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Empower calls for investigation into Leicester City footballers' sex tape

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He also called on investigations against massage parlors that have been openly operating in many parts of the country.

Oh my God! Really! In Thailand?!!. Where?



Jeez, give it a rest, unless you go after every other young male tourist who wants to get laid. Their crime was being somewhat celebs. No one would care otherwise.

Has anyone translated what the Thai girls might have said about their "clients"? I speak enough Thai to get what some of these "ladies" say about us... they assume I don't understand Thai and don't want to change that perception....


the three women agreed to have sex with the footballers the end result was a video clip clearly showing the sex act empower have legally no right to interfere it is irrelevant whether the three women were under age or not they were paid that makes them prostitutes end of story.


Much ado about nothing. The football oiks are guilty of grossly poor judgement but there is no evidence of any crime committed. In fact this sort of thing probably happens in tourist hotels every night of the weeks in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket etc. The face of the woman with the fake nose shown in the German TV clip was clearly that of some one over 30 and the voices of all the women sound as if they were well over 18. The language used by the footballers was not particularly edifying but it was not delivered in a vicious or spiteful way - more like banter of a group of immature young men - and the women obviously couldn't understand a word of what they were saying in their thick Midlands dialect anyway.

There is not much point in Empower worrying about whether the women were over 18 anyway. The 18 age limit only applies under the Prostitution Act when sex takes place in a prostitution establishment and it is necessary for the prosecution to establish that the service was paid for, which is usually very difficult as the prostitutes usually retract their evidence before trial. Most prosecutions for sex with minors under the age of 18 but over 15 fail for these reasons. In the case of a minor under the age of 15, it is a different matter as that is statutory rape, as defined in the Penal Code with higher penalties and lower standards of evidence.

Empower is famous for its hooker training courses where they teach prostitutes to enhance their income by extracting more money out of their Johns for less work. There is something rather hypocritical about this outburst by them. Perhaps they are getting short of funds and need some free publicity.


Sure, the parents of those three football morons must be very proud - well done, boys! clap2.gif

But not as proud as the parents of the 3 girls. Well done girls.


busybodies gonna get busy ... as if the 3 "golden flowers" even knew or cared what the randy blokes were mumbeling.

The bigger issue is not that the girls even cared about what was said, but how asinine fools like these guys are so callous as to even use that kind of language in the first place. Another classic example of a colonizers mentality and cultural disrespect. Why didn't they go to a brothel in the UK?


busybodies gonna get busy ... as if the 3 "golden flowers" even knew or cared what the randy blokes were mumbeling.

The bigger issue is not that the girls even cared about what was said, but how asinine fools like these guys are so callous as to even use that kind of language in the first place. Another classic example of a colonizers mentality and cultural disrespect. Why didn't they go to a brothel in the UK?

Because they were in Thailand.


has it been established that the women were paid??

if yes then the lads have broken the law in thailand

as well as the premises that the women came from

did the boys get lucky because they are young footballers or did money change hands? what are the ages of the girls? what sort of sentence does the court hand down in cases of prostitution? sex with a minor?

Paying for sex in Thailand is not illegal as long as the girl/boy is 18+. Some aspects of prostitution are illegal, however the offence, if there is one, is committed by the prostitute or pimp, not the customer.


Ban the club and its' members from Thailand for making their business public.

The club has Thai owners ,the King Power Duty Free group amongst it business interests .Hardly likely that they would ban them from visiting and playing in the country.

Are you being sarcastic or just ill informed ?


Boys will be boys and I am sure they will have paid there hookers for the privilege of filming the sex scenes, if the hookers were underage then this would be another matter and the perpetrators could be arrested in the UK and prosecuted in the UK for crimes committed abroad with minors.

So many people missing the point - the issue IS NOT the sex part - its the blatent racism that is the story !

Like inserting the word 'Black' into a derogatory comment about a black person - do you think that is acceptable ?

Exactly right. Racism in football is a big deal. Footballers having an orgy is not a big deal. That said, if (and I think it's extremely unlikely, having seen the video!) the girls were underage it would give the story another angle!


I haven't seen the version of the tape where the women can be seen. I was walking through Soi Cowboy the other day, and some western women were exclaiming 'OMG they look 12 years old!' Pointing at some bar girls who were quite clearly several years older than 18. This is an example of how many western women seem completely unable to judge the age of a Thai girl, they can't cope with the small frame size or something, whereas I can accurately guess the age of these girls usually within a few months.

in 11 years worth of visits to Pattaya i havn't one gal in a bar or gogo or Massage parlour that looked anything less than 18 or above, in fact

virtually all over 20, only a handful said they were 18 or 19


so will they investigate the thousands of other lads who paid for these tarts too?

No. These three lads were footballers for Leicester City, they were on an official tour, they were ambassadors for their club, that's why they are being investigated. They were ambassadors for their club, and indeed country. Some people might disagree, but that's how MOST people see it.


Now admittedly I don't know a great deal about the Empower Foundation and maybe they do create work out in the Thai community.

However, there is a quite extraordinary statement on their website: - http://www.empowerfoundation.org/index_en.html

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2558-06-03 at 10.17.30 AM.png

I'm speechless.

What is so extraordinary about sticking up for the rights of sex workers, which is what the Empower Foundation is trying to do? This UN-recognised NGO campaigns, among other worthwhile causes, for the use of condoms, regular health checks, better pay and working conditions and access to educational opportunities - all issues clearly worthy of public support.

What makes ME speechless - other than the double standards of some falangs who should know better - is the failure of successive Thai governments to recognise the massive contribution make to the health of the Thai economy. Countless thousands of children, it should also be appreciated, are getting a level of schooling which would not have been possible if mum wasn't "on the game".

Prostitutes are entitled to the same rights and protections as people in other major industries. They at least provide a worthwhile service, which is more than can be said for some of their equivalents in politics who happily sell their souls, let alone their bodies, for a quick buck.


The age of consent is 15. However a person must be 20 to work in a bar or nightclub.

A person can accept money for sex as long as they are over 20...and there is no middleman or pimp involved.....If a minor, under 20.... decides to live and be supported by a person over 20 the legal age. the parents of the minor can pursue legal action.....and that how it rolls here today in Thailand.


i did not know Facebook is now in control of thailand ,so if i have problem i post it on Facebook at it gets sorted ? ,so i don't need to call the police anymore ,has the country gone mad or just people that live there


I see the lads in King Power shirts; did King Power give them 'per diem expense' money to pay the sex workers with ? Or was is Leicester city football club that gave them the working girl money?


Sounds like a Union or Craft Group, which have been a round for a long time in most countries. Hell they are getting organized, good for them !!

Now admittedly I don't know a great deal about the Empower Foundation and maybe they do create work out in the Thai community.

However, there is a quite extraordinary statement on their website: - http://www.empowerfoundation.org/index_en.html

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2558-06-03 at 10.17.30 AM.png

I'm speechless.


I haven't seen the version of the tape where the women can be seen. I was walking through Soi Cowboy the other day, and some western women were exclaiming 'OMG they look 12 years old!' Pointing at some bar girls who were quite clearly several years older than 18. This is an example of how many western women seem completely unable to judge the age of a Thai girl, they can't cope with the small frame size or something, whereas I can accurately guess the age of these girls usually within a few months.

Western women are jealous of Thai women because Thai women look after themselves, and make an effort to look good all of the time. Western women let themselves go too easily with age whereas even an older Thai woman can look good and look a lot younger than what she really is.

One of the many reasons why we live here with them.


The age of consent is 15. However a person must be 20 to work in a bar or nightclub.

A person can accept money for sex as long as they are over 20...and there is no middleman or pimp involved.....If a minor, under 20.... decides to live and be supported by a person over 20 the legal age. the parents of the minor can pursue legal action.....and that how it rolls here today in Thailand.

Actually it's 18 for prostitution.

The second law regulating prostitution in Thailand is the Act on Entertainment Places, B.E. 2509 (1966) (the “Entertainment Act”). Massage parlors (excluding parlors providing legitimate massage services), go-go bars, karaoke bars and similar establishments are regulated and required to be licensed by the Entertainment Act. The Act regulates these businesses due to their influence on public morals and in order to ensure that minors are not allowed access to such businesses. While the Entertainment Act does not expressly permit prostitution, it does allow “service partners” and “bath service providers” and the like. The Entertainment Act distinguishes between those types of employees, who are required to wear red circular disks with their numbers, and non-sexual service staff, who are required to wear blue circular disks with their numbers. Employees of establishments regulated by the Entertainment Act are required to be at least 18 years old, and customers are required to be at least 20 years old. Given the close relationship of many of these businesses to the sex industry, the differences between massage parlors and go-go bars and prostitution establishments are not necessarily clear.

Thai law becomes harsh when the prostitute is under the age of 18. Any person who engages in an act gratifying their sexual desire, or that of another person, in a prostitution establishment with an underage minor above 15 years old is subject to imprisonment up to three years and a fine of 20,000 to 60,000 baht. If the minor is younger then 15 years old, the penalty is doubled to two to six years imprisonment and a fine of 40,000 to 120,000 baht. For purposes of this law, consent is not a defense and while the sexual acts do not have to be done in a “promiscuous” manner, they do have to take place in a prostitution establishment.


Now admittedly I don't know a great deal about the Empower Foundation and maybe they do create work out in the Thai community.

However, there is a quite extraordinary statement on their website: - http://www.empowerfoundation.org/index_en.html

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2558-06-03 at 10.17.30 AM.png

I'm speechless.

Why are you speechless, what is so extrardinary about their statement? Organisations like this are in place throughout the world and much needed too.


I watched the uncensored video (only for research purposes of course) and those girls are hard seasons prostitutes, definately not underaged. If it does conclude that the girls are underage, than I would say this is a well organised set up.

Just three bone headed morons with two prostitutes. Who was actually responsible for leaking this out in the public domain?


Being "with" a sex worker under 18 is very serious business. You can be in a country where the age of consent is less than 18, as it is in the majority of US states by the way, and if this becomes known to American authorities, for example because you are both identified due to other legal interaction, you can spend a lot of time in jail and a lifetime on sex offender lists. Regardless of AofC the real age for any international relationship is 18 now! You may be met at the border for breaking American law, even if, as I said, what you did was NOT illegal in the country you came from or in the state you live in. This is part of the American social panic over trafficking you need to understand.

Empower Foundation helps teach sex workers many things they need to know. But it is customers who also need to know more about proper relationships as the world tightens up around you and your old concepts of relationships with women.


Here's our three heroes:


Tom Hopper, Adam Smith and James Pearson - congratulations to the boys, parents, relatives and friends - nice bunch you got there! thumbsup.gif

You got a boil on your backside or something? Cut them some slack. They're three young guys on a night out in the sex capital of the world - even if the Thais don't know it.
I'm sure many an English teeniebopper would love to spread her legs for these heroes, and her mother would be proud.

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