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Penis and Breast-Shaped Soap seized by Police from South Pattaya Stores


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Good to see they are cleaning up such a slippery problem.

They're getting in quite a lather over such a small problem.

Good to know that so much crime and corruption has been cleaned up, that they can now concentrate on these slippery characters.

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Job well done for the police. Never mind about the refugee death camps, massive road fatalities, general disregard of the law, corruption in all layers of society, massive pollution and ecological damage to land and sea.

Those tasteless novelty soaps is the very core threat to Thai society and the virtue of Thai people. I don't know whether to cry or laugh out very loud.

Edited by skildpadden
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So let me see, hundreds of thousand of ladies of the night, drug peddlers and users,

counterfeiters merchants, mafias of all creeds and colors, rampant crime in Pattaya

all have been dealt with and eradicated.... left only to apprehend those peddles of

naughty soap bars... way to go Pattaya police...

the penis-shaped soap ruined reputation of Thailand

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I want to know who in their right minds would be caught dead with a penis shaped soap on a rope in their bathroom? facepalm.gif

I imagine a few of those ladies with a "plastic variety" kept in the top drawer".... plus a few LB's...

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Sex capital of the world still pretending to be puritans.

Exactly, they cannot realise that this sort of thing just makes them look silly.

Only Look.......think there gutted, did not know they came in a larger size.....coffee1.gif

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They want to prevent shower accident in case some drops the soap and the slips and falls on it.

Imagine the scenario:

doctor:So you tripped, fell and landed on the soap?

Soapy guy: Yes doctor can you please help me remove it.

doctor:sure, I just need to take a picture for clinical reasons, don't worry I'm not gonna post it on Facebook.....look over here....say cheese!

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These mob are going from the sublime to the ridiculous. Easy targets, little paperwork, and they give it a headline. I back coppers where warranted but in this case I think they should be ashamed to even associate themselves with the word, Police. And they stand there proudly, as if they have solved the crime of the century?

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Did you notice the OP referred to it being near a school. I think, even the authors realise what a stupid story this is and seek to justify it by pretending it will have a bad effect on the children nearby.facepalm.gif

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Is there no end to the level of idiocy that the RTP can stoop too.

Soap dicks and tits are seriously hurting the high quality moral and social code of this great nation.??????? Please give me a break.

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