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Irish man claims his house, land worth Bt65 million defrauded

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Tell me is there any shortage of trolls on here, a guy and his family have had everything stolen on them, they are fellow expats and from what i read, just drivel comes out of some people statements, quick and short troll comments, have you guys no intelligence or emphaty, what if it happened to you or your best mate or your family??

2 children locked in a water well and only for a neighbour found them they could have died!

Properties stolen with the full knowledge fo the family lawyer.

Trolls should be banned and their IP blocked in such circumstances. The whole meaning of an expat community is the word Community, a place of support and protection

i know this man and he was ripped off badly. Yes there are. Lot of very nasty people on this site and that's why I have stopped posting. What happened to empathy? It doesn't exit in a lot of people. There must be some very bitter posters on this website. Shame on all of you.

nail on head have you hit, misery enjoys company they say, however the subject of this corruption appears to have a life !!! and it is not pity they are looking for !!!! - thats the way hit em where it hurts


This is why you only invest what you can afford to lose they are a very crooked lot in phuket.

An often used, but, ultimately meaningless statement.

Why is it a "meaningless statement"? whistling.gif

One should ALWAYS consider, can I afford to lose it (the investment), before proceeding. Many instances of losses in Thailand (and elsewhere, I might add).


No The land does not get auctioned off to pay the debtor...............

There are 3 forms of lending money in Thailand---(outside of the banking circles)

The one his wife took was called a Ki-Far...(I am probably writing these wrong--but that is how it's pronounced ) With Ki-Far you sign the property over to the lender (in the land office) with the proviso that it will be returned when the debt is paid. Many people like this way because the dok-beer ดอกเบี้ย Interest rate is much lower as the loan has a guarantee.

Therefor if the loan is not paid the house/land is already in the name of the new owner. No auction

There is an illegality it would seem on what they have done to his lease----

Its OK putting the boot into this guy--- but on the estate I live in, (quite a small one 65 houses) 4 homes have gone this way --(wife gambling)

If you are married (with or without a lease etc) where at this moment is your chanuk (shanuk---however its pronounced) ownership papers.

Do You Know ????

because if you do not have them in a safety deposit box--then leave it with a trusted friend.

Sure the people involved could at a stretch go down to the land office and declare it lost---they then have to report that lost to the police & sign many papers stating this fact, before beginning the issue of a new one ALSO--if there is a lease attached to the document registered with the land office , that party has to come in again and either resign again or release it.

I am not saying 100% --that with enough white envelopes being handed around that you could not be cheated , but this would make it so much more difficult, especially when you provide proof you have the ownership papers with you signature on them for the lease.

How many of you know just where your papers are----because when this was asked some time ago of a friend---he found his house was mortgaged.


Tell me is there any shortage of trolls on here, a guy and his family have had everything stolen on them, they are fellow expats and from what i read, just drivel comes out of some people statements, quick and short troll comments, have you guys no intelligence or emphaty, what if it happened to you or your best mate or your family??

2 children locked in a water well and only for a neighbour found them they could have died!

Properties stolen with the full knowledge fo the family lawyer.

Trolls should be banned and their IP blocked in such circumstances. The whole meaning of an expat community is the word Community, a place of support and protection

Couldn't agree with you more my friend. This illustrates perfectly the type of Ex Pats that live over here. Not all, but going of this site ''a large percentage'', What more could this guy have done? Owning and running a successful business since 2001 and a business in the property market at that. He is obviously no fool and it has taken a hit from top to bottom by a bunch of filthy crooks. If like the general says some of these cases have already been through court then it proves one thing about Phuket. The place is bought. And one thing about Thailand. It doesn't give a s""t.


Story time again...... I can remember sat in a bar in Sukhumvit twenty seven years ago, and of course having been here three weeks i knew everything about Thailand, when an old bloke sat down the bar from me said, do you mind if i give you a piece of advice ? I thought oh, here it comes...... Anyway his piece of advice was, " Don't have anything in SE Asia that you can't pick up and run away with, because one day you might have to " I remember thinking at the time, another cynical old soak, or words to that effect, but looking back on my time abroad, i can honestly say it was one of the few pieces of advice that's perfectly true............ Thai wives, cards, coppers, lawyers, land deals.......... Take your pick, it's a bit like choosing a deck chair on the Titanic........... The end will be the same......


Don't buy property in Thailand. Don't try and own a business in Thailand.

I love living here but...

Yes, good advice for the unintelligent, sit-at-home-and-let-life-go-by, no-gumption losers.

Catch yourself on a bit Karen. Many of us have been living here for 15+ years and we've seen our fair share of scamming and cheating so when a very large group of foreigners decide they want nothing to do with the scammers and cheaters you could rather call them experienced and smart instead of unintelligent. I'm sure there are also plenty of foreigners who do decide to get into some kind of business or property and do completely fine and some even have success but ask any of them about the mountain of paperwork, the bribes, the a-ss kissing, the headaches, not to mention the idiotic visa situation. Is it worth it in the end? Every business or property venture comes with a certain degree of stress but that much stress? I thought we came here to get away from stress


Tell me is there any shortage of trolls on here, a guy and his family have had everything stolen on them, they are fellow expats and from what i read, just drivel comes out of some people statements, quick and short troll comments, have you guys no intelligence or emphaty, what if it happened to you or your best mate or your family??

2 children locked in a water well and only for a neighbour found them they could have died!

Properties stolen with the full knowledge fo the family lawyer.

Trolls should be banned and their IP blocked in such circumstances. The whole meaning of an expat community is the word Community, a place of support and protection

Just because someone has an opinion that you do not agree with does not make the comment a troll posting.

This man comes to Thailand, starts spending huge amounts of money without any understanding of what he is getting into an still believed he owned something.

He was destined to become a victim the moment he stepped off the plane, and there will be many more behind him.

Yes I feel sorry for him, but before splashing out huge sums of money in a foreign land he needs to read up and understand what due diligence is all about.



I agree with many of the posts on this thread, it sounds pretty disgusting, if not uncommon, what happened here. As usual we don't know the whole story I don't think, but it looks like what happened was not fair.

But, I don't see how it is trolling to state the obvious, that foreigners may not own land here, end of story. You are courting trouble in Thailand if you bring in lots of money to a game that is seriously stacked against you and that fact about the state of things is no secret. You can lose more than your money as we read about about time and again and it will happen without anyone even blinking.

This guy got burned because he probably thought he was clever enough to work around it and work around the whole iniquitous den of scamming that is the system down in Phuket. Expensive lesson to learn, I really feel sorry for the guy and I hope his case isn't for nought, that something comes of it that there is some kind of justice for him, at least in his mind and for all those who get taken advantage by the kind of creeps that run Phuket. Choose your girlfriends and the site of your real estate very very wisely otherwise say good bye to your investment. I wouldn't even go there myself, not much you can do investment or business wise here as far as I can see unless you want to run things like some kind of gangster, otherwise they are going to snatch it off you one way or another and many Thais have similar problems, a real pirate's cove the whole country.


As we farangs all no you cannot own land in Thailand. The wife has to pay for the land with her own money and not supplied by farang. I wonder if she has tax statements showing how she earned enough money to buy 65 million bahts of land. if not some one was corrupt and allowed her to do it. This B. S. has to stop or Thailand will not succeed in there earning projections. this kind of news chases many investing people away. Gambling wife screws hole family so like many Thai

women! A farang man can own the house but not the land.


One of the richest men in the world said 'if you drive it, fly it, or f....k it , rent it". Add this to the list here.clap2.gifwai2.gif

I dont think Mr Trump will agree to that pathetic statement.


if this farang is so well off why didnt he buy property in south of France ,Spain or the Greek islands where he legally owns it! He could then come out to Thailand whenever he has the urge and stay in a nice 5 star hotel.

These guys are fools. His ex wife seems to be in the middle of all this mess. . You never marry these isan village girls because they gamble and will use the title deed for collateral with loan sharks.

money gone - house gone very common throughout Thailand. The old guys are the easiest and most sought after in LOS for marriage.

Take a look at the old farang sitting on the ground. His Thai wife set him up on the first day they met. Money gone ...... shes now gone. Same old story. Old farangs never learn.

He had a 30 year lease on the land. ''LEGAL'' she cant sell the land without his consent. Who will buy a house on land you are not allowed on?


I sorry to say but foreigners loosing their investments in Thailand to Thais its a daily event...

I know lot of foreigners who have lost houses,cars land,businesses.

Thai current unequal laws make it even easier that you get scammed out your belongings here..

Do not expect too much justice in court either.


I can't believe some of your cold comments against a foolish foreigner who was cheated at every turn. Who of you have never made a mistake here in Thailand or trusted the wrong people? Most foreigners always try to do the right thing in Thailand, but because of their odd interpretations to the laws it sometimes makes it difficult to follow and then you have to deal with many corrupted people here so, in the end it all goes bad. You hardened cold bastards...may you suffer the same fate someday and you end up sitting in the street too.


Why should Thai government care about a Farang being ripped off?

This man probably left his family at home for a good f*** in Thailand and some quick money out of the country. Wonder if he'd ever remembered his family if he would have succeeded.

Probably you live in a world where nastiness prevail. Probably you do very well in that world.



Tell me is there any shortage of trolls on here, a guy and his family have had everything stolen on them, they are fellow expats and from what i read, just drivel comes out of some people statements, quick and short troll comments, have you guys no intelligence or emphaty, what if it happened to you or your best mate or your family??

2 children locked in a water well and only for a neighbour found them they could have died!

Properties stolen with the full knowledge fo the family lawyer.

Trolls should be banned and their IP blocked in such circumstances. The whole meaning of an expat community is the word Community, a place of support and protection

i know this man and he was ripped off badly. Yes there are. Lot of very nasty people on this site and that's why I have stopped posting. What happened to empathy? It doesn't exit in a lot of people. There must be some very bitter posters on this website. Shame on all of you.

nail on head have you hit, misery enjoys company they say, however the subject of this corruption appears to have a life !!! and it is not pity they are looking for !!!! - thats the way hit em where it hurts

Yoda lives!!!!!


I'm the only farang who is here in this village on a permanent basis, one guy who only ever comes out for a few months a year before going back to England. But even in this good forsaken wasteland in central Isaan, the locals say a foreigner got scammed on a piece of land by local bigshots, was all set to build and then something happened and it became apparent what had happened. Likely not much money as it isn't worth much out here, but just shows you it isn't just in Phuket either. It is just the nature of the situation with the law being what it is here, and to be honest, I don't like the idea of foreigners being allowed to own more than a few properties. I think that should be allowed, two properties, one for a home and another for a business, and upheld by the system, but until then, any land or property you buy is nothing more than a gift.


Why should Thai government care about a Farang being ripped off?

This man probably left his family at home for a good f*** in Thailand and some quick money out of the country. Wonder if he'd ever remembered his family if he would have succeeded.

Probably you live in a world where nastiness prevail. Probably you do very well in that world.

No more. I lived in a world where nastiness prevail, in Germany. But it was no living there really, that's why I came to Thailand.


This is the letter from his Son & Daughter

An open letter to the undersigned. Which will be handed to the Commander of the Royal Thai Police Pol Maj Gen Somyot Poonpanmoung on Tuesday June 2nd ....

Please Like our page and this post and share it on your timelines. Thank you.

Prime Minister; General Prayuth Chan-o-cha.

Commander of the Royal Thai Police; Pol Maj Gen Somyot Poonpanmoung.

Royal Thai Police Spokesman; Pol Maj Gen Dr Prawut Thavornsiri.

Commander of Interpol Thailand; Pol Maj Gen Apichat Suriboonya.

The Minister of Justice, Gen Paiboon Koomchaya.

The Attorney General; Mr Trakul Winitnaiyapak.

The Irish Ambassador; Mr. Brendan Rogers.

PACC; Mr Prayong Preeyachitt.

President Lawyers Council of Thailand; Mr. Dej-Udom Krairit.

Minister of Finance; Mr. Sommai Phasee.

President Krung Thai Bank PCL; Mr. Worapak Thanyawong.

Permanent Secretary; Mr. Rungson Sriworasat.

Governor The Bank of Thailand; Mr. Prasarn Trairatvorakul.

Chairman Securities & Exchange Commission; Mr. Atchaporn Jarujinda.

Director General of the Revenue Department; Mr. Prasong Poontaneat.

Secretary-General A.M.L.O Police Col. Seehanat Prayoonrat

From the 05-06-10 to 17-04-15 the police in Phuket and Bangkok have steadfastly refused to allow my Dad file police reports against the criminals who stole his company, our family home and attempted to murder him. Due to the ongoing corruption, intimidation and threats to our lives by police officers, lawyers and illegal moneylenders in Phuket my brother and I appeal to you to intervene and right the wrongs that have ripped our family apart and shocked hundreds of thousands of people on social media not just in Thailand but all over the world. We have lost everything we own. We have nowhere to live and no money to fight the injustice and corruption in Phuket. Our past, present and future is in tatters. We made our home in Phuket and lived in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom. Laws intended to safeguard law-abiding citizens not support corruption. As far as we know the law does not differentiate between the rich and the poor. The rule of law and the reassurance it must provide has cruelly forsaken us. All we are asking is that the interpretation and implementation of the law in Phuket be apparent and transparent.

Who are the greater criminals we ask? Those who stole from us or those who are protecting them? We only ask for justice and the law of the Kingdom to be upheld. We are children. Are we mistaken in thinking that the law can be bought and sold in Phuket? Children all over the world are taught in school that good always wins over evil? We have nothing now so I guess that the teachers are wrong and that crime pays in Phuket. Does that make Thailand evil? No because honest Thai people are tired of corruption. Thai’s young and old in their thousands have confided on my Justice for Jessie Facebook page that they loathe being associated with corruption and that silencing, obscuring and blocking the truth does not solve the problem it just encourages it.

When I talk of criminals I include the Phuket police, lawyers and public officials involved in the corruption against my family. How else can they be described? In fact they are worse than common criminals because they are in positions of trust. They are employed to uphold the law and to identify and imprison criminals not protect them. When the law of the land breaks down so does society. We just want the criminals to know that while their threats and intimidation have indelibly scarred our childhood that our morals and resolve for justice is far greater than their corruption and we will not run away. We are young and truly hope and believe that justice is possible in Phuket and that all those who doubt it will be proven wrong by the actions taken by the National Council for Peace and Order.

My Dad has been threatened, racially abused and forced to pay bribes to the police in Bangkok, and Phuket. When my brother was kidnapped and a 5 million Baht ransom demanded for his safe return the police in Phuket and Bangkok refused to try and locate him. In fact the brutes found humor in our heartache. Good people in Thailand and the world over would be shocked and ashamed if they knew the truth of how my Dad, brother and I have been treated. Eighteen months ago I was abducted and abused by a taxi driver in Bangkok. I was deeply traumatized. The police and court denied all my human rights. Indeed I was even forced to sit next to my abductor and abuser in open court and then was further humiliated by the judge who laughed at my victim impact statement? I felt totally degraded and worthless.

On the 31-01-11 a Bangkok lawyer who claimed to work for the Thai government and the Royal Family was recommended to Dad after he had discovered that his Phuket lawyer had been conspiring with the local police and illegal moneylenders. For 3 years through fraudulence, treachery and trickery this Bangkok lawyer successfully obscured the fact that he too was working with the criminals in Phuket. This unscrupulous lawyer filed hopeless court submissions while extorting large sums of money from Dad through threats and deceit. The Bangkok lawyer broke almost every Lawyers Council regulation and should be severely punished for such unpardonable exploits.

On the 18-05-11 Pol Maj Gen Dr Prawut Thavornsiri in a Daily Mail news article syndicated around the world assured that our case would have priority and that the criminals involved be they police or lawyers would be interrogated and brought to justice immediately. His order was ignored by the police in Phuket. And four years on not one single corrupt lawyer or policeman has been questioned.
On the 06-01-14 my Dad filed a complaint with the Royal Thai Police at their headquarters in Pathum Wan, Bangkok. The report detailed how the Chalong police had refused to allow Dad file criminal reports since the 05-06-10. On the 10-03-14 the commander in Karon police station charged with investigating Dad’s claim joined with the Chalong and Phuket City police in stating that he too was not interested in helping a foreigner. Four days later on the 14-03-14 Dad returned to the Royal Thai Police headquarters in Bangkok where he was advised to make the reports with the Crime Suppression Division in Ladphrao. From the 14-03-14 to the 04-02-15 Dad attended the Crime Suppression Division in Ladphrao five times and failed to file a single criminal report. Words from the Thai police are cheap. Actions cost a lot more.
On the 25-10-14 my Dad travelled to Phuket alone and insisted on making criminal reports in Chalong police station. On the 21-01-15 three months later he found the reports that he had managed to file discarded on the floor in Phuket City police station. More alarming Dad discovered that vital evidence had been removed from the criminal reports rendering them useless. My Dad went immediately to the Phuket Chief of Police Major General Patchara Boonyasit who promised that an investigation would be carried out immediately and that my Dad would be contacted. Dad is still waiting.
On the 20-03-15 and again on the 17-04-15 Dad returned to Phuket City police station this time with two officers from the Ministry of Justice who witnessed at first hand how the Phuket City police obstructed my Dad from making criminal reports and how the existing reports filed on the 25-10-14 and the 21-01-15 had not been opened never mind investigated. Not a single criminal was called to give evidence. They also witnessed my dad failing yet again to file a criminal report about the 11 armed men who on the 23-07-10 forced their way into our house, held us hostage for 24 hours, threatened my dads life and extorted a large sum of money from him. The Phuket City police clearly do not see hostage taking, extortion and threats with deadly weapons as crimes. The senior officer from the Ministry of Justice was so angered and ashamed by what he witnessed in Phuket City police station that he immediately filed a report with the Ministry of Justice stating that my Dad could never hope to file criminal reports in Phuket.

On the 11-02-15 Dad met again with Pol Maj Gen Dr Prawut Thavornsiri in the Royal Thai police headquarters in Pathum Wan. Dad begged Dr Prawut to intervene.

At this time one Phuket civil court had ordered Dad pay 362,000 Baht ($12,000) compensation to the illegal moneylenders who stole his land while another had ordered him pay 15,000,000 Baht ($500,000) plus interest to the Thai bank that stole our family home? Worse still. The Phuket criminal court had already tried, convicted and imprisoned the woman who admitted that she, the bank manager and the moneylenders had carried out the fraudulence against my Dad. These are the same people that the Phuket police have refused to file criminal reports against since 2010. How we ask can business and investment hope to flourish in Phuket under these troubling circumstances?

In Phuket the illegal moneylenders operate with impunity supported it seems by the entire legal system; Police who refuse to file criminal reports and lawyers, banks and land office officials who knowingly launder the stolen properties. The lawyer in my Dad’s case broke 8 of the 21 Lawyers Council clauses while the bank broke 102 sub-clauses of the Anti Money laundering Act’s of 1999, 2012 & 2013 while it’s manager was complicit in a failed abduction and murder attempt.

Dr Prawut contacted and charged Pol Maj Gen Apichat Suriboonya commander of Interpol with overseeing our cases. Sadly again no contact has been made.

The corruption against my family started in 2010. This is 2015 and the criminals remain on the streets of Phuket carrying out their crimes protected by the Phuket police. We are children and don’t fully understand why? What we do know is after five years of death threats and 9 attempts on my Dad’s life and the Phuket civil courts seemingly making judgments at odds with the law and the criminal courts we have nowhere to live and no money. We ask you to please intervene. We want get on with our lives and ask that you to show that justice is part of the new Thailand under the watchful eye of the National Council for Peace and Order.

In addition to the above my Dad had no success filing reports with the; Army in Bangkok, the Navy in Phuket, the Governor and Vice Governor in Phuket, the PACC, DSI, CCD, CSU, Ministry of Justice, The Attorney Generals Office, the Lawyers Council in Phuket, the Damrongtham Center, The Executive Directors Office of International People Rights Protection, the Bureau of Prevention and Assistance in Tourist Fraud, the Ministry for Justice Rights and Liberties Department, the Bank of Thailand’s Consumer Protection Department, the Royal Thai Police Ombudsman and the Thai Department of Foreign Affairs.

Jessie and Daire Vard


This is one of the classic ongoing property scams in Thailand.

Thai wives,Thai shareholders etc they will set you up to loose your properties...They push you out of your home/land by fake signatures and go to the land office with fake documents and POA and without you even being there...Now your house/land has suddenly been loaned out to an influence local loan shark.The loan does not get repaid.You then will loose your home and land without u even know there was any loan placed on your property..

You then will go to Thai court very expensive btw against the persons who made the fraud and against the local loan shark who now owns your property and in court you will loose again too.

The reason you loose is because u r a foreigner,and they will say that the loan shark was not in on the scam..hahaha infact they are all in on the scam...They can prevent these scam at land offices if they repair some of their laws and procedures but they are fine with it.

This particular scam with the irish gentleman only get some media attention cause it is high scam amount besides that its business as usual..


I have little sympathy for the greedy.

If someone buys land for His kids future...greed?

You don't have much do you?wink.png

If you buy land for your children's future, it should be fully owned by your children, and fully registered as owned by your children.

On the other hand, if you as a foreigner, are trying to bypass laws preventing you owning land ..............


This guy got burned because he probably thought he was clever enough to work around it and work around the whole iniquitous den of scamming that is the system down in Phuket.

Nah, he got burned because he trusted his wife, outcome could have been the same in any country in the world.

Been there and done that in the UK (only 30Mbht though), no need to come to Thailand to have a work shy wife cheat you out of your hard earned.


This guy got burned because he probably thought he was clever enough to work around it and work around the whole iniquitous den of scamming that is the system down in Phuket.

Nah, he got burned because he trusted his wife, outcome could have been the same in any country in the world.

Been there and done that in the UK, no need to come to Thailand to have a work shy wife cheat you out of your hard earned.

You really should read some of the more informative posts.

He did not get "burned" because he trusted his wife.

He had a 30 year lease which protects properties from the land-owner. Banks don't accept land-papers as collateral where there is a long lease in effect.

If by chance someone did buy the land, the lease is still valid.

He got burned due to a fraudulent signature which the land officials, lawyer, the money lenders and his wife knew was faked.

The police refused to anything against this clear act of fraud.

The police won't even allow an official complaint to be made against any of the parties responsible for this fraud.

Do you understand now?


This is one of the classic ongoing property scams in Thailand.

Thai wives,Thai shareholders etc they will set you up to loose your properties...They push you out of your home/land by fake signatures and go to the land office with fake documents and POA and without you even being there...Now your house/land has suddenly been loaned out to an influence local loan shark.The loan does not get repaid.You then will loose your home and land without u even know there was any loan placed on your property..

You then will go to Thai court very expensive btw against the persons who made the fraud and against the local loan shark who now owns your property and in court you will loose again too.

The reason you loose is because u r a foreigner,and they will say that the loan shark was not in on the scam..hahaha infact they are all in on the scam...They can prevent these scam at land offices if they repair some of their laws and procedures but they are fine with it.

This particular scam with the irish gentleman only get some media attention cause it is high scam amount besides that its business as usual..

Do you really believe this kind of scam with fake documents etc cannot happen in the West?


This is one of the classic ongoing property scams in Thailand.

Thai wives,Thai shareholders etc they will set you up to loose your properties...They push you out of your home/land by fake signatures and go to the land office with fake documents and POA and without you even being there...Now your house/land has suddenly been loaned out to an influence local loan shark.The loan does not get repaid.You then will loose your home and land without u even know there was any loan placed on your property..

You then will go to Thai court very expensive btw against the persons who made the fraud and against the local loan shark who now owns your property and in court you will loose again too.

The reason you loose is because u r a foreigner,and they will say that the loan shark was not in on the scam..hahaha infact they are all in on the scam...They can prevent these scam at land offices if they repair some of their laws and procedures but they are fine with it.

This particular scam with the irish gentleman only get some media attention cause it is high scam amount besides that its business as usual..

Do you really believe this kind of scam with fake documents etc cannot happen in the West?

No I don't. Not in a country that has effective rule of Law.


My neighbors wife did the same thing a few years back. Lost a 5 mil baht house on a card debt of 400,000 baht, guy didn't have a hope in hell of keeping it. They sign over the house deed in order to secure a certain amount of baht, no chance of selling it and paying the debt, house is already the loan sharks once she signs it over.


I can't believe some of your cold comments against a foolish foreigner who was cheated at every turn. Who of you have never made a mistake here in Thailand or trusted the wrong people? Most foreigners always try to do the right thing in Thailand, but because of their odd interpretations to the laws it sometimes makes it difficult to follow and then you have to deal with many corrupted people here so, in the end it all goes bad. You hardened cold bastards...may you suffer the same fate someday and you end up sitting in the street too.

Good on you for your comment. Lots of horrible people on this site

This is one of the classic ongoing property scams in Thailand.

Thai wives,Thai shareholders etc they will set you up to loose your properties...They push you out of your home/land by fake signatures and go to the land office with fake documents and POA and without you even being there...Now your house/land has suddenly been loaned out to an influence local loan shark.The loan does not get repaid.You then will loose your home and land without u even know there was any loan placed on your property..

You then will go to Thai court very expensive btw against the persons who made the fraud and against the local loan shark who now owns your property and in court you will loose again too.

The reason you loose is because u r a foreigner,and they will say that the loan shark was not in on the scam..hahaha infact they are all in on the scam...They can prevent these scam at land offices if they repair some of their laws and procedures but they are fine with it.

This particular scam with the irish gentleman only get some media attention cause it is high scam amount besides that its business as usual..

Do you really believe this kind of scam with fake documents etc cannot happen in the West?

No I don't. Not in a country that has effective rule of Law.

It happened in Heidelberg, in the Banana Republic of Germany, in 1977. A faked contract, taken as a document to court by the assistant of the Mayor of Heidelberg.

Faking documents as a civil servant in public office is a severe crime in Germany, and I just didn't bring it up then because I felt sorry for his young wife. Wish someone had shown that much empathy for my Thai lady.

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