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Thailand agrees joint search and rescue with US at sea


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Thailand agrees joint search and rescue with US at sea

BANGKOK: -- Thailand has granted permission to the United States to fly over, in the company of its own planes, its sea territory during search and rescue mission for migrants stranded in the Indian Ocean, Foreign Minister Tanasak Patimapragorn said Friday.

This morning, US aircraft flew together with our Air Force over our sea territory on such a mission," Tanasak told reporters.

"Following a request from Washington, Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan granted verbal permission and I have already conveyed the message to the US Charge d'affaire," he said, noting that it would take time to do the necessary paperwork.

However, Tanasak declined to answer whether the government would allow the US to use military facilities in UTapao or Phuket for the missions.

"The flight took off from a base in Malaysia, but we are not at a point where they can use any base," he said. "If it becomes necessary to use Thai territory for their base, the request can be considered."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Thailand-agrees-joint-search-and-rescue-with-US-at-30261195.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-29

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First the Thai government and our illustrious leader throws them back into the sea with food and water, he says Thailand does not want them (just the ones the smugglers have already made their money from....and up the chain.)

These migrant camps do not exist without the highest level of Police and Military knowledge, this border is regularly patrolled "but not on the top of the hills", where the camps were. Now lets play innocent.

Now they state they are going to look for boat people.

You can never believe anything that you hear in Thailand.

Edited by Colabamumbai
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"Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan granted verbal permission and I have already conveyed the message to the US Charge d'affaire," he said, noting that it would take time to do the necessary paperwork"

The Junta doesn't want to be involved but makes it difficult for other nations that want to aid the Rhoyingha immigrants.

PM and Chief of the NCPO General Prayut calls General Prawit Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister for Security Affairs, Defence Minister, and Chairman of the NCPO Board of Consultants and says, "Make it so Number One."

A 1-minute phone call?

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Don't hold your breath on the USA asking.

Obama might find it tempting to call Premier Li Keqiang of China and say, "The US is flying warplanes in Thailand airspace. So much for your security agreement with Thailand."

Don't see China or Russia making any bids to provide humantarian assistance on the high seas. What's the profit in that?

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Are you guys talking about the same USA that doesn't want anything to do with Thailand or its leaders yet still expects the USA to snap its fingers and Thailand to do what they want?

Imagine this scenario. The USA has an immigration problem and needs help from the countries in its area.

Which country will want to be in control and running the game?

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