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Ex-FM Surapong vows to return passports to Thaksin if Pheu Thai is in next govt

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Phua Thai won't be leading the country again any time soon as the next ' election ' is likely to be pushed back repeatedly if the public referendum on the new constitution results in negative response. This is what the current government are playing for , continued leadership by default.

better than the shin gang back at the troughs

To be honest, democracy or not democracy it is the best government I have seen in the last 15 years.

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Oh come on, GK.

What can be "slightly worse" than an FM trying to repeatedly drag foreign diplomats into Thai domestic affairs and pestering them to take sides, what can be "slightly worse" than a science minister ordering the purchase of "water pushing machines" and trying to "push" the Chao Phraya River into the Ocean with 1000 boats while at the same time hundreds of Thais drowned in the floods?

And what can be "slightly worse" than Chalerm who steadfastly refused to visit the Southern Regions and, when finally being forced "at gunpoint", spent half an hour dozing through some briefing before he left again. The only remarkable event was his intoxicated "Saturday Night Fever" performance in a Malaysian hotel lobby while on a state visit. His performance was so abysmal even by Shin standards that, although he was young Thaksin´s mentor and helped him to money and power, he was finally demoted in the last of the numerous Yingluck cabinet reshuffles to the labour ministry.

Let us not forget that the Army did a fairly decent job in the Southern Provinces until PM Thaksin decided that the gloves would have to come off.

As you were apparently happy with the previous government you should now not hold the current PM to higher standards.

Not holding to higher standards, just wondering when the general and his entourage will deliver on any of the justifications for the suspension of civil liberties and an elected legislature. Have you been to Phuket since the military took charge? The jetski mobsters now control Patong beach. The cost of inland transportation has soared and foreigners and Thais alike are being ripped off. IMO there is less control of development than before and NOT ONE member of the small controlling clique has been brought to justice. What we now have is an a potential mass murder and human trafficking crisis in the Andaman as more and more migrants bodies are discovered. The last time we saw such claims of brutal exploitation was in the 80's when Thai based pirates were attacking Vietnamese boat people refugees. You and others don't seem to realize that Thailand has a major problem on its hands with the allegations now being made. Although Burma and Bangladesh are responsible parties, Thailand is going to get creamed big time because it mishandled the situation.

As for the South, it has been a cockup for decades. The army has been running things since day one. Thaksin had little say. Abhisit had little say. Yingluck had little say. Only the Army. IMO, the RTA has changed policies over the years as many times as a Pattaya hooker has changed johns.

It comes as no surprise that members of the Shin clan are trying to whitewash one another. And it is quite revealing that Sir Gollum is still harbouring the wet dream of becoming FM again, because this is exactly what Thailand needs - an embarasssment as FM, Plodprasop, the propellerman, as minister for science and water, and last but not least Black Label Chalerm in charge of security, (non-)dealing with the insurgency in the South and revoking residence permits for "hi-parking".

Question: In comparison to the circumstances you describe, none of which I am disagreeing with, how is the current administration less inept?

If anything, I'd offer that it is slightly worse.

Foreign Affairs: Alienated every developed world nation because of the coup and the position of a return to an elected government. Antagonized the USA. Annoyed China, Japan and South Korea because of inaction of air safety. Provoked the ire of progressive nations because of its behaviour in regard to the Rohingya. The previous admin never made errors like that.

Southern Insurgency: Has any progress been made? Seriousl, what's the difference between the activity/position between the current government, the Yingluck admin, the Abhsit admin and the previous military admin? It's always been a mess hasn't it?

I totally agree with both your posts, and I have a solution:


BANGKOK: -- The Public Health Ministry has expressed concern that the IQ (intelligence quotient) of Thai children of primary education has steadily dropped below the international standard.

the new cabinet,... couldn't be any worse


Confirming once and for all that under Pheu Thai there will be no law and order, applied fairly, across the board. Merely pick-and-choose justice, guilty if you doubt the Shin regime, innocent so long as you kneel down and give sweet buccal caress to the Shin elite. Quite sickening.

Yes! Will someone please grab this redshirt and provide him with a couple of months of "attitude adjustment"? Pretty please? wai2.gifthumbsup.gifcoffee1.gif


Look K. T I'm still a loyal sycophant. Any chance of an increase in my allowance ?

But also comes over as :

Hi General, can I have directions to the nearest attitude adjustment camp? Perhaps you could supply a driver and a car to take me?


Oh come on, GK.

What can be "slightly worse" than an FM trying to repeatedly drag foreign diplomats into Thai domestic affairs and pestering them to take sides, what can be "slightly worse" than a science minister ordering the purchase of "water pushing machines" and trying to "push" the Chao Phraya River into the Ocean with 1000 boats while at the same time hundreds of Thais drowned in the floods?

And what can be "slightly worse" than Chalerm who steadfastly refused to visit the Southern Regions and, when finally being forced "at gunpoint", spent half an hour dozing through some briefing before he left again. The only remarkable event was his intoxicated "Saturday Night Fever" performance in a Malaysian hotel lobby while on a state visit. His performance was so abysmal even by Shin standards that, although he was young Thaksin´s mentor and helped him to money and power, he was finally demoted in the last of the numerous Yingluck cabinet reshuffles to the labour ministry.

Let us not forget that the Army did a fairly decent job in the Southern Provinces until PM Thaksin decided that the gloves would have to come off.

As you were apparently happy with the previous government you should now not hold the current PM to higher standards.

Not holding to higher standards, just wondering when the general and his entourage will deliver on any of the justifications for the suspension of civil liberties and an elected legislature. Have you been to Phuket since the military took charge? The jetski mobsters now control Patong beach. The cost of inland transportation has soared and foreigners and Thais alike are being ripped off. IMO there is less control of development than before and NOT ONE member of the small controlling clique has been brought to justice. What we now have is an a potential mass murder and human trafficking crisis in the Andaman as more and more migrants bodies are discovered. The last time we saw such claims of brutal exploitation was in the 80's when Thai based pirates were attacking Vietnamese boat people refugees. You and others don't seem to realize that Thailand has a major problem on its hands with the allegations now being made. Although Burma and Bangladesh are responsible parties, Thailand is going to get creamed big time because it mishandled the situation.

As for the South, it has been a cockup for decades. The army has been running things since day one. Thaksin had little say. Abhisit had little say. Yingluck had little say. Only the Army. IMO, the RTA has changed policies over the years as many times as a Pattaya hooker has changed johns.

Can't comment on Phuket, but the human trafficking crisis is from long before Prayuth came into power.....It is a left over from Yingluck government.


In case they need a slogan for their election campaign:

Vote Pheu Thai and every crook can travel

Not every crook....

Every Shinawatra crook......Somchai the farmer will still go into jail for smoking a joint in the evening.


Good old Taksin Family Member Surapong.
He looks quite sick and pale.

I guess he misses the good old CAPO/CMPO days together with his friend Chalerm.
The self-issued budget allocation was over 2 Billion Baht for 52 days.
Just 2.000 Million Bahts ( for party!

The food bill alone for providing meals catered by a five-star hotel to caretaker Cabinet members and administrators of the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order range from Bt100,000-Bt500,000 per day.
Best drinks, best food and the finest service girls daily.
Everything on taxpayer costs and were many farmers (his voters!) still waiting for their promised money and not have to eat.
Guess, if the rural population (his voters) really know what orgies they have celebrated there, some will still be tempted to show them there pitchforks.

A prototype of a politician without any morality and decency.




That is a great way of ensuring that you and your party will have limited success in the next election. wink.png

Well certainly amongst the expat community - oh wait, we don't have a vote!

It comes as no surprise that members of the Shin clan are trying to whitewash one another. And it is quite revealing that Sir Gollum is still harbouring the wet dream of becoming FM again, because this is exactly what Thailand needs - an embarasssment as FM, Plodprasop, the propellerman, as minister for science and water, and last but not least Black Label Chalerm in charge of security, (non-)dealing with the insurgency in the South and revoking residence permits for "hi-parking".

Question: In comparison to the circumstances you describe, none of which I am disagreeing with, how is the current administration less inept?

If anything, I'd offer that it is slightly worse.

Foreign Affairs: Alienated every developed world nation because of the coup and the position of a return to an elected government. Antagonized the USA. Annoyed China, Japan and South Korea because of inaction of air safety. Provoked the ire of progressive nations because of its behaviour in regard to the Rohingya. The previous admin never made errors like that.

Southern Insurgency: Has any progress been made? Seriousl, what's the difference between the activity/position between the current government, the Yingluck admin, the Abhsit admin and the previous military admin? It's always been a mess hasn't it?

Southern Insurgency always a mess? NO

Yingluck actually got the insurgents to the peace table in a deal brokered by Malaysia in February 2013 to begin discussions, unlike Thaksin, Abhisit, and Prayut. It was the subsequent PDRC anti-government disruptions, shutdown of the government, and military coup that stalled the talks from reaching any fruitful outome.


That is a great way of ensuring that you and your party will have limited success in the next election. wink.png

They would have to be allowed to run wouldn't they? It's looking like there will be a dissolution or banning of the PTP and its former MPs and Senators.

If they are banned from standing, I suspect the cat will be loose amongst the pigeons.

Having an election in which the group which has won every other election this century is prevented from sranding will hardly be recognised internationally, and probably won't go down all that well in Thailand. Even having a powerful group of International supporters at the UN, as announced yesterday won't help much


Good old Taksin Family Member Surapong.

He looks quite sick and pale.

I guess he misses the good old CAPO/CMPO days together with his friend Chalerm.

The self-issued budget allocation was over 2 Billion Baht for 52 days.

Just 2.000 Million Bahts ( for party!

The food bill alone for providing meals catered by a five-star hotel to caretaker Cabinet members and administrators of the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order range from Bt100,000-Bt500,000 per day.

Best drinks, best food and the finest service girls daily.

Everything on taxpayer costs and were many farmers (his voters!) still waiting for their promised money and not have to eat.

Guess, if the rural population (his voters) really know what orgies they have celebrated there, some will still be tempted to show them there pitchforks.

A prototype of a politician without any morality and decency.



He always looked that way....


I leave it to the Thai people to believe (or not) that the conviction of Mr T was politically motivated.

However in my country (EU member state) a convicted felon can always get a passport of maximum 7 days to allow him or her to return home and surrender to the authorities.

Also for white collar crimes ...in my country the authorities think sometimes it is in the interest of the country that the convicted felon remains abroad...(saving expenses for a new trial)


Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand who resigned in the face of corruption charges, attempted to re-instate himself, was blocked by a coup, found guilty by a court, and is currently staying out of the country to avoid jail and further serious corruption charges.

You think other leaders don't know this?

Can we please be honest?

The outside world's view of SE Asia is that this is a corrupt, brutal region. More specifically, corruption is considered to be the norm, an endemic blight.

As such, corruption isn't a defining characteristic because they are all considered to be corrupt.

So the beauty in the eye of the beholder is a corrupt ex-PM, who resigned in face of corruption charges, was found guilty of abuse of office and faces more serious charges. Is that your idea of beautiful?

Are we going back to the argument that everybody does it? How many world leaders are inviting this corrupt has-been to visit, how many are saying keep away I don't want to be seen associating with you?


When a criminal try to help an other criminal rolleyes.gif

Surapong like Taksin need to stay in jail for a long time wai2.gif


Look we can bat this around all year one saying this one saying that but the fact remains he was charged with corruption and One he could have stayed and fought the charges in court But instead he chose to run. Now in my book a righteous man would have stayed to prove he was innocent but a person who might be guilty would run. Enuff said.


As long as we have "Thaksin is the de facto leader of the Redshirt movement and Pheu Thai Party" it shouldn't surprise that a party run by a criminal fugitive risks dissolution.

You call him a criminal fugitive leader. Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand, deposed through an engineered military coup d'état.

The current Thai admin has its 12 very important, big hitter friends (Antigua and Barbuda, Burundi, Central African Republic, Comoros, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Ghana, Kiribati, Hungary, Nauru, Vanuatu, and Cameroon).

When the former PM was in power he was well received in the G-20. He laid the foundation for a free trade agreement with Canada and Australia. Both discussions are on hiatus now that the latter countries have banished Thailand to the political outhouse. The EU has condemned the current Thai admin, but had previously applauded the former PM's progress on moving towards social justice for the poor.

Beauty is n the eye of the beholder. It helps if one has good eyesight.

I doubt one single responsible developed world countries' administrations classify him as deposed through a military coup d'etat.

They will all know the real story about how he was illegally occupying the position of caretaker PM. They will all know a lot more about his escapades than we do.

That's why they call for a return to democracy but don't make any comment about the fugitive, his sister or his wholly owned political party.

They don't comment about his criminality because Thailand chooses not to seek extradition even though he jumped bail, and faces 15 serious charges. Their choice.


That is a great way of ensuring that you and your party will have limited success in the next election. wink.png

They would have to be allowed to run wouldn't they? It's looking like there will be a dissolution or banning of the PTP and its former MPs and Senators.

If they are banned from standing, I suspect the cat will be loose amongst the pigeons.

Having an election in which the group which has won every other election this century is prevented from sranding will hardly be recognised internationally, and probably won't go down all that well in Thailand. Even having a powerful group of International supporters at the UN, as announced yesterday won't help much

Don't agree. Banned without reason would be a different matter. Those guilty of breaking the law whilst serving PTP or the UDD or Thaksin should be punished. Some may be imprisoned or more likely receive suspended sentences, some banned from office.

PTP and any Thaksin party are not above the law. Thaksin's continued belief they are, which his cousin also seems to share. is what keeps getting them in trouble.


Thailand has to be the only country in the world that gives a convicted felon on the run

a diplomatic passport and a regular passport. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Come on Prayut!!

Show that you have the balls to arrest this slime ball!!

His nonsense about the Shins being above the law, is indeed a threat to national security.


Confirming once and for all that under Pheu Thai there will be no law and order, applied fairly, across the board. Merely pick-and-choose justice, guilty if you doubt the Shin regime, innocent so long as you kneel down and give sweet buccal caress to the Shin elite. Quite sickening.

Spot on.

The real message is that Thaksin and his clan still think that if they are elected again it will be business as usual - corruption, nepotism, lies. thieving and do as they like because the laws don't apply to them and they're untouchable. If they did get back in office Thaksin's amnesty whitewash and history rewrite would be their number one priority again.

This sham of a Minister broke the law to issue a new passport to his criminal fugitive cousin. Not only that he had the Ministry specially open to do it when closed due to flooding. The he hand delivered it to his cousin. Does he have receipts for the cost of the passport, plane ticket, hotel expenses, and can he proof he was on leave? Or was this criminal act all funded by the Thai tax payers.

He and his other cousin and alleged boss Yingluck then refused repeatedly to answer the Ombudsman's questions regarding this sordid subject.

Up to now, those questions and his actions in this illegal act have not been pursued.

Now, he presumably thinks they never will be. So he opens his gob and openly states should he be re-elected he will commit the same criminal act again.

Total disrespect for the law which he emphasizes by stating Thaksin hasn't done anything wrong. So jumping bail, breaking a vow, avoiding 15 serious criminal charges in court are considered nothing wrong?

Come on PM - time to do something about all these little weasels who broke laws and are still out and about stirring shit and testing the water for their crooked paymaster.


'A PTP promise to perpetuate lawlessness & corruption. Anyone wanting to understand what transparency really means ( ... ) should be taking notes.


I wonder if they get any kind of of Stigmata on their bodies too, as they pray daily for his second coming, and continue to feel his pain as their own.

He's like the Cheshire Cat you've had as a pet for years, grinning roguishly at you from the corner, the cat got old and sick and demented, and sometimes it is just better for everyone if it is put to sleep. It would thank you, if it knew how.


The pot is being stirred.....its going to come to a huge head soon.......volleys from both sides being fired......the YL thing may help ro kick it off....yet another impending event sadly for sure will........1860's American style....coming soon to your front door.


Thailand has to be the only country in the world that gives a convicted felon on the run

a diplomatic passport and a regular passport. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You have a lot of experience running a Country or just your mouth.

It comes as no surprise that members of the Shin clan are trying to whitewash one another. And it is quite revealing that Sir Gollum is still harbouring the wet dream of becoming FM again, because this is exactly what Thailand needs - an embarasssment as FM, Plodprasop, the propellerman, as minister for science and water, and last but not least Black Label Chalerm in charge of security, (non-)dealing with the insurgency in the South and revoking residence permits for "hi-parking".

Question: In comparison to the circumstances you describe, none of which I am disagreeing with, how is the current administration less inept?

If anything, I'd offer that it is slightly worse.

Foreign Affairs: Alienated every developed world nation because of the coup and the position of a return to an elected government. Antagonized the USA. Annoyed China, Japan and South Korea because of inaction of air safety. Provoked the ire of progressive nations because of its behaviour in regard to the Rohingya. The previous admin never made errors like that.

Southern Insurgency: Has any progress been made? Seriousl, what's the difference between the activity/position between the current government, the Yingluck admin, the Abhsit admin and the previous military admin? It's always been a mess hasn't it?

Southern Insurgency always a mess? NO

Yingluck actually got the insurgents to the peace table in a deal brokered by Malaysia in February 2013 to begin discussions, unlike Thaksin, Abhisit, and Prayut. It was the subsequent PDRC anti-government disruptions, shutdown of the government, and military coup that stalled the talks from reaching any fruitful outome.

Actually Ms. Yingluck had her brother of "who am I to do such" fame get some 'insurgents' together. The talks didn't get to much as it would seem a lesser organisation of 'insurgents' was invited, the one with no standing.

Of course, one needs to be honest to admit talks already stalled at the begin of the talks.

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