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Thank You! Trafic Light fixing guys.

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Yesterday the "fixer's" came from the Magic Land across the Gulf and made our two traffic lights operational agian here in Natorn.

The effect was immediate, trafic flow in Natorn area immediately smoothed out, people were able to cross the rodas and make turns with ease.

The system is doing what it is designed to do, break up traffic.

Now if we could only get drivers to obay the lights!

Thanks guys!

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The only way traffic lights will have an effect is when the police stop drivers who run red lights and impound their vehicles, when the compounds are full there will be less vehicles on the roads.whistling.gif

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Coming back from Nathon the other day and waiting for the light to change at the Lipanoi intersection......nothing waiting to come up from Lipanoi......everyone waiting on the ring road for the light to change....liked it better when it didnt work.

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