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What are the penalties if late for first 90 day report?

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My first 90 day report date is due on the 12th of April 2024.

It is my understanding this had to be done in person so I didn't try to do online.


I see now that Chaeng Wattana immigration office is closed on April 14th, 15th and 16th.

If I go on 17th, 18th or 19th I will have to cancel work appointments and I would rather not do that.

Does immigration make any exceptions for a time when the offices are closed?


If I go late for report (I could easily go on April 22) I understand there will be a 2000THB fine,

but is that just paid and done or are there other difficulties if I am late reporting?


I would be grateful foraAny ideas or advice.

Any advice requiring a Time Machine I would be grateful if you would keep to yourself.











Edited by cdemundo
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OP, you have answers above.

If not able to attend in person during the grace period you could consider leaving it till you have business at immigration.

You will be fined 2k baht. 

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1 hour ago, cdemundo said:

f I go on 17th, 18th or 19th I will have to cancel work appointments and I would rather not do that.


Unfortunately, as far as Immigration is concerned. You still have (those) 3 days to do it, if you rather not then the fines are on you. You can't blame it oh holidays or your personal affair. I personally have witnessed one stubborn farang lady triy to bargain on same scenario to no avail. They shooed her away after making her pay, and didn't bother to even print her a fine receipt.

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1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

OP, you have answers above.

If not able to attend in person during the grace period you could consider leaving it till you have business at immigration.

You will be fined 2k baht. 

Thanks Dr. Jack, looks like I have a solution that will work, thanks for the info.

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On 4/11/2024 at 1:23 PM, bubblegum said:

Might as well skip it all together and pay 2000-- when you do your yearly extension. Its max 2000-- 

I was thinking about this, what are the consequences of doing this other than paying 2k

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9 hours ago, cdemundo said:

The alternative that hasn't been mentioned is that you can send an authorized representative.

Which is what I am doing.

We will see how that works out.

Works fine.

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On 4/11/2024 at 12:49 PM, cdemundo said:

My first 90 day report date is due on the 12th of April 2024.

It is my understanding this had to be done in person so I didn't try to do online.

First 90 day report after what. Have you ever used the online system before? If you have ignore those that tell you the first one has to be done in person.

I am on a Retirement extension and every year I visit the UK for 4 months and return to Thailand to the same address with a re entry permit. First online 90 day works no problem.

This year I entered on a new passport. I had the stamps transferred to my new passport, again my first 90 online worked perfectly.

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1 hour ago, KhunLA said:



Don't know where you got that info from, but the version of the TM47 form currently downloadable from the Immigration Bureau website includes the following statement at the very end:


(The fine of Overdue Notification is not exceeding 5,000 Baht)




Edited by OJAS
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19 minutes ago, OJAS said:


Don't know where you got that info from, but the version of the TM47 form currently downloadable from the Immigration Bureau website includes the following statement at the very end:


(The fine of Overdue Notification is not exceeding 5,000 Baht)




Also from TH imm site:

...  "If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying residence to immigration officer or notifying later than the set period, must notify in person and a fine of 2,000.- THB will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he/her will be fined 5,000.- THB with an additional fine not exceeding 200.- THB for each day which passes until the law is complied with."


PPrevious post was from G search and one of first that popped up, 


Definitely starts @ 2000, as got the little slip when reporting late by mail, hoping to avoid, but was returned with 2000 baht fine slip, and informed to report in person ASAP.   When extending visa, shortly after, the Imm officer, simply set it aside, with smile on her face, and didn't fine me.


THANK YOU very much

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12 hours ago, KhunLA said:

...THB will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he/her will be fined 5,000.- THB with an additional fine not exceeding 200.- THB for each day which passes until the law is complied with...


The above part of the text shown on the website of the Immigration Bureau is incorrect. Whether the Immigration Bureau did this due to ignorance or deliberately in order to frighten foreigners, I do not know.

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