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How Thailand has reacted to the Leicester City racist sex tape scandal


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Having read so many angles of this sensational story, personally, I have come to the conclusion that the biggest issue here is the lack of decorum.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

The biggest problem here seems to be the idiot (or braggart) who sent the video to his buddies. Lose lips sink ships. The lip (or tongue action) certainly has sunk this ship.

I agree that this type of play goes on all the time in sports clubs, colleges, universities and Thailand.

But the activities should have stayed in the hotel room.

Yes, indeed; do you go home to your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother and tell them you just had dirty sex?

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I hope the three stooges will receive ample punishment including a Thailand visa ban for life, with their leader stooge being beaten senseless by his dad who advertises his team as being "anti racist"...


James Pearson (L), Tom Hopper © and Adam Smith ®

Money can't by happiness boys, hope you will have to suffer from this for a long time to come!

The reaction from LCFC fans has been to call for their sacking. Leicester is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK. Something like 40% of the population are ethnic Asians.

They will be very lucky to keep their jobs and chosen career.

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I hope the three stooges will receive ample punishment including a Thailand visa ban for life, with their leader stooge being beaten senseless by his dad who advertises his team as being "anti racist"...


James Pearson (L), Tom Hopper © and Adam Smith ®

Money can't by happiness boys, hope you will have to suffer from this for a long time to come!

The reaction from LCFC fans has been to call for their sacking. Leicester is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK. Something like 40% of the population are ethnic Asians.

They will be very lucky to keep their jobs and chosen career.

And I suspect their manager for being stupid enough not to warn them of the dangers in Thailand.

Unprotected anal sex!

Come on.

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Can only assume you haven't actually watched the uncut version, or are into an extremely niche strata of pornography, if you think that's normal.

Most men have had their bum hole licked surely?

It's a common practice!

It seems many TV members are a bit prudish, but it's to be expected among the "broad public".

I, for my part, think that the media publishing this story have overstepped their mission to inform - they should be prosecuted for violation of the private lives of the persons implicated.

No one in the video is a criminal - I consider the events to be of strictly private nature.

Even the so-called racist remarks cannot be considered to be meant seriously, more like banter between friends.

The modern media and mdeia sharing will be the death of the free society as we know it we are not careful in keeping the bigoted ninnies under control.

I agree. The only reason for the fuss about the video is that it features professional footballers who play for a Thai owned club. As a video on its own it's just standard homemade-porn available all over the net and on many Thai forums (but not this one!). The UK media have run with the story as football (see FIFA), racism and sex sells!

Of course ! coffee1.gif

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I hope the three stooges will receive ample punishment including a Thailand visa ban for life, with their leader stooge being beaten senseless by his dad who advertises his team as being "anti racist"...


James Pearson (L), Tom Hopper © and Adam Smith ®

Money can't by happiness boys, hope you will have to suffer from this for a long time to come!

The reaction from LCFC fans has been to call for their sacking. Leicester is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK. Something like 40% of the population are ethnic Asians.

They will be very lucky to keep their jobs and chosen career.

And I suspect their manager for being stupid enough not to warn them of the dangers in Thailand.

Unprotected anal sex!

Come on.

I may be a libetine ; what some get pleasure from is not for me to judge.

I love women and get my kicks in ways I am not willing to disclose; but anal is not and never could be part of it, and mutual respect comes top.

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The sport has become severely tarnished.

err... sorry, soccer has never been a gentleman's sport - most players are impolite cheating bullies.

How shocking! Sir you are politically incorrect. wink.png

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The guys in the video are idiots, but I don't know what the Thai people have a problem with. They don't have a problem being racist to others. It is a normal part of Thai culture to discriminate and talk about aspects of another race in a derogatory way.

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Everyone wrong in this one, girls for selling themselves, guys for too many things, the press for exposing Thailand sex industry and these boneheads, and Thai people for making a big deal out of it and causing more damage to Thailand.

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It's kind of ironic that the whole eye shape thing doesn't really apply to most Thai people, that's more of a Chinese thing.

Yes, but look at the Thais who have got money. They're the ones who have the slitty or slanty eyes. There eyes are the same as the Chinese eyes. And yes, anybody who has got slitty eyes does not like racial abuse.

People from Europe might feel that the slitty eyes are actually funny and comical. People from Europe might walk up to a person with slitty eyes and do the following. The fingers are placed on the side of each eye, and the skin is gently pulled back, hence, making the European eyes more slant or slitty. This is something you can do in front of a slitty eyed person in Europe, but doing it in Asia is not really regarded as funny. And anyone who has been to China on bussiness will find it tempting to do this, but they instinctively know it's not the done thing.

The Thais who have the slitty eyes might feel just as offended as the Chinese when it comes to racial abuse based on the grounds of slitty eyes. Actually, the Japanese and Koreans also have slitty eyes, they might feel the same way.

You, sir, are a complete tool!! You are of the opinion that people from Europe think that 'slitty eyes' are funny?? What planet do you come from?

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In a country where a deputy PM can get drunk then make sexist remarks at women in Parliament with absolutely no consequences, something like this where nobody involved actually cares is pretty much irrelevant.

Thai media just report what is in front of their faces (as long as it won't upset the big boss who is always mixed in with someone political). They NEVER campaign for what is right, do investigative journalism to expose corruption or report things which might invite trouble.

I doubt many Thais care at all about this.

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Deep seated racism exists in Thailand. Some white foreigners some might complain about dual pricing but it is much worse for Burmese, Khmers, Indians, Bangladeshis and pretty much anyone of colour from Africa. Racism is not the preserve of the white man, that is for sure. And don't even get me started on the Thai hypocrisy regarding the sex industry here.

But they are not farangs so its not racism as they get charged less.

Sent from my c64

I'll assume that is a joke. If the worst form of racism you endure is dual pricing then you haven't really experienced racism.

So, in your world, if someone calls you a name for being of a particular ethnicity it is worse than if someone charges you a monetary fine for being of a particular ethnicity?

Being charged extra for being a particular race, so you think that is ok? If its against farangs or white people it's ok? Try walking a day in a farang's shoes getting charged extra for being part of a minority in Thailand.

Racism is only ever one way according to some people and that in itself is racist.

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So, in your world, if someone calls you a name for being of a particular ethnicity it is worse than if someone charges you a monetary fine for being of a particular ethnicity?

Being charged extra for being a particular race, so you think that is ok? If its against farangs or white people it's ok? Try walking a day in a farang's shoes getting charged extra for being part of a minority in Thailand.

Racism is only ever one way according to some people and that in itself is racist.

Don't be ridiculous. Plenty of countries charge non locals extra to visit places, for example museums across the US offer vastly reduced entry to those from in state.

It is not based upon skin colour or ethnicity, and therefore cannot possibly be racist. It is based upon nationality and residence. I have paid Thai prices on plenty of occasions on the basis of a long term visa.

Just because something pisses you off that is a result of you not being a local does not make it 'racist'. Same principle with land ownership (protectionist).

Been walking in these farang shoes in Thailand for more than ten years on a daily basis now. Yes now and again you get racists, but same as everywhere else around the world - have had more verbal comments from idiots in the UK when I've been with my wife than I have had here.

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Meanwhile, thousands of girls, often under-aged are smuggled through about any border of the country to end up in very degrading brothels and often sold as slaves...

But: "ohh yes, we are very shocked by the words used by this young lad... We would never act like this ourselves.."

I am not excusing them but should put things back in perspective....

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A society that is racist to the core, sees women as second class citizens and treats them that way, is "outraged", if someone else is being racist towards the exact same women?

As if I would give a sh....

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Deep seated racism exists in Thailand. Some white foreigners some might complain about dual pricing but it is much worse for Burmese, Khmers, Indians, Bangladeshis and pretty much anyone of colour from Africa. Racism is not the preserve of the white man, that is for sure. And don't even get me started on the Thai hypocrisy regarding the sex industry here.

But they are not farangs so its not racism as they get charged less.

Sent from my c64

I'll assume that is a joke. If the worst form of racism you endure is dual pricing then you haven't really experienced racism.

So, in your world, if someone calls you a name for being of a particular ethnicity it is worse than if someone charges you a monetary fine for being of a particular ethnicity?

I didn't mention name calling. What about employment discrimination, systematic harassment by the police, immigration and other authorities., extortion of shopkeepers based on of their ethnicity. these are all things that go on here in Thailand. I'm not suggesting that dual pricing is wrong. Quite frankly I don't like it but it is not in the same league as the police demanding sexual favours from Burmese maids caught shopping without some form of ID. That happens regularly here as do far worse offences based on race. So, I guess that is my world. Whatever that particular statement means.

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If you want to stamp out racism then here as fitting a situation as any to actually show that it will not be tolerated, end of.

These lads are not babies. Sacking them or severely punishing them with bans or sanctions is the only way to go, otherwise its all hot air

z Its probably all hot air whatever they do. However, sack these chumps and it might send a message.

In the West you almost need to be a criminal to participate on the professional level.

God please help them all.

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The key issue here is that these three 'pros' were representing their club in Thailand, paid for by their Thai owner. Their (since) public actions brought discredit to the owner and their club. It should be clear to the club that disciplinary action should be taken against them in whatever form of punishment is deemed appropriate, as well as a meaningful apology to their hosts for the unacceptable behaviour published in the media.

That's the bottom line.

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If you want to stamp out racism then here as fitting a situation as any to actually show that it will not be tolerated, end of.

These lads are not babies. Sacking them or severely punishing them with bans or sanctions is the only way to go, otherwise its all hot air

Ohh please spare us! You are making a mountain out of a molehill here. These guys were just parting and having sex and some fun. Sure they made some comments that people have taken as an insult. You get racist insults everyday if you are in Thailand yet I don't hear you crying racism for that. Those boys comments were not meant to insult the ladies. It was not done to spur anger or hatred.

The next time a Thai calls you FARANG I doubt you will feel anger or hatred the same those girls didn't take it that way. Yet, isn't it the same as being called whitey or nigg---? Get a life and stop condemning people for so small matter.

OK, I've been around Thailand for 28 years and have been commonly referred to as a FARANG for that entire time. I have only rarely taken it as an insult because it is NOT USUALLY INTENDED AS AN INSULT. It is NOT the same as being called whitey or n***r? It is a neutral description of the general part of the world you come from. Nobody I know who has been here for a substantial length of time thinks it is an insult; it's only in the last few years when suddenly a bunch of white foreigners suddenly seem to be taking offense at the word. It really is not worse than being called a "white person". I speak Thai and I often use and hear it in conversation with Thai people to mean nothing more offensive than that.

On the other hand "slit eye" is definitely a racial slur and it takes a racist to say it or find it amusing when someone else does. They obviously thought these women were not persons, just "whores", an attitude that is all to prevalent among ignorant farang male tourists these days. Believe it or not, there are many so-called "sex-tourists" who are capable of have a good time with a woman they pick up from a bar without calling them insulting names. Then there's the complete irresponsibility and idiocy of filming the whole incident and sending it to friends when they are being PAID to be in Thailand on a so-called "good-will tour". They have completely messed up while on the job, and they should be fired, for being racist, for being incompetent, and for being utterly stupid.

Can't believe how many people are trying to defend these ignorant yobs.

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words arent racist. the people who use certain words, however, are. Generally speaking, Thai folk calling me or any other westerner "farang" arent being racist. Its how the word is used that makes it offensive. In the case of the video, the term "slit-eye" was used in a disrespectful and derisory way. so it's racist.

But, above all of that, these kids need sacking just for the pure, unadulterated stupidity of their actions. its not like the team are gonna miss their talent, being only fringe players. Im sure they could get work at in the lower leagues. Unless said lower division teams are planning to make it big in SE Asia.

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The footie crowd, players and fans alike are yobboes and thickoes. The wall to wall footie and sports in general, has ruined many good bars. These guys should be sacked.

The footie crowd ? This will include the owners of Leicester City. Did you mean to insult them or was it a foot in mouth moment ?

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