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Being Black in Thailand: We’re treated better than Africans, and boy do we hate it

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What is this all about? Is it about being black or Australian aborigine, or American or Ghanian?

So a women was on a swing for children and told to get off. Then somebody wants to play the race card.

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skin color gets hit way too often. I think discrimination exists but has to do mainly with ones actions, behavior and attitude. People send out vibes , impressions and eye openers. Others respond to those and treat the person on those merits. If I walk into an immigration office and smell foul odor from poorly clad farangs, then I develop an attitude toward them. If I walk the streets and see people of color or whatever race, peddling drugs and running scams , I treat them in a certain way. It is all about what you make of yourself, how you come across and carry yourself.


Whatever makes the author feel good.

Apply for a teaching job and you'll soon find out exactly what "they" think:blink:


"A Thai patrol police officer able to recognize an American accent??"


You see, the Thai people are able to watch American movies from Hollywood now.

They're called "talkies"....

Most of the these "talkies" are dubbed in Thai and the rest are subtitled.

I don't understand why you need to believe Thais speak and understand English perfectly. I mean if you're going to defend something that's wrong pick something that matters and isn't so easy to refute.


The real Americans neither white than black !

The real Americans are Indians, like the Origines in Australia,

And their land were stolen by Brits and others !

To exclude any problems, they just killed mosts of them !!

same like now some reach thai mafioses encroching the national peples forest !!


> he might have assumed was Ghanaian or Nigerian, living and working in Thailand—and she

>responded with her black American accent, he immediately switched gears and insisted that it wasn’t a problem.

It's hard for me to believe that the cop could understand the difference in accents.

I get the point of the article, and overall it's an interesting difference in treatment to hear about. That said, it seems very silly to me that they are contrasting "black" vs. "African" to mean black = African-American, African = black African. That would be as silly as saying "white" vs. "European", where white = European-American, European = white European

When I lived in Japan, people from west Africa would often claim to be from the U.S. because it got them better treatment from Japanese people. Many folks in Japan (like many people in the world) think black American = rap, sports, total coolness. It was bizarre to me that Japanese people couldn't tell the difference in accent whatsoever when these folks from west Africa would claim to be born and raised in New York. If the Japanese folks couldn't hear the difference in accent, I can't imagine your average Thai cop patrolling the park can tell the difference in accents either. If they can't tell the difference in physical features, clothes, and mannerism between west Africans and African-Americans, I'd say the cops have about zero chance of getting the difference in accents.

It is easy to tell the difference.

Nigerians talk like Britts.

Black Americans do not.

i think to take a body mass index could be help also many times !!


Well US citizens do seem to have an over-inflated sense of personal rights, coupled with a propensity to sue.

BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you.

As an American, I agree that Americans have been treated "a little better" than most foreigners in Thailand.

I feel it is due to the fact that the U.S. has given Thailand a lot of economic and military assistance for a very long time and the Thai government is very aware of it.

With the recent cooling of this warm relationship since Thailand has decided to put democracy on hold,

It will not surprise me if the preferential treatment is put on hold too...or even vanishes!

When will those elections be held???

thaksins regime was a democracy like democracy election from Bush !



I highly doubt that a Thai cop can tell the difference, regardless of how many movies he has seen

It must have been that "mo'fo' interjection every two seconds that gave her Americanism away.......


But when the officer issued his request to Jane—a black woman he might have assumed was Ghanaian or Nigerian, living and working in Thailand—and she responded with her black American accent, he immediately switched gears and insisted that it wasn’t a problem.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” the Thai officer said. “You can stay.”

What a load of crap!!

A Thai patrol police officer able to recognize an American accent??

I think our American friend just wants a little attention!!

If you havn't experienced African-American entitlment, you're in for a treat. Add that to "I'm an expat in the 3rd world, so I am a rock star" attitude and ego pushes maximum density.


> he might have assumed was Ghanaian or Nigerian, living and working in Thailand—and she

>responded with her black American accent, he immediately switched gears and insisted that it wasn’t a problem.

It's hard for me to believe that the cop could understand the difference in accents.

I get the point of the article, and overall it's an interesting difference in treatment to hear about. That said, it seems very silly to me that they are contrasting "black" vs. "African" to mean black = African-American, African = black African. That would be as silly as saying "white" vs. "European", where white = European-American, European = white European

When I lived in Japan, people from west Africa would often claim to be from the U.S. because it got them better treatment from Japanese people. Many folks in Japan (like many people in the world) think black American = rap, sports, total coolness. It was bizarre to me that Japanese people couldn't tell the difference in accent whatsoever when these folks from west Africa would claim to be born and raised in New York. If the Japanese folks couldn't hear the difference in accent, I can't imagine your average Thai cop patrolling the park can tell the difference in accents either. If they can't tell the difference in physical features, clothes, and mannerism between west Africans and African-Americans, I'd say the cops have about zero chance of getting the difference in accents.

It is easy to tell the difference.

Nigerians talk like Britts.

Black Americans do not.

The difference is perhaps easy for you and me!

BTW, Nigerians talk like Nigerians! It's not any more like the Brits than the folks in Bangladesh speak like the Brits. Do the Brits think folks from Nigeria actually sound British?

I guess dropping of final "r" would be kinda British, but in that case I might as well say people from Boston speak like the Brits, and I think most Brits would disagree.

These differences are easy for native speakers to tell apart, of course. But again, I highly doubt this cop would have the ability to do this, just like many Europeans ask me if I'm from the UK all the time, despite a big fat American accent. People just can't really tell unless their language level is extremely high.


Well US citizens do seem to have an over-inflated sense of personal rights, coupled with a propensity to sue.

BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you.

So what does your broad sweeping generality about Americans have to do with this story. Do you think the cop was afraid the American black woman would sue him?


But when the officer issued his request to Jane—a black woman he might have assumed was Ghanaian or Nigerian, living and working in Thailand—and she responded with her black American accent, he immediately switched gears and insisted that it wasn’t a problem.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” the Thai officer said. “You can stay.”

What a load of crap!!

A Thai patrol police officer able to recognize an American accent??

I think our American friend just wants a little attention!!

My thoughts exactly. Since when did they become linguists?

I can tell what country many different people come from when they speak .... whether they're speaking their native tongue or they're speaking English. I'm American but I can tell if someone is speaking German or if a German is speaking English. Ditto for Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Russian, Scottish, Australian, British, Canadian, Thai, etc. And I bet you can do the same or similar with many languages. But you assume the Thai cop can't distinguish an American accent. Why? Is that racist?


The difference is perhaps easy for you and me!

BTW, Nigerians talk like Nigerians! It's not any more like the Brits than the folks in Bangladesh speak like the Brits. Do the Brits think folks from Nigeria actually sound British?

I guess dropping of final "r" would be kinda British, but in that case I might as well say people from Boston speak like the Brits, and I think most Brits would disagree.

These differences are easy for native speakers to tell apart, of course. But again, I highly doubt this cop would have the ability to do this, just like many Europeans ask me if I'm from the UK all the time, despite a big fat American accent. People just can't really tell unless their language level is extremely high.

Do not assume your accent is the reason. Certain demographic groups of a certain age demonstrate pronounced characteristics.

Here's some help

post-46941-0-95824400-1432665472_thumb.j post-46941-0-02407400-1432663967_thumb.j


I've never heard a Thai police officer (or others) say "Oh, I'm sorry. You can (do whatever it was you were doing 'wrong').

The OP posting is literary idiocy at its finest.



I thought it was a stupid opening post. Here say in place of any real fact and nothing to substantiate what is said.

I've been called racist because I have criticized the Australian abos as being a lazy no good race of people. Very few abo's work (but claim social welfare) and of the ones that do it's often hard to get a full days work out of them. A number of government jobs are created to give abo's work, and some big companies have special programs for them but there is a general malaise in them when presented with work and it runs deep. There are some that break through and become useful members of the community which shows if they try they can succeed.

The American blacks seem to have a larger pool of people who will work and support themselves unlike the abo's who are motivated to find their way to Centrelink to claim benefits but not motivated to join any Jobstart program. But part of the problem is also down to the government handling of social security. When you get a form from Centrelink the first question they ask is are you abo or torres straight islander? Tick yes and show proof and they go into a whole different category to the rest of Australia. I was told by a Centrelink employee that after that they don't have to do a d@mmn thing if they don't want to! Except collect their benefits each fortnight.

As a Aussie taxpayer, it p1sses me off! If someone doesn't want to work don't bludge off me and the rest of Australia.


"Europeans with excellent English ask me all the time if I am from the U.K. because, they tell me, of my accent. I am American with a strong Chicago accent, but most Europeans I meet can't tell the difference"

I can see confusing a "strong Chicago accent" with a Long Island accent. But British? An American Long Island/Chicago accent doesn't sound like British posh, East London, Northern England or Southern Cornwall in the slightest.

Maybe you should hang around more educated Europeans. These people sound like they ain't the sharpest crayons in the box, 555


"Europeans with excellent English ask me all the time if I am from the U.K. because, they tell me, of my accent. I am American with a strong Chicago accent, but most Europeans I meet can't tell the difference"

I can see confusing a "strong Chicago accent" with a Long Island accent. But British? An American Long Island/Chicago accent doesn't sound like British posh, East London, Northern England or Southern Cornwall in the slightest.

Maybe you should hang around more educated Europeans. These people sound like they ain't the sharpest crayons in the box, 555

You use the words English and British as if synonymous and completely interchangeable which they are not except to so many English.

There's no such thing as a British accent because Britain isn't one country so there's much more than regional accents.


Well US citizens do seem to have an over-inflated sense of personal rights, coupled with a propensity to sue.

BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you.

I love u Brits!! Always with the non point answer. As long as we tell u how to operate in a combat situation, your troops will get home. <deleted> in a strange land.....If Obama told Blair to jerk off in public....he would.....this is the power we have over ur government...we lead....u follow.......pussy ass brits....stop complaining

WOW if these sorts of remarks where directed at the USer, TV's colonial cousin faithful would be accusing them of vile anti-American rhetoric, but a perfect example of the over inflated self importance the previous poster referred to dear boy

Can we suggest vile anti-British rhetoric then ?

may I humble suggest you get back to eating your craw fish/grits and having sexual relations with direct family members, another brain washed red neck hill billy in the fray it seems


Well US citizens do seem to have an over-inflated sense of personal rights, coupled with a propensity to sue.

BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you.

Perceptions are not always based on fact. Here are some common, and not so common, perceptions that are based on hate, prejudice and falsehoods.

Irish are all drunkards.

Brits are all on the dole.

Germans are pushy and inflexible.

French have bad body odors.

Mexicans are all criminals.

Namibians are all fraudsters.

Mongolians live in the dirt.

Ukrainians are really Russians.

....and on and on with the bigotry.

"BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you".

I've not taken a poll from everyone in the world and can't speak for the entire earth's population with as much confidence.


I'm a 5' 7" (168 cm for you metric folks) blonde from Texas, but I've been asked several times if I'm Russian by... wait for it... Russians. Apparently being light skinned with blonde hair in Pattaya automatically makes me Russian for some reason.

As an American, I do think we get a little higher level of appreciation than some other countrymen, but I go out of my way to befriend people that don't care where I'm from. The last thing I need is to be pigeon-holed into the stereotype of the typical white American. There's a reason that I left the states. I don't WANT to be roped in with the 'Murica!' crowd.

Edited for typos: It's early and I haven't had coffee yet.


Well US citizens do seem to have an over-inflated sense of personal rights, coupled with a propensity to sue.

BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you.

Perceptions are not always based on fact. Here are some common, and not so common, perceptions that are based on hate, prejudice and falsehoods.

Irish are all drunkards.

Brits are all on the dole.

Germans are pushy and inflexible.

French have bad body odors.

Mexicans are all criminals.

Namibians are all fraudsters.

Mongolians live in the dirt.

Ukrainians are really Russians.

....and on and on with the bigotry.

"BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you".

I've not taken a poll from everyone in the world and can't speak for the entire earth's population with as much confidence.

Though it is politically incorrect to expose the emperor as naked, nearly all stereotypes have a basis in truth or fact. Nobody just made them up out of whole cloth; all were earned by the "targeted" groups. The danger and downside, of course, is to cloak an individual in the stereotype simply because they are a member of said group. Not every Irishman is a drunk. Assuming an individual is a drunkard upon no evidence but the stereotype is grossly unfair. However, otherwise unfounded suspicions are perfectly reasonable. It is perfectly reasonable, for example, for a Thai police office to suspect a Nigerian working Soi Africa of criminal conduct.

It is a sad commentary of the day that one can be labeled "bigot" simply for speaking the truth.


Well US citizens do seem to have an over-inflated sense of personal rights, coupled with a propensity to sue.

BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you.

that's so true, most american negroes are looked on as demonstrators, demanding, and having an entitlement attitude having said that, could be that most blacks are looked upon by thai's as being from nigeria where the scam artist are perceived (with some justification) to come from. money scams, fake lottery and the list goes on. the nigerans are in the thai papers many times being caught scamming thai people. AND good luck with an american negro trying to sue a thai for "discrimination! ain't gong to happen!


When I lived in the UK one of my best friends was a black man called Owen, anyway I honestly used to believe that Owen was deluded and that there was no racism in the UK. When he complained about incidents I always accused him of playing the race card. We were good enough friends for me to say this without him being offended.

I had a small mail order business, whilst Owen had good job at the airport doing something to do with cargo loading planning. Anyway, as he worked shifts he would sometime come and hang out in my office in the afternoons and help me out.

One day I asked him to take a few parcels to the local post office for me, I asked him to get a certificate of posting for the parcels. When I needed a certificate of posting the girls in the post office would always do if for me without any questions at all. Owen came back and told me that after standing in line at the post office, when he asked for a certificate of posting for the parcels the girl told him to fill it out himself and go to the back of the queue.

Now if you didn't know Owen you could argue that perhaps he was impolite in his way of asking, but Owen was always polite and well mannered. It was then that I realised that Owen was right, and that I did not see the racism myself and refused to believe it only because I never experienced it myself.

Racism is wrong, no matter if it's positive or negative. Sadly I do not believe that we will see an end to it in any of our lifetimes.


Before somebody gets into trouble, please remember to abide by our forum rules. Specifically, this one:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


Well US citizens do seem to have an over-inflated sense of personal rights, coupled with a propensity to sue.

BTW not intended as Yank-bashing, just how much of the world sees you.

that's so true, most american negroes are looked on as demonstrators, demanding, and having an entitlement attitude having said that, could be that most blacks are looked upon by thai's as being from nigeria where the scam artist are perceived (with some justification) to come from. money scams, fake lottery and the list goes on. the nigerans are in the thai papers many times being caught scamming thai people. AND good luck with an american negro trying to sue a thai for "discrimination! ain't gong to happen!

In light of Craig's warning, I must decry your use of the N-word. You can no longer say "negro." It is politically incorrect. Please use African-American. Thank you for you understanding in these sensitive times.


I highly doubt that a Thai cop can tell the difference, regardless of how many movies he has seen

It must have been that "mo'fo' interjection every two seconds that gave her Americanism away.......

I suspect it was the very large bottom, loud voice and MacDonald's bring stuffed in her mouth while sitting on the swing which was the give away

Keep your sex fantasies to yourself.


In light of Craig's warning, I must decry your use of the N-word. You can no longer say "negro." It is politically incorrect. Please use African-American. Thank you for you understanding in these sensitive times.

I was told that Person of Color (or POC) is the most recent politically correct term. Many POC in the US do not consider themselves African-American any longer and are offended by the term.

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