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British Men Hurrying To Wed Thai Women


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I can't speak for anyone else, but it doesn't offend my independence. That's the way you were brought up, and it is very gentlemanly of you, and I'm sure much appreciated.

What I find offensive is when people assign value to a woman's independence or eqalitarian nature, and even modern manners, as not pretty or defective. I would wager that you are then not versed in modern, eqalitarian relationships, because in those it has nothing to do with a negative value of the woman.

You would lose that wager. I feel that a lady is as equal if not more so than a man .

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The younger and prettier the gurl, the less chance she'll offer to pay for anything I reckon. Older and/or not so pretty she may have to pick up the tab now and then. That's the way of the world I'm afraid.

Oh please. Perhaps the more high-maintenance the girl, or the more she associates dating, relationships, and her time as money :o

I was speaking in generalities... there are, of course, exceptions to the rule.

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*Jeff 1:

I actually just edited my post. I didn't Mean you as in YOU, I meant the general you as in THEY, or another you. I already called you a gentleman, geez :o

It's all good Kat. :D

Im on the defense today, here at work and a little might have spilled over on to my post(s)

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The younger and prettier the gurl, the less chance she'll offer to pay for anything I reckon. Older and/or not so pretty she may have to pick up the tab now and then. That's the way of the world I'm afraid.

JingJing, the way of the world you're talking about is wrong. Do you think I'm pretty? Do you think I'm still young at 25? Well, whatever your answer is going to be, the way of the world I am used to is different. I am an independent woman. I love my independence. I enjoy sharing, helping, chipping in, splitting, paying half of the bills, --- or however you call it. It's simply me. I don't think picking up the tab has something to do with beauty or age of the girl at all! Or am I wrong?

I understand that some guys are brought-up in a different way. As men, they are taught to take responsibility, pay the bills, take woman on dates and pay for them. That's fine with me! I would let a guy take me out and pay for me, as long as I return the favor sooner or later. For some reason, I would start feeling guilty if I just take and take. Again I say, this is just me.

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People (ladies) pay me just for a kiss.


What? do you want one for free :D

No Donz , by all accounts Brit's no lady. Charge extra !


I thought Brit was a lady, my apologies


*Jeff 1:

I actually just edited my post. I didn't Mean you as in YOU, I meant the general you as in THEY, or another you. I already called you a gentleman, geez :o

It's all good Kat. :D

Im on the defense today, here at work and a little might have spilled over on to my post(s)

no worries :D

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