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Security Guards


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Yeah, and unfortunately, it is something that cannot be explained to people who do not want to hear it. So, for those who do, here is breaking news:

manners and attitudes are very often communicated non-verbally, especially in Asia.

Most adults can tell the difference between an ordinary friendly smile, and a come on smile; most women in Asia can tell the difference between an ordinary friendly attitude, and a proprietary one; I was talking about the latter.

Here in Thailand, I have often encountered this attitude from older Thai men, especially when I am out late and coming home alone. It is an attitude that crosses the anonymous sphere and assumes much in the way they glance at you openly. It is quite obvious in an otherwise polite society.

As a female here, I think I am well versed in this attitude, as it has occured a few times, or enough for me to notice a pattern.

What are other patterns or experiences other people have with security guards or building people overstepping their bounds?

Kat, I think your concern is legitimate. I've had creepy experiences with bldg security guards myself.

In my previous apartment, a security guard just opened my door during school hours thinking that I wasn't home. I was down with the flu at that time, so I was basically inappropriately dressed while watching tv. Imagine my horror when 'my' door was opened and when I saw the bldg security guard coming in! I screamed my guts out! I called the office downstairs and tried to explain my situation. Their English wasn't that good and my Thai is really uncomprehendable, so a few office personnels rushed up within a matter of seconds! I must have been in total shocked because it took me awhile to realize that, you know, I wasn't appropriately dressed. When I finally recovered from my hysteria, I simply said, "Can ya'll please leave my room? I want to get dressed!" Something like this wouldn't have happened back home, and if it did happen - the trespassers can be sued and fined. Some extremist would even shot trespassers specially if they come in the house breaking windows or doors!

Now, in my new apartment, the old security guard seems nice, but yeah, I also get stared-at judgingly and accusingly when I go out with my friends, drink buckets of alcohol, and then come back at 6AM, maybe with a little swagger here and there. You could just imagine the looks he'd give you! I don't really care what he thinks but, it's an uncomfortable eerie feeling.

I think, going home should be a pleasant experience, but it normally isn't in some circumstances because of the judgemental security guards that smile at you with a sneer, that look at you with knowing looks, that move or talk in such a way that they would get your attention! It is f*cking sick!

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Hello Pe' Kat

I'm really sorry that you had a bad experience with the security.

me, myself ... i have been living in the apartment from 19 y/o till now (33)

i sometimes give some food /fruit for those guy ( my customers give me ..too much for eating)

maybe security guys afraid that i may eat their livers ..when im get angry :o:D

I have no prob with security guys .(but i have got plenty prank phone from somebody who lives here and said like.."can i shag u?" :D )

goodluck darl. :D

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I also live in a condo with 24 hour security and about 6 months ago I got robbed whilst me and my girlfriend were asleep in the bedroom. The f@ckers got my laptop, phone, camera, Ipod and money. On the same night at least 2 other rooms were robbed as well. There was suspision that the security guards were guilty either directly or otherwise. A week or so later the security company was changed along with the guards.

They were a bunch of smug b@stards as it goes, often giving shifty looks to me and my g-friend...

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maybe your just alittle paranoid or maybe not


cricky's kat,

look ive just got home from work, read your post and have worked things out for you in 2 bloody seconds.

the reason the security gaurd is giving you the eye is because your a georgous looking piece of bleeding crumpet. :D

how can they not have a top look at your lovely self ? :D

and i can feel your karma and beauty through my computer. :D

now you are not perfect, as you are an american, but your still top of the ladder in my books.

its real sad your going back home to america kat, as we could of been top friends me and you. :D


dont worry about jdinasia as he can be a bit sad at times and ive read his posts having a crack at your good self. :D

any way kat,

respect to you and as ive told you before,

when you get to N.Y.C. , keep looking up.

cheers kat. :D

jeez....doesn't your 'top self' have someone to shoot today? :o

Edited by LoveDaBlues
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A couple of years ago I and my GF had a problem with a security guard. He had been the night shift guard (we only have one guard on nights and one on days) for about a year and there was no particular problem other than he obviously drank and was stretched out unconcious some nights.

My GF has her own place and used to drive over to see me on weekend nights. One night we had been out together and when we returned the guard told me it was his birthday. He knew I could speak Thai but I pretended not to know he was wanting money. Then he started the same line with my GF, who thought it prudent to give him 20 baht because she didn't want her car scratched or tyres let down.

But then he started hassling her regularly when she arrived, usually saying he was collecting for some temple. I started meeting her at the gate and seeing her off when she left, but then he would sometimes hassle both of us for temple donations. He had initially called my GF "Jay" but pretty quickly he switched to "Nong". Eventually it got to the point where he was telling us other residents gave him 300 baht a month to make sure "nothing happened to their cars."

I waited a couple of months and watched him until I saw him pestering other residents and then I mentioned it to the condo manager. If he was doing this to other people I figured he wouldn't assume it was me who complained and mess my GF's car up. It turned out he had even hit the condo manager up for money before but it seems she felt sorry for him because he was old and such a mess! Anyway, he was fired without incident a week later.

Most of these security guards are of low education and not a few are probably wannabe cops. Give them a uniform and a little power and some are likely to abuse it, especially with the entrenched upcountry attitude towards women. Apart from that one guy, and one other old and rude guard, all the guards at my condo have been youngish and polite. I'm friendly towards them but I never give them food or get too friendly.

As for privacy, it's totally different in Thailand. My condo management don't tell me in advance when workmen have to go in my room to fix things. The guard is supposed to stay with them, but sometimes he can't be there all the time. Since I don't want to padlock my room, I have to make sure there are never any valuables lying around.

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A couple of years ago I and my GF had a problem with a security guard. He had been the night shift guard (we only have one guard on nights and one on days) for about a year and there was no particular problem other than he obviously drank and was stretched out unconcious some nights.

My GF has her own place and used to drive over to see me on weekend nights. One night we had been out together and when we returned the guard told me it was his birthday. He knew I could speak Thai but I pretended not to know he was wanting money. Then he started the same line with my GF, who thought it prudent to give him 20 baht because she didn't want her car scratched or tyres let down.

But then he started hassling her regularly when she arrived, usually saying he was collecting for some temple. I started meeting her at the gate and seeing her off when she left, but then he would sometimes hassle both of us for temple donations. He had initially called my GF "Jay" but pretty quickly he switched to "Nong". Eventually it got to the point where he was telling us other residents gave him 300 baht a month to make sure "nothing happened to their cars."

I waited a couple of months and watched him until I saw him pestering other residents and then I mentioned it to the condo manager. If he was doing this to other people I figured he wouldn't assume it was me who complained and mess my GF's car up. It turned out he had even hit the condo manager up for money before but it seems she felt sorry for him because he was old and such a mess! Anyway, he was fired without incident a week later.

Most of these security guards are of low education and not a few are probably wannabe cops. Give them a uniform and a little power and some are likely to abuse it, especially with the entrenched upcountry attitude towards women. Apart from that one guy, and one other old and rude guard, all the guards at my condo have been youngish and polite. I'm friendly towards them but I never give them food or get too friendly.

As for privacy, it's totally different in Thailand. My condo management don't tell me in advance when workmen have to go in my room to fix things. The guard is supposed to stay with them, but sometimes he can't be there all the time. Since I don't want to padlock my room, I have to make sure there are never any valuables lying around.

I would go crazy if I knew that people were going into my room unnanounced, with security or otherwise. Surely they should get your permission first?? (unless, of course, it's some sort of an emergency like a severe leak or something...)

Edited by ashacat
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I also live in a condo with 24 hour security and about 6 months ago I got robbed whilst me and my girlfriend were asleep in the bedroom.

Several residents in my condo block were robbed a couple of years ago. The police said it was a gang of khaek that they hadn't been able to catch. Apparently, they slipped in through the front door while the guard was out back washing residents' cars! After that we got a security door with a punch code and CCTV. After a year the CCTV was abandoned for some reason and of course a million people know the code for door.

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Camerata; Since my case, there has also been an increase in security. The back doors (car park entry) security has been beefed up with a keycard system (the front door has had keycards for ages) However as of yet there has been no new CCTV cameras. At present there are a handfull of pretty crappy cameras scattered around the complex, I would feel better if they installed more.

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I would go crazy if I knew that people were going into my room unnanounced, with security or otherwise. Surely they should get your permission first?? (unless, of course, it's some sort of an emergency like a severe leak or something...)

Generally, if it's not an emergency, they'll schedule the visit when my mae-ban is there and she'll keep an eye on the workmen. It's mainly urgent problems like water leaking that prompts them to go in without telling me. I accepted this situation a long time ago because it's less of a problem than padlocking the room and not having a mae-ban.

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As in every 'profession' and every country you get good and bad ... and security guards are no exception.

It seems to me that the rotating security guards can be much more 'hit and miss' than the permanent guys .... At my office we have the rotating kind (hired security firm) who change every couple of weeks and you've got good guys or total muppets ... a right old mix ... its difficult to build a rapport with a person who your'e only going to be seeing for a short time and then he's gone never to be seen again.

Also the more changes that occur the more chance of a 'muppet' entering the system for a short while.

Where I live is a different kettle of fish entirely where the security guards are permanent and live at the residence with their families and children (who will be working also as cleaners, handypersons, gardners etc ... everyone is involved).

Of course you develop a huge rapport with these guys and everyone is extended family ... lovely people.

They will drive me around on their motorbikes and Ill give them beers when Ive been shopping, if they're having a party then Ill get invited .. its a much more personal relationship.

As other posters have written its difficult to know for sure what your security guard is thinking but you've got to trust your instincts ... keep doing your thing and hopefully he will soon be rotated and you get a good guy in his place.

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Wow. After reading these posts makes me glad I chose to live 'upcountry'. The first thing I did was to have the locks changed on my rental house. NO ONE else has a key but the TW. My nearest neighbor 150 yards away; he and his wife are good people. When we leave to go into town always some of the local field hands watching the place for strangers.

Ya'll city folks be careful now. :o

Safe Country Bumpkin :D

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I would go crazy if I knew that people were going into my room unnanounced, with security or otherwise. Surely they should get your permission first?? (unless, of course, it's some sort of an emergency like a severe leak or something...)

Generally, if it's not an emergency, they'll schedule the visit when my mae-ban is there and she'll keep an eye on the workmen. It's mainly urgent problems like water leaking that prompts them to go in without telling me. I accepted this situation a long time ago because it's less of a problem than padlocking the room and not having a mae-ban.

At our condo in BKK .... NO ONE enters our condo without management being present also. Security does not have keys! Maintenance or security MUST be accompanied by management to get in! ... A VERY good thing!

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maybe your just alittle paranoid or maybe not


cricky's kat,

look ive just got home from work, read your post and have worked things out for you in 2 bloody seconds.

the reason the security gaurd is giving you the eye is because your a georgous looking piece of bleeding crumpet.

how can they not have a top look at your lovely self ?

and i can feel your karma and beauty through my computer.

now you are not perfect, as you are an american, but your still top of the ladder in my books.

its real sad your going back home to america kat, as we could of been top friends me and you.


dont worry about jdinasia as he can be a bit sad at times and ive read his posts having a crack at your good self. :D

any way kat,

respect to you and as ive told you before,

when you get to N.Y.C. , keep looking up.

cheers kat. /quote]

jeez....doesn't your 'top self' have someone to shoot today? :o

not yet,

as ive just got home from work and logged on to tv.

im still in a fairly good mood at the moment but give me 10 minutes to read some of your posts. :D

they are sure to get me wound up. :D

then i'll getting my gun out and guess who's first on the list ? :D

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As in every 'profession' and every country you get good and bad ... and security guards are no exception.

It seems to me that the rotating security guards can be much more 'hit and miss' than the permanent guys .... At my office we have the rotating kind (hired security firm) who change every couple of weeks and you've got good guys or total muppets ... a right old mix ... its difficult to build a rapport with a person who your'e only going to be seeing for a short time and then he's gone never to be seen again.

Also the more changes that occur the more chance of a 'muppet' entering the system for a short while.

Where I live is a different kettle of fish entirely where the security guards are permanent and live at the residence with their families and children (who will be working also as cleaners, handypersons, gardners etc ... everyone is involved).

Of course you develop a huge rapport with these guys and everyone is extended family ... lovely people.

They will drive me around on their motorbikes and Ill give them beers when Ive been shopping, if they're having a party then Ill get invited .. its a much more personal relationship.

As other posters have written its difficult to know for sure what your security guard is thinking but you've got to trust your instincts ... keep doing your thing and hopefully he will soon be rotated and you get a good guy in his place.

Yeah, you are right about that. I think your situation sounds like the ideal here. In place of standards and enforcements, there are relationships. Your live-in security guard and his family are a throwback to another era. The problem is, there is nothing to replace that once the scene changes, and so now we have these rotating, anonymous security guard companies. In my first building, the security guards were long term, and they had a relationship with the hotel staff, and tenants like me in the building. TOTALLY different scenario to what I have now.

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maybe your just alittle paranoid or maybe not


cricky's kat,

look ive just got home from work, read your post and have worked things out for you in 2 bloody seconds.

the reason the security gaurd is giving you the eye is because your a georgous looking piece of bleeding crumpet.

how can they not have a top look at your lovely self ?

and i can feel your karma and beauty through my computer.

now you are not perfect, as you are an american, but your still top of the ladder in my books.

its real sad your going back home to america kat, as we could of been top friends me and you.


dont worry about jdinasia as he can be a bit sad at times and ive read his posts having a crack at your good self. :D

any way kat,

respect to you and as ive told you before,

when you get to N.Y.C. , keep looking up.

cheers kat. /quote]

jeez....doesn't your 'top self' have someone to shoot today? :o

not yet,

as ive just got home from work and logged on to tv.

im still in a fairly good mood at the moment but give me 10 minutes to read some of your posts. :D

they are sure to get me wound up. :D

then i'll getting my gun out and guess who's first on the list ? :D

Meet me at High Noon......on Rambuttri......don't come packin light....make sure to kiss your dear mom and get your will in order........ :D:D:D LDB

Edited by LoveDaBlues
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Ahhh security guards.. what stories I have to tell...

I live in a rented condo on ratchada, where, it would seem that security guards have access to room keys.

I often wondered why there was one panel in the roof always out of place, leaving a gap. I moved it back into place, and forgot about it.

Several days later I noticed it had been moved, which means someone had been in my condo. I then did a bit of a search to find out why....

Hidden video camera in my bathroom, it would seem that by closing the gap, I had cut off their entertainment. The security guards had the channel tuned in on their tv downstairs.

Im currently in the process of legal action against the condo.

This drama has taken 24 hour security to a whole new level.

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At our condo in BKK .... NO ONE enters our condo without management being present also. Security does not have keys! Maintenance or security MUST be accompanied by management to get in! ... A VERY good thing!

My place is a very small block. There is only one person as "condo management." That person will open the door (not security) and let workmen in. Sometimes he will stay, but sometimes he leaves the guard there instead. Sometimes the daytime guard is actually a direct empoyee of the condo who doubles as handyman. I'd say generally it's arranged when the mae-ban is there and she takes good care of things. No problems in the past 10 years. But if the mae-ban quits, I'm padlocking the door.

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Ahhh security guards.. what stories I have to tell...

I live in a rented condo on ratchada, where, it would seem that security guards have access to room keys.

I often wondered why there was one panel in the roof always out of place, leaving a gap. I moved it back into place, and forgot about it.

Several days later I noticed it had been moved, which means someone had been in my condo. I then did a bit of a search to find out why....

Hidden video camera in my bathroom, it would seem that by closing the gap, I had cut off their entertainment. The security guards had the channel tuned in on their tv downstairs.

Im currently in the process of legal action against the condo.

This drama has taken 24 hour security to a whole new level.


ARGH!!! That's a horrible story!!! Best of luck with the legal proceedings...

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Wow. That has been my worst nightmare. My lock is not very good. That is why I have started moving my purse into my bedroom and locking the door. I appreciate your comments, because it reminds me not to become too complacent.

Thanks for focusing on the topic T.S., and not turning me into the topic like so many do here.

There are a lot of good stories, but there are also a lot of nightmare stories because of the lack of standards and enforcements.

I have lived all over south and south east Asia and the only country I have had burglars is Thailand. My advice to all ladies: 1. Do not get friendly with any of the condo staff. 2. Definitely do not get friendly with the guards. Politeness is all that is necessary. No wais, no food you don't need, no nothing! 3. Lock the door even when at home and even if you are stepping out for just a few minutes. Lock all doors and windows when asleep. 4. Don't wear too much jewelry. Thai office staff I know take off their jewelry when going out into the street. 5. Change your door locks and/or put on extra locks including a dead bolt. 6. Only have people you know and trust into your condo. If anyone else comes asking to speak to you for whatever reason, speak with them outside your door or not at all. 7. If you have to have condo staff and/or workmen in your rooms, let them in after you have put purse, valuables, laptop, out of sight. Don't entertain them. Get them out as quickly as possible. If they don't need to go into other rooms, shut those rooms' doors. 8. If you do have an 'event' send for the police. Maybe won't do any good but will show the condo staff and guards - and the manager - that you don't like being messed with. 9. And last, but not least, pay no attention whatsoever to nitwit men of which there are a lot!!! They are a waste of breath and time.

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VanZam, that is awful!!

Cheeky b@stards man!

Good luck to you, me and the other victims of the robberies in my condo were gonna go down the legal route, until not too subtley advised otherwise...

Who were you going to sue? Management Committee? Manager? Guard Company? What were the threats to you and the other folks in the condo? If you don't mind answering my questions - maybe be helpful to a lot of folks besides myself.

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jeez....doesn't your 'top self' have someone to shoot today?

not yet,

as ive just got home from work and logged on to tv.

im still in a fairly good mood at the moment but give me 10 minutes to read some of your posts. :

they are sure to get me wound up. :D

then i'll getting my gun out and guess who's first on the list ? :D

Meet me at High Noon......on Rambuttri......don't come packin light....make sure to kiss your dear mom and get your will in order........ :

look, :D


can we please leave my mommy out of this as she's frigging dead mate and im a bit sensitive about it. :D

dont worry about it mate, as you did'nt mean to be a upset me like that. :D

i'll tell you what fella,

im more of a lover than a bad ass shooter but these things do happen in los from time to time dont they. :D

but i'll tell you what i am into, :D

and thats bloody good cracking top live music and i know a top place just down the road from the rambuttri that plays brilliant bloody blues.

its called " ad the 13th " and there's a thai girl there that belts out the blues like there is no tomorrow.

georgia is her name, and you'd swear she was mama cass. :D

after we have a crack at each other at high noon we can get on the turps and then bolt down to the "13th" and crank up some brilliant music.

its not very big, but big enough for me to write my will up :D

i'll also be packing some marlboro lights some we can have a nice smoke.

cheers, lovetheblues :o

got to be better than dealing with crap security gaurds.

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Ah yes security guards. I'll never forget the look on the face of our complex's security guard......I did a spot check on him at 2 am.....nowhere on the property.......figured oh well I'll deal with him tomorrow.......decided to go downtown to a few casinos (Las Vegas) to check things out......imagine my surprise when I spotted our 'security guard' playing a slot machine......I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "hope you're winning you need it cause you're fired"........... :o

stayed on Rambuttri before......hel_l yes we'll check out that blues place....... :D

you're back on my good side so leave your will at home.....I'll leave the sawed-off.....see mate I don't see so well anymore the sawed-off makes a crowd out of a person pretty fast..... :D besides it's too damned hot on Rambuttri at noon..... :D

first beer on me....cheers :D

well I lost my dad mate.....no offense meant......know how ya feel :D

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