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Knifed in the back hard


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Me and the wife befriended an elderly Thai woman who was very friendly towards us in everyway, she soon took to calling me her son as her son committed suicide years ago.

Now over time we done a great deal for this woman, helped organise new choppers as she only had a couple of teeth, got her internet up and running as she had no clue, nothing major but we helped her often becoming somewhat of a taxi service, we were there for her whenever she needed us and she was a good friend to my wife.

As time went by she began getting a little controlling at first, telling my wife she is cooking wrong, raising our kids wrong, we should smack them etc etc, then the attempted controlling got more intense and with that my wife decided to take a break from her.

shortly after my wife informs me this old woman called her, and suggested she should leave me and find a rich man, this from the woman who calls me son, my wife told her to never call again, something about her being under her eye now and you don't exist to me.

The point of all this if there is one, you befriend someone, treat them like a member of the family, show her genuine love, and she is telling the wife to leave whilst calling me her son at the same time, I have heard since she has a habit of these games, and I think she was shocked my wife told me, she even stated in their final conversation /argument you tell your husband everything.

Be wary who you let into your circle.

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No shortage of strange and surprising people in the world. Some people can be your friend one day and the next day something changes them to being your enemy.

to right, you meet very few true friends in life.

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The woman needs psychiatric help.

Not your fault, not her fault either.

Unfortunately this is life and it's peculiarities.

I wouldn't worry too much OP.

Carry on your life with your wife and kids and may be somebody will help her someday.

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The woman needs psychiatric help.

Not your fault, not her fault either.

Unfortunately this is life and it's peculiarities.

I wouldn't worry too much OP.

Carry on your life with your wife and kids and may be somebody will help her someday.

completely agree, she is probably messed up, however to tell her that would mean getting something thrown at your head, not very receptive to that kind of advice.

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Down my way if the locals are not gossiping about each other, than they are gossiping about someone else.

My wife says the place to be where all the dirt is dug up on people is at the local ladies hairdressers. No one is except from their vicious chitchat. I have no doubts that many of the locals also throw rumours around about me, but who cares? My wife once told me that our immediate neighbors were told I have 400 million baht in the bank. I said; if I had that amount of money, do you think I would be living in a dump like this? But again, who cares?

Within the community I am well content to be the dumb farang, who sees nothing, hears nothing and knows nothing. This way I manage to stay out of the limelight. I am always polite, speak routinely with my neighbors, attend some of the local functions and festivals, but never, ever become directly involved with anyone and keep out of other people’s dramas.

This is the key to living at peace with the neighbors and in Thailand as a whole.

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