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Six pro-democracy student protesters to be charged

Lite Beer

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Go to school....actualy learn a thing or two...Quit using Democracy as a reason not to go to class.......and maybe use your I phone to call your parents and say Hey...Its a good idea not to sell your votes to a convicted criminal....

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I can remember back in 2010 walking amongst the Red Shirts at Ratchaprasong on my way home from work and the big thing that struck me was that they were all mostly old people, farmers and the like. I also remember waaaay back in Australia demonstrating against the Vietnam war (or the American War as the Vietnamese call it) and the vast majority of us were young people, uni students and the like. I thought it sad that there were no students (that I could see) protesting in Bangkok not so much because I supported Thaksin but more because it looked as though the student voice had been muted. I suspected that they remembered the Thamasat massacre of October 1976. The idealism of youth serves to reminds us of a pathway to a world of justice, equality and rights which is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy.

It is up to the Thais to work out their own destiny but all I can see at the moment is a government fiddling around the edges, fixing up the lottery sales etc. whilst at the same time redirecting the country back to a mythical past where the peons know there place in the world.

These students were brave and possibly foolhardy; but in a country where the heir to a fortune can run over a policeman whilst high and drunk and has yet to even turn up at the local station, surely their being charged illustrates the fear this government has of an idea and of a public voice.

just my 2 cents worth

Excellent, thank you.

Won't stop the nutters on here wanting to hang the students though...

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

Should the police be kicking the sh!t out of errant motorists too, then?

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

Should the police be kicking the sh!t out of errant motorists too, then?

if it stops all the idiots on the road that run red lights, overtake on double lines and drive while they are drunk I wouldnt mind at all but where is the video to show us the police kicking the crap out of the students, Oh thats right there isnt one, a student said it happenedcoffee1.gif

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Rangsima said when he and about 30 other university students were released after the May 22 incident, police told them they would not be charged.

"Now, how can we trust these officers?" he said.

Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut after the event.

Thailand is going through a period of much needed reform - you are either with it or against it

You are either with what or against what ?

The so called much needed reform isn't happening because the institutions most in need of reform : the police and judiciary are being left untouched.

What is happening is pooyais giving big business a free ride, preparing to lower wages and the Govt is telling anyone with an opinion to shut up or else. Reform ?? Pfft. All they've done is stop the streetfights and set the scene for future upheaval.

It may not be ideal but is definitely better than people being murdered on the streets

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

Please (difficult as it may be) try and think more deeply about what you are proposing. You are saying that the legitimacy of a government does not matter, only its laws. Carrying your beliefs to a logical conclusion the laws of the likes of .... Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabe, ( I could go on) should be followed and anyone who disagrees should deservedly be punished.

Good luck with your replies here on Tv.

just my 2 cents worth

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

Please (difficult as it may be) try and think more deeply about what you are proposing. You are saying that the legitimacy of a government does not matter, only its laws. Carrying your beliefs to a logical conclusion the laws of the likes of .... Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabe, ( I could go on) should be followed and anyone who disagrees should deservedly be punished.

Good luck with your replies here on Tv.

just my 2 cents worth

you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here, this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about. This man stepped in to stop all the murders of innocent children by the reds under ptp sanctions in thaksins name, the same ones that wanted to divide the country, he also has started removing a lot of the corruption that was endemic under the tp who simply allowed their mates to do as they pleased. If these idiot students had half a brain they would realize they are being used but then they are simply being used for other political purposes. You are just another apologist trying to blur the truth and your 2 cents is worth absolutely nothing.

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"Rangsima and the six others have been charged with violating National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) announcement No 7/2014, which prohibits political demonstrations of more than four people."

It seems that these students and several posters on TVF have a real disconnect with reality.

1) Thailand, as of May 22, 2014, ceased operating under democratic principles (2014 Thailand Interim Constitution)

2) 2014 Interim Charter to re-engineered the Thai political landscape - Prachatai.org Article dated July 24, 2014

3) Unsuppressed free speech in Thailand has probably never existed

NCPO announcement No 7/2014 (Human Rights Watch Article dated May 22, 2015):

"The NCPO’s announcement no. 7/2014 bans political gatherings of more than five people, subject to a year in prison and a 20,000 baht (approximately US$600) fine. At least 63 individuals have been arrested since the coup for organizing or taking part in public gatherings."

A quote from Ekachai Chainuvati, law lecturer at Siam University from the same Article:

"However, he cited the super power the NCPO has been wielding over all bodies. "Article 47 means that the hundred or more NCPO announcements remain effective despite having this provisional constitution," he said." (emphasis mine)

Then, there is always Section 44 of the 2014 Interim Constitution:

"Section 44 empowers the NCPO leader to issue any order "for the sake of the reforms in any field, the promotion of love and harmony amongst the people in the nation, or the prevention, abatement or suppression of any act detrimental to national order or security, royal throne, national economy or public administration, whether the act occurs inside or outside the kingdom". The orders so issued are all deemed "lawful, constitutional and final."

For those of you who require visuals to get it (Ref: Prachatai.org Article dated July 24, 2014):

2014 Interim Charter



Edited by MaxYakov
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For all the ones saying that students deserve this: have a look at your own country history and see that without opposition there is only one way : tyranny.

Usa wouldn t be a free country but belong to UK without opposition... just kne exemple among the others: france, spain,....

By the way you can t condemn this and praise Charlie movement, or US Constitution.. the level of dumbness hete sometime amaze me

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

The idiot who should *** himself is just quoted above this sentence.
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How can they be charged for being pro democracy? Isn't that what general et al keep promising some where down the road? He should welcome them with open arms. Only a fool would think the government doesn't want democracy, and the sooner the better. They are only there to serve Thailand and restore peace. blink.png

Well I guess I'm a fool because this government does not want democracy. What they want is an appearance of democracy that can be conveniently controlled by the elites and the army.

I think anyone who cannot see that is a fool.

I was being sarcastic, which may be beyond some folks. So I added the blink.png to give a bit of a hint.

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"The law that prohibits a peaceful gathering surely contradicts the democratic system," he said."

Pro Democracy protestors! hahahahaha More like reds in disguise.

I wonder if these students protested when the deputy PM of the previous undemocratic government stated that protestors were garbage and IF they dared protest they "would be taken care of" assumably by the RCM51 terrorist group.

Take a stand against the NCPO who never purported to be democratic when they don't allow protests. Stay silent when the PTP who purport to be democratic threaten protestors and don't allow them to protest as the water summit.

At least the NCPO didn't threaten the protestors with violence. I would rather a fine that threats of intimidation and violence.

And this is why reform is needed.

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

Please (difficult as it may be) try and think more deeply about what you are proposing. You are saying that the legitimacy of a government does not matter, only its laws. Carrying your beliefs to a logical conclusion the laws of the likes of .... Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabe, ( I could go on) should be followed and anyone who disagrees should deservedly be punished.

Good luck with your replies here on Tv.

just my 2 cents worth

you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here, this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about. This man stepped in to stop all the murders of innocent children by the reds under ptp sanctions in thaksins name, the same ones that wanted to divide the country, he also has started removing a lot of the corruption that was endemic under the tp who simply allowed their mates to do as they pleased. If these idiot students had half a brain they would realize they are being used but then they are simply being used for other political purposes. You are just another apologist trying to blur the truth and your 2 cents is worth absolutely nothing.

"you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here"

You think everyone who calls for free speech and democracy is pushing ptp/red bullsh*t? Okay....

"this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about"

You also think there is no despot here, even though Prayuth came to power by means of a military coup, censors the press, bans free speech and political gatherings, has unlimited power with no checks and balances, etc. There isn't any point in arguing with someone as blind to reality as you.

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"The law that prohibits a peaceful gathering surely contradicts the democratic system," he said."

Pro Democracy protestors! hahahahaha More like reds in disguise.

I wonder if these students protested when the deputy PM of the previous undemocratic government stated that protestors were garbage and IF they dared protest they "would be taken care of" assumably by the RCM51 terrorist group.

Take a stand against the NCPO who never purported to be democratic when they don't allow protests. Stay silent when the PTP who purport to be democratic threaten protestors and don't allow them to protest as the water summit.

At least the NCPO didn't threaten the protestors with violence. I would rather a fine that threats of intimidation and violence.

And this is why reform is needed.

Under the previous (Yingluck) government, mass demonstrations were essentially permitted, despite the impact on the functioning of the government and road traffic in Bangkok. Those demonstrations included 1000's of students.

Under the current (Junta) government, demonstrations are prohibited, and if you try to conduct one you will be arrested.

You are lost in the trees, unable to see the forest.

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Under the previous (Yingluck) government, mass demonstrations were essentially permitted, despite the impact on the functioning of the government and road traffic in Bangkok. Those demonstrations included 1000's of students.

Under the current (Junta) government, demonstrations are prohibited, and if you try to conduct one you will be arrested.

You are lost in the trees, unable to see the forest.

Those trees are getting in your way a bit. I would amend your statement to say, "under any democratic government peaceful demonstrations are permitted."

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

Please (difficult as it may be) try and think more deeply about what you are proposing. You are saying that the legitimacy of a government does not matter, only its laws. Carrying your beliefs to a logical conclusion the laws of the likes of .... Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabe, ( I could go on) should be followed and anyone who disagrees should deservedly be punished.

Good luck with your replies here on Tv.

just my 2 cents worth

you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here, this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about. This man stepped in to stop all the murders of innocent children by the reds under ptp sanctions in thaksins name, the same ones that wanted to divide the country, he also has started removing a lot of the corruption that was endemic under the tp who simply allowed their mates to do as they pleased. If these idiot students had half a brain they would realize they are being used but then they are simply being used for other political purposes. You are just another apologist trying to blur the truth and your 2 cents is worth absolutely nothing.

"you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here"

You think everyone who calls for free speech and democracy is pushing ptp/red bullsh*t? Okay....

"this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about"

You also think there is no despot here, even though Prayuth came to power by means of a military coup, censors the press, bans free speech and political gatherings, has unlimited power with no checks and balances, etc. There isn't any point in arguing with someone as blind to reality as you.

so where are all the deaths he has caused, thats right there arent any, they were all under the ptp/reds before he stopped them. Love all you red whingers sprooking all the bullsh*t that thaksin wants bandied around here to cause problems. The only ones blind to reality are those with their heads firmly up thaksins rear end.

Edited by seajae
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Please (difficult as it may be) try and think more deeply about what you are proposing. You are saying that the legitimacy of a government does not matter, only its laws. Carrying your beliefs to a logical conclusion the laws of the likes of .... Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabe, ( I could go on) should be followed and anyone who disagrees should deservedly be punished.

Good luck with your replies here on Tv.

just my 2 cents worth

you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here, this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about. This man stepped in to stop all the murders of innocent children by the reds under ptp sanctions in thaksins name, the same ones that wanted to divide the country, he also has started removing a lot of the corruption that was endemic under the tp who simply allowed their mates to do as they pleased. If these idiot students had half a brain they would realize they are being used but then they are simply being used for other political purposes. You are just another apologist trying to blur the truth and your 2 cents is worth absolutely nothing.

"you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here"

You think everyone who calls for free speech and democracy is pushing ptp/red bullsh*t? Okay....

"this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about"

You also think there is no despot here, even though Prayuth came to power by means of a military coup, censors the press, bans free speech and political gatherings, has unlimited power with no checks and balances, etc. There isn't any point in arguing with someone as blind to reality as you.

so where are all the deaths he has caused, thats right there arent any, they were all under the ptp/reds before he stopped them. Love all you red whingers sprooking all the bullsh*t that thaksin wants bandied around here to cause problems. The only ones blind to reality are those with their heads firmly up thaksins rear end.

Clearly you are unable to grasp this simple concept: One doesn't have to be a Thaksin or PTP supporter to be opposed to a military d*******ship.

You are also unclear on the definition of despot:

despot: a ruler who has total power and who often uses that power in cruel and unfair ways. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/despot

Prayuth clearly has total power, and the OP is about one of many times he has used such power in an oppressive manner.

Edited by heybruce
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Hats off to the guys for having the balls to stand up for what they believe in. Lets hope this inspires or angers other of a democracy persuasion to hit the streets. Wait until the filth gives a kicking at the wrong time and non participating Thais decides to give the filth a better kicking. Tipping point.

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so where are all the deaths he has caused, thats right there arent any, they were all under the ptp/reds before he stopped them. Love all you red whingers sprooking all the bullsh*t that thaksin wants bandied around here to cause problems. The only ones blind to reality are those with their heads firmly up thaksins rear end.

I think Thaksin's policies are being reversed. Lets look at what he did. 1. Minimum wage, 2. Rice subsidy, 3. 30 baht health care, 4. Made the dancers put on clothes.

What is the scorecard so far for policy reversals?

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Please (difficult as it may be) try and think more deeply about what you are proposing. You are saying that the legitimacy of a government does not matter, only its laws. Carrying your beliefs to a logical conclusion the laws of the likes of .... Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabe, ( I could go on) should be followed and anyone who disagrees should deservedly be punished.

Good luck with your replies here on Tv.

just my 2 cents worth

you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here, this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about. This man stepped in to stop all the murders of innocent children by the reds under ptp sanctions in thaksins name, the same ones that wanted to divide the country, he also has started removing a lot of the corruption that was endemic under the tp who simply allowed their mates to do as they pleased. If these idiot students had half a brain they would realize they are being used but then they are simply being used for other political purposes. You are just another apologist trying to blur the truth and your 2 cents is worth absolutely nothing.

"you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here"

You think everyone who calls for free speech and democracy is pushing ptp/red bullsh*t? Okay....

"this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about"

You also think there is no despot here, even though Prayuth came to power by means of a military coup, censors the press, bans free speech and political gatherings, has unlimited power with no checks and balances, etc. There isn't any point in arguing with someone as blind to reality as you.

so where are all the deaths he has caused, thats right there arent any, they were all under the ptp/reds before he stopped them. Love all you red whingers sprooking all the bullsh*t that thaksin wants bandied around here to cause problems. The only ones blind to reality are those with their heads firmly up thaksins rear end.

so where are all the deaths he has caused, thats right there arent any,


come on, Seajae - we're talking about the Thai military here.

Try not to be such a comic. thumbsup.gif

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

Please (difficult as it may be) try and think more deeply about what you are proposing. You are saying that the legitimacy of a government does not matter, only its laws. Carrying your beliefs to a logical conclusion the laws of the likes of .... Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabe, ( I could go on) should be followed and anyone who disagrees should deservedly be punished.

Good luck with your replies here on Tv.

just my 2 cents worth

you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here, this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about. This man stepped in to stop all the murders of innocent children by the reds under ptp sanctions in thaksins name, the same ones that wanted to divide the country, he also has started removing a lot of the corruption that was endemic under the tp who simply allowed their mates to do as they pleased. If these idiot students had half a brain they would realize they are being used but then they are simply being used for other political purposes. You are just another apologist trying to blur the truth and your 2 cents is worth absolutely nothing.

Incredible naievity there, please tell me why the army didn't step in before they did, if it was to save lives of children, what sensationalist bullshit indeed.

He stepped in to stop the current lot from being in power when the day arrives everything else is smoke and mirrors I just don't understand the farangs who have been here the longest just can't see what's really going on here, have they become so used to apathy and thainess that they just accept what's being told to them?

These students have more rights to be critical of a system that clearly doesn't favour the electorate but time and time and time again the farangs who failnto grasp they have no rights here, but the students do, albeit not the ones they wish to live under.

The plan is to suck the Thai population into apathy and wear them down to such a level that they won't know the difference in a few years, reforms? A joke nothing more, 12 months down the line can anyone name any area that has been "reformed" ?

The police?

The Judiciary ?

Public Health?

economical recovery?

No it's all just plans and many of those especially the economy will continue to suffer due to no people elected government.

Prayuth is about as honest as a used car salesman, he started off well, but he's getting more outlandish and bizzare, and irrational. I had quite high hopes he actually meant what he said, but since the army didn't bother going to Kih Tao to clean up the Mafia down there and his handling of the murder case down there he's lost that spark and charisma.

For the ones telling the students to shit their mouthed and then complain about being insulted and butt hurt. Try keeping your own mouthes shut and that way you won't be slated ...just a thought.

One of these students might become PM one day, it's their country leave them to sort out the mess the Thais created by failing to get a grip !!

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Well on the plus side they maybe able to get political refugee status in a western country.

Thailand is going to face a brain drain similar to that experienced in China and Russia. Intelligent people generally don't remain in repressive countries for long. Too bad as Thailand is desperate for intelligent people.

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So as soon as you criticize el dear Leader, you're pro-Thaksin...remember a bit of G.Bush Jr when he said : you re with us or against us...

The people here who support the student charges must really be old, stupid and/or be a proud memeber of the North Korea government, or Iran, or nostalgic of Pol Pot...

I suppose most of them rejoiced when the french Charlie team was shot...

Bunch of m*rons

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its way past time that these idiot students were arrested and charged when they knowingly break the law, doesnt matter if they think its unfair or that the law itself isnt what others agree with. Every country has its own laws, they are meant to be adhered too by everyone in that country, doesnt matter about personal opinions, admittedly in Thailand most people simply ignore them when it suits them so this is great to see that they are not simply slapping them on the wrist. Maybe next time they will use what ever they have for a brain and think about the consequences of their actions, maybe even tell the idiots organizing it to cause a sh*t fight to go **** themselves. Lets hope they start on the road laws next......

Please (difficult as it may be) try and think more deeply about what you are proposing. You are saying that the legitimacy of a government does not matter, only its laws. Carrying your beliefs to a logical conclusion the laws of the likes of .... Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mugabe, ( I could go on) should be followed and anyone who disagrees should deservedly be punished.

Good luck with your replies here on Tv.

just my 2 cents worth

you really need to get some intelligence if you are going to try to push the typical ptp./red bullsh*t in here, this is no hitler or other despot we are talking about. This man stepped in to stop all the murders of innocent children by the reds under ptp sanctions in thaksins name, the same ones that wanted to divide the country, he also has started removing a lot of the corruption that was endemic under the tp who simply allowed their mates to do as they pleased. If these idiot students had half a brain they would realize they are being used but then they are simply being used for other political purposes. You are just another apologist trying to blur the truth and your 2 cents is worth absolutely nothing.

Incredible naievity there, please tell me why the army didn't step in before they did, if it was to save lives of children, what sensationalist bullshit indeed.

He stepped in to stop the current lot from being in power when the day arrives everything else is smoke and mirrors I just don't understand the farangs who have been here the longest just can't see what's really going on here, have they become so used to apathy and thainess that they just accept what's being told to them?

These students have more rights to be critical of a system that clearly doesn't favour the electorate but time and time and time again the farangs who failnto grasp they have no rights here, but the students do, albeit not the ones they wish to live under.

The plan is to suck the Thai population into apathy and wear them down to such a level that they won't know the difference in a few years, reforms? A joke nothing more, 12 months down the line can anyone name any area that has been "reformed" ?

The police?

The Judiciary ?

Public Health?

economical recovery?

No it's all just plans and many of those especially the economy will continue to suffer due to no people elected government.

Prayuth is about as honest as a used car salesman, he started off well, but he's getting more outlandish and bizzare, and irrational. I had quite high hopes he actually meant what he said, but since the army didn't bother going to Kih Tao to clean up the Mafia down there and his handling of the murder case down there he's lost that spark and charisma.

For the ones telling the students to shit their mouthed and then complain about being insulted and butt hurt. Try keeping your own mouthes shut and that way you won't be slated ...just a thought.

One of these students might become PM one day, it's their country leave them to sort out the mess the Thais created by failing to get a grip !!

There's a possible reason why the military didn't go down too Kho Tao to clean up the mafia, So guess who is the power broker down that way and the same person that collected bags of cash from protesters and those people that didn't put money in their bags were very much noted, the same bloke gave the order to use live rounds on protesters and that claimed protesters ran into bullets, Yu'p you guessed it it's that masquerading monk O'l uncle Suthep and is there a connection with the two clans? Yu'p right again, you bet ur bar stool there is.

The point is that if there are bad laws then it is up to the people to tell the gov't to change those laws and that is what the students were doing, NOT rioting, NOT causing traffic jams, NOT hurting others and NOT suppressing and denying others freedoms and rights, But that's NOT what happened when people wanted to go out and vote now did it. But hey I don't have a dog in the fight, just an opinion.

As for reforms there's a hell of a lot of work that needs to be done.

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Since when are Communists and Thaksin supporters "Pro Democracy"?

Where in the OP are Thaksin or communism mentioned?

Redshirts, therefore must be commies! It's simple really, why can't you understand?

Call for the B52s to save the village.

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Since when are Communists and Thaksin supporters "Pro Democracy"?

Where in the OP are Thaksin or communism mentioned?

Redshirts, therefore must be commies! It's simple really, why can't you understand?

Call for the B52s to save the village.

Fly em out of U Tapao again. Not many problems that a B-52 with the correct rules of engagement can't take care of. Why I remember when those commies walked away from the negotiating table and the general said, "boys make like you a soi dog and Hanoi is a fried chicken." They were back in two days.

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