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Burn's Burgers

Ulysses G.

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I think they're gone out of business. Never got to try one.

Anyone try that Gourmet Burger Van? it does be parked up the road at Kad Bon yoo.

Hey, Maybe that van ran Burns out of business, you'd be pretty pissed off spending money setting up, key money, the shop, pay your rent, then for a bloody hipster van just to pull up and take all your business.

Poor Brunsie :(

Edited by MickeyMaow
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I tried Burns once, was ok, but I hate to order a burger take away and get it in a huge polystyrene box, IMO burgers should be wrapped in a piece of paper and put in a bag...and be cheap and a bit greasy...

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I have a feeling that "Burns" is the name of the owner, but it seems like a strange name for a burger place, because of the connotation of being burned. Anyway, if it is who I think it is, the owner has a pretty good reputation for good food and has owned several other restaurants in CM.

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I have a feeling that "Burns" is the name of the owner, but it seems like a strange name for a burger place, because of the connotation of being burned. Anyway, if it is who I think it is, the owner has a pretty good reputation for good food and has owned several other restaurants in CM.

Sounds like he has a penchant for business that don't make it.

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I have a feeling that "Burns" is the name of the owner, but it seems like a strange name for a burger place, because of the connotation of being burned. Anyway, if it is who I think it is, the owner has a pretty good reputation for good food and has owned several other restaurants in CM.

Sounds like he has a penchant for business that don't make it.

Could it be the guy that started and sold successful restaurants that UG is referring to?

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I think they're gone out of business. Never got to try one.

Anyone try that Gourmet Burger Van? it does be parked up the road at Kad Bon yoo.

Hey, Maybe that van ran Burns out of business, you'd be pretty pissed off spending money setting up, key money, the shop, pay your rent, then for a bloody hipster van just to pull up and take all your business.

Poor Brunsie sad.png

If a hipster, a hippie or even a commie ( smile.png - see cause they are so good at capitalism) can do it better perhaps I'd be pissed but can't blame the "bloody" guy for succeeding where you haven't. If he did in fact not burn the burgers but did his market research and it backfired on him ( smile.png - another burn joke) that is unfortunate but the restaurant biz is a tough one never the less trying it here. If you can stand the heat .... :) which he obviously did.

So UG, who is the mystery man you refer to? It's not nice to tease us (and it's revelant to the discussion if he has succeeded with other food ventures here)

Edited by junglechef
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I heard that a local catering entrepreneur, who has had both successful and unsuccessful ventures in Thailand, was fronting/managing it for another farang who put up (or perhaps threw away) the cash. Seems the dynamics of the burger business in CM have changed quite bit since the days when Mikes was almost the only game in town (ignoring BK and McD).

Edited by Paagai
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I was lucky enough to go to Burns Burger 3 times before they apparently closed. Their Chilli cheese burger was very good and I had that on 2 occasions. The 3rd time I tried their pork burger, it was ok but not something Id order twice. Ive just returned from Korat and am a bit surprised to hear if in fact this place has closed.

It was/is in a good location being close to Zoe in Yellow, but unfortunately this being the low season times are tough. Plus I would think a lot of the drinking patrons dont venture to far when they have the munchies. With the Turkish Kebab place within spitting distance of Zoe, Id think they would get most of the drunken crowd.

But anyways..... Burns burgers were good

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I'm just not sure that I have it right and I can't remember where I heard it, but the guy who owns the gourmet-type restaurant near Salsa Kitchen who bought Mike's Burgers from Mike the first time that he sold it. Someone told me that he was the owner, so I thought it might be pretty good.

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I'm just not sure that I have it right and I can't remember where I heard it, but the guy who owns the gourmet-type restaurant near Salsa Kitchen who bought Mike's Burgers from Mike the first time that he sold it. Someone told me that he was the owner, so I thought it might be pretty good.

Are you referring to Pern's? And then Pern's opened Burns? Funny.

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Yes and Pern's rhymes with Burns, so that is where my theory came from and now I'm sure that it is wrong. tongue.png

That is how Batman and Robin solved crimes on the old show...

There must be a dozen places to get a decent burger on Ratchwithi road, ....and new ones opening all the time.

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I asked Brian Pern about the status of Burns Burger because I knew he and his staff put in a lot of effort getting it up and running. He said he isn't the financial owner and never had been -- he is merely an adviser and that it is financed by a third party and owned 100% by a Thai partnership. When the police crackdown happened after the cyclist tragedy, they decided to close. It was trading well before the crackdown and is for sale. According to Brian, there are a couple of offers on the table and are being considered and he would expect it to reopen in late June.

If you have more questions, you can got talk with Brian at Pern's, which is next to Salsa Kitchen & Lemon Tree, across from the Shell petrol station on Huay Kaew, They're open after 5 pm every evening, except Mondays.

Edited by NancyL
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I'm just not sure that I have it right and I can't remember where I heard it, but the guy who owns the gourmet-type restaurant near Salsa Kitchen who bought Mike's Burgers from Mike the first time that he sold it. Someone told me that he was the owner, so I thought it might be pretty good.

I was under the under standing that when the original owner of Mikes sold it they started going down hill.

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I'm just not sure that I have it right and I can't remember where I heard it, but the guy who owns the gourmet-type restaurant near Salsa Kitchen who bought Mike's Burgers from Mike the first time that he sold it. Someone told me that he was the owner, so I thought it might be pretty good.

I was under the under standing that when the original owner of Mikes sold it they started going down hill.

That might be urban legend. It did go downhill eventually, but not right away. It was still pretty good when Brian Pern owned it, but it was rumored to have had a lot of different owners after that and got worse and worse.

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I'm just not sure that I have it right and I can't remember where I heard it, but the guy who owns the gourmet-type restaurant near Salsa Kitchen who bought Mike's Burgers from Mike the first time that he sold it. Someone told me that he was the owner, so I thought it might be pretty good.

I was under the under standing that when the original owner of Mikes sold it they started going down hill.

That might be urban legend. It did go downhill eventually, but not right away. It was still pretty good when Brian Pern owned it, but it was rumored to have had a lot of different owners after that and got worse and worse.

I see the old Mike's Burgers office on Ratchapreuk (in Santitham) is now for sale. I assume they've now finished completely?

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I asked Brian Pern about the status of Burns Burger because I knew he and his staff put in a lot of effort getting it up and running. He said he isn't the financial owner and never had been -- he is merely an adviser and that it is financed by a third party and owned 100% by a Thai partnership. When the police crackdown happened after the cyclist tragedy, they decided to close. It was trading well before the crackdown and is for sale. According to Brian, there are a couple of offers on the table and are being considered and he would expect it to reopen in late June.

If you have more questions, you can got talk with Brian at Pern's, which is next to Salsa Kitchen & Lemon Tree, across from the Shell petrol station on Huay Kaew, They're open after 5 pm every evening, except Mondays.

Not asking you Nancy as you explain where to get more info just quoting for context.

I'm confused about the correlation between the police crackdown and the burger joint. I guess the bars closed early for a bit and their clientele was from them but are they still enforcing this early closure and if so does it affect the restaurant so much and is it expected to really last so long that one couldn't wait it out.

Sounds like a convenient excuse for failing but I truly don't know and am asking for clarification. I know I could do as suggested for more info but to be perfectly honest I previously haven't had success talking with him when tying to get an honest answer to a simple question.

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As I understand, they sold a lot of burgers to the after hours crowd and with the police crackdown that clientele disappeared. It's my understand that the early closures are still being enforced and there are police roadblocks up checking for infractions, even if some bars are back in operation. I'm not up part of that scene, but Hubby often goes out walking in the Old City at 4 or 5 am (he's an early riser) and he says it's definitely much, much quieter with police checks still going on at Thapae Gate.

As for whether the early closures are expected to last and the effect on the profitability of this business -- that's something I know nothing about and don't care to speculate. I do know that we burger hounds on Thai Visa were a small, small part of their business.

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  • 3 months later...

There are a number of "burger vans" or trucks on the scene now. They all seem to be doing a roaring business.

According to that ultra reliable source of information, Trip Adviser, the "Burgerholic" van is now the second best restaurant in Chiang Mai! Second only to DK David's Kitchen.

Given the diversity of opinions whenever burgers are discussed here on TV seems strange that all of their 32 reviews are very good or excellent. Apparently, nothing bad is to be said about it. Or perhaps TV's culinary critiques just haven't got around to it yet wink.png Will have to check it out!

Edited by Paagai
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There are a number of "burger vans" or trucks on the scene now. They all seem to be doing a roaring business.

According to that ultra reliable source of information, Trip Adviser, the "Burgerholic" van is now the second best restaurant in Chiang Mai! Second only to DK David's Kitchen.

Given the diversity of opinions whenever burgers are discussed here on TV seems strange that all of their 32 reviews are very good or excellent. Apparently, nothing bad is to be said about it. Or perhaps TV's culinary critiques just haven't got around to it yet wink.png Will have to check it out!

It's good. Fon and her partner are very nice, warm and friendly people.thumbsup.gif The only thing is if you are hungry you will need to order 2 burgers as they are very small. Fries are the best anywhere. Not sure what they do to them to give them that flavor - maybe they mix them with onions or something. They are unique.

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Good burgers are a simple affair. The best ones I had, were made at home. The worst...MacDonalds (and I grew up with it). Any good ground beef that is not pressed down into a flat piece of unidentifiable material, qualifies as a good, juicy hamburger.

Get some ground beef ...shape it into a patty (do not apply pressure). Cook slowly on both sides (flip, but never press). Cover with cheese and put a cover over the pan...for the last few minutes, while turning the heat off. That should get it cooked through, and melt the cheese without burning one side.

I do not put salt and pepper, but place a few drops of oyster sauce on the patty, before cooking. It is not fishy, and adds great flavor to the meat. Also, a few drops of olive oil in the pan...not that crappy oil most people use here, that has a bad aftertaste.

Finally, tomato and onion thinly sliced....on a round, slightly toasted, english muffin. I do not care for most hamburger buns. The muffin is the exact size of the burger, and does not absorb juices as fast. I need mayo..not that orange crap, that macdoo uses.

Edited by slipperylobster
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What little you know, slippery. Do you think all ground beef comes from the same cow? If you want to make good wine, the first thing to choose is good grapes. Same same with beef. Choose the best meat you can find, not too fatty nor too lean. Then have that ground up at the shop. In fact, this method avoids most bacterial contamination and results in a top flight burger. I like the thick burger grilled over the hot coals, not fried, and pink in the middle.

Not to inject controversy but these days i am not eating beef due to fat in the meat which clogs up my arteries. So only chicken burgers for me. Any chicken will do. Cook well.

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