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Does anyone have first hand knowledge on the best place to get a tourist visa once in Thailand, i.e., Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos??? Considering cost to get there, ease of obtaining the visa you desire, all around ease of getting what you need.

Which embassy will give a muli-entry tourist visa?

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I just try to figure out what the problem is. I bet a lot that all those Guy's who complain now about the new rules working or stay here more or less illegal.

It is the right of the Immigration to put the new rule in place and you can't blame them. There is no difference between Thailand, the US or Europe. If you don't have the right Visa, go out. If you work here get a work permit and if you don't have one, you illegal so go out.

If you stay here for a long time, get the correct Visa and everything is fine. If you can't afford the correct Visa or if you don't want go through the Visa Application whatsover, thats your personal problem.

Everyone who complain now about the rules should think about your Home country. If you stay in the US or Europe and the Immigration put a new law in place for all the people without proper Visa, I guess you would welcome this descision.

My personal Opinion is easy. If you wanna stay here, get the correct paper work and Visa together. If you can't or if you don't wan't to do that, well.....go elsewhere.

Thailand offer Visa for a lot of puposes, so it shoulnd't be any problem to get the correct Visa as long as you can proof why you would like to stay in Thailand.

kevinbkk, and many others like you, please try to grasp this simple concept--the Thai government is changing the rules! People who have been staying here legally, and have the passport stamps to prove it, are trying to determine if they can continue to do so. Do not assume that just because the most recent rule changes do not affect you that future changes will not.


Haven't had a chance to read all previous posts so if I'm going over old ground, apologies but here are a few thoughts.

1. Seems as if many decent, law-abiding, financially solvent people are being caught up in this. So, how about scrapping the age limit for retirement visas? If someone is fortunate enough to be able to comply with the income/savings requirements what difference does their age make?

2. Putting restrictions on VOA means everybody switches to tourist visas. Result - embassies/consulates will be swamped & we're back to zero, ie. back to back tourist visas instead of VOA. Therefore, logic says that tourist visas will be targeted next. The next option is setting up a dummy company to get non imm b + wp, followed by a crackdown on these. (Companies with foreign shareholders are being investigated now regarding land ownership issues).

3. The purpose of the new regulations is supposedly to target those working without non-im b + wp. Clearly this isn't going to achieve that. The only way is to make hiring illegal workers economically unviable by fining employers heavily.

4. The govt is struggling to get the new airport open on time so introducing new immigration rules which will slow things up even more seems odd. I sincerely doubt that immigration will be able to enforce these changes, at least for the first few weeks.

I am on a non-im b but have many friends who are border-runners. Let's give these guys our support & not sink to this "I'm alright Jack" attitude.



Claro que si. Happily I made it to 50 but I have much sympathy for people hit by this.

I've spent a lot of time in Honduras and Costa Rica, I like Thailand better, and it is generally cheaper, but they are both great places.

The rule of law, where it exists, is a bit too arbitrary for my tastes in Honduras. I can't forget seeing a uniformed police officer with a loaded M-16 on his back, just barely managing to stumble out of a bar in a drunken stupor. Costa Rica is nice, outside of San Jose and the larger towns, though I am not sure if the country's number one industry is tourism or money laundering. Tambien es mas facil aprender Espanol que Thai. The key point is valid: Thailand is nice but if your commitments aren't too binding there are plenty of alternatives.

The rule of law, where it exists, is a bit too arbitrary for my tastes in Honduras. I can't forget seeing a uniformed police officer with a loaded M-16 on his back, just barely managing to stumble out of a bar in a drunken stupor.

:D True, true. Honduras is still very wild westish. I do enjoy the Central American culture, and yes the Spanish is much easier. My Thai is developing slowly :o


Panama is worth checking out. Some very attractive breaks on taxes and discounts on many services to retirees. The country is doing everthing to bring in new residents and their money. It would

be nice to live in a country that actually WANTS you there.

I am now reconsidering Thailand as a retirement home.

(Travelling to Thailand on Oct. 10 and nervous about new rules.)


i am speeking spanish very good,,, and i was in many countrys included panama, the problem in panama is the same like everywhere in south america,,,the crime is to heavy, waht make living there very dificult.

panams is very cheap for living, with good food,,beautiful unspoiled nature and costlines ( caribean and pacific) but the crime

but easy for invetsment, cheap prices on land and house and you can own from law!

Panama is worth checking out. Some very attractive breaks on taxes and discounts on many services to retirees. The country is doing everthing to bring in new residents and their money. It would

be nice to live in a country that actually WANTS you there.

I am now reconsidering Thailand as a retirement home.

(Travelling to Thailand on Oct. 10 and nervous about new rules.)

[1) I am on a Multiple Entry Tourist Visa at present. I don't think that a 30 day extension will help unless it's an extension of a Non-imm-O. From my last conversation with one of the more senior officials in Suanplu he told me that you first need to change your visa to Non-imm before appying for the Investment Visa. Apparently this can be done in country, but could eat into the remaining days to beat the 1st Oct deadline. Anyone have any experience/comments on doing this?

We can get it done with a non-O. No need to change. Our professional fee is 6,500 Baht plus 7% Vat.

2) How long does the application normally take to be processed?

You will get either a 30 day or 90 day under consideration stamp. Then the year extension.

Thanks for the quick response, but I don't fully understand your reply.

1) As I said, "I currently have a "Multiple Entry Tourist Visa", so why do you say no need to change? I see that it still needs to be changed, hence back to my question on how long to change?

2) What does your quoted fee of Bt.6,500 cover exactly?

3) In your opinion, do you think that getting in before 1st Oct "under consideration" is enough to beat the 1st Oct deadline?

I did this today. I only had a single entry Visa on arrival in my passport, actually I have about 100 of them since I fly in and out of BKK every week. If you look at my previous post (#290), I went to Suan plu today armed with my investment information, got the 90 day non-imm-O and will get the investment visa in 90 days. It took only an hour and was easy as pie. Cost 1900 baht for the 90 day visa. I actually had to pay an additional 3,800 baht for a multi entry visa non imm O for the next 90 days as I'll continue to be in and out. If you are staying here, no need to pay the extra 3,800 baht. If you've invested 3mil, this is the way to go.

Good luck.

Thanks, I saw one other similar post in this thread saying he was going back today but that was by someone else.

Exchange rate is still a bit crap at the moment, but guess I'll have to bite that bullet.

As an aside, :-

1) did you have to fix the deposit for 1 year or was it shorter term i.e. were there losses involved withdrawing earlier than 1 year?

2) What interest rate did u get?

3) Does anyone know if this is taxable earnings?

Just goto a Thai embassy/consulate overseas and get a single/double or triple entry. Easy. Then you can stay as a tourist for 3 months without having to leave. Every 3 months if on a single entry. Just go to another country and get another visa. Its not rocket science! Or am i wrong?

a lot of requirements are needed to get a tourist visa.u can't just get one when u need one.if i remember correctly they are asking for a proof (bank account) that u can really afford to visit thailand.and that's where the problem lies coz most of this guys are regular chaps.even when i used to cross aranyaPT they were asking for a 20,000 bahat show money...


Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.

Where as before many on here looked down on us so called oldies and said we losers and only here for the young girls because we couldn't get a lady over seas. How the world changers.

Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

I understand there will be some problems for some, but in your heart of hearts, you knew you were bending the rules as you stepped on the buses that took you over the borders.

I wish you all luck in getting over your problems :o


Haven't had a chance to read all previous posts so if I'm going over old ground, apologies but here are a few thoughts.

1. Seems as if many decent, law-abiding, financially solvent people are being caught up in this. So, how about scrapping the age limit for retirement visas? If someone is fortunate enough to be able to comply with the income/savings requirements what difference does their age make?

2. Putting restrictions on VOA means everybody switches to tourist visas. Result - embassies/consulates will be swamped & we're back to zero, ie. back to back tourist visas instead of VOA. Therefore, logic says that tourist visas will be targeted next. The next option is setting up a dummy company to get non imm b + wp, followed by a crackdown on these. (Companies with foreign shareholders are being investigated now regarding land ownership issues).

3. The purpose of the new regulations is supposedly to target those working without non-im b + wp. Clearly this isn't going to achieve that. The only way is to make hiring illegal workers economically unviable by fining employers heavily.

4. The govt is struggling to get the new airport open on time so introducing new immigration rules which will slow things up even more seems odd. I sincerely doubt that immigration will be able to enforce these changes, at least for the first few weeks.

I am on a non-im b but have many friends who are border-runners. Let's give these guys our support & not sink to this "I'm alright Jack" attitude.


Border runners out I say :o

If you have a job get a visa & WP, immigration will happily give you a 1 year extension after your B visa expires (so long as you or you or your company are paying tax). If your job does not support having a valid WP then tough !!

You should count yourselves lucky that you are still getting 3 !! :D

Kind regards

Jack Alright

a lot of requirements are needed to get a tourist visa.u can't just get one when u need one. if i remember correctly they are asking for a proof (bank account) that u can really afford to visit thailand. and that's where the problem lies coz most of this guys are regular chaps. even when i used to cross aranyaPT they were asking for a 20,000 bahat show money...

When I have applied and received tourist visa's from the Los Angeles Thai Embassy it has been very easy in the past. I just filled out the one page form and included my payment and passport. 2 and a half years it's been very simple. No proof of bank account info or anything. Last time I applied for it was in April '06. I remember I saw they had added requirements in April this year but i just sent in the same things I had in the past and it worked. Maybe I got lucky. I now see on the tourist visa page on the website they have added more requirements including a comforting statement:

"***Regulations Are Subject to Change Without Notice***"



Haven't had a chance to read all previous posts so if I'm going over old ground, apologies but here are a few thoughts.

1. Seems as if many decent, law-abiding, financially solvent people are being caught up in this. So, how about scrapping the age limit for retirement visas? If someone is fortunate enough to be able to comply with the income/savings requirements what difference does their age make?

2. Putting restrictions on VOA means everybody switches to tourist visas. Result - embassies/consulates will be swamped & we're back to zero, ie. back to back tourist visas instead of VOA. Therefore, logic says that tourist visas will be targeted next. The next option is setting up a dummy company to get non imm b + wp, followed by a crackdown on these. (Companies with foreign shareholders are being investigated now regarding land ownership issues).

3. The purpose of the new regulations is supposedly to target those working without non-im b + wp. Clearly this isn't going to achieve that. The only way is to make hiring illegal workers economically unviable by fining employers heavily.

4. The govt is struggling to get the new airport open on time so introducing new immigration rules which will slow things up even more seems odd. I sincerely doubt that immigration will be able to enforce these changes, at least for the first few weeks.

I am on a non-im b but have many friends who are border-runners. Let's give these guys our support & not sink to this "I'm alright Jack" attitude.


Border runners out I say :o

If you have a job get a visa & WP, immigration will happily give you a 1 year extension after your B visa expires (so long as you or you or your company are paying tax). If your job does not support having a valid WP then tough !!

You should count yourselves lucky that you are still getting 3 !! :D

Kind regards

Jack Alright

LOL.. and if you don't work? aren't married? under 50? don't want a Bussiness or condo?


Haven't had a chance to read all previous posts so if I'm going over old ground, apologies but here are a few thoughts.

1. Seems as if many decent, law-abiding, financially solvent people are being caught up in this. So, how about scrapping the age limit for retirement visas? If someone is fortunate enough to be able to comply with the income/savings requirements what difference does their age make?

2. Putting restrictions on VOA means everybody switches to tourist visas. Result - embassies/consulates will be swamped & we're back to zero, ie. back to back tourist visas instead of VOA. Therefore, logic says that tourist visas will be targeted next. The next option is setting up a dummy company to get non imm b + wp, followed by a crackdown on these. (Companies with foreign shareholders are being investigated now regarding land ownership issues).

3. The purpose of the new regulations is supposedly to target those working without non-im b + wp. Clearly this isn't going to achieve that. The only way is to make hiring illegal workers economically unviable by fining employers heavily.

4. The govt is struggling to get the new airport open on time so introducing new immigration rules which will slow things up even more seems odd. I sincerely doubt that immigration will be able to enforce these changes, at least for the first few weeks.

I am on a non-im b but have many friends who are border-runners. Let's give these guys our support & not sink to this "I'm alright Jack" attitude.


Border runners out I say :o

If you have a job get a visa & WP, immigration will happily give you a 1 year extension after your B visa expires (so long as you or you or your company are paying tax). If your job does not support having a valid WP then tough !!

You should count yourselves lucky that you are still getting 3 !! :D

Kind regards

Jack Alright

LOL.. and if you don't work? aren't married? under 50? don't want a Bussiness or condo?

Then do what Thailand wants you to do ! Go home, come back on holiday, enjoy and spend lots of money ! But dont enjoy for too long :D


It's definately out of date on the Iraq issue, as a security company occupy those buildings in Mansour now and have for quite sometime. :D

I go through Dubai on my ins and outs, so will have to do it there it seems. Now I just have to figure all this documentation out...

Best bet is probably a multi entry non immigrant visa. The way i understand it it's valid for a year and you have to leave the country within 90 days after which you're entitled to another 90 day stay upon re-entry etc..

Yes, multiple entry visa is the way to go for frequent travellers to Thailand.

I phoned the Thai Embassy in Riyadh today and explained them the situation. I told the guy that I come over every six weeks for a couple of weeks and that I get 30 days stamp at the airport. Then I told him that according to a news article I might need a visa in future because the Thai government no more like people to come back to Thailand to quick.

The official didn't have a clue what I was on about. First thing he asks how long I plan to stay so I tell him again 2-3 weeks. Then he says I don't need a visa; I get 30 day stamp at the airport.

I explain him again and in the end he replies that they have not received any instruction from Bangkok so according to him I can just come and take 30 day stamp in the airport as usual.

So I guess the chap reading the email I sent yesterday must have thought I was onto the sids and also doesn't have a clue what I am on about... :o

Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.


Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

so why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

surely 30 or 60 days is enough for a holiday - and thats what these tourist visa's are for.

if you are working or staying in thailand why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

so what do such people ( multiple tourist visa ) do for a living? how do they get money? one assumes its all illegal?

I can't believe how some +50yo are stupid and selfish ! :o

Did you read the previous messages ? No. Certainly no.

- Who are these guys ?

Exactly same guys as most of you, except one point : not yet 50yo...

- How do they get money?

Some are early retired. (40, 45 or 49yo :-( )

Some live from "big money" or "good investemnts" they have made before.

Most have lot of more money that the minimum riquirement for retirement visa.

- Why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

Not working, not 50yo and not married

- What these guys do in Thailand ?

Exactly the same things as you (retired guys) do.

We just want live here, in respect of thai laws et thailand people.

- Why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

We are NOT working and then do not want create a company for a working visa.

Tourist visa is the ONLY one we can use to stay in Thailand if not married and not 50yo.

Do you now understand (even if you are +50yo) what is the problem

with these new regulations ?

You are lucky because you are "old" and so not concerned by these changes,

but be carefull, you may probably be concerned by the next one... or the next one... or...


Relax man, pitty the guy for having to wait until he is 50 to retire in Thailand. Wow, what a feat...


I have a lot of experience in Commercial Law, and have read the Official Royal Thai Police order No. 608/2549 concerning authorisation for foreigners that are exempted from the Visa requirements to stay temporarily in the Kingdom of Thailand. The "Legal Speak" whilst difficult for many to understand, is however quite clear to me.

Under 3. Article 13 (3) of the Ministerial Regulation, it states as follows [and I translate in to simple Language]:

Within a 6 month period [that means a rolling 6 month period], you may enter Thailand several times, each time must not exceed 30 days, with a total of 90 days allowed during those 6 months [the 6 months is counted from the first day you set foot in Thailand].

This means that you can come in and out as many times as you like, but in one year this must not exceed 180 days.

Why 180 days? Think about it, if you stay here longer than 180 days in 1 year you are considered "NORMALLY RESIDENT", as you are if you stay in the UK longer than a total of 180 days. After that you should be declaring income and paying Tax if due, same rules as the UK!

That is what the ruling is for, if you stay more than 180 days per year you need a proper Visa and to declare income for Tax purposes as you have become "NORMALLY RESIDENT".

I do not see any changes to this Regulation, it is just that from time to time they decide to enforce the rules.

TIT. Says it all. Once the authorities realise its not 100% proof then it will probably die a death. MAYBE??

I am married,only by buddist ceromony, to a thai lady, if I get retirment visa is there only the 800,000 bhat in bank required or is it like marriage visa where you have to pay 400,000 bhat a yera into Thai bank account? I want to get proper marriage certificate on next visit in Oct.


TIT. Says it all. Once the authorities realise its not 100% proof then it will probably die a death. MAYBE??

I am married,only by buddist ceromony, to a thai lady, if I get retirment visa is there only the 800,000 bhat in bank required or is it like marriage visa where you have to pay 400,000 bhat a yera into Thai bank account? I want to get proper marriage certificate on next visit in Oct.

The ceremony is not enough, you must be able to present a marriage certificate in order to qualify for marriage extension.


This is from the Thai Immigration site, note the points about the different visa classes.


Principals and Reason

Because the previous immigration procedures have not been updated since 1997, the immigration bureau has improved and revised the above mentioned in order to provide travellers with out\r best services as well as to strengthen national security

Visa Exemption [30 day stamp]

Passport holders from 39 exempted countries will be able to enter into the Kingdom of Thailand without visa and remain in Thailand for 30 days per each visit. However, the total duration of stay should not exceed 90 days within a six month period, counting from the date of first entry.

Tourist Visa

* Nationals of 43 listed countries may enter the Kingdom of Thailand with a tourist visa, in accordance with the Ministry of interior's regulations, for a maximum stay of 60 days for the purpose of tourism only.

* Other nationals may enter the Kingdom of Thailand with tourist visa for 30 days


The principal of Decentralization is applied to all process. Immigration officers at operational level will be authorized to make the decision making. The shorter chain of command, the faster performance.

Extension for Business

* Foreigners must have work permit

* The business has a registered capital stocks not less than two million Baht

* The business must have income enough to pay the salary of the employees, including fringe benefits for all foreigners in their company's next year accounts

* The totals of shareholders in the balance payment will not less than one million Baht



Dude. Amarka. I'm not here to do black things and do evil. I'm a freelance worker who does gigs via the internet back in the US. I have an income and spend it here. I love Thailand. But get this, I'm required to be taken on for a job that pays 60,000 Baht / mo in order to get that visa. How many companies do you think are paying Farang or anybody that kind of money...in BKK ? ok, a few, but all upper level positions. Now how about Chiang Mai? 60k in CHiang Mai ? Ha ! Keep dreaming. The laws themselves are unrealistic at best and greedy at worst. I have to keep the party going by bringing in my foreign dollars via the internet, and under the table.

And guess what ? I write good things about THailand for the internet. I do good for this country. THat's in addition to spending my money here. But with my less than 60 K income thru a Thai co there is no way for me to go legit. But I want to live here and do what's right. The avenue for that does not exist. Their own loss. And I know there are many good folks up to projects in the same boat as I am.

Give some heart and thought to floks like us.

It's a shame that you are doing everything above board, and get caught up in this.

I think that Thailand is trying to crack down on folks in a situation like your's, that are living and working in Thailand, but not paying Thai income taxes.

I have a lot of experience in Commercial Law, and have read the Official Royal Thai Police order No. 608/2549 concerning authorisation for foreigners that are exempted from the Visa requirements to stay temporarily in the Kingdom of Thailand. The "Legal Speak" whilst difficult for many to understand, is however quite clear to me.

Under 3. Article 13 (3) of the Ministerial Regulation, it states as follows [and I translate in to simple Language]:

Within a 6 month period [that means a rolling 6 month period], you may enter Thailand several times, each time must not exceed 30 days, with a total of 90 days allowed during those 6 months [the 6 months is counted from the first day you set foot in Thailand].

This means that you can come in and out as many times as you like, but in one year this must not exceed 180 days.

Why 180 days? Think about it, if you stay here longer than 180 days in 1 year you are considered "NORMALLY RESIDENT", as you are if you stay in the UK longer than a total of 180 days. After that you should be declaring income and paying Tax if due, same rules as the UK!

That is what the ruling is for, if you stay more than 180 days per year you need a proper Visa and to declare income for Tax purposes as you have become "NORMALLY RESIDENT".

I do not see any changes to this Regulation, it is just that from time to time they decide to enforce the rules.

So I suppose, these are international conventions and it is the same regulation for driver's

licenses ?

Or in other words Thailand has hurt or broken international conventions before ?




You are living and working in Thailand and pretending to be a tourist.

You are disrespecting Thai laws and taking advantage of their hospitality.

Have a look at the penalties for doing this in your home country and quit faulting Thailand for trying to control who lives here.

'nuff said



"Within a 6 month period [that means a rolling 6 month period], you may enter Thailand several times, each time must not exceed 30 days, with a total of 90 days allowed during those 6 months [the 6 months is counted from the first day you set foot in Thailand]."

Estrada has proven his credentials as a lawyer, having managed to contradict himself within the space of a single sentence. If the 6 months is a rolling period its start date must roll to: so it cannot be counted from the fixed date on which you enter Thailand. If the start date is fixed and the period is 6 months, the end date must be fixed too. Duh.

"Within a 6 month period [that means a rolling 6 month period], you may enter Thailand several times, each time must not exceed 30 days, with a total of 90 days allowed during those 6 months [the 6 months is counted from the first day you set foot in Thailand]."

Estrada has proven his credentials as a lawyer, having managed to contradict himself within the space of a single sentence. If the 6 months is a rolling period its start date must roll to: so it cannot be counted from the fixed date on which you enter Thailand. If the start date is fixed and the period is 6 months, the end date must be fixed too. Duh.

I don't see any contradiction in his statement. There are multiple 6-month periods, each one starting on each date you enter the Kingdom. But the only one you need to consider at any one time is the oldest one, which is within the past 6 months. If you entered on Jan. 1, Feb. 1, and Apr. 1, then you were planning to go again on July 15, there are three 6-month periods to check:

Jan. 1 - Jun. 30

Feb. 1 - Jul. 31

Apr. 1 - Sep. 30

Being that you're planning to enter on Jul. 15, the Jan. 1 - Jun. 30 period has already expired, so no need to consider it. Out of the remaining two, the Feb. 1 - Jul. 31 period is the oldest, so that is the only one you need to consider, ie. if you qualify for that period, you'll also qualify for any later periods, so no need to consider them.

So in summary, according to Estrada's interpretation, you look at the oldest entry stamp in your passport which is within the past six months, and starting from that date you calculate how many days you've been in the Kingdom to decide if you will be allowed in or not.


On a VOA entering for one day will equal one 30 day period. Three separate one day visits in 6 months will be allowed only....for example.

The big question which still hasn't been answered is how Tourist Visas are going to be dealt with. What will be the limit on how many Tourist Visas one can get in a year? I was in Singapore about three years ago after spending a couple of years in Thailand on Tourist Visas not VOAs and it was a hard job getting even another Tourist Visa. She said "You're not a tourist!" She recommended I go back to the Thai border and get a VOA. How long are Thai embassies going to keep handing out Tourist Visas to long term stayers?

It's obvious that the authorities reckon there are too many foreigners living here and things have got a bit out of control...Not just farang but all aliens. They've got enough scumbags and crooks of their own to deal with without having to import so many others from abroad. A real pity for all the decent aliens here who are going to swept up in the wire brush though. Revenue issues in a badly faltering economy and high profile international paedophile cases and a general feeling of getting the house in order ....25 year old drinking limit for example are coming to the fore. Don't forget how hard it is for a Thai national to even get a Tourist Visa to visit the West. How would you feel? Did I read something the other day about 80,000 illegal Chinese working up in the northeast? How many Indians and Africans are here now? Like it or not border runners are not viewed with much respect in Immigration circles.

Sorry folks but time for a flush.



You are living and working in Thailand and pretending to be a tourist.

You are disrespecting Thai laws and taking advantage of their hospitality.

Have a look at the penalties for doing this in your home country and quit faulting Thailand for trying to control who lives here.

'nuff said


do you ever post anything besides self-righteous twaddle? just wondering.

On a VOA entering for one day will equal one 30 day period. Three separate one day visits in 6 months will be allowed only....for example.

catch up on your reading, please, that is apparently not the latest information.

here's where sunbelt has posted the actual order. while some people manage to read that and come away with the idea that they're limited to three entries no matter how long you stay, it looks from the actual words on the page that you can come and go more often as long as your total stay doesn't exceed 90 days out of six months. someone posted a link to the immigration site which corroborates this.

also, bear in mind that this is a question of POLICY not of changing laws so it is, and always has been, subject to change.

The big question which still hasn't been answered is how Tourist Visas are going to be dealt with. What will be the limit on how many Tourist Visas one can get in a year?

i haven't seen an official statement anywhere, but a couple of thingss i've heard: at present, penang are issuing only single-entry tourist visas. no one knows as yet whether one will be able to obtain back-to-back single-entry visas--in other words, stay indefinitely--but they haven't officially banned it. there have been statements about flattening the org chart--giving individual officers more discretion--so it is quite possible that it will depend on which officer you get. it's also quite possible that they can informally give the officers instructions NOT to issue back-to-back tourist visas without EVER saying anything official.

It's obvious that the authorities reckon there are too many foreigners living here and things have got a bit out of control...Not just farang but all aliens.

well it's also obvious that this coincides with election time, so the policy doesn't even necessarily have to be effective, just make the right voters feel good.

unofficial statements various people have posted, which are apparently based on talking to immigration officers, tend to state that they are mainly targeting overland visa-runners. this implies that however draconian the final policy ends up being, they are likely to be more tolerant at the airport. considering it's new, and they want it to be the hub for the region, that would make sense--but it IS about politics and not about 'making sense', do bear that in mind.

unofficial statements have also indicated that their primary targets are illegal chinese, indian, burmese, etc working here. go in any restaurant outside farrang areas and chances are many of the workers are illegals. your thai friends will be able to tell coz the people will barely be able to speak thai, and even if they do, the accent is a giveaway (at least according to my gf. i'd assume her command of the thai language is stellar, given that her english is better than that of many native speakers, and almost all 'english teachers' in bangkok).


Well said Ned

Look at the other thread that the Consulate in Penang are stopping issuance of multiple entry tourist visas.

It ought to be obvious to the consulates who is or isn't a bonafide tourist.

And yes at least it isn't all means tested as it is for Thais going to the West.

Farangs are assumed to have enough money to travel but not permenantly and as someone else posted after six months you are basically living here.

Retirees......well after a certain age (and 50 is on the young side) they figure you cannot work or would not want to/need to.

Younger people who don't need to work......well that does fit the profile of drug dealers or other criminals.......

And yes they do suddenly get these high profile extraditions that make the news overseas. Note how quickly the Thais wanted to give up Mr Karr.

It has been very easy to be here, now it's getting more involved.

Immigration anywhere in the world is a fraught topic. :D

The bigger problem that Thailand may have is if long haul tourism goes out of fashion. The Thai tourist industry took off with low airfares. Now there is talk of factoring in the enviromental costs to airfares, as planes are major polluters. If the world wakes up to global warming and the enviromental crisis then in the next 50 years the concept of travelling halfway round the globe to see elephants and sit on the beach (or drink too much and <deleted> strangers of a different race :o) might be laughable.......

Expanding the tax base or encouraging foreign investment in a limited way (selling expensive condos) is good going for a government that on the news yesterday is bringing down petrol prices by adding more subsidies.......

Of course that doesn't help us as caught up individuals :D

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