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Filipina in UAE death row for killing employer who tried to rape her

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How do we know the employer actually attempted to rape the Filipina. Often criminal defendants make up stories to try and get themselves off the hook or get sympathy. As usual, the dimwitted ThaiVisa lynch mob is ready to hang someone based merely on an accusation.

Seriously? Everyone seems to be commenting on the evidence presented. The thread title is "Filipina in UAE death row for killing employer who tried to rape her." But you don't buy that. Instead, you'd rather make something up, like perhaps the guy was so kind and good to her that she stabbed him to death because.....hmmm, why would she stab the guy to death? Perhaps you should share with the readership what actually happened since you seem to know more than the people actually investigating the case.

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If you do a google search on "Xyza Cruz Bacani" you will find an article on how the Filipina and Indonesian maids are treated in Hong Kong. In most accounts, the treatment is the same or worse than what many posters in in TV believe only happens by Arab's in the middle east.


Raping of female staff (foreigners) is common place in Arab countries. Their passports are confiscated and they are held in virtual slavery. If the become pregnant they are kicked out to fend for themselves. This is common knowledge to most people that work in these countries. I'm still surprised that their home governments allow them to work in these places.

They can go to the Philippines Embassy and get a new passport, confiscated passport is not that much of an issue.

Not as easy as that, the employer holds power to issue a 'no objection' to release the employee from their obligation under contract, usually because he has contributed towards the flights & visa processing fees. The passport is not considered 'lost' or 'stolen' without some due diligence, which would involve the employer having an opportunity to speak.

Whilst they are in the middle of improving the conditions of contract for these situations in the gulf region, not all Countries, off the back of various cases like this, or whether its workers toiling in the midday sun on a world cup stadium, it may take some time to get through the red tape.

The bottom line is, people like this need to seriously consider what they are getting themselves in for before they throw themselves at the first opportunity to make a little more cash thean they would at home.


If you do a google search on "Xyza Cruz Bacani" you will find an article on how the Filipina and Indonesian maids are treated in Hong Kong. In most accounts, the treatment is the same or worse than what many posters in in TV believe only happens by Arab's in the middle east.

You are comparing HK to UAE? Don't know about you, but I know which legal system I would rather take.


If you do a google search on "Xyza Cruz Bacani" you will find an article on how the Filipina and Indonesian maids are treated in Hong Kong. In most accounts, the treatment is the same or worse than what many posters in in TV believe only happens by Arab's in the middle east.

You are comparing HK to UAE? Don't know about you, but I know which legal system I would rather take.

I'm comparing the treatment of maids by their employers. In reviewing the article, there is a lot of evidence that shows a large percentage of HK Chinese that are treating the Filipino maids every bit as badly if not worse than can expected to be treated here in the UAE. I've hired close to a dozen Filipino maids in the 8 years I've been here, and several have worked in HK. They prefer the UAE to that experience.

But my main point is to counter the obvious bias being presented in this forum that would suggest Arabs have a complete monopoly on the mistreatment of these women. The reality is they do not and it is much bigger than a middle east problem.


Raping of female staff (foreigners) is common place in Arab countries. Their passports are confiscated and they are held in virtual slavery. If the become pregnant they are kicked out to fend for themselves. This is common knowledge to most people that work in these countries. I'm still surprised that their home governments allow them to work in these places.

In Saudi if they become pregnant due to rape they are jailed as it is illegal to have unmarried sex. The man is not charged as it was her fault he raped her. And the west kowtows to those barbarians!

When I was in Saudi the Phillipine government didn't care about what happened to some of their women as long as enough were sending money back home, as the country depends on foreign remittances due to overpopulation at home.

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