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Sensitive to noise induced hearing damage


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For those of us who are more prone to tinnitus, hyperacusis and hearing loss:

How do all of you protect your ears without killing your social ?

How do all these expats, many of who are decades older than me, sit in loud bars all day without destroying their hearing ?

I used ER25s and 37 db ear plugs

I used pink and white noise to mask and treat tinnitus

i take N Carnetine and anti oxidants and biofllavanoids

Found any good ENT drs, audiiologists or hearing aid dispensers

I used to work with an ear doctor who treated US presidents and celebs

Thanks ! Dave

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It's ironic, but my willingness to put up with loud music is inversely proportional to my ability to hear it.

In other words it seems louder and more annoying, but it probably isn't.

Perhaps I am becoming curmudgeonly.

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Well I just don't sit all the day in the bar....if it doesn't kill the ears it kills the liver.....

I guess the music isn't that loud it is just that bad that it appears louder than it is.

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wax earplugs from boots, I have them in almost permanently. On the social side I do not want to listen to Thais talking rubbish and whooping it up so they cut that out as well as barking dogs, music, screaming kids and planes over head. Being deaf would not be so bad in Thailand.

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sit in loud bars all day without destroying their hearing ?

Is this a goal you've set yourself?

I used to work with an ear doctor who treated US presidents and celebs

Sounds like a somewhat limited practice ... deaf or hard-of-hearing US presidents... since there have only been 7 presidents in the past 40 years and two of them are now dead. Did the doctor validate parking for the Secret Service as well when the president made an office call?

Edited by Suradit69
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I have had tinnitus for 22 years mine is mild to medium most of the time like a bee buzzing in your head. I put it down to wearing headphones for years running a metal detector. Some people have it so bad the opt themselves. I fear the people going to Songkran and other venues with loud noises do not realize the harm they are doing to their hearing. They will unfortunately realize it in later years.

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I don't have tinnitus, but my ears are very sensitive to loud noise after a lifetime of too much loud music. Background noise in restaurants can be painful, and I can't focus on a conversation.

In the States, I got what they call "musician ear plugs". They are custom molded to your ears and fit inside almost undetected. They have a removable filter to regulate the dB level you want. Rather amazing.

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