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Soi Dogs -- Workaround?

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Dogs,that brings back memories. We had a large black labrador,his name was Inky. This dog was a real problem,he would bonk/screw anything,the Cat the pet rabbit.

Well, one day we had just finished breakfast,and Inky burst into the room and started to bonk/screw the leg of the dining table.

My young son said to my wife mama what is Inky doing? She said Oh! ummm!----- Its ok dear he is helping mama to polish the furniture

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I walk most morning and when a pack ( 3-4 dogs) come charging out at me I let them get to within 6 foot of me then turn around towards them suddenly and stand facing them , then walk on slowly. if they start towards me again............. I again turn suddenly towards them and hold my spot . Twice is usually enough for them to get the message and then I continue walking .

I know this might not help a runner.............................as when you start to run again they think they have scared you and have the advantage again.so maybe after two turns start again by walking away .................then re start your run after they have lost interest in you.

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Collapsible police baton. Carry it collapsed, about 10-12" long. Flick of the wrist and it extends and locks in place, becomes stiff, solid and very convincing when used. Collapse back by sharp rap on solid surface. Available at those small vendors selling knives, etc. for about 500 baht, negotiable.

500 baht !!! Geez, I paid 80 baht for mine. Also bought a second to keep in the door pocket of the car.


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4 pages already! Every time the word 'dog' appears in an OP, replies flood in. OK, here's my twopenn'orth: I hate dogs. I retired to Thailand to be with my son, a teacher in BKK. We lived in a condo-hotel in Bang Na. Each time we returned from town we ran the gauntlet of some 30 dogs between us & the entrance to our hotel. Eventually we lost patience and thinned them out. a mixture of minced meat & rat poison pellets.

Within a week we only had to face 3 or 4. If there is no law governing these attacks, you have to make one. I've heard so many stories of dog bites/hospital visits/rabies jabs that I was not willing to risk it. These creatures are a pest and a blight on Thailand. No one murmurs if we spray whole housing estates to kill mosquitoes to save folk from malaria & dengue. No one complains if Pattaya City thins out the rat population along Beach road. These soi dogs are vermin; they do not have owners; they live wretched lives - diseased; half-starved; deformed; crippled. In any other civilised non-Buddhist country this problem would be tackled by a compassionate Government.

Just don't get me started on non-soi dogs owned by selfish neighbours.

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I walk most morning and when a pack ( 3-4 dogs) come charging out at me I let them get to within 6 foot of me then turn around towards them suddenly and stand facing them , then walk on slowly. if they start towards me again............. I again turn suddenly towards them and hold my spot . Twice is usually enough for them to get the message and then I continue walking .

I know this might not help a runner.............................as when you start to run again they think they have scared you and have the advantage again.so maybe after two turns start again by walking away .................then re start your run after they have lost interest in you.

Maybe if you run slow enough the dogs might think you're walking?

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I have very good experience with a handheld tazer, dogs run totally scared in all directions as soon hear the very loud crashing spark discharge. They are sold for about 400 Baht .

To me, this seems to be the easies one.

However, are they legal in Thailand?

I cant see myself walking into town for a beer, and every time carry stones in my pockets, or pistols (water), sprays, or metal/bamboo rods.

Can see the sign infront of the bar "leave your anti dog weapons at the reception before enter the bar".

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As a dog owner, and runner. I can appreciate your concerns.

In my opinion, hitting the dog (s) is not an option.

1. From arms length, lower the tone of your voice and almost growl at them,.... and say GO or Mai Ow..

2. Don't make eye contact look beyond the dog

3. Alternative, buy a cheap water pistol and fire that at the dogs, you could add some cheap vinegar to the water as that smell dogs do not like.

4. A high pitched sensor that only the dogs can hear also works, available at Amazon, or at store that sells mace type items, penknives and so on.

Good Luck

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As a dog owner, and runner. I can appreciate your concerns.

In my opinion, hitting the dog (s) is not an option.

1. From arms length, lower the tone of your voice and almost growl at them,.... and say GO or Mai Ow..

2. Don't make eye contact look beyond the dog

3. Alternative, buy a cheap water pistol and fire that at the dogs, you could add some cheap vinegar to the water as that smell dogs do not like.

4. A high pitched sensor that only the dogs can hear also works, available at Amazon, or at store that sells mace type items, penknives and so on.

Good Luck

Hi good day to you,you make a good impresion with your expertise. Have you any advice on how to stop our dog humping the next door neighbours cat?

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I'm lucky in our village have one hundred dogs but none aggressive. Just had that experience in a different area though. Not my country or my culture but I'm buggered if k can understand it? Some explained it to me that Thais like puppies but wen they grow up they abandon them and they in turn make more puppies. I just don't or ever will understand it. No one in my village appears to feed or care about the dogs. They're just tolerated. I'd happily go out and cull them all one night if they're worried about going to Buddha hell or something?

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Here's a video that shows how to deal with soi dogs. Never tried this myself.

They guy in the video makes a good point although the dogs there already know him and know not to mess with him. But there are a couple of other things you need to have if you are to successfully deal with such dogs because you will be running and that can set them off especially as you run away from them.

1. The best item is a retractable metal rod or baton, preferably light with a weighted end. I think the UK cops use them. If you cannot find one long enough, then use the golf stick or bamboo, as mentioned by others. Make sure it is long enough.

2. Consider carrying either a pepper spray or a container of ground white pepper with dried chilly pepper mixed in. I used to be chased by dogs when cycling in a village - I would dribble some of this in my wake and those dogs got the message very quickly. It is also handy for those dogs who creep up behind you as you are running.

3. Most dogs are afraid of stones. If you are really stuck and you have no stones, lean down as if to pick up a stone and pretend to throw it. That probably saved my life one late evening in a town in Laos when 40 dogs started to stalk me. But best to carry a few stones on your person - a catapult also helps your aim as you can bounce the stone off the ground so that it catches the dog under his belly where it really hurts him.

By the way, I don't think you are being aggressive. I think you are a person who wants to go running and it helps your well-being and health. Good on you. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you are this or that because you like to run.

And before the pseudo-dog-lovers come out to point fingers because of alleged dog-cruelty, I too deplore the fact that dogs are allowed to roam around the streets to attack humans and kill each other (I have seen this happen). I own dogs and care for them especially well. Dogs should be kept behind gates at night especially. Otherwise they roam in packs which is the same dog mentality as dogs who worry and attack sheep. When it comes to dogs attacking me, it is the same as when a human wants to injure or kill me - it is him or me. Full stop. If I can stop the dog from killing me while not killing him, well and good. But I have had the worry of having to take endless shots against rabies which made me ill for months after a severe dog bite in Thailand 20 years ago and since then I take no prisoners against dogs who even slightly growl at me on the street.

I've decided to go with #1. I'll let everyone know how it works out. 420 baht + 60 baht shipping. (I know this next bit is tinder but ...) Chromium. 8" to begin with, expands to 25". A good sized baton and should scare the frack out of 'em when I need it to. Whacked a couple on the snout the other day with bamboo swatch while on my bike and just didn't like it. Plus, the bamboo is too long for running.

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This topic has come up before...I have to pass many aggressive dogs in my Moobaan & I have said before - but doubt anyone believes it or is willing to try it - I carry dog treats - lots of them. And while a few are still not that friendly, the others are so glad to see me. No longer interested in biting me - very keen to see what the treats of the day are. Aggression begets aggression & whilst 1 or 2 dogs will be aggressive no matter what dog treats work wonders. Soi dogs are used to nothing but abuse - believe me, they are so delighted to get a treat. Have had a few foaming at the mouth ready to bite - but a tasty treat did the trick. Yes, really...

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This topic has come up before...I have to pass many aggressive dogs in my Moobaan & I have said before - but doubt anyone believes it or is willing to try it - I carry dog treats - lots of them. And while a few are still not that friendly, the others are so glad to see me. No longer interested in biting me - very keen to see what the treats of the day are. Aggression begets aggression & whilst 1 or 2 dogs will be aggressive no matter what dog treats work wonders. Soi dogs are used to nothing but abuse - believe me, they are so delighted to get a treat. Have had a few foaming at the mouth ready to bite - but a tasty treat did the trick. Yes, really...

But you at some point become the main treat..yes, really..

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There are lots of threads and posts on here about the best solution for the dog that chases you

I have tried all of the suggestions and until I was bitten by one about a year ago just passed it off as one of those things you have to accept if you are a runner, walker or cycler like me

Not wishing to be hounded off my favourite sport I came up with a good solution which has been 100% successful and is is a golf number 1 driving club made out of graphite without the head.

Only weighs a few grams and can be easily stowed on a bike or maybe even finely balanced by a runner, for a walker it doesn't even look out of place.

Owning two surrogate dogs that serves as our kids I am also a dog lover and would not use it as a weapon on any dog but just waving it around does the trick and they quickly lose any interest in chasing you.

Just curious: If it's something lightweight, which it would have to be for running, and waving it the dog(s) proves it(them), it wouldn't be useful to protect you, would it?

Dogs don't like any kind of stick - even a light weight stick will sting like hell. Dogs look for fear so show no fear and wave the stick - you don't have to use it, just wave it.

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'Not sure that everyone being confronted by these creatures can necessaily handle the fear factor which most everyone seems to agree is the critical thing. And I don't think that makes you a bad person. These soi dogs, OTOH, are definitely potentially rabid, and here again we have a factor the average person isn't going to he able to rule out in any encounter. Under these circumstances, I think just about ANY countermeasure, including the possible use of pain, poison or other debilitating or deadly force, is reasonable. If dog-lovers find this unpalatable, then they'll have to take it upon themselves to do something about the problem. No one should have to be at risk of a rabies infection simply by virtue of use of the public right-of-way. These dogs are not an "endangered species".

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Actually not showing fear is critical. Perhaps my solution of giving dog treats works because I have no fear of dogs. For those sceptics out there - the majority in fact / it is nothing short of miraculous how well my solution works. The nastiest of dogs whilst not necessarily my friend just stops & waits to see what I will give them today. I decided to try this approach 10 years ago when I moved to Thailand.and I have had nothing but success. And I like so many others live in a Moobaan with lots of soi dogs, a few gangs & yet they leave me alone. Must be something to it!

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I also run in Rayong and will second the "bend down like you're picking up a rock" method. It works, they run for it.

The owners of the dogs often call them off me as well.

It is an annoyance because you do have to break stride and deal with it, so I'm also developing routes that have fewer dogs- through the rubber forests, through the agriculture fields, and along main roads with lanes on the side for scooters (of course none of these solutions are perfect), but still, I'd rather be out in the fresh air and enjoying the scenery than on a treadmill or going around a track. I also get shouts of encouragement and a lot of smiles and thumbs up- some of the locals seem to like seeing someone out running.

I'm (usually) glad to provide some entertainment for my (usually) gracious hosts while I am in their country!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually not showing fear is critical. Perhaps my solution of giving dog treats works because I have no fear of dogs. For those sceptics out there - the majority in fact / it is nothing short of miraculous how well my solution works. The nastiest of dogs whilst not necessarily my friend just stops & waits to see what I will give them today. I decided to try this approach 10 years ago when I moved to Thailand.and I have had nothing but success. And I like so many others live in a Moobaan with lots of soi dogs, a few gangs & yet they leave me alone. Must be something to it!

You're not following. Some people are simply not going to be able to "turn off" the fear as easily as you make it sound. The fear is an involuntary response; many can overcome it with some working knowledge & practice; some however see a pack of growling, aggressive, threatening, possible diseased animals stalking them and cannot do so even though they've read they "shouldn't show fear". I know you're going to just keep telling these people "not to be afraid" or "not to show fear", but I'm afraid that's being a bit simple-minded & naïve about the whole thing. Those that haven't attended your Soi Dog Whisperer class and can't switch off their fear like you can will need other solutions...

Edited by hawker9000
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Nowhere did I say people should be able to deal with their fear - I just said that not being fearful is a key component. And it wasn't easy for me in the beginning when I first came to live here. I moved here from Hong Kong - no packs of stray dogs there. I had no idea whether my strategy would work. What I do know is that aggression begets aggression & street dogs are hyper vigilant & can sense aggression a mile away. I had a lot of scary moments myself in the beginning but as I said in my post, giving treats & being kind actually does work. These dogs have terrible lives - and they can sense when someone means no harm does it work with all dogs - no. 0of course not. But I have a 90% success rate which I regard as pretty good. Works well for, may not work well for others

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I have had exactly that happen to me actually & the leader was a pitbull

- a terrifying moment - I dropped all the treats on the floor but stood my ground. That surprised him & he stopped to check what was going on....now one of my pals. I don't underestimate the threat soi dogs present - & even I carry a small pepper spray just in case. ( in 10 years have not had to use it). But don't dismiss what I am recommending. Like all newbies to Thailand I have had to work out what best to do. And for me it has worked better than even I expected

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Been jogging, running, bicycling in Thailand 10+ years, often times exercising a dog at the same time.

Here's what I would advise.

Basically, the stone throwing method works best. In lieu of actually throwing a rock, all of the body language of stooping down to pick up an imaginary rock, raising your arm to throw an imaginary rock, or pointing your finger and snapping your fingers seems to be understood universally and most dogs back off just by doing this. Mimicking Thai admonishments such as 'tch, tch, tch', or using an annoyed growling voice may not stop the barking, but usually keeps the dogs at bay as well.

In extreme cases, carrying a small squirt bottle of diluted vinegar or ammonia may be necessary, but this has the drawback of being viewed by many Thais as a very hostile act, and probably won't win you too many friends in the neighborhood. If you use this method, I would advise warning the owner that their dogs are a nuisance beforehand.

Another final technique is to carry those ball bearing sized firecrackers that explode on impact with the pavement. I've never actually used this method, but my Thai barber who is an avid bicyclist recommended this to me a while back.

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'Didn't think most soi dogs HAD owners. That's why they're soi dogs. Isn't it? 'Seems like a dog owner that allows his mutt to run free attacking innocent passersby isn't exactly doing his community a service. Oh, wait a minute. TIT. Love it or leave it, eh?

Edited by hawker9000
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