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Irish man claims his house, land worth Bt65 million defrauded

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@Nang Kam Man:

Nothing is easy once you get deprivated of the right of decision.

This is possible if you

1. look like a bum and behave like a bum,

2. are a banker with property,

3. tell everyone you have a lady in Thailand waiting for you, and

4. you're finished with European society.

They'll do *everything* from doing what you want, come up with all kind of "services" you neither want nor need, and make you pay for everything. You can't resist because you're excluded from all economic activities. Maybe after 6 months they find out that it was all a big mistake. But they were all law-abiding citizens, so they say, and everything went down the legal way.

This might be a unique case, I don't know.

But there are other tricks to keep you from spending your money abroad. You can transfer or cash up to 15,000 EUR. Beyond that limit you're suspect of "money laundering" - and now it's up to you to prove you're not guilty.

Just an example, they have other tricks - and they're permanently inventing new ones. They make their tricks general banking rules (SEPA since 2014), in fact bank laws.

Everything looks quite legal, with no criminal intent at all.

I would advise Farangs in Europe to buy solid gold and take it somewhere, as long as this is still possible.


@Nang Kam Man:

Nothing is easy once you get deprivated of the right of decision.

This is possible if you

1. look like a bum and behave like a bum,

2. are a banker with property,

3. tell everyone you have a lady in Thailand waiting for you, and

4. you're finished with European society.

They'll do *everything* from doing what you want, come up with all kind of "services" you neither want nor need, and make you pay for everything. You can't resist because you're excluded from all economic activities. Maybe after 6 months they find out that it was all a big mistake. But they were all law-abiding citizens, so they say, and everything went down the legal way.

This might be a unique case, I don't know.

But there are other tricks to keep you from spending your money abroad. You can transfer or cash up to 15,000 EUR. Beyond that limit you're suspect of "money laundering" - and now it's up to you to prove you're not guilty.

Just an example, they have other tricks - and they're permanently inventing new ones. They make their tricks general banking rules (SEPA since 2014), in fact bank laws.

Everything looks quite legal, with no criminal intent at all.

I would advise Farangs in Europe to buy solid gold and take it somewhere, as long as this is still possible.

One word. "No"

None of this makes any sense, is rooted in logic .. or in some cases .. the truth.

Example: How can Thailand simultaneously require by law, that the purchase of property by a Foreigner must originate outside the Kingdom, and have an FET paper trail to prove it .. then not let a person send more than 15,000?

Ditto the 800,000 THB minimum to get a retirement Visa...

Why are Gold Bugs always so crazy?

Or is it the other way around?

I do admire your attempt to explain it all though, considering English is not your first language .. you did a good job.


@ micmichd

I don't think you understand what I am saying. You have TOTALLY misunderstood my post.

Assuming you are from a developed nation:

Do you have a bank account in your home country, earning interest?

Do you have property in your home country, that is rented out?

Do you have shares in your home country, earning dividends?

The property can be held in your own name, in your home country, but it can not be, in Thailand.

All of these produce an income, in your home country, which you can spend in Thailand.

No tax avoidance. It's all declared.

There is nothing illegal.

Even if "offshore accounts" were made illegal tomorrow, and that is near impossible, I close my Thai bank account, which only has a small amount of money in it each month to cover living expenses, and live off an ATM card from my home country.

When I say "stress free lifestyle in Thailand" - I mean, hypothetically, Thailand could collapse into civil war tomorrow, and the biggest asset I lose is a motor scooter.

I sleep well at night knowing I am not exposed at all, to ANY and ALL - Thainess.

Well said .. you had me up to the last sentence.

Why spoil a perfectly logical and sound thought with that silly "Thainess" thing ?? Up till then, I thought you got it.

Generate and safeguard revenue in your home port .. enjoy the smiles it buys here, and don't make drama where there is no need for it.

Have a swim in the pool, a nice cold one .. followed by a nice hot one. No worries. :-)

Thankyou for picking me up on my last sentence. You are are correct.

Just by living here, we are all exposed to "Thainess."

Just look at the transport situation on Phuket, for example. Myself, and everyone else on the island, lack public transport options.

So, you are correct, I am exposed to "Thainess."

Allow me to rephrase my last sentence.

"I sleep well at night knowing I have not exposed myself to any financial loss of concern, due to Thainess." :)


Thank you. Yes, English is not my first language, I'm German.

I don't have any bank account in Germany anymore, they closed my accounts while I was in Thailand. For more than two months I didn't even get my pensions.

I want everything back which was taken from me. I simply want a roll back to the date when they took me to asylum. If it all was a mistake - as they concealed - then I (more precisely: my Thai family) should have a right for compensation or substitution. Should be peanuts for German banks or German government.

Maybe they need a little pressure...


@Nang Kam Man:

Nothing is easy once you get deprivated of the right of decision.

This is possible if you

1. look like a bum and behave like a bum,

2. are a banker with property,

3. tell everyone you have a lady in Thailand waiting for you, and

4. you're finished with European society.

They'll do *everything* from doing what you want, come up with all kind of "services" you neither want nor need, and make you pay for everything. You can't resist because you're excluded from all economic activities. Maybe after 6 months they find out that it was all a big mistake. But they were all law-abiding citizens, so they say, and everything went down the legal way.

This might be a unique case, I don't know.

But there are other tricks to keep you from spending your money abroad. You can transfer or cash up to 15,000 EUR. Beyond that limit you're suspect of "money laundering" - and now it's up to you to prove you're not guilty.

Just an example, they have other tricks - and they're permanently inventing new ones. They make their tricks general banking rules (SEPA since 2014), in fact bank laws.

Everything looks quite legal, with no criminal intent at all.

I would advise Farangs in Europe to buy solid gold and take it somewhere, as long as this is still possible.



So much mean spirited posting on here. All of you can hope you dont fall on some misfortune and as comfort have eveyone say som num na and stupid farang.

The guy has built a life here and has 2 kids who ARE Thai citizens. I surmise he is doing this for them , and their future. He is raising them, unlike the one who sold him out, who is probably gallavanting around looking for the next victim.

To me, the saddest thing here: .how Thais will back up Thais, 100%, even when they are in the wrong..

But foreigner looking out for foreigner..haha no way buddy som num na you stupid prat.

disgusting deplorable

Many are saying that a person can not simultaneously skirt the law, use a proxy to "own" land for them, and then ... when they get cheated by their partner in crime .. weep alligator tears and expect us to go out on the street and lock arms.

He gambled, he lost ... sorry .. game over. Just because he rinsed and repeated this mistake 8 times, does not solicit more sympathy than some poor bloke who just lost his upcountry farm.

It is rich and ironic that Thai Visa is dedicated to being high and mighty, and using the exact letter of the law to consistently Bash Thais .. but when the letter of the law costs a Foreigner money .. well ... turns out to be a one way street. I am not rooting for this woman in any way .. but remember, we are only hearing his side of the story. Would love to hear hers.

Like it or not, the person whose name is on the ownership line ... is the OWNER.

Getting screwed by your business partner, having a wife clean out a husband is not new, and it is not a Thai Thing. It is a LIFE thing, get over yourselves and buy some long pants.

This BS happens everywhere in this world, everyday.

Does not mean I like it, but a crooked deal is a crooked deal, involving crooked people .. do not stand slack jawed in a amazement this deal went sour.[/quote

He has not skirted the law if he had a company set up with all boxes ticked. Amount of $ invested, paying tax, employing thai staff, investment/business visa ect.

All purely legal. From all acounts he is not contesting the letter of the law, just the FORGEING of his signature to release the lease on the property (30 year lease) Which IS ILLEGAL...

so they could hand the chanote over to the debt collector as surety, then wait for the woman to deliberately default so all the vultures could share the spoils.

I think its possible his lawyer tricked him into signing off the lease and therefor it all went through as legal but there you go.


would i trust a thai with an investment or a small portion of my money..NO way known..not even a wife.

BUT i do know what its like to have them all around you saying "can do can do"

Its not like he came here and went all in after 3 months, this whole thing has been going on for years, most probably them watching him building up assets and then jealousy takes over.

Ive always said to family and others..Thailand and Thais will NEVER let you make money here and walk away.<full stop>

am just saying a little compassion couldnt be to hard ab ask?


Extremely hard to understand, I know.

I've been a commuter for 2 decades. 200 km every day, together in a train with all these banksters. They were so proud to tell everybody how many customers they ripped off on a working day, how much money they squeezed out of them, and how smartly they abused the laws. They did it all intentionally.

Bloody psychiatrists in Heidelberg thought they had a given right to decide who may expatriate to Thailand and who not. They also thought they had a right to decide who is an acceptable bride and who is not.

Who the hell they think they are?

Too late for gold this year, was oK during the 2008 real estate crisis.


Back to topic.

Mr Vard gambled, and he lost. Chances are he would haveost in Ireland, too.

His Thai wife gambled, and she also lost. There's probably millions of desperate housewives in Europe who gamble every week, and most of them lose.

Why put the blame on Thailand?

Still something should be done for the children. Not their fault that their parents behaved like junkies.


........... Full quote deleted because of messed formatting,,,,,,,,,,

Ive always said to family and others..Thailand and Thais will NEVER let you make money here and walk away.<full stop>

am just saying a little compassion couldnt be to hard ab ask?

Sorry -- but you show your reliance on a nanny state if you expect compassion. Farangs arrive here with great ideas about how they can "make money" in Thailand -- but all based on their perceptions of the system in their home country -- totally different to Thailand. It is the height of stupidity - and in many ways it is extremely arrogant - to think you can roll up in a foreign country and do better than the locals. He might have start with a bankroll, but to imagine that the locals don't have bigger bankrolls is what makes him arrogant. I've done business in loads of countries away from the westerns ones and it's the same everywhere. The stupid, arrogant farang/gringo/foreigner gets taken down to size every time. You can have perfect paperwork for your shell companies, but if the "intent" is to circumvent the spirit of the local laws, they will find a way to take you down.

As the old saying goes -- if you want to have a million in Thailand - start with 2 million. :)

Those posters who witter on about not being able to transfer enough money in per month are blowing smoke. You can easily transfer a large income every month and no questions asked about where it comes from. There are some limits on large amounts of cash through the airport, but the limits are high, in terms of personal income.

Really -- leave your nest egg(s) in your safe haven and stop trying to make money out of an economy that can't sustain the basic rights of it own people.


Yes, get expropriated in the West. Good to leave your money there, so maybe it can be taken one day - to Asia, where it belongs.

Feel free to check out the traditional Expat way (by suicide) if everything is already gone down the gutter. Nobody will miss you.


Yes, get expropriated in the West. Good to leave your money there, so maybe it can be taken one day - to Asia, where it belongs.

Feel free to check out the traditional Expat way (by suicide) if everything is already gone down the gutter. Nobody will miss you.

I agree with your previous post about someone should take care of the kids, but aren't a junkies kids always at risk.....? As to your own situation in germany, I have several german friends all in various states of anger at how the german pension scheme works. If it's any consolation (which it probably isn't) The UK system is possibly worse...... sad.png

Back on topic though -- if this guy didn't have the kids his demonstrating antics would probably not be tolerated for a minute -- so not only is he a loser financially, but he is now mis-using his kids....... sad.png


So much mean spirited posting on here. All of you can hope you dont fall on some misfortune and as comfort have eveyone say som num na and stupid farang.

The guy has built a life here and has 2 kids who ARE Thai citizens. I surmise he is doing this for them , and their future. He is raising them, unlike the one who sold him out, who is probably gallavanting around looking for the next victim.

To me, the saddest thing here: .how Thais will back up Thais, 100%, even when they are in the wrong..

But foreigner looking out for foreigner..haha no way buddy som num na you stupid prat.

disgusting deplorable

Many are saying that a person can not simultaneously skirt the law, use a proxy to "own" land for them, and then ... when they get cheated by their partner in crime .. weep alligator tears and expect us to go out on the street and lock arms.

He gambled, he lost ... sorry .. game over. Just because he rinsed and repeated this mistake 8 times, does not solicit more sympathy than some poor bloke who just lost his upcountry farm.

It is rich and ironic that Thai Visa is dedicated to being high and mighty, and using the exact letter of the law to consistently Bash Thais .. but when the letter of the law costs a Foreigner money .. well ... turns out to be a one way street. I am not rooting for this woman in any way .. but remember, we are only hearing his side of the story. Would love to hear hers.

Like it or not, the person whose name is on the ownership line ... is the OWNER.

Getting screwed by your business partner, having a wife clean out a husband is not new, and it is not a Thai Thing. It is a LIFE thing, get over yourselves and buy some long pants.

This BS happens everywhere in this world, everyday.

Does not mean I like it, but a crooked deal is a crooked deal, involving crooked people .. do not stand slack jawed in a amazement this deal went sour.[/quote

He has not skirted the law if he had a company set up with all boxes ticked. Amount of $ invested, paying tax, employing thai staff, investment/business visa ect.

All purely legal. From all acounts he is not contesting the letter of the law, just the FORGEING of his signature to release the lease on the property (30 year lease) Which IS ILLEGAL...

so they could hand the chanote over to the debt collector as surety, then wait for the woman to deliberately default so all the vultures could share the spoils.

I think its possible his lawyer tricked him into signing off the lease and therefor it all went through as legal but there you go.


would i trust a thai with an investment or a small portion of my money..NO way known..not even a wife.

BUT i do know what its like to have them all around you saying "can do can do"

Its not like he came here and went all in after 3 months, this whole thing has been going on for years, most probably them watching him building up assets and then jealousy takes over.

Ive always said to family and others..Thailand and Thais will NEVER let you make money here and walk away.<full stop>

am just saying a little compassion couldnt be to hard ab ask?

Well said, you are correct .. at the end of the day, a family is in pieces, the kids are 9as alwys0 taking it the worst .. and this guy .. meaning well .. lost a bundle.

Compassion , yes for sure.

Thank You for the reminder.

This man comes to Thailand, starts spending huge amounts of money without any understanding of what he is getting into an still believed he owned something.

He was destined to become a victim the moment he stepped off the plane, and there will be many more behind him.

Yes I feel sorry for him, but before splashing out huge sums of money in a foreign land he needs to read up and understand what due diligence is all about.

"starts spending huge amounts of money without any understanding of what he is getting into"

So you know him personally and understand exactly what he understood before and during his investments?

"an still believed he owned something."

Yes, he is owed under Thai law what he purchased legally.

"He was destined to become a victim the moment he stepped off the plane"

Again...So you know him personally and understand exactly what he understood before and during his investments?

"before splashing out huge sums of money in a foreign land he needs to read up and understand what due diligence is all about.


For the third time....So you know him personally and understand exactly what he understood before and during his investments?

If you have not been following this case for months\years, read all the information available all you are posting is your generalized biases based on insufficient evidence that you chose not to acquaint yourself with..

You sound exceedingly arrogant.


Foreigner Rights in Thailand

Please pay attention!!!!!!!!!!

The only foreigner rights that foreigners have in Thailand are the

1. right to come here and lose all their money.

2. Enough said

ps - the man is yet another fool


I learned through hard experiences when in the Developing or 3rd world you hire 3 lawyers.

The 1st to do the transactions.

2nd to watch the 1st

3rd to watch 2nd & 1st.

None of them know about the others and you redact any identification..


Just to get some facts straight as I have been involved with this case for 3 years!

Mr Vard registered a company in Phuket in which he was a minority shareholder and his lawyer and lawyers staff's were the other majority shareholders. The lawyer in time unauthorized, arranged all shares and signing rights to be transfered to Mr. Vard's wife and other people

His wife was given a loan of 600,000 baht and lost the lost the money and the money lenders came back to her and gave her another loan of 400,000 which with interest which came to 2 mill.

She couldn't pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They also at this time got a forged document making her the sole signatory of the company!

They gave her a forged document that transfered the 25 mil baht family home into her name. She sold it to them for them on paper for 6.5 million baht. No money changed hands. They threatened to kill all Mr. Vard's children .

All the 8 properties that his company bought as his home and investments where all transfered into her name and all the properties mortgaged at various bank for more than 80% by land agents, money lenders banking officials, and police officers.

The banks have paid out to these crooks an estimated 50+ million baht. The wife is 3 years into doing 15 years in jail, but only got about 1 million baht from the whole thing!

The many court cases all agree with all that I have written above but nothing has been given back! The Police Commissioner has had more than 30 Phuket officials in his office for the past 2 days and now publicly stated that all properties will be given back to Mr. Vard's company which is now in control of!

If you check the Justice for Jessie site you will more update as they happen!

That is crux of the story.


I learned through hard experiences when in the Developing or 3rd world you hire 3 lawyers.

The 1st to do the transactions.

2nd to watch the 1st

3rd to watch 2nd & 1st.

None of them know about the others and you redact any identification..

Haha Yeah thats a good one.

Kinda reminds me of something very similiar to what they tell the farang numbskulls here. They make up for you this "company" that you as a farang can control 100%.

No Plobrem!!...All you have to do is appoint the 51% Thai proxy owners who are either:

-Your Thai Wife, her trustworthy family, or Thai friends you can trust. giggle.gif OR

-Trust a lawyer to arrange 2nd or 3rd parties (thai) who dont know each other.gigglem.gif OR

-(Even better still) Lawyer finds Thai ghosts who puts down signatures. thumbsup.gif YAY!!

How could it possibly go wrong ??



I saw that on TV yesterday. What the police spokeman explained was that the house was in the wife name. She used it as collateral for a loan she couldn't pay back. They went to court, the wife lost and the house was repossessed. Case closed. Unfortunetly a very common story.

Do I understand it right, the loan was for 600 k? If the House is used as security, it should have been auctioned off, then the loan paid from the proceeds and if anything is left, it should have been given to the owners.

So a 65mil house should have had a hefty sum left after being sold to cover the Dept of 600K?

I am not familiar with the case, but something smells fishy. Could anyone explain what went on and how it was done? This might be beneficial for others, not to get trapped same way.

Yes, the 600K gets paid back, the loan shark then shares the difference of the sale proceeds with the wife and everyone involved, or simply keeps the house and pays them off, effectively buying it for cheap, all this will be agreed in advance between all parties (with the exception of Mr Vard himself of course).

Why would the wife do this ? Quite simple, although the house is in the wife's name Mr. Vard ensured that she was merely a nominee and that she couldn't get her hands on the house. Putting the house in a company name, drawing up a 30 year lease, putting his Thai kids on the will so they get the house when he kicks it... all or one would have prevented her from ever seeing a single baht.

What she does is she effectively sells the property to a loan shark with the help of the corrupt bank, lawyer, land officer, etc, if she gets 5 million it will be 5 million more than what she would have received. The wife decides that she would prefer to have 5 million to spend now rather than have her children have the option of spending 30 million in 10 years when they are of legal age. I wouldn't be surprised if the wife has a nice little nest egg waiting for her after release from prison, if I was investigating this case this would be the 1st place I would be looking, as no doubt she will not be as smart as the corrupt officials.

The children although not being of legal age yet to acquire property (I think its 19 or 20 before) are at an age where they understand that the mother "sold" their inheritance with the help of corrupt officials, which would naturally contribute to Jessie's persistence in seeing justice, and rightly so, this girl is a hero for standing up to corruption when everyone else it too afraid to even mention the word.

For the loan shark to get the wife to do this he may also promise her that he will not repossess the house and let them continue living in the house for the duration of the lease, it is very common practice in Thailand where investors do this. So the wife thinks "great, what can go wrong ?" 12 months later the family get a knock on the door and its bye bye !

So the lesson to avoid getting trapped the same way is this, DO NOT buy a house in your wife's name and make her lose face by having provisions in place that would mean she wont get a bean out of it, give your Thai wife some long term security and put the property 100% in her name if you DO NOT wish to lose it, because in Thailand this is what happens, as evidently seen with Jessies case.

Now before the sarcastic comments start about me being the Sherlock Holmes of Thaivisa, I am by no means claiming to have solved this case, im merely pointing out mere possibilities of what could and can so easily happen in Thailand when it comes to owning properties in Thailand.


Just to get some facts straight as I have been involved with this case for 3 years!

Mr Vard registered a company in Phuket in which he was a minority shareholder and his lawyer and lawyers staff's were the other majority shareholders. The lawyer in time unauthorized, arranged all shares and signing rights to be transfered to Mr. Vard's wife and other people

His wife was given a loan of 600,000 baht and lost the lost the money and the money lenders came back to her and gave her another loan of 400,000 which with interest which came to 2 mill.

She couldn't pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They also at this time got a forged document making her the sole signatory of the company!

They gave her a forged document that transfered the 25 mil baht family home into her name. She sold it to them for them on paper for 6.5 million baht. No money changed hands. They threatened to kill all Mr. Vard's children .

All the 8 properties that his company bought as his home and investments where all transfered into her name and all the properties mortgaged at various bank for more than 80% by land agents, money lenders banking officials, and police officers.

The banks have paid out to these crooks an estimated 50+ million baht. The wife is 3 years into doing 15 years in jail, but only got about 1 million baht from the whole thing!

The many court cases all agree with all that I have written above but nothing has been given back! The Police Commissioner has had more than 30 Phuket officials in his office for the past 2 days and now publicly stated that all properties will be given back to Mr. Vard's company which is now in control of!

If you check the Justice for Jessie site you will more update as they happen!

That is crux of the story.

It'll be great if it happens,

But things have a way of sliding off and under the carpet .................


Just to get some facts straight as I have been involved with this case for 3 years!

Mr Vard registered a company in Phuket in which he was a minority shareholder and his lawyer and lawyers staff's were the other majority shareholders. The lawyer in time unauthorized, arranged all shares and signing rights to be transfered to Mr. Vard's wife and other people

His wife was given a loan of 600,000 baht and lost the lost the money and the money lenders came back to her and gave her another loan of 400,000 which with interest which came to 2 mill.

She couldn't pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They also at this time got a forged document making her the sole signatory of the company!

They gave her a forged document that transfered the 25 mil baht family home into her name. She sold it to them for them on paper for 6.5 million baht. No money changed hands. They threatened to kill all Mr. Vard's children .

All the 8 properties that his company bought as his home and investments where all transfered into her name and all the properties mortgaged at various bank for more than 80% by land agents, money lenders banking officials, and police officers.

The banks have paid out to these crooks an estimated 50+ million baht. The wife is 3 years into doing 15 years in jail, but only got about 1 million baht from the whole thing!

The many court cases all agree with all that I have written above but nothing has been given back! The Police Commissioner has had more than 30 Phuket officials in his office for the past 2 days and now publicly stated that all properties will be given back to Mr. Vard's company which is now in control of!

If you check the Justice for Jessie site you will more update as they happen!

That is crux of the story.

Thank you Badbanker for sumarising this case concisely. I have been sick reading all the very wild speculation by some of our members who read read into the topic what thay want to think.


In Mr. Vard's case there were no leases and Mr. Vard's wife was physically threatened in some unimaginable ways to force her in to what happened.

Mr. Vard was not aware of anything happening untoward until someone came to evict him.

IT took only one day for the transfer of the company, sale of the property and the arranging and paying out of the loan from the bank! Must be a world record for Thai public servants!

Many many documents were forged then, that have only now come to light during and after the court cases, that implicate people in government offices in Phuket at amazing levels!

For instance the DBD in Phuket had on record a fake POA giving full control to all of Mr. Vard's properties to a man in Ranong that no one, particularly Mr. Vard, knew?


Just to get some facts straight as I have been involved with this case for 3 years!

Mr Vard registered a company in Phuket in which he was a minority shareholder and his lawyer and lawyers staff's were the other majority shareholders.

I'm not interested to read any further. We know this is not legal. Honestly he has only himself to blame. It should serve as a warning for everybody here who think he has a sure way to get around the law regarding land ownership in Thailand.


I read the details with little interest because the guy was a fool from day one. He was a patsy for some local shennigans and should never have registered the company in the first place. What an eejit,. See my previous post.....


Mr. Vard's wife was physically threatened in some unimaginable ways to force her in to what happened.

How much money did she owe ? Do you really think loan collectors are nice people who will invite you to discuss debt restructuring around a cup of tea in a cosy office downtown ?

What I don't agree with is that some people wants us to believe that this can happen to anyone. This is not true. Both Mr Vard and his wife chose to act outside of the law and are now facing the consequence of their own mistakes.


What I don't agree with is that some people wants us to believe that this can happen to anyone. This is not true. Both Mr Vard and his wife chose to act outside of the law and are now facing the consequence of their own mistakes.

And exactly how did Mr Vard act outside the law ? He had a legally registered company owning investement properties. He appears to have been defrauded out of his company and properties by corrupt third parties.


The Irish not to smart hey,,, Only spend what you can afford to lose ,,,, make sure you have all the paperwork to prove with a lawyer what you are doing and it is all legal (( no corruption ))


What I don't agree with is that some people wants us to believe that this can happen to anyone. This is not true. Both Mr Vard and his wife chose to act outside of the law and are now facing the consequence of their own mistakes.

And exactly how did Mr Vard act outside the law ? He had a legally registered company owning investement properties. He appears to have been defrauded out of his company and properties by corrupt third parties.

That would be a foreigner owning Thai property using a proxy.

It's against the law, no matter how the foreigner sets it up.


Within the next week we will probably read that he is being deported for breaking Thai laws by protesting, or some shit like that.


If anyone knows how to contact this man, tell him to retain the services of Mossack Fonseca out of Bangkok.

I have them on retainer and have used them in the past.

They are international and do not F about.

​As for all the naysayers, I am hearing way too much BS bar room legal advice here. Expats have rights in Thailand just as nearly everywhere else in the world. Thailand joined the IMF in 1944, and it therefore bound by international banking standards and laws. Fraud is fraud no matter the place or the person's visa status. The thing is this, when you retain adequate legal counsel, in the form of an Internationally recognized firm, the Thai legal system folds like a house of cards. If you seek legal advice from Chang drinkers or go to 101 Services, you get the worst advice possible (and categorically, incorrect).




Suite 3104, 31st Floor, Abdulrahim Place

990 Rama 4 Road

Bangkok 10500, Thailand

You sound like you are a runner for a law firm

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