere between 14 and 16 years in most countries. It's not a question about what my opinion is. It's a question about what real life looks like. What the person in the OP did was unacceptable, and he's been punished for that, but it's totally naive to believe that this doesn't happen regularly in this and other societies. Calling those involved pedophiles doesn't solve anything, particularly when the girl is above the age of consent.

If you study some Thai history, you'll find some interesting facts about these things, and you don't need to go very far back.

It's isn't a question or discussion about what the legal age should be. Or when teenagers have sex. Or if that would somehow justify his breaking the law.

It is about a teacher, someone in a position of authority over impressionable young people acted correctly.

He had sex with a pupil. She was under the legal age of consent, and he took her to a foreign country. He knew it was wrong but did it anyway.

Do you see the difference between this and teenage couples?

Absolutely, but somebody called him a pedophile, while there's nothing suggesting that he is. Then somebody indicates that I'm a perv, because I say that it's normal for teenagers to have sex.


Frankly, it's quite weird how 'the males' use arithmetics to justify their 'taste' (perversion?). Of course, 60 y.o.man with 30 y.o. lady is legally O.K. (but will she enjoy you, or only your money?). A 40 y.o. man with a 20 y.o. girl too (more of the same). But a 30 y.o. man with a 15 y.o. girl is NOT O.K.! Not any more than a 20 or 15 y.o. guy with a 10 y.o. kid, got it? All about control, dominance, ...and abuse! Wrong, dead wrong! When you'd have the guts to pretend you're not a perv, may I ask you whether you were ever really concerned about what this, very young, female person, might really be being thinking about it, ...and in what it will do bad to her for her future life? Guess not, hmm...

P.S.: I'm above 60, and I know quite well from myself that the older one gets, the younger one's fantasies can get, but we are not animals are we, and when the urge comes up strong, one can still close one's eyes, and call in the help of that well known wrist of ours to calm down the hitch, ...that then without ruining the whole of a young human being's life! Get a life guys! It's not that pride of yours inside your pants that's making the world any better, for sure...!

I don't think anybody here has said that what the man did is OK. On the other hand, I remember very well from my own teenage years the annoying fact that some girls preferred to date guys far into their twenties, because they had money, car and experience. It isn't as unusual as some like to think.


P.S.: I'm above 60, and I know quite well from myself that the older one gets, the younger one's fantasies can get, but we are not animals are we, and when the urge comes up strong, one can still close one's eyes, and call in the help of that well known wrist of ours to calm down the hitch, ...that then without ruining the whole of a young human being's life! Get a life guys! It's not that pride of yours inside your pants that's making the world any better, for sure...!

Wow, maybe you should see a shrink. It isn't normal to have younger fantasies when one gets older.


Here in Thailand. 15 is legal age with parents consent!!!!

You mean for consenting into a wedding 'arrangement', don't you, to repare 'the damage' (pregnancy,) as sex isn't in itself allowed at that age, get your information right, before you make a big mistake (the more so 'the system' is more leniant with Thai-Thai 'accidents', while I guess you're Farang, mai same...)?

Getting so tired of the "experts" here!!

“Thailand’s Criminal Code states that it is legal to engage in consensual sexual activities with a person that is over 15 years old. Non-consensual sexual activities with a person over 15 is illegal. Sex with a person under the age of 15, whether consensual or not, is illegal.



So according to some posters it's OK as long as the "child" is over the legal age of consent, and even that is debatable as "the maturity of the child" should be taken into account.

Therefore logically sex with an 13 year old is OK if you are in Argentina and in some other countries it's as young as 12!

Sorry, but in my world it's PAEDOPHILIA!

It seems to be a question of puberty:

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger."


I understand anyone sentenced to 12 or more months in prison is banned from leaving the UK for 12 months after there release.

I am also sure that should he come to Thailand that relevant Thai government departments will be tipped off. rolleyes.gif


Frankly a 50+ yo man visiting or living ( God forbid) in Pattaya preying on teenage prostitutes is mire perverted and tgere are thousands. So what if this guys cones.

hope he has learned his lesson.


Here in Thailand. 15 is legal age with parents consent!!!!

In my birth state of Louisiana, a girl can get married at age 11 and a boy at age 12 WITH parental consent. I don't think parental consent factored into this perv's case though. In February the girl’s mum gave an interview to the Daily Mirror in which she described Forrest as a “monster” who had stolen her daughter. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/perv-schoolmaster-jeremy-forrest-plans-5749691


From the full article

"Forrest, who is on the sex offenders register, would have to ask permission from probation authorities if he wanted to travel to Thailand before the end of his licence period. After that they cannot stop him."

In Oz, registered sex offenders (and others) can be refused a passport. IMHO, in a similar case there, it is quite likely this would happen.

No country should be allowed to export their sex offenders. Take his passport privilege away.


"He reckons Thailand is as good a place as any to start afresh. He thinks he can make a living giving English lessons.”

Who said Thailand will accept him? People have been turned down for visas for lesser criminal records. If he repeats this behavior in Thailand, it is possible a mob will beat him to death before the police have time to arrest him.


Thought that a pedophile meant someone involved with prepubscent children.

15, hardly a pedophile unless she was suffering from severe delayed-puberty.

Look at Sam Fox, the Sun's page three girl from the 80's and the lead up to her 16th birthday so they could post photos of her with her extra large baps out.

Posing topless at age 16 equals having sex at 15? Your analogy is a FAIL. Not only that, laws have tightened up since the 80s.

There are lots of (adult) women to have sex with for free without preying on inexperienced 15 year old girls. Really, there is no reason for an adult male to seek sexual activity with a girl below the age of consent. Age of consent means she is judged to be mature enough to make decisions that will affect her future. The vast majority of citizens have deemed 15 year old girls as not mature enough to know what is good for them or not.

Seriously, you have to be a pervert to want sex with underage girls when there are plenty of young women, who are of age, dying to have sex with you. He may not be a pedophile but he is definitely a pervert in my eyes.


Shit happens. One of my best pals in school and our star athlete, returned to the school as a teacher. He had an affair with a student and was caught. It was consensual. I would never call him a pedophile.

Just the other day, my wife and I saw a man , foreigner, around 60 ay first glance strolling into a big Thai superstore with his 'girl(y)friend , braces and absolutely NOT older then 16....accompanied by another excited older couple with 2 shopping carts, at our first look her parents, proudly walking around with their daughters male ATM card.

How should we call him? a pervert, or even worse.....nobody seemed to care in the store except from a couple of jealous other aging Thai Lady's cursing their lost change.

We don't care, my wife and I that is , as long as our daughter is clever enough NOT to engage in child - elderly relationships.

And dear me....my wife and I are 22 years apart................but was 26 when we first met .

Do I qualify 2?


Shit happens. One of my best pals in school and our star athlete, returned to the school as a teacher. He had an affair with a student and was caught. It was consensual. I would never call him a pedophile.

Just the other day, my wife and I saw a man , foreigner, around 60 ay first glance strolling into a big Thai superstore with his 'girl(y)friend , braces and absolutely NOT older then 16....accompanied by another excited older couple with 2 shopping carts, at our first look her parents, proudly walking around with their daughters male ATM card.

How should we call him? a pervert, or even worse.....nobody seemed to care in the store except from a couple of jealous other aging Thai Lady's cursing their lost change.

We don't care, my wife and I that is , as long as our daughter is clever enough NOT to engage in child - elderly relationships.

And dear me....my wife and I are 22 years apart................but was 26 when we first met .

Do I qualify 2?

Qualify for what?

It certain coutries eg UK or USA youvwoukd be considered the same way sone look upon the couple you saw.

26 and 48 is kinda sick.


Immigration only has to stop he's visa application as an undesirable person not to enter Thailand, end of story , he fled off to France, so one assumes he took an underage with him and is doing time their for he's activities, I have time and again over the years requested that a police check in the place of origin and Thailand be carried out on all applicants including Thai that have anything to do with children ( working with children licence) this includes hospitals or any where with children , to protect children , Thailand is well behind with International laws and requirements in this area..coffee1.gif


If the people in charge had any clue and if they really cared they would flag his passport / name so he cannot enter Thailand right NOW

Do not let this monster into Thailand and surely do not let him near any kids


The Thai Immigration, Thai Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Teh Education MInistry needs to get tought on the quality of tourists, expats and retirees here. make things tougher including proof of finacial resources, police screening, including screening for STDs and HIV, etc. Too much foreign garbage in Thailand. Those who get upset by my comments off course know which groups they belong to.


If he intends to teach in a government school he will need a police record search - this would probably prevent him from teaching....depending on what crimes he has committed.

however most of the big private schools do not have these checks - I doubt if parents realise that they are sending their kids to extra classes with teachers who may or may not have undesirable past offences


they really need to castrate these sick bastards instead of letting them get close to more of their future victims, time to stop allowing any convicted mongrel teach in thailand.

...and the award for the most facile post of the thread goes to...........


The Thai Immigration, Thai Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Teh Education MInistry needs to get tought on the quality of tourists, expats and retirees here. make things tougher including proof of finacial resources, police screening, including screening for STDs and HIV, etc. Too much foreign garbage in Thailand. Those who get upset by my comments off course know which groups they belong to.

The group who can spell perhaps?


If he intends to teach in a government school he will need a police record search - this would probably prevent him from teaching....depending on what crimes he has committed.

however most of the big private schools do not have these checks - I doubt if parents realise that they are sending their kids to extra classes with teachers who may or may not have undesirable past offences

Does the record search mean a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction, or similar document, from his home country ? I have no idea about this.

A local check would mean nothing unless any applicant had already been here and been convicted of something, depending on which would likely have involved deportation.

A Canadian friend of mine took a teaching contract in China some years back and one of the documents required was a clearance certificate from the RCMP.

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