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I got married a few months back to a girl ive been with for 7yrs. I want to register it in Scotland. What is the process. Ive been on the uk embassy website but its still unclear.

Shes Thai and has a daughter who is 12 and ive known her since the daughter was 4. Her father is now dead. Died young at 36. I would her to have my surname the same as her mum. What is the process for that?

Any help would be great.



If Scotland is the same as England then you can't register the marriage as such, all you can do is deposit the original documents with the General Record Office so that copies can easliy be obtained in the future.


If you have done the official amphur wedding, just get the certificate and registration translated and stamped by the translator, this had proved enough for me in Scotland and the only people who needed to see them so far were my company pension scheme administrators.

You just need to TELL other people, bank, insurance, HMRC etc and most importantly make a will, both in the UK and Thailand, which cover your assets in each country.

As for adopting your step-daughter, that is probably covered in the "Family and Children" section.


If you successfully adopt your step-daughter, do you qualify for family allowance or child support? I don't know but as the UK has frozen my state pension for the last 7 years, I would say get whatever you can.

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