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David Cameron travels to 4 EU states to press case for reform

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UK leader travels to 4 EU states to press case for reform
DANICA KIRKA, Associated Press
JILL LAWLESS, Associated Press

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister David Cameron is setting off Thursday on a whirlwind visit to four European capitals, pressing his case that Britain needs to renegotiate its relationship with the 27 other members of the bloc.

The trip began as Cameron's government revealed the question British voters will be asked in a referendum by the end of 2017: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?"

Cameron said Wednesday that he expected the referendum bill to make it through Parliament and into law in "extra quick time."

He wants Britain to stay in the EU, if he manages to negotiate a new, looser relationship with the group.

"We believe the right policy is reform, renegotiation and referendum," he said, expressing confidence that Britain's bid for a new relationship with the EU would succeed.

Cameron plans to travel to the Netherlands, France, Poland and Germany on Thursday and Friday as part of his efforts to talk with all of the leaders of the EU member states before a European Council meeting late next month. A planned trip to Denmark was cancelled because Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt declared an election.

On Thursday, Cameron will meet Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for a working lunch followed by talks at the Elysee Palace with French President Francois Hollande. On Friday, he meets with Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz in Warsaw before traveling to Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

European leaders have expressed a desire to accommodate Britain, but it's unclear how far they will go to meet Cameron's desire for change — especially to the right of EU citizens to live and work anywhere in the bloc.

"I hope in the U.K. there is a debate that also respects how far Europe can go to meet it," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Wednesday.

Britain's referendum proposal will allow British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens to vote in the referendum, but not most citizens of other EU states.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-28


"I hope in the U.K. there is a debate that also respects how far Europe can go to meet it," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Wednesday."

LOL. What arrogance.

Cameron plans to travel to the Netherlands, France, Poland and Germany on Thursday and Friday as part of his efforts to talk with all of the leaders of the EU member states before a European Council meeting late next month. A planned trip to Denmark was cancelled because Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt declared an election.

On Thursday, Cameron will meet Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for a working lunch followed by talks at the Elysee Palace with French President Francois Hollande. On Friday, he meets with Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz in Warsaw before traveling to Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

They don't have phones yet in the UK?

What a waste of taxpayers money.


This probably takes a little more discussion than a phone call.


It seems to me that some. wish to hold this Ponzi scheme together no matter what.

The answer to that will come next week, with the Greek problem. Does the EU withhold the monies that they said they would and Greece has no option but to default on its loans.

Or does it hang on by its fingertips, pay the last tranche of cash to Greece which will allow them to pay their loans that are due next week.

If I was Cameron, I would not have moved so quickly and sat back and watched with interest what happens on the 05 June.

Interesting times ahead. No doubt about it.

Edited to add.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that it is madness to loan a Country an additional Euro 12 Billion, when they cannot repay the debt that they already have ?


"I hope in the U.K. there is a debate that also respects how far Europe can go to meet it," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Wednesday."

LOL. What arrogance.

The Fourth Riech is coming. It was the same arrogance that got Germany into trouble in the first place. This will also be the undoing of the EU.

First Greece will leave the Euro, and Cameron will look the fool when he realises the Germans will not give up the helm of the EU ship. Might as well hold the refferendum now.

Get it over with. Get Out now.


For me the answer is simple, reciprocity state support. The UK should limit support to EU migrants, and other

economic migrants to what UK migrants (or the support the migrants would get in there home country) would

receive. If you are coming for a job, great no problem. If you are coming for state benefits, you will only get

what you would get if you stayed in your home country. With the cost of living in the UK it would probably

not work out in your best interest. Just a thought.


For me the answer is simple, reciprocity state support. The UK should limit support to EU migrants, and other

economic migrants to what UK migrants (or the support the migrants would get in there home country) would

receive. If you are coming for a job, great no problem. If you are coming for state benefits, you will only get

what you would get if you stayed in your home country. With the cost of living in the UK it would probably

not work out in your best interest. Just a thought.

That would be a simple and understandable option.

However, the EU says otherwise.


"I hope in the U.K. there is a debate that also respects how far Europe can go to meet it," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Wednesday."

LOL. What arrogance.

The Fourth Riech is coming. It was the same arrogance that got Germany into trouble in the first place. This will also be the undoing of the EU.

First Greece will leave the Euro, and Cameron will look the fool when he realises the Germans will not give up the helm of the EU ship. Might as well hold the refferendum now.

Get it over with. Get Out now.

Secondary school propaganda history references and national stereotypes.Always amusing.

I would say revoking our vassal status to the septics would be a larger priority. Fourth Reich, funny. If such a thing were possible, I'd prefer it to the current doublespeak peace and democracy under the American desert boot.

But in principle, I agree. The EU is a ridiculous socialist mess.


This probably takes a little more discussion than a phone call.


It seems to me that some. wish to hold this Ponzi scheme together no matter what.

The answer to that will come next week, with the Greek problem. Does the EU withhold the monies that they said they would and Greece has no option but to default on its loans.

Or does it hang on by its fingertips, pay the last tranche of cash to Greece which will allow them to pay their loans that are due next week.

If I was Cameron, I would not have moved so quickly and sat back and watched with interest what happens on the 05 June.

Interesting times ahead. No doubt about it.

Edited to add.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that it is madness to loan a Country an additional Euro 12 Billion, when they cannot repay the debt that they already have ?

They will probably pay Greece because otherwise it becomes the first domino. The last financial crisis saw large companies fail, this time it will be Countries. The Euro has done one thing, namely by taking away the ability of nations within the Eurozone to print money (i.e default slowly) it has made habitual debters go cold turkey. The UK needs to be out of Europe mainly to regain control of it's borders and ability to legislate what may be draconian measures, this trumps any other consideration regardless of how the E.U debate is framed for public consumption.


They will probably pay Greece because otherwise it becomes the first domino. The last financial crisis saw large companies fail, this time it will be Countries. The Euro has done one thing, namely by taking away the ability of nations within the Eurozone to print money (i.e default slowly) it has made habitual debters go cold turkey. The UK needs to be out of Europe mainly to regain control of it's borders and ability to legislate what may be draconian measures, this trumps any other consideration regardless of how the E.U debate is framed for public consumption.

Of course they will. Of that I have no doubt. For me that will be the acid test of where the Eurolords really sit. Even though I believe that the Domino's need to be kept standing up no matter what the cost. So the money will be paid to Greece, just in time to pay their next instalment and another Euro 12 B deeper.

But it seems that the PM and Foreign Secretary are not even on the same page.


The foreign secretary told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We have a clear set of requirements. The prime minister is very clear in dealing with European Union counterparts - that if we are not able to deliver on those big areas of concern that the British people have we will not win the referendum.


The prime minister has not set out in full detail the reforms he is pushing for, but they will include tougher rules to prevent migrants claiming benefits.


It might have been prudent to sit back until the 05 June and used that time to work out a comprehensive programme of change so that everyone involved could sing off the same song sheet.

Thinking does not seem to be one of Camerons strong points.


"I hope in the U.K. there is a debate that also respects how far Europe can go to meet it," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Wednesday."

LOL. What arrogance.

The Fourth Riech is coming. It was the same arrogance that got Germany into trouble in the first place. This will also be the undoing of the EU.

First Greece will leave the Euro, and Cameron will look the fool when he realises the Germans will not give up the helm of the EU ship. Might as well hold the refferendum now.

Get it over with. Get Out now.

Agreed, nobody needs >Morning committee, what's on the agenda today - oh never mind i'm against anyway< anyway ...

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