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Thai students rally to demand ban on liquor selling within 500 metre from campuses


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Actually there already is a law prohibiting it so this must be about enforcing it. smile.png

It is prohibited to sell alcohol in close proximity to schools or religious areas. Chaninat & Leeds law firm

From a TV article in 2011 - Dr Phansiri stressed that no new taverns are allowed within the radius of 100 meters and 500 meters from schools and universities respectively while the existing ones must abide by laws. She said entrepreneurs are given six months or until 31 October 2011 to adjust themselves, and law violators will be sternly prosecuted.

Bars And Pubs Near Thai Schools, Universities To Get Tight Control (2011)

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My undergrad university had 2 student pubs on campus and they were quite popular. Unlike Rangsit ,the university had a renowned medical and law school, 2 nobel laureates, and a long list of research prizes and awards.

Had the privilege of attending two Universities, the second schools student pub boasted the longest bar in any Uni. in the world, (it's true! I've been trying to prove them wrong for many yearswub.png ). The bar was lined one end to the other with barstools, and not one was empty on a Friday night, or truth be known any other time it was open, which was six days a week. Don't recall any firearms or even fights though, but there wasn't the "need" to drink excessively back then, unlike these days where restrictive, "Thou shalt not" laws have created an army of binge drinkers.

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Means 510 meters is OK but 490 is not ?? Same with the alcohol selling times, 13:59 is good, 14:01 isn't....Great logic

How about allowing adults of 18 or 20 years plus to decide for themselves as on when and where to buy alcoholic beverages, but strictly checking on underage customers ?

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It is not the sell, it is the people who drink it. And with a motorbike I am sure they can manage to go 600 meter.

Actually these students demonstrating should be banned from University because of too low IQ for being an academic.

I notice they make no mention of banning guns.

My personal opinion is that the status of universities across the world should be reduced. They are important for those that have the ability to use and benefit from them. They also provide a lot in the way of research but it seems that for many they're a place to avoid work and growing up whilst cultivating an unwarranted sense of superiority.

I saw a report on the BBC last night from Greece. It showed a group of students in a university in Athens. There was rubbish lying around because there's nobody paid to pick up the rubbish dropped by the students. I'd love to say it's unbelievable but unfortunately it's not.

To be honest I think it's education in general to some extent. I worry when I see reports of young people from various educational establishments who are 'bright students' ect who take things like drugs or as in one case recently slimming tablets that can only be bought on the internet and contain pioson which they for some reason they couldn't find out about and then die. Something's wrong somewhere.

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It is not the sell, it is the people who drink it. And with a motorbike I am sure they can manage to go 600 meter.

Actually these students demonstrating should be banned from University because of too low IQ for being an academic.

I notice they make no mention of banning guns.

My personal opinion is that the status of universities across the world should be reduced. They are important for those that have the ability to use and benefit from them. They also provide a lot in the way of research but it seems that for many they're a place to avoid work and growing up whilst cultivating an unwarranted sense of superiority.

I saw a report on the BBC last night from Greece. It showed a group of students in a university in Athens. There was rubbish lying around because there's nobody paid to pick up the rubbish dropped by the students. I'd love to say it's unbelievable but unfortunately it's not.

To be honest I think it's education in general to some extent. I worry when I see reports of young people from various educational establishments who are 'bright students' ect who take things like drugs or as in one case recently slimming tablets that can only be bought on the internet and contain pioson which they for some reason they couldn't find out about and then die. Something's wrong somewhere.

Saw the same report from BBC, what's most interesting though is not so much that the students couldn't be bothered to pick the garbage up, but the fact BBC (deliberately or are they part of the malaise too? i.e. BBC didn't twig) missed the opportunity to mention that they were a bunch of lazy students! Forgive me for veering off topic for a second, but the BBC has suddenly started referring to "Illegal Migrants" as "Migrants." Please excuse me for saying it again, they are "Illegal Migrants." What the heck is happening to objective reporting? It is not availability of Alcohol within 500 metres of campus causing trouble, it's stupid kids with no moral values, and guns getting high !!! Grrr.

Edited by PeCeDe
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