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How do you abduct someone on a motorcycle? Who holds her down if she is being held against her will?

The guy on the back?

Yes, they could have sandwiched the girl between them on a bike. However, I doubt the perps told the girl to "get on the bike, we are going to take you to the woods and rape you." More than likely, she believed they were taking her somewhere she wanted to go. And, if she knew or even suspected they were going to harm her, unless they were in stop and go traffic, it is not so easy just to jump off a bike.

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You are right in one sense, which is that there certainly are false rape allegations, often used for monetary gain when targeting celebrities etc. And that the police do have a tough job deciding on the true story between conflicting accounts of rape/consent. However these type of borderline incidents are more common in date situations, where there is only the couple present, and normal drinking and socialising have occurred in the dating couple scenario prior to the alleged attack. Gang rapes on the street are completely different, the chances of it being consenting are basically nil.

So you don't remember the Australian girl that claimed gang rape last year?

Then spent 3 months in Thai jail when the video showed different.



Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

You just did blame the victim.

Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

She did nothing wrong.

This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

Totally agree 100% with everything you writing, but the sad story is that if the rapists get caught they only get a slap on the wrist and 500 bath fine each, or if they are from a rich family the RTP will find some migrant workers from Burma and force them to confess :-(


Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

You just did blame the victim.

Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

She did nothing wrong.

This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

Really? Okkkkk...If you are white and looks decent..I hope you walk the Harlem Distric in New York at 1 AM with your beautiful and young girl friend and do not get into trouble, or better...1 AM is also a very good time to walk on South American beaches....


Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

You just did blame the victim.

Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

She did nothing wrong.

This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

Really? Okkkkk...If you are white and looks decent..I hope you walk the Harlem Distric in New York at 1 AM with your beautiful and young girl friend and do not get into trouble, or better...1 AM is also a very good time to walk on South American beaches....

I had no idea there were that many foreigners walking around Harlem at 1 AM... I wouldn't go so far as to say Thailand's situation is the worst in the entire world, but for a country that wants to bill itself as a major tourist destination, it's gotten pretty bad and is deteriorating.


Many travel websites helpfully list essentials to take on holiday, I have never seen one mention pepper spray.

Do they mention packing your common sense?


Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

You just did blame the victim.

Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

She did nothing wrong.

This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

Really? Okkkkk...If you are white and looks decent..I hope you walk the Harlem Distric in New York at 1 AM with your beautiful and young girl friend and do not get into trouble, or better...1 AM is also a very good time to walk on South American beaches....

I had no idea there were that many foreigners walking around Harlem at 1 AM... I wouldn't go so far as to say Thailand's situation is the worst in the entire world, but for a country that wants to bill itself as a major tourist destination, it's gotten pretty bad and is deteriorating.

Because of a few high-profile crimes?

You could say the same about pretty much anywhere on earth.


Drunken sex that gets out of hand and physically overwhelming is not by definition rape.

Actually it is rape, most western countries insist on informed consent.

If she was drunk, she can't provide that = rape.

Don't matter if she said yes or no.

Really - so when catted up by drunk women one must say no or be a rapist?

Its now law in Britain , You have sex with a drunk person , its rape.


Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

You just did blame the victim.

Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

She did nothing wrong.

This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

Really? Okkkkk...If you are white and looks decent..I hope you walk the Harlem Distric in New York at 1 AM with your beautiful and young girl friend and do not get into trouble, or better...1 AM is also a very good time to walk on South American beaches....

I had no idea there were that many foreigners walking around Harlem at 1 AM... I wouldn't go so far as to say Thailand's situation is the worst in the entire world, but for a country that wants to bill itself as a major tourist destination, it's gotten pretty bad and is deteriorating.

Because of a few high-profile crimes?

You could say the same about pretty much anywhere on earth.

Lol. "A few"? And you're suggesting anyone with a pulse hang their hat on the high-profile crimes that end up getting reported & gaining any international attention being anything more than the tip of the iceberg? Lastly and most importantly, people don't pick just "anywhere on earth" to spend their vacations or retirements!!


Yes. A few.

You think stuff like this doesn't happen elsewhere?

The usual Thai apologist line.

How does stating a truth make someone a Thai apologist? He didn't even mention Thailand!


Yes. A few.

You think stuff like this doesn't happen elsewhere?

The usual Thai apologist line.

The usual Thai hater's response.

You have never posted anything positive about this country or its people ever.

If you hate it so much, just let it go.

Why be on a Thailand discussion group when you detest everything about the country and its people?


Yes. A few.

You think stuff like this doesn't happen elsewhere?

The usual Thai apologist line.

I'm not apologising for anything. Some bad things happen in Thailand. Nobody is denying that.

Yes. A few.

You think stuff like this doesn't happen elsewhere?

The usual Thai apologist line.

I'm not apologising for anything. Some bad things happen in Thailand. Nobody is denying that.

The point is that bad things which happen elsewhere are completely irrelevant; just a lame attempt to deflect the discussion away from some inconvenient truths.


The inconvenient truth that of the 20 million tourists that come to Thailand every year that a surprisingly small number of them have something bad happen to them?

Lol. "Surprisingly small"? 5555555. To you maybe.


Yes. A few.

You think stuff like this doesn't happen elsewhere?

The usual Thai apologist line.

I'm not apologising for anything. Some bad things happen in Thailand. Nobody is denying that.

The point is that bad things which happen elsewhere are completely irrelevant; just a lame attempt to deflect the discussion away from some inconvenient truths.

It's completely relevant when people are trying to make out that Thailand is an unusually dangerous place to be. This kind of thing can - and sadly does - happen everywhere.


How long would a drunk young Thai girl last unharrassed on the streets of any Western city in the middle of the night? Right...answer honestly now, Thailand-bashers.

It depends, if you would be in Rinkeby, Tensta, Kista, Jordbro etc (suburbs of Stockholm) chances are quite high that you would be "culturally enriched". If you were in Djursholm (top 3? richest area in Sweden) chances are quite high nothing would happen. As Thailand doesn't have so called ghettos it can't really be compared.


How long would a drunk young Thai girl last unharrassed on the streets of any Western city in the middle of the night? Right...answer honestly now, Thailand-bashers.

It depends, if you would be in Rinkeby, Tensta, Kista, Jordbro etc (suburbs of Stockholm) chances are quite high that you would be "culturally enriched". If you were in Djursholm (top 3? richest area in Sweden) chances are quite high nothing would happen. As Thailand doesn't have so called ghettos it can't really be compared.

A female would be at risk in all (?) Western cities in a poor area whether it be white or migrant communities. In addition unfortunately also in lets say more 'civilised' areas of cities. As an example here Brisbane, Australia three females were sexually assaulted and murdered within 18 months, by white Australians, within the business area of the city.

But hey, you never miss a chance of vilifying Muslims


Regardless of what time it was or what she was wearing these bastards need putting down.

I think we all agree with that.

But what would you tell your daughter/ sister if she called and said she was staying in Kanchanaburi tonight? Or planning a trip to Kanchanaburi in the near future?

I'd say' dress sensibly, don't get drunk, don't speak to any Thai guys and don't walk around on your own in the middle of the night'! Finally I'd say have a good time!!


How long would a drunk young Thai girl last unharrassed on the streets of any Western city in the middle of the night? Right...answer honestly now, Thailand-bashers.

It depends, if you would be in Rinkeby, Tensta, Kista, Jordbro etc (suburbs of Stockholm) chances are quite high that you would be "culturally enriched". If you were in Djursholm (top 3? richest area in Sweden) chances are quite high nothing would happen. As Thailand doesn't have so called ghettos it can't really be compared.

A female would be at risk in all (?) Western cities in a poor area whether it be white or migrant communities. In addition unfortunately also in lets say more 'civilised' areas of cities. As an example here Brisbane, Australia three females were sexually assaulted and murdered within 18 months, by white Australians, within the business area of the city.

But hey, you never miss a chance of vilifying Muslims

Who talked about muslims (besides you)? In Sweden the so so "wonderful" thing of gang rapes was more rare than unicorns some 40+ years ago and now it happens daily. With your "logic" there were no poor people etc 40+ years ago in Sweden.

Immigrant men are atleast 5 times more likely to commit a sexual assault than a "swedish" men. Go read SCB instead of knee-jerking to defend things you know nothing about.


How long would a drunk young Thai girl last unharrassed on the streets of any Western city in the middle of the night? Right...answer honestly now, Thailand-bashers.

It depends, if you would be in Rinkeby, Tensta, Kista, Jordbro etc (suburbs of Stockholm) chances are quite high that you would be "culturally enriched". If you were in Djursholm (top 3? richest area in Sweden) chances are quite high nothing would happen. As Thailand doesn't have so called ghettos it can't really be compared.

A female would be at risk in all (?) Western cities in a poor area whether it be white or migrant communities. In addition unfortunately also in lets say more 'civilised' areas of cities. As an example here Brisbane, Australia three females were sexually assaulted and murdered within 18 months, by white Australians, within the business area of the city.

But hey, you never miss a chance of vilifying Muslims

Who talked about muslims (besides you)?

BS. As you well know the term "culturally enriched" used by you is right wing code for vilification of Muslims


A female would be at risk in all (?) Western cities in a poor area whether it be white or migrant communities. In addition unfortunately also in lets say more 'civilised' areas of cities. As an example here Brisbane, Australia three females were sexually assaulted and murdered within 18 months, by white Australians, within the business area of the city.

But hey, you never miss a chance of vilifying Muslims

Who talked about muslims (besides you)?

BS. As you well know the term "culturally enriched" used by you is right wing code for vilification of Muslims

So only muslim immigrants have a culture while all non-muslims don't? Gotcha!


Like, one in a million? Yeah, small. And most of them were doing something stupid, like stumbling around drunk alone in a strange city in the middle of the night.

ROFL. You know, where I'm from (largish US city), I don't recall EVER hearing of somebody having their purse or gold baht chain snatched by punk teens on a motobike, OR anyone being assaulted by a ladyboy, OR even cops piss-testing passersby (even yanking them out of cabs) on a public street for extortion money (etc., etc., etc ...) And I'm personally convinced that the majority of such crimes here go unreported. Throw around hyperbole like "one in a million" since you seem addicted to doing so, but it's laughable to even suggest that the magnitude of foreigners who suffer some "bad experience" or other, major, minor or somewhere in between, isn't far far higher, and that the phrase doesnt ACTUALLY apply to the number of tourists "stumbling around drunk in the middle of the night" instead (though I expect YOUR definition of same applies to just about anyone who's had a beer in the last 3 weeks). Time for a reality check there - it's a heavily advertised vacation destination! People don't come here for temperance lectures from self-righteous expats who'd just like to see all merry-makers stay home.


What largish US city are we talking about, just so we can pull some meaninful statistics? And, answer the question: how long would a drunk young Thai girl stumbling around downtown in the middle of the night go unharrassed? And yes...tourists who have anything serious befall them in Thailand (rape, murder), are exactly what I said: one in a million.


*chirp* *chirp*. Oh, well. I was really hoping to learn where this American paradise was, where a father can send his drunk teenage daughter wandering around downtown in the middle of the night without worrying about anything happening to her.

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