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Dog Problem

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Right now I have a problem with my neighbour opposite as much as his dog.They go out to work all day leaving the dog tied up. It barks constantly all day. They come home after work and let it loose out in the road. It is a rather large mongrel and all it wants to do is fight with every other dog in the neighbourhood, egged on by the male owner who takes great delight in watching it ripping other dogs to pieces and watching them flee for their lives.

At night it`s tied up again and, yep, you`ve guessed it, it barks all night.

Now I know that essentially it isn`t the dogs fault. I have watched him rear it to fight other dogs, opening his gate when other dogs are passing etc, encouraging it.

My main concern is with the constant barking. How they themselves stand it I don`t know.

My wife has pulled him about this constant barking but to no avail. And I really don`t want to talk to him about it because I may lose my temper and I have been in Thailand long enough to realise that this would be a bad move.

I really don`t want to poison the animal but I am almost at my wits end, losing sleep also.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

P.s. Is there any substance that I could spread on the road outside my gate that would stop dogs from congregating there and pissing all over my gate every ten minutes? Something they may not like the smell of for instance.

Cheers all.

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Right now I have a problem with my neighbour opposite as much as his dog.They go out to work all day leaving the dog tied up. It barks constantly all day. They come home after work and let it loose out in the road. It is a rather large mongrel and all it wants to do is fight with every other dog in the neighbourhood, egged on by the male owner who takes great delight in watching it ripping other dogs to pieces and watching them flee for their lives.

At night it`s tied up again and, yep, you`ve guessed it, it barks all night.

Now I know that essentially it isn`t the dogs fault. I have watched him rear it to fight other dogs, opening his gate when other dogs are passing etc, encouraging it.

My main concern is with the constant barking. How they themselves stand it I don`t know.

My wife has pulled him about this constant barking but to no avail. And I really don`t want to talk to him about it because I may lose my temper and I have been in Thailand long enough to realise that this would be a bad move.

I really don`t want to poison the animal but I am almost at my wits end, losing sleep also.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

P.s. Is there any substance that I could spread on the road outside my gate that would stop dogs from congregating there and pissing all over my gate every ten minutes? Something they may not like the smell of for instance.

Cheers all.

Try a mixture of red chilli powder and dry mustard to keep dogs away from your gate. Reapply after rain. There are gadgets available to stop barking but you might have to buy from UK. Try www.smarthome.com/product index

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Is your neighbor Thai or farang?

Since they don't sell antifreeze in Thailand (duh!) I believe your only option is to move.

What`s the purpose of the anti freeze then smartguy? because you canbuy it here.

You could try half-full bottles of water. I hear it's useless but maybe your neighbor will get the hint.




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Ummmm poison a neighbors dog and ... well suffer over and over <first for poisoning a dog>

Really .... the lowest pits of hel_l are reserved for people that hurt pets!

I couldn`t agree more jd that`s why I`m after alternative solutions.

I do more damage to my gate and my hands with the catapult, but yes it is semi effective.

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Is your neighbor Thai or farang?

Since they don't sell antifreeze in Thailand (duh!) I believe your only option is to move.

He`s Thai. What`s the purpose of the anti freeze then smartguy? because you canbuy it here.

They sell antifreeze in Thailand? Does it really get that cold where your village is?

"Why Is Antifreeze So Delicious?", Brendan I. Koerner, Slate Magazine, July 13, 2004

Bottoms up!

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dog whistles yes, but make sure it is at the right pitch.

There are pitches the dog can hear, but not be bothered by, then there are pitches the dog can hear and will cower in fear.

If you get the wrong pitch you may end up eggin the mutt on.

When you get it, ONLY use it when the dog barks.

( I hope ther dog is not old enough to be too "educated")

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Easy answer..... befriend the dog.

When the neighbours are out at work.... feed it.... better food than it will normally receive.

Eventually (and in this scenario, eventually can be an incredibly small space of time) the dog will become your dog.

This, of course, only works if you like dogs :o

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P.s. Is there any substance that I could spread on the road outside my gate that would stop dogs from congregating there and pissing all over my gate every ten minutes? Something they may not like the smell of for instance.

Cheers all.

Boiled lemon grass water usually works.

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Thaddeus, very subversive :o

But an excellent idea. Befriend the dog, once you do, start teaching it to be nice instead of mean. If you can't stop the owner from restraining the dog (which is why it is barking in the first place) then you'll have to go with something else. But untying the dog would work wonders.

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We have a similar problem with our Thai neighbour, he

comes home everynight around 8 30'ish, stumbles around his shack, mumbling

with a deep resonant voice to his wretched dogs. Incomprehensible grunts, drunken ramblings

enough to make one scream with frustration. :D

I'm thinking of poisoning his pestle & mortar. :o

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The dog needs to be neutered for a start. Then he needs to have an area to run in without being chained up--even if it is a small area.

You might want to check with a vet--diazapam (valium) might help with the barking during the day.

As for the neighbor, get his phone number and every time the dog starts barking at night--call him on the phone and wake him up. You might want to block your number, so he doesn't know who is calling.

As nice as you may think it sounds, poisoning is not really a very good option. People like this guy will go out and get another--and better the devil you know.

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The leashing of a dog, usually without shade for long periods seems to be a way of making the dog aggressive. I have witnessed this in a few Asian countries.

The effect does in fact tend to drive the animal crazy. Not nice, but as you say TiT and your intervention would certainly create huge friction

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If, as the OP suggests, the owner is attached to this dog (albeit in a sick, aggressive sort of way), there would most certainly be some major fallout from poisoning his dog. Suggest you read the Southern Thailand forum about the Danish guy who had problems with his Thai neighbor before suggesting such solutions.

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You might want to check with a vet--diazapam (valium) might help with the barking during the day.

Being a vet , i would say , Diazepam can't help the dogs ,due to poor absorption and elminated rapidly by per oral (unless I/V)

let say , the dosage of diazepam 1-2 mg /kg

1 tab of diazepam has 5 mg

from my experience, dogs never got sedative from valium per os...ditto 356 times

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Get some chopped meat , feed it to him , let him enjoy it .

Then right before you are ready to leave for a few days , feed him a well laced meatball of rat poison , make sure it is enough to kill him.

Kill a pet?

As Sbk said .... read that thread, in fact read it twice.

If you were chained up all day with a rice diet and somebody gave you the option of improving your life or you could eat a poisoned meatball.... what would you do?

Oh.... sorry .... I forgot ..... you are a person (loose description) ..... dogs don't count.

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