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Thai Translator For Book About Judaism

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As most people know, there are no Jewish missionaries. While, in my opinion, this is a good thing, it has one negative effect. There are no books about Judaism in written in Thai. When I consider all the books about Buddhism in Hebrew, I believe that there is certainly a need to fill this gap. After all, Judaism is a religion or way of life that has affected, and continues to affect, a great deal of the world. Because of this gap, even educated Thais have some very strange ideas about Judaism. As an example, I can recount that a friend of mine, who teaches English at a university in southern Thailand asked me whether Hitler was Jewish!

I have a pretty good outline of a short intro...about 150 pages or so. But I need a good Thai translator who is interested in different religions and cultures. Naturally, his or her Thai must be of publishable quality.

I thought that perhaps someone on Thaivisa may know a good candidate for this project. I am based in Chiangmai, so a person from the north would probably be easier to work with. But this is not a requirement.

I can be reached at [email protected]

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It all happened 2000 years ago. Can anyone really proclaim to know what went on? At any rate, I'd check with the universities. There will be professors who have perfect English and Thai and may be interested.

It all happened 2000 years ago. Can anyone really proclaim to know what went on? At any rate, I'd check with the universities. There will be professors who have perfect English and Thai and may be interested.

Give the Faculty of Arts at ChiangMai University a try. Someone in comparative religions or applied linguistics would be good.


Thanks for the advice. I will contact a friend of mine at CMU.

We have really good people on this forum.

BTW, I actually had the pleasure of meeting ###### yesterday, in person. He saw me with my three daughters and just asked whether I was Larry!

Thanks for the advice. I will contact a friend of mine at CMU.

We have really good people on this forum.

BTW, I actually had the pleasure of meeting ###### yesterday, in person. He saw me with my three daughters and just asked whether I was Larry!

Wow Larry ... you must really stand out in a crowd ... were you wearing the long black coat and lotsa facial hair ... or your skull cap ... is it a yamaca ? ( or something like that ... spelling is bound to be wrong )


I think they are called a "couple" - spelling probably isnt right...

I remember i had to wear one one day when i attended a jewish funeral in london.

Your talkin about the little black hats they wear on the back of their heads, right?

Smoked salmon bagels... ummmmmm......

Kosha, of course


The closest English spellings are 'yarmulka' and 'koppel'.

Don't forget also the shtreimel (big black furry hat). - no quips required.

Nam Kao

Ignorance like yours is precisely why this book has to be written and translated.

I disagree, but if you have the time to waste, then go for it.

As most people know, there are no Jewish missionaries.

I guess you wouldn't really call them missionaries, since they aren't trying to convert gentiles, but the Lubavitcher movement -- which is very active in trying to recover secular Jews back to the fold -- is certainly aggressive.


To the Good Doctor

You always have helpful and/or humorous things to say. But I actually don't stand out in a crowd, except for the fact that I have been stopped by Thais who think I'm Mr Bean, and want an autograph. My three blonde daughters, however, do stand out. :o

To the Good Doctor

You always have helpful and/or humorous things to say. But I actually don't stand out in a crowd, except for the fact that I have been stopped by Thais who think I'm Mr Bean, and want an autograph. My three blonde daughters, however, do stand out. :o

I'll ask IT M just how he ID'd you Larry. :D

Guest IT Manager

I thought he was Mr Bean, who has the first name of Larry, as you know Doc.

I asked for an autograph.


Passion Sequel Contest

#10-There's Something About Jesus

#9- Christ and Christerer

#8- Beneath the Planet of the Passion of the Christ

#7- Lethal Passion II: Double Crossed

#6- Look Who's Talking Aramaic Too!

#5- You Only Live Twice

#4- Oh Christ! Not Again!

#3- Passion Two: Resurrection Boogaloo

#2- The Return of the King of Kings

And No #1

I Know What You Did Last Easter

Congrats! Here's more:

Hon. Mention to:

Jesus v. Freddy,

The Passion 2: Big Top Jesus,

Honey, I Killed The Lord,

Jesus Doesn't Live Here Anymore,

Passion II: Judgment Day,

Roman Holiday II,

Return of the Living God

Other worthy entries:

Herod and Maude,

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Golgotha,

Passion 2: Christ in the City (lots of variables of this one),

The Messiah Who Loved Me,

Seriously, Christ,

Where's My Passion?,

The Passion Reloaded,

Dude, Where's my Resurrection?,

The Really Good the Bad and the Ugly,

Jesus' Angels: Full Throttle,

Judaic Park,

Lambo: Last Blood,

Emmanuel in the Flesh,

Three Men and a Little Our Lady,

Another 48 Hours on a Post (ouch!),

Casper the Friendly Holy Ghost (also: Friendly Host),

For a Few Drachma More,

Silence of the Lambs of God,

Christ and Hardy Meets Frankenstein,

The Greatest Story Ever Told 3D!,

Midnight in the Garden of Gethsemane,

Saving Private Zion,

Invasion of the Jesus Snatchers,

Desperately Seeking Judas,

Easter of the Living Dead,

Godfather IV, a

nd Weekend at Jesus' II - He's Back, and He's Still Dead!


the time has come

to view the heart as one's temple

and know that basically

most religions are now in rot and decay

tell me which one is not trouble-some

besides buddhism (with little problem on world stage)


Has anyone ever read what is in these books. I have read some translated writings (into English) by Israel Sharak, a Jew, and it is not pretty stuff. Any non-

Jew, especially women are considered near dogs. The gentile is to be used for the advancement of the Jewish race so on and so. Keep in mind this is fundamentalist

stuff that most respectable, good Jewish people shun.

Nobody needs this stuff, especially Thailand that has such a positive Buddhist

base. Larry, take it home wherever you came from, leave it there and then come


Because of this gap, even educated Thais have some very strange ideas about Judaism. As an example, I can recount that a friend of mine, who teaches English at a university in southern Thailand asked me whether Hitler was Jewish!

It's not as stupid a question as it seems! Hitler may have been a Rothschild! This and other theories as to his paternal grandfather's identity are discussed in Adolf Hitler: The Early Years. I think that from the undisputed facts we can say he was not a Jew, but I'm no expert on Jewish law.

It's not as stupid a question as it seems

sorry, but it is even more stupid than it seems.

although i did once read in the readers digest bumper book of stupid facts for easily convinced people that hitler was once a part time rabbi in golders green and his favourite meal was chicken soup with kneidlach followed by lockshen pudding.

but personally i dont believe it.

It's not as stupid a question as it seems

sorry, but it is even more stupid than it seems.

although i did once read in the readers digest bumper book of stupid facts for easily convinced people that hitler was once a part time rabbi in golders green and his favourite meal was chicken soup with kneidlach followed by lockshen pudding.

but personally i dont believe it.

:D You are getting smarter Tax ... and the Readers Digest is a top credible source too :o


all religions require to have relevance. Judaism and Islam unfortunately must presently describe this to the world. The present scenario with regard to Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc would simply serve to confuse issues.็ Any propaganda (and for sure a book about judaism would be nothing less) should at least involve a discussion regarding present conflicts that have resulted from jewish/muslim alliances. Young people looking at The Holocaust would surely endorse the idea of a Jewish homeland...however if the matter of jewish appropriation of Arab land in Palestine, refugee camps and murderous Israeli officials like Sharon and etc was included then we have a different argument.

We all face a disengagement regarding jews and muslims. A proper attempt to reconcile these differences is certainly welcome. However if we have an attempt by anyone to denigrate the other in the hope that this forum shall swing one way or the other is vile and calculated.

As a half breed latino/anglo saxon I don't like either jews or muslims. I have developed my own opinions regarding the US/Israel alignment and the implications for the muslim world. These are questions that a simple tome would not address very easily. However if the originator of this thread believes that a further understanding of judaism would assist a general understanding then my blessing...

As a half breed latino/anglo saxon I don't like either jews or muslims. I have developed my own opinions regarding the US/Israel alignment and the implications for the muslim world.

why dont you like jews or muslims ? that is a sweeping generalisation.

surely you can separate the politics of the situation from the religion of the person.

not all jews are israeli and not all jews are zionists,and not all muslims are extremists who wish to make jihad.

religion has no place in my life but it is a great comfort to many.

the teachings of all religions do make some sense, especially to those who feel, shall we say lost in life. its when these teachings are hijacked by extremists in the case of islam and by some israelis who choose to live in settlements in palestinian areas in order to further other agendas that the religion becomes dangerous.

in the case of zionism, its more a political thought rather than a religious precept that is now pitting judaism against islam. although i'm sure a few extremist jews find reasons based on religion.

as far as which religion is "best" , well its up to the individual to choose what suits them best.

christianity,islam and buddhism all promise some kind of afterlife or rebirth as a reward for doing good in this life. therefore it could be said that those who follow those religions are doing so in order to reap the reward at the end,the free gift, not an altogether selfless motive.

judaism does not promise anything at the end, those who follow judaism do so because they think it is the correct way and there are no free gifts.

each to his/her own.

but to confuse the politics and the religion only leads to hatred.

terrorism seeks to promote hatred by linking their cause to the religion.

dont fall into their trap.

may the lord have mercy on ALL your souls :o


My office in Thailand consists of a happy group of Buddhists, Christians, Jews, and Muslims...and not one single bigot among them. Sorry, Tutsi, no room for you.


taxexile and pvt dick...please look at the context...the reference to 'jews and muslims' rolls off the back of non extremists...

a jewish settler in the west bank is a bigot...a crazed arab wielding an Ak-47 is simply a madman undeserving of further consideration...plenty of room in between for others seeking a third way. I refer simply to the fact that polarization continues unabated due to current policies...for every arab jihadi killed in Iraq there will be 10 to take his place...all they know is that americans and their friends are killing muslims and that is enough. The jewish settler knows that Israel has weapons of mass destruction and the support of the US...he will get his own back. Israeli fanatics are prepared to take the whole world down with them if they are penned. if there was ever to be an arrangement where Israel was forced back to pre 67 borders and their military and crazy scientists neutralized the world would have to look at the Mossad and the Shin Bet as future terrorists...highly armed and trained by US security services.

If you both want to vilify me in this regard go ahead. I don't like either of them but I do like middle eastern food. But if we had a scenario like the above to indicate to the 1.5 billion muslims in the world that the US is with you rather than against you our present problems would soon be over. There is an aggressive jewish lobby in the US and politicions there don't move without their approval. Sure...smacks of anti-semitism. The a-s word can get you killed in Washington. It is bullshit...the butcher of Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps walks free as an elected official...says alot about the Israeli electorate


tutsiwarrior you are entitled to hold whatever opinions you want regarding the politics of the middle east, we can argue them all day, it would be enlightening and fun.

but to say you dislike jews and muslims because of the policies of extremist members of those religions is surely bigotry.

dislike the proponents of those policies, the politicians, the military, the terrorists by all means. but a blanket dislike of all......... thats racist talk.


nice to read about this matter.i agree with most writers:in the name of god the greatest crimes and atrocities have been commited in history of mankind.

Every time someone thinks he/she is holding the truth and all the others are wrong things can't go good. And this goes for all religions.and the bigger the religion the more crimes it's followers have made.

Maybe budhisme is so peaceful because of it's origin and because it isn't so much a religion but a way to conduct your life, and even the rituals are strongly connected to daily life. It is more an attitude i think.

Anyway i don't know much about it because i was brought up roman catholic in south europe.

Iam completely against terrorisme and it doesn't matter if the ones envolved are a settled government of a group of people hidding in the mountains of in the desert. violence leads to more violence and destruction.

The only good thing religions can doe for humanity is teach it's followers that respect and compassion towards every other persoon regardless of belief ,race of background, etc, an even important rule is as loving god.

to make a good translation the translator needs not only to know both languages but also something about the subject.many times it's enough to translate the words but other times one has to bring the meaning/the feeling across in that other language.

there are lots of preachers of missionworkers for all religions what we miss are people living up to the things they preach, being a sample of all the good intentions of their belief.


tax...in the circles that I travel in people are extreme about their personal view of justice...I can handle both jew and muslim, you always want to extract from them whatever that can further an understanding. I haven't seen a moderate Jew or muslim in 16-17 years. Probably has to do with the work that I do in the Middle East where Jews keep their heads down. In tea rooms in New York there would be no such prevarication. All of my friends from Caifornia are righteous zionist jews and we argue endlessly about Israel...it never got in the way of our friendship.... I may appear to be a bigot but I am not.

Who cares? even if I was I couldn't shout about k*kes and n*ggers on a family based forum...

k*ke, n*gger , queer, club footed, AIDS infected mofo...how dare you fukc with me?


i was just ready and then tutsi goes out of his mind!

shame on you you better apologize because nobody treated you the way you are treating back.

even thou you can be anonimous you should keep your peace.

it's up to you

i'm a woman ,maybe that's why i don't see the point

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