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I'll stay on if people want me to: PM Prayut

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Interesting to see what he said in an interview with AlJazera published in todays edition


It seems like he just says what is expedient to his interviewer at the time, not that he is alone in doing that. Problem is, nobody believes a word you say after a while and any credibility you have is blown out of the water...

He said in the interview he would leave after an election. Looks like the election has been deferred yet again.


Truth be told...The economy would pick up under Mr T. He ran this country like a business, his business. His family earned, his friends earned. Crumbs were brushed to the masses. His deals with Monsanto and other International companies were set to really change this place.His policies for foreingers were being geared to insure that they visited here, spent money and left. No visa loopholes. No "Thai Companies" owning homes that are illegal ways to circumvent laws.....Thai Love Thai policies.


I don't remember the people asking the first time.

Never been in the South? They take about rallies for this government stays in power....

Where all the killing is taking place?


by friends, he means his friends in green right

nobody appointed you in the first place, you took power with a coup ...

but those who don't like him, he might go find some re-education camps, cambodia or north korea style


This is exactly what the "fortune teller" predicted two months ago. Amazing psychic.....we should applaud his vision.


My favorite laughing lying line is this: "[butt kissing] Paiboon and other [appointed] NRC members such as constitution drafter, Tuenjai Sinthuvnik, and Niran Pantharakit asked Prayut if he could extend his stay in office to set in motion the reform agenda set by the NRC [and keep them employed]. They also raised concerns that if the country is returned to civilian government [a civilian government we don't like] too soon, it ['it' being our stranglehold on power] could fall back into yet another [artificial] crisis [now that Suthep is back in play]."


In other news the economy is said to be rapidly slipping. What leader can bring happiness with a falling economy? I've never seen a leader stay popular unless the economy was good. I think that's going to be his Achilles heel.

No, his Archilles heel is self-centeredness, self-indugence and being in complete denial about everything that happens around him. Thailand is on the brink of getting its very first own carbon copy of Kim Yong Un! May the lord have mercy on us!


Protect me from criticism... Ego so frail? Or please don't ask me to explain my acquired billion baht.

You have proof of that??

Anyway the longer he stays the better for Thailand,


Protected from criticism? OMG... when are these people going to not just grow up, but mature? Anyway, I see a survey on the horizon, to show that 95 percent of the ENTIRE population (never mind that the sample size was only in the hundreds with all respondents coming from the same village) wants him to stay on. And not just stay on, but indefinitely. I will be very surprised if this 'survey' isn't reported within days of this news.


Protected from criticism? OMG... when are these people going to not just grow up, but mature? Anyway, I see a survey on the horizon, to show that 95 percent of the ENTIRE population (never mind that the sample size was only in the hundreds with all respondents coming from the same village) wants him to stay on. And not just stay on, but indefinitely. I will be very surprised if this 'survey' isn't reported within days of this news.

In the south I guess 99% want him to stay, here in the office 100%.

And if he let vote and hand out 500 Baht more for vote buying than Thaksin also North and Northeast will agree.

But to see it more serious: It is the best government of the last 15 years and I don't care if they came into power by vote buying or because they have the bigger gun. They are less corrupt than any government before and at least try to fix the countries problems.

I'll stay on if people want me to

With people of course I mean, same as with my election as PM, my brother and close friends.

A national poll amongst above mentioned people will also be held to proof that they are for 99.99675438% supporting me.


Protected from criticism? OMG... when are these people going to not just grow up, but mature? Anyway, I see a survey on the horizon, to show that 95 percent of the ENTIRE population (never mind that the sample size was only in the hundreds with all respondents coming from the same village) wants him to stay on. And not just stay on, but indefinitely. I will be very surprised if this 'survey' isn't reported within days of this news.

In the south I guess 99% want him to stay, here in the office 100%.

And if he let vote and hand out 500 Baht more for vote buying than Thaksin also North and Northeast will agree.

But to see it more serious: It is the best government of the last 15 years and I don't care if they came into power by vote buying or because they have the bigger gun. They are less corrupt than any government before and at least try to fix the countries problems.

You have no evidence they are any less corrupt. Why do you have to pass off your personal beliefs as an incontrovertible fact?


Protected from criticism? OMG... when are these people going to not just grow up, but mature? Anyway, I see a survey on the horizon, to show that 95 percent of the ENTIRE population (never mind that the sample size was only in the hundreds with all respondents coming from the same village) wants him to stay on. And not just stay on, but indefinitely. I will be very surprised if this 'survey' isn't reported within days of this news.

In the south I guess 99% want him to stay, here in the office 100%.

And if he let vote and hand out 500 Baht more for vote buying than Thaksin also North and Northeast will agree.

But to see it more serious: It is the best government of the last 15 years and I don't care if they came into power by vote buying or because they have the bigger gun. They are less corrupt than any government before and at least try to fix the countries problems.

You have no evidence they are any less corrupt. Why do you have to pass off your personal beliefs as an incontrovertible fact?

In the same way he doesnt understand gross vs net, ie: his 2000 p/day = 60000 p/mth dodo


didn't know they had a choice in the matter...

The way it looks Thai's don't and wont till 2017, there is much more happening that's not being said, hence section / article 44


Is this the cue for opinion polls to show the people absolutely want him to stay on ?

Not much of a deal with the protect me from criticism comment which is just the same as saying DON'T. The PM seems well entrenched in his own little world.

If you actually took the time to read the whole article it clearly states that a referendum would need to be held and it would be up to the people to decide, if you see something wrong with that then state what it is based on what was actually said and not from your imagination

Personally I see nothing wrong with the article or its implications - the fact remains that Thailand is in serious need of reform and I always said less than 2 years to achieve is falling years short of the huge task as there is so much that needs fixed

And his wealth and his brothers wealth, will that be investigated. of course not, this Military Government is in power at this time for a very good reason, and its got nothing to do with the countries well being , it will keep the elite in their power bases when the transition takes place, this has nothing to do with anything else, it's all about power, money and keeping it all for the very few that now have it, to keep it you need guns, who better to have at the helm that the leader of the Army or his Brother, how they came by their massive fortunes is not for questioning, at this moment in Thailands history, they are needed to keep the poor, poor and the rich, rich.

I don't know why so many Farangs argue amongst themselves on here, Red this Yellow that, as Farang we have and have never had, no say whatsoever, even the Thai people have no say now.

All I know is this, to a poor man it don't matter who runs this country, he'll still be poor, it's the rich and powerful that position their people into positions that ensure they stay rich and powerful.

Everybody know the poor are always being screwed over by the rich. Always have, always will. ( Platoon)


I guess not being Thai I do not get to vote here General. But if it is just an opinion poll, give Thai people a democracy. I will spell it out for you, do not stay.


" You admonish me every day and foreigners keep asking me when there will be an election. It's a matter for all Thai people, not me, to decide"

How would you like them to tell you ? Through the medium of Mime ?


Protected from criticism? OMG... when are these people going to not just grow up, but mature? Anyway, I see a survey on the horizon, to show that 95 percent of the ENTIRE population (never mind that the sample size was only in the hundreds with all respondents coming from the same village) wants him to stay on. And not just stay on, but indefinitely. I will be very surprised if this 'survey' isn't reported within days of this news.

In the south I guess 99% want him to stay, here in the office 100%.

And if he let vote and hand out 500 Baht more for vote buying than Thaksin also North and Northeast will agree.

But to see it more serious: It is the best government of the last 15 years and I don't care if they came into power by vote buying or because they have the bigger gun. They are less corrupt than any government before and at least try to fix the countries problems.

In the south they are not as opinionated as you would think. Nothing really has changed there to make the people think of this gov better than the last one. Sure there are less illegal workers and less rohingyas but that has just made finding workers harder. It helped them and not the Thai people. Maybe the police are out working harder and actually giving tickets out before they collect money. Corruption is still there because the focus to have it stopped is in public places and large cities. Nobody protests P there. But then very few protests were made publicly in southern cities to begin with. Not even against YL.

So! With all this in mind I would have to argue your point about 99% wanting P in the south.


" You admonish me every day and foreigners keep asking me when there will be an election. It's a matter for all Thai people, not me, to decide"

How would you like them to tell you ? Through the medium of Mime ?

Expressive dance!


He said if everybody wants him to he will do it. That means an election where he gets 100% of the votes for that to be true, As he endeavors to mimic N Korea in his megalomaniac authority perhaps he should have said he will remain in power if all 3 person wishes it.

Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


whistling.gif Every politician deludes him or herself into believing that their concern is to stay and "help" the people in their "time of need".

Actually the truth is that they are doing it to serve their own Ego and their desire for self-importance.

That's just human nature.

Politicians. even those with good intentions like to feel important and be in charge.

if you had asked Thaksin he would have said the same thing when he was in power.

it's easy to see faults in others, but very difficult to see the same faults in yourself.

To lie to yourself about what your "real intentions " are is a human trait.


Truth be told...The economy would pick up under Mr T. He ran this country like a business, his business. His family earned, his friends earned. Crumbs were brushed to the masses. His deals with Monsanto and other International companies were set to really change this place.His policies for foreingers were being geared to insure that they visited here, spent money and left. No visa loopholes. No "Thai Companies" owning homes that are illegal ways to circumvent laws.....Thai Love Thai policies.

Sounds like you need to read up on Monsanto. Unless your post is tongue-in-cheek. With some of the ignorance batted around on this forum it's some times hard to tell.

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