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Revoking Thaksin's passports 'will have no effect'


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In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals.

In my heart of hearts I don't think anyone is intentionally this evil that they will divide a nation at any given chance for the simple reason of trying to make himself out as a white knight that will then heal it...

Seek you help you need thaksin. I am sure Montenegro has adequate facilities.

"In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals."

Hmmm pot, kettle, black?

Derbyshire born and Derbyshire bred, strong in the arm and weak in the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wink.png

Nah lets be raight me duck, tha shurra writ 'Derbyshire born, Derbyshire bred, strong int arm - an quick in t'ead' thumbsup.gif

Edited by PREM-R
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In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals.

In my heart of hearts I don't think anyone is intentionally this evil that they will divide a nation at any given chance for the simple reason of trying to make himself out as a white knight that will then heal it...

Seek you help you need thaksin. I am sure Montenegro has adequate facilities.

What qualifications do you hold in psychiatry? Thought so, just passing off personal opinions as fact, when not copying and pasting from others and pretending it is yours.

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How can anybody seriously think revoking his passport will have any effect ? Who got invited to the World Leaders conference in Korea? It is the current lot that (like many of you haters) who are squirming .

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How can anybody seriously think revoking his passport will have any effect ? Who got invited to the World Leaders conference in Korea? It is the current lot that (like many of you haters) who are squirming .

First it wasn´t a "World Leaders Conference". Look it up.

Second and most important is the fact that Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports. Whenever these countries decide that it is no longer in their interest to be associated with someone like Thaksin Shinawatra then he is in real trouble. He will now have to grease a lot of palms and continue to invest in these countries whether he likes it or not to retain the privilege of a passport.

With two Thai passports as "fallback options" he didn´t have to worry.

No effect?

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There's my name in the paper again.

Let me make it simple for you.

Headline: Man arrested for indecent exposure and urinating in public

A Mr. Greenchair from (...) was yesterday arrested for...

Greenchair: Hurray I am in the papers!

You get the point?

A point which you missed by a mile!! ? didn't you read the part from the PM , not so long ago, to "inform" the press to stop reporting on all things Thaksin and there he is as bold as brass, stoking the embers waiting to see if it fans flames again, or just die out.

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How can anybody seriously think revoking his passport will have any effect ? Who got invited to the World Leaders conference in Korea? It is the current lot that (like many of you haters) who are squirming .

First it wasn´t a "World Leaders Conference". Look it up.

Second and most important is the fact that Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports. Whenever these countries decide that it is no longer in their interest to be associated with someone like Thaksin Shinawatra then he is in real trouble. He will now have to grease a lot of palms and continue to invest in these countries whether he likes it or not to retain the privilege of a passport.

With two Thai passports as "fallback options" he didn´t have to worry.

No effect?

"....Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports."

Maltese passport and life as an EU citizen for anyone with £546,000
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There's my name in the paper again.

Let me make it simple for you.

Headline: Man arrested for indecent exposure and urinating in public

A Mr. Greenchair from (...) was yesterday arrested for...

Greenchair: Hurray I am in the papers!

You get the point?

A point which you missed by a mile!! ? didn't you read the part from the PM , not so long ago, to "inform" the press to stop reporting on all things Thaksin and there he is as bold as brass, stoking the embers waiting to see if it fans flames again, or just die out.

I think you missed the point too FH. It is that the media & TV are milking the Thaksin issue for all it's worth to get idiots like you and me (& uncle tom cobley) sucked into posting crap.

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How can anybody seriously think revoking his passport will have any effect ? Who got invited to the World Leaders conference in Korea? It is the current lot that (like many of you haters) who are squirming .

First it wasn´t a "World Leaders Conference". Look it up.

Second and most important is the fact that Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports. Whenever these countries decide that it is no longer in their interest to be associated with someone like Thaksin Shinawatra then he is in real trouble. He will now have to grease a lot of palms and continue to invest in these countries whether he likes it or not to retain the privilege of a passport.

With two Thai passports as "fallback options" he didn´t have to worry.

No effect?

"....Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports."

Maltese passport and life as an EU citizen for anyone with £546,000

Yes, a solid option. You should have read the whole article.

"[...] But the Maltese opposition says that the process used to vet the applications lacks transparency, and is unhappy that the applicants’ identities will not publicly disclosed. Simon Busutil, the leader of the opposition Nationalist Party, has pledged to revoke the passports if his party is gets into power again.

Mr Busuttil, who sits on a monitoring committee that has access to the applicants’ names, has also threatened to disclose their identities publicly, which could frighten off publicity-shy oligarchs. [...]" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/malta/10445966/Maltese-passport-and-life-as-an-EU-citizen-for-anyone-with-546000.html#disqus_thread

Relying on temporarily cash strapped EU countries for selling their citizenships - and becoming subject to European jurisdiction? A tricky decision for someone like Thaksin with his war on drugs resumee.

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How can anybody seriously think revoking his passport will have any effect ? Who got invited to the World Leaders conference in Korea? It is the current lot that (like many of you haters) who are squirming .

First it wasn´t a "World Leaders Conference". Look it up.

Second and most important is the fact that Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports. Whenever these countries decide that it is no longer in their interest to be associated with someone like Thaksin Shinawatra then he is in real trouble. He will now have to grease a lot of palms and continue to invest in these countries whether he likes it or not to retain the privilege of a passport.

With two Thai passports as "fallback options" he didn´t have to worry.

No effect?

Pretty impressive list of current and former world leaders were invited as speakers. Perhaps you don't think Ban Ki-Moon, Horst Kohler or Modi deserved to be called world leaders or even Jack Ma. Your standard must be very high or low.

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In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals.

In my heart of hearts I don't think anyone is intentionally this evil that they will divide a nation at any given chance for the simple reason of trying to make himself out as a white knight that will then heal it...

Seek you help you need thaksin. I am sure Montenegro has adequate facilities.

Time to add another malady to the ever expanding collection in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Thaksin Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

TDS is a compulsive-obsessive neurotic disorder centered on a controversial political figure from Thailand named Thaksin Shinawatra. Behaviors are triggered by any mention of Thaksin, or any mention of Thai political conflict that has transpired over the past 30 years. Typical behaviors of individuals with TDS include: rote acceptance and fixation on list of supposed Thaksin transgressions; excessive use of hyperbole and exaggeration; tendency to characterize Thaksin using cartoonish and stereotypical descriptions of evil persons; inability to engage in reasoned discussion of contemporary events and actions without invoking "puppet master", "paymaster" or other similar omnipotent roles for Thaksin. Individuals with TDS are considered non-violent and boring. Non-pharmacological treatment includes gentle kidding. More aggressive logical argumentation may be used to treat persistent cases of TDS, as indicated by brief psychotic episodes, ranting, and extremely repetitive posts in online forums. Prognosis for most treatments is guarded. TDS is considered a long-term affliction.

Could I add another symptom please Pheonixdoglover: a persistent inability or refusal to use capital letters when writing Thaksins name!

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How can anybody seriously think revoking his passport will have any effect ? Who got invited to the World Leaders conference in Korea? It is the current lot that (like many of you haters) who are squirming .

First it wasn´t a "World Leaders Conference". Look it up.

Second and most important is the fact that Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports. Whenever these countries decide that it is no longer in their interest to be associated with someone like Thaksin Shinawatra then he is in real trouble. He will now have to grease a lot of palms and continue to invest in these countries whether he likes it or not to retain the privilege of a passport.

With two Thai passports as "fallback options" he didn´t have to worry.

No effect?

"....Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports."

Maltese passport and life as an EU citizen for anyone with £546,000

Yes, a solid option. You should have read the whole article.

"[...] But the Maltese opposition says that the process used to vet the applications lacks transparency, and is unhappy that the applicants identities will not publicly disclosed. Simon Busutil, the leader of the opposition Nationalist Party, has pledged to revoke the passports if his party is gets into power again.

Mr Busuttil, who sits on a monitoring committee that has access to the applicants names, has also threatened to disclose their identities publicly, which could frighten off publicity-shy oligarchs. [...]" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/malta/10445966/Maltese-passport-and-life-as-an-EU-citizen-for-anyone-with-546000.html#disqus_thread

Relying on temporarily cash strapped EU countries for selling their citizenships - and becoming subject to European jurisdiction? A tricky decision for someone like Thaksin with his war on drugs resumee.

Are you still roasting that old chestnut, please get it into your head that Thaksin did no initiate the so called "war on drugs" it was government policy long before he was elected, with Police/Army/Rangers (men in black) entering the houses of these SUSPECTED of drug dealing and shooting them dead in front of their families! Sometimes getting the wrong people. I don't defend his policy of widening the net, but it will not affect how he is viewed outside Thailand.

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"any other government would have done the same if comments were made damaging the country's reputation."

If freedom of expression can damage a nation's reputation, it is that reputation that should be scrutinized, not the speaker.

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Of course it have no effect. He could enter Thailand with his Montenegro Passport. He could even apply for a retirement visa. I'm sure, the immigration wouldn't recognize it's he. TiT.

What's next? Prayut revoke his driving license? rofl

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"He said this reaction was in no way politically motivated, as any other government would have done the same if comments were made damaging the country's reputation."

He's either a liar or an imbecile.

Very few countries are as stupid or dangerous. Thailand is clearly in good company if "any other government" includes North Korea, China, dodgy African or backwards Muslim countries. The League Division 1 of governmental bottom feeders.

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There's my name in the paper again.

Let me make it simple for you.

Headline: Man arrested for indecent exposure and urinating in public

A Mr. Greenchair from (...) was yesterday arrested for...

Greenchair: Hurray I am in the papers!

You get the point?

You obviously did not understand my post.


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Many posters on TVF know pretty well where I stand regarding Thaksin and family..

However I respect all others opinions. Thaksin is a master of PR, and he is using that very cleverly to keep the pot simmering. His opposition, unfortunately, seem rather inept when it comes to making moves. If this were a chess game, Thaksin would have checkmated this lot in 10 minutes and gone for coffee..

He is like herpes, he just won't go away and that is the problem for the present government.

Their ineptitude can be illustrated by some of the rather bizarre announcements regarding tourist numbers, the railway upgrade, particularly the HST and all that fluff.

However, being Thais they just cannot or will not ignore him (the powers that be, that is.) He barks and they react, rather like pitching pebbles at a noisy soi dog.

The man has seemingly inexhaustible resources, numerous residences worldwide and is free as a bird to travel just about anywhere. This may prove a slight hindrance for him due to the passport fiasco, but knowing Thaksin's style, he has much better connections than P.M. Prayuth.

Edited by ratcatcher
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Relying on temporarily cash strapped EU countries for selling their citizenships - and becoming subject to European jurisdiction? A tricky decision for someone like Thaksin with his war on drugs resumee.

MIKT replied to my post as follows:

Are you still roasting that old chestnut, please get it into your head that Thaksin did no initiate the so called "war on drugs" it was government policy long before he was elected, with Police/Army/Rangers (men in black) entering the houses of these SUSPECTED of drug dealing and shooting them dead in front of their families! Sometimes getting the wrong people. I don't defend his policy of widening the net, but it will not affect how he is viewed outside Thailand.

Before you hand out a blanket amnesty for Thaksin I suggest you familiarize yourself with Thaksin´s "War on Drugs", as you are obviously unaware of the most basic facts. Here is something for you to read:


In the age of the internet feeble attempts to rewrite history are shot down in flames right after takeoff.

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How can anybody seriously think revoking his passport will have any effect ? Who got invited to the World Leaders conference in Korea? It is the current lot that (like many of you haters) who are squirming .

First it wasn´t a "World Leaders Conference". Look it up.

Second and most important is the fact that Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports. Whenever these countries decide that it is no longer in their interest to be associated with someone like Thaksin Shinawatra then he is in real trouble. He will now have to grease a lot of palms and continue to invest in these countries whether he likes it or not to retain the privilege of a passport.

With two Thai passports as "fallback options" he didn´t have to worry.

No effect?

"....Thaksin is now depending on 2 (IIRC) foreign countries for extending his passports."

Maltese passport and life as an EU citizen for anyone with £546,000

Yes, a solid option. You should have read the whole article.

"[...] But the Maltese opposition says that the process used to vet the applications lacks transparency, and is unhappy that the applicants identities will not publicly disclosed. Simon Busutil, the leader of the opposition Nationalist Party, has pledged to revoke the passports if his party is gets into power again.

Mr Busuttil, who sits on a monitoring committee that has access to the applicants names, has also threatened to disclose their identities publicly, which could frighten off publicity-shy oligarchs. [...]" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/malta/10445966/Maltese-passport-and-life-as-an-EU-citizen-for-anyone-with-546000.html#disqus_thread

Relying on temporarily cash strapped EU countries for selling their citizenships - and becoming subject to European jurisdiction? A tricky decision for someone like Thaksin with his war on drugs resumee.

Are you still roasting that old chestnut, please get it into your head that Thaksin did no initiate the so called "war on drugs" it was government policy long before he was elected, with Police/Army/Rangers (men in black) entering the houses of these SUSPECTED of drug dealing and shooting them dead in front of their families! Sometimes getting the wrong people. I don't defend his policy of widening the net, but it will not affect how he is viewed outside Thailand.

Go and educate yourself.


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Many posters on TVF know pretty well where I stand regarding Thaksin and family..

However I respect all others opinions. Thaksin is a master of PR, and he is using that very cleverly to keep the pot simmering. His opposition, unfortunately, seem rather inept when it comes to making moves. If this were a chess game, Thaksin would have checkmated this lot in 10 minutes and gone for coffee..

He is like herpes, he just won't go away and that is the problem for the present government.

Their ineptitude can be illustrated by some of the rather bizarre announcements regarding tourist numbers, the railway upgrade, particularly the HST and all that fluff.

However, being Thais they just cannot or will not ignore him (the powers that be, that is.) He barks and they react, rather like pitching pebbles at a noisy soi dog.

The man has seemingly inexhaustible resources, numerous residences worldwide and is free as a bird to travel just about anywhere. This may prove a slight hindrance for him due to the passport fiasco, but knowing Thaksin's style, he has much better connections than P.M. Prayuth.

This gets my vote as post of the week. Wish I could could write that well.

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Many posters on TVF know pretty well where I stand regarding Thaksin and family..

However I respect all others opinions. Thaksin is a master of PR, and he is using that very cleverly to keep the pot simmering. His opposition, unfortunately, seem rather inept when it comes to making moves. If this were a chess game, Thaksin would have checkmated this lot in 10 minutes and gone for coffee..

He is like herpes, he just won't go away and that is the problem for the present government.

Their ineptitude can be illustrated by some of the rather bizarre announcements regarding tourist numbers, the railway upgrade, particularly the HST and all that fluff.

However, being Thais they just cannot or will not ignore him (the powers that be, that is.) He barks and they react, rather like pitching pebbles at a noisy soi dog.

The man has seemingly inexhaustible resources, numerous residences worldwide and is free as a bird to travel just about anywhere. This may prove a slight hindrance for him due to the passport fiasco, but knowing Thaksin's style, he has much better connections than P.M. Prayuth.

Fair enough but on top of all of this he and his family are really suffering. They have created a miserable life for themselves. Look at Thaksin's face. Look at Yingluck's face. I find these kind of people very stupid because they don't know when to stop. They can't enjoy all their wealth. Even hoping around in a private jet can't make them happy. They only believe I winning and losing. It's all a game for them and unfortunately many people have to die and suffer for them along the way.

Revoking his passports might not have a lot of effect on him but this is a sign that everything the Shins have left in Thailand will be taken away from them. I even believe that Yingluck will do a Thaksin (flee Thailand) one day. The army clearly had enough of their games.

Edited by Nickymaster
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The story title reflects my feelings about the whole matter, while most staggered to the blog trough to vomit their pet opinions and vociferous self-righteous pronunciations.

It is a zero sum proposition, and always was. It isn't even symbolic. It was and is...throwing a snit, and a whinge under a mask of due diligence.

Sour grapes. By some of these posts I can see their day has not gone to well.

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Some people here on TV really don't know how to hide their admiration for the narcissistic fugitive. They claim that they don't care about him but at the same time keep defending him in a sneaky way.

I am not sure whether you are referring to my previous post. If you aren't, I apologize.

If you are, perhaps you might understand that I was merely trying to state what I consider to be simple facts.

I have no personal admiration for Thaksin and I hardly think my post is a defense of the man, merely an observation of his operating style and the apparent success with which he uses it. I was told once that is calling a spade a spade.

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Many posters on TVF know pretty well where I stand regarding Thaksin and family..

However I respect all others opinions. Thaksin is a master of PR, and he is using that very cleverly to keep the pot simmering. His opposition, unfortunately, seem rather inept when it comes to making moves. If this were a chess game, Thaksin would have checkmated this lot in 10 minutes and gone for coffee..

He is like herpes, he just won't go away and that is the problem for the present government.

Their ineptitude can be illustrated by some of the rather bizarre announcements regarding tourist numbers, the railway upgrade, particularly the HST and all that fluff.

However, being Thais they just cannot or will not ignore him (the powers that be, that is.) He barks and they react, rather like pitching pebbles at a noisy soi dog.

The man has seemingly inexhaustible resources, numerous residences worldwide and is free as a bird to travel just about anywhere. This may prove a slight hindrance for him due to the passport fiasco, but knowing Thaksin's style, he has much better connections than P.M. Prayuth.

ratcatcher, you say that he just won't go away ? Well, why is that ? Yes, he's got plenty of money, and can travel just about anywhere. Okay, why won't he go away, just leave politics and enjoy his retirement ?

Is it because he's still got belief that if there was to be a general election between him and Abhisit's Democrats, well, he feels that he's still got a chance (some would say a good chance) of getting more votes than Abhisit ?

You want to talk about the ineptitude of the present government, how they make bizarre announcements to the newspapers. Well, yes, they've made some silly announcements, but with Thaksin, would there be any difference in actual tourist numbers and the railway upgrades ? Yes, the present government does not make itself look good when it talks to the press, but anybody can say, that's because they are a load of army men. :)

Army men don't have to make themselves look good in front of the television cameras, so when they take up politics, they're not going to change and look good. I'm not exactly against Yingluk, ThaiVisa people were constantly making comments about her so-called 'nonsense comments' in front of the press.

Thaksin has much better connnections than P.M. Prayuth ? Well, yes. With Thaksin, the USA and China are not clamping down on him. If the USA wanted Thaksin out of the way, they could easily put pressure on all their 'friends' to not have contact with Thaksin. I think they're actually backing him. With China, they're not really interested in getting involved in Thailand's internal disputes. So, America and China are not interested in making Thaksin disappear, that's another reason why he won't go away. That's why this latest move to revoke his passports will have little effect.

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Relying on temporarily cash strapped EU countries for selling their citizenships - and becoming subject to European jurisdiction? A tricky decision for someone like Thaksin with his war on drugs resumee.

MIKT replied to my post as follows:

Are you still roasting that old chestnut, please get it into your head that Thaksin did no initiate the so called "war on drugs" it was government policy long before he was elected, with Police/Army/Rangers (men in black) entering the houses of these SUSPECTED of drug dealing and shooting them dead in front of their families! Sometimes getting the wrong people. I don't defend his policy of widening the net, but it will not affect how he is viewed outside Thailand.

Before you hand out a blanket amnesty for Thaksin I suggest you familiarize yourself with Thaksin´s "War on Drugs", as you are obviously unaware of the most basic facts. Here is something for you to read:


In the age of the internet feeble attempts to rewrite history are shot down in flames right after takeoff.

Do you have trouble reading, I am not trying to hand out an amnesty for Thaksin, I am simply pointing out historic facts that were not mentioned in the articles you mention because they were concerned with blaming Thaksin for a "war on drugs" that started before he was elected. It is you who needs to realise that not everything is immediately available on the internet unless you do more than a superficial search. I listened to the shootings during the "upsurg" (I hesitate to use flipant terms for such a serious subject ) and I know people who's family members were shot as I describe. Educate yourself on the darker side of Thailand before you denigrate others.
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